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Author Topic: Quit Job To See The World  (Read 44504 times)

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« on: January 24, 2009, 11:44 »
So, I just gave notice at work that I will be quitting to go on a year long trip around the world. I couldn't have done this without stock photography, although not a lot the money is going to go a long way over the next year. I'm heading to Barcelona, Spain for a few days from here in the US to start my around the world trip. I'll be going to Argentina, Peru, Canada, China, India, and Europe.

I'd love to hear any thoughts on these countries, general or specific, especially China, India and Peru because those will be the most open parts of the trip with no time limits and little restrictions due to cost of living. Also if anyone lives there and would like to meet up, shoot some, give me a tour, get a beer or something I would love to hear from you.

« Reply #1 on: January 24, 2009, 12:28 »

feel free to contact me for China or Asia in general, although I am European is where I spend most of my time.

Specifically about China, if you are looking special place for travel photography just try to avoid the east side along the coast as if very much developed and not too much unique you can see there, except millions of people everywhere.

Personally I am most keen to explore the few, least, genuine place remained in China. If u also like that then don't miss:

- Inner Mongolia (Neimongguo) - vast steppe and semi-desertic area with strong winds - coming from siberia / mongolia - for most of the year.

- Great Wall - DON'T GO TO THE USUAL BADALING OR SIMATAI OR OTHER TOURISTIC PLACES AROUND BEIJING. You will see a pieces of fake wall made of fake old bricks... Instead try to get some local contact and go on visit real section of the GW. Anyhow it's log enough to find hundreds of real spots.

- Bamboo forests in Sichuan, is where Chinese Government is freeing pandas in forest. Find a contact over there and enjoy some fine hiking.

- Shangrila Alpine area in west Sichuan. Amazing places with many people living as nomands along alpine-style valleys. Amazing if you like wild flora and fauna.

- Tibet (Xizhang) - one of the best place to go in China. Avoid Lhasa and surrounding and don't go there with an organized tour: they will show you what they want u to see. please write private for more info on how to enjoy Tibet with no risks...

- Xinjiang - the north-west province of China where live th Yugur and few other ethnic groups. Nice and welcoming people, spectacular desert (tamalakan), old cities. Don't miss the Flaming Mountains and see the production of Silk, Cotton and Grape.

- Yunnan - famous for their hills covered of tea plantations, also nice semi-tropical area near the border with Vietnam. Don't go them alone, is dangerous and very controlled by the Army. Also worth to visit the local ethnic group Bai (colorful traditional clothes) and few other I don't recall the name right now.

- Hainan island - I don't like, too hot and humid for me. Nice to hike on the top of the main mountain of the island. Good place if you want relax, sun and beaches.

- Shaanxi. The provine of the Terracotta Army. Altough very touristic is worth to visit. When you are in town (Xi'an), don't forget to visit the muslim district and the two pagodas.

Well... it need few hours to add the hundreds or more places I have been there...
Anyhow, pls check out my website ( and feel free to contact me if I can help u for more tips of Asia and Middle East.


« Reply #2 on: January 24, 2009, 12:50 »
I'm in central Canada, which isn't much of a destination, but let me know your itinerary in Canada when you have it, if it's over the summer especially I travel around quite a bit and we may be on the same path.   Many people fly to Winnipeg (where I am) for a connection to Churchill, where the polar bears are.  I lived in Toronto for a long time and know it quite well if you have questions about that part of Canada.


« Reply #3 on: January 24, 2009, 12:53 »
Im from montreal! Nice city, great nightlife if you come by let me know!

« Reply #4 on: January 24, 2009, 13:05 »
Wow, what a great adventure ... have a blast!

« Reply #5 on: January 24, 2009, 13:06 »
I did this in 1992. I quit a long standing job as did my wife. We spent most of our savings and came back broke. It was the absolutely best thing I ever did. We bought a Volks van and lived in it for 9 months. Travelled from Vancouver to the Baja then up north to Inuvik and back again. Climbed, hiked, kayaked... Then spent 3 months in Asia, India and Nepal backpacking.

The whole event allowed a compete and total severing of "normal life" and showed us that risks taken, often followed with rewards given an that what is perceived as risky or stressful in daily life is just BS. We understood afterwards  that it is easy to get by with less which spawned opportunities to make more. A wonderful paradox really.

Have fun.

« Reply #6 on: January 24, 2009, 13:24 »
Big adventure indeed and I wish you all the best. 

I've met many people who quit their jobs, travel for months, then go back and find some new work.  I am amazed with the simplicity of their decision, but then it must be explained by a favourable economical factor in their professions and where they live.  Here in Brazil it is very difficult for someone to leave a decent job for an adventure.


« Reply #7 on: January 24, 2009, 13:34 »
Wow, congrats on the big adventure. I've always wanted to do the same, but I've never had the cojones to just quit and go on a vacation.

« Reply #8 on: January 24, 2009, 14:03 »
wow, that sounds great.

When are you going to be in europe?  If you come all the way up to Norway let me know :)


« Reply #9 on: January 24, 2009, 14:36 »
Thanks so much all that info is extremely helpful and I will definitely be contacting you before I get to China, which should be in around 6 months.


