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Author Topic: UFOs now called UAP (Unidentified Aerial Phenomenon) Crowd Stories and photos.  (Read 75532 times)

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« on: May 12, 2023, 09:15 »

Well I Thought it would be fun to start a thread where we can tell our stories and or show our pictures. Now I've been a fanatic since I was a child. I would watch various programmes and read books on the subject. But until I think last year I had never seen one. Maybe I still haven't who knows. But I do have some god awful footage of a glowing sphere that slowly moved across out sky and of course despite owning a canon 100 to 400 L lens which was even on a charged slr 12 steps away in doors ... I grabbed my phone from my pocket. It passed over 3 successive nights and once the previous year. However I am always looking up and have never seen anything before. Not even a hint kf something.

The glowing sphere passed over us with no noise each time. If you took a regular tennis ball and placed it on a pole two stories up (a house) that's how big it was in the sky. If I had to guess I'd say about 2000 feet up but only the first sighting could be checked for altitude because its glow reflected off the clouds which were scudding across the sky due to wind up there. It flew against that. The second time same thing a few months later. And the third the next night. Similar flight path. Towards the sea some miles away. All no noise. Didn't zip off. The light was a warm blue. Bright ... moon bright ... and that's it. Just slowly sailed across the sky and that was that.
Now I know what some of you are thinking. It was the moon. So I'll get that out of the way ... the moon was half full at the time and located behind us near the horizon. Maybe 2 hours left till it set. Another problem with the moon theory is that the house is in the way. Had to walk round the house to rule out the moon. There is no way you could confuse the two but I needed to know where it was for my benefit. So I'd never doubt myself. Plus I filmed it. Poorly on a phone. Who's autofocus kept making it look like it's pulsing. It wasn't.
Not a lantern. Too bright, wrong colour, against the wind. Not a planet I had stars adjacent as reference and they too are on film. It is zoomed in later which really enhanced the image. NOT. But you can still see it and passing stars in the sky.

I had one more experience when I was a kid. I have no memory of anything happening but we had an elderly neighbour who smoked. She went out for a smoke very late at night before bed. Walked down her 5 meter path to her gate and finished her cigarette. As she turned back she nearly gave birth to a kidney out of fear. Above our roof was a triangular craft. Bigger than the house just meters off the roof. Black. I don't know any more because next day she came round and asked to speak to a grown up. She was very concerned. She was shown in and asked if I could be sent off to play. After she left I asked what it was about and my family rolled their eyes and showed me a drawing of the craft she had just drawn. Just a triangle. Black. Above a roof for scale. She had drawn lights at the corners. That's all. She said she was frozen to the spot and couldn't move. Terrified. I was under young and this was back in the 80s. But when I asked her about it she said that I shouldt talk about such things and wouldn't say any more.

There we are two fun stories and thought this was quite timely as we have just had congresses second briefing from the team they set up to access all the military data on UAP reported internally by Navy Pilots. Now they must report sightings by law. And after the Nimitz footage and case it couldn't be more important.

« Last Edit: May 13, 2023, 07:07 by Lowls »

« Reply #1 on: May 12, 2023, 11:17 »
From the first picture you posted of the Orb. I saw something very similar 10 or so months ago. I live in a quiet village in the UK with little light pollution so I often wonder outside in my back garden and stargaze. I've seen some really cool meteors etc.  Anyways I was looking up one night and saw something moving at a constant speed across the sky. It was orb-shaped and very high up and it shone a triangular light in front of it. I thought it was a plane with a landing light on but after more research into it I dont think it was. As it went towards the horizon the triangular light faded quickly and the orb just kept traveling until it was too small to see. I checked all the rocket launches that night and could find any. It was really high up.

Lastly, my dad in the 1960's when he was a young teenager saw a UFO or UAP. He never talks about it as I think he's embarrassed to tell people. He was walking home one early wintery evening and above the trees in a small wood he took for a shortcut was a circular UFO with many lights pulsating in movement. He said a few people saw it that night and it made the news in our local paper, but like I said he never talks about it although as a kid I always wanted to know much more. He said it was just hovering above the trees for a few minutes and then shot off somewhere really quickly.

I do find all this interesting, especially with all the USA Air Force pilots saying they see them very regularly.

« Reply #2 on: May 12, 2023, 11:55 »
From the first picture you posted of the Orb. I saw something very similar 10 or so months ago. I live in a quiet village in the UK with little light pollution so I often wonder outside in my back garden and stargaze. I've seen some really cool meteors etc.  Anyways I was looking up one night and saw something moving at a constant speed across the sky. It was orb-shaped and very high up and it shone a triangular light in front of it. I thought it was a plane with a landing light on but after more research into it I dont think it was. As it went towards the horizon the triangular light faded quickly and the orb just kept traveling until it was too small to see. I checked all the rocket launches that night and could find any. It was really high up.

Lastly, my dad in the 1960's when he was a young teenager saw a UFO or UAP. He never talks about it as I think he's embarrassed to tell people. He was walking home one early wintery evening and above the trees in a small wood he took for a shortcut was a circular UFO with many lights pulsating in movement. He said a few people saw it that night and it made the news in our local paper, but like I said he never talks about it although as a kid I always wanted to know much more. He said it was just hovering above the trees for a few minutes and then shot off somewhere really quickly.

I do find all this interesting, especially with all the USA Air Force pilots saying they see them very regularly.

Cool thank you for sharing that. It reminded me of my father's experience which I've rummaged and dug out. The move is now towards crowd researching these craft. Hence this post. Because governments are often hampered by various issues primarily ways and means criteria they do not release anything usually. David Fravour is an ex rop gun pilot and instructor who engaged the now famous tic tac craft as did his crew mates over a 3 week period. Worth listening to him on the joe rogan podcast. Other names to follow are George Knapp, Jeremy Corbel and James Fox.

So back to dad. He likes to take snaps and as a helicopter passed over him he managed to snap it with I think his old film camera. This photo is a crop of what he saw after. Printed on photo paper. And I've photographed that. Bare in mind please that the rotors are caught perfectly so shutter speed was excellent and therefore rules out a bug or bird. I forgot I even had this knocking around.


« Reply #3 on: May 12, 2023, 21:14 »
As an aside, UAP has itself been renamed.

It now stands for Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena. I'm not sure why. I liked 'aerial' better (but they didn't ask me  ;)).

« Reply #4 on: May 13, 2023, 04:24 »

This is a section of one of the videos. I see the light moving and use the phone camera. It is gliding slowly. Any quick movement is me. It also gets bigger because I zoom in. I'm not sure how much I zoomed in by. It's max is 10x so it has been magnified by 10 at most. But the lens is 26mm so pushes it away. The size I saw was between these two sizes.

« Reply #5 on: May 13, 2023, 06:25 »

This is a section of one of the videos. I see the light moving and use the phone camera. It is gliding slowly. Any quick movement is me. It also gets bigger because I zoom in. I'm not sure how much I zoomed in by. It's max is 10x so it has been magnified by 10 at most. But the lens is 26mm so pushes it away. The size I saw was between these two sizes.

Probably a Vorlon vessel. The First Ones are looking out for us.

Or else it could be a helicopter partially obscured by veil clouds. But how likely is that?

« Reply #6 on: May 13, 2023, 08:23 »

This is a section of one of the videos. I see the light moving and use the phone camera. It is gliding slowly. Any quick movement is me. It also gets bigger because I zoom in. I'm not sure how much I zoomed in by. It's max is 10x so it has been magnified by 10 at most. But the lens is 26mm so pushes it away. The size I saw was between these two sizes.

Probably a Vorlon vessel. The First Ones are looking out for us.

Or else it could be a helicopter partially obscured by veil clouds. But how likely is that?

That's a Babylon 5 reference 😳 I'm afraid mentioning Babylon 5 is now regarded as a hate crime. Like mentioning George Lazenby. He exists but we never speak of him.

« Reply #7 on: May 14, 2023, 18:04 »
That's a Babylon 5 reference 😳 I'm afraid mentioning Babylon 5 is now regarded as a hate crime. Like mentioning George Lazenby. He exists but we never speak of him.

Of course I would have preferred a Star Trek reference. However, it is fairly well established that the most likely candidates there, the Vulcans, will ignore the Earth until we will develop the Warp drive.

Now, if you are looking for an explanation of the Roswell incident, it is clear by now that this was caused by three Ferengi inadvertently traveling back in time (and one shape shifter, but I think he was not registered at the time).

« Reply #8 on: May 15, 2023, 04:12 »
The Roswell incident is probably the genesis of government cover ups. This incident helped them write the playbook.

There are endless investigations into the incident but by far the most indepth catgeoric investigation was by Stanton Friedman now deceased. He interviewed many of the people involved and captured it on video tape. He was also a specialist in archival document retrieval and spent years searching through government archives * many documents proving that it happened.

In extremely brief form and from memory