« Reply #10 on: January 24, 2009, 14:37 »
Pixart, I think I will just be visiting Vancouver and nearby but nothing is set in stone.  Thanks.


« Reply #11 on: January 24, 2009, 14:37 »
Wow, what a great adventure ... have a blast!



« Reply #12 on: January 24, 2009, 14:39 »
I did this in 1992. I quit a long standing job as did my wife. We spent most of our savings and came back broke. It was the absolutely best thing I ever did. We bought a Volks van and lived in it for 9 months. Travelled from Vancouver to the Baja then up north to Inuvik and back again. Climbed, hiked, kayaked... Then spent 3 months in Asia, India and Nepal backpacking.

The whole event allowed a compete and total severing of "normal life" and showed us that risks taken, often followed with rewards given an that what is perceived as risky or stressful in daily life is just BS. We understood afterwards  that it is easy to get by with less which spawned opportunities to make more. A wonderful paradox really.

Have fun.

Sounds great I hope I get the same out of my experience.


« Reply #13 on: January 24, 2009, 14:41 »
Sounds wonderful!  You will definitely be living up to your screen name :D

Have a great time!!


« Reply #14 on: January 24, 2009, 14:41 »
wow, that sounds great.

When are you going to be in europe?  If you come all the way up to Norway let me know :)

I'll probably be broke by then it will be the last stop on the trip before coming back to the US and that area of Europe is pretty expensive from what I hear.  Who knows maybe the pictures I take along the way will allow it, thanks for the invite though I'd love to go there one day.


« Reply #15 on: January 24, 2009, 14:42 »
Sounds wonderful!  You will definitely be living up to your screen name :D

Have a great time!!

I have to, it would be false advertising if I didn't do this.  Thanks Lisa.


« Reply #16 on: January 24, 2009, 14:56 »
It's something I wish I'd done when I was young and single, have fun.

« Reply #17 on: January 24, 2009, 22:42 »
So, I just gave notice at work that I will be quitting to go on a year long trip around the world. I couldn't have done this without stock photography, although not a lot the money is going to go a long way over the next year. I'm heading to Barcelona, Spain for a few days from here in the US to start my around the world trip. I'll be going to Argentina, Peru, Canada, China, India, and Europe.

I'd love to hear any thoughts on these countries, general or specific, especially China, India and Peru because those will be the most open parts of the trip with no time limits and little restrictions due to cost of living. Also if anyone lives there and would like to meet up, shoot some, give me a tour, get a beer or something I would love to hear from you.

congrats.  you are a year ahead of me!

this year we are bringing up the stock a bit further and I will finish my contract at work at the end of the year, and then my family and I going travelling again (we went touring australia a couple of years ago and the travel bug has been biting since :) 

Have Fun, Phil

« Reply #18 on: January 25, 2009, 00:39 »
If you ever want to read a great "world traveler story" check out We met Simon & Lisa on one of OUR adventures.  :)

« Reply #19 on: January 25, 2009, 00:40 »
my wife hates you LOL (she wants to go now :))

« Reply #20 on: January 25, 2009, 01:13 »
Such a great adventure, I envy you! :) I hope you enjoy every day of it!

Where in Europe are you planning to go? It might be a good idea to visit some countries in eastern Europe as well. I think there are quite a few forum members from that region to give you useful info, myself included as I grew up there. Too bad you're not going to Brazil when you are in South America, there are some amazing places there, although I'm sure Argentina is very nice as well.

Antonio has given you some great info about China. Regarding Hainan Island, I really enjoyed it, but then I don't mind spending vacation time in humid places :)

Pixart, I spent some years in Winnipeg. Too bad I never got to see northern Manitoba. I still have it in my to do list to go up to Churchill and do that!

« Reply #21 on: January 25, 2009, 10:11 »
Wow, what an experience!

Is there a way you can keep us informed? Blog or something?

I would love to follow you throught internet!



« Reply #22 on: January 25, 2009, 11:36 »
Wow, what an experience!

Is there a way you can keep us informed? Blog or something?

I would love to follow you throught internet!

As soon as the trip starts, in a month almost exactly now I will put out a link to the blog so if you are interested you can follow along. 

« Reply #23 on: January 25, 2009, 11:47 »
I am so envious!

I may be doing the same thing, kind of un-voluntarily, if my job keeps up on the path it is on. I think it would be a great adventure. I hope I can save a little more money though before it comes to that. And I always have my microstock income, good for a few meals a month, to fall back on.   :-\

Have a great trip, Traveler!


« Reply #24 on: January 25, 2009, 14:57 »
I am so envious!

I may be doing the same thing, kind of un-voluntarily, if my job keeps up on the path it is on. I think it would be a great adventure. I hope I can save a little more money though before it comes to that. And I always have my microstock income, good for a few meals a month, to fall back on.   :-\

Have a great trip, Traveler!
Yeah we are living in tough times, I do feel bad about leaving a job that I enjoy and feel has some security but there will be other jobs down the road.  Good luck whatever happens.


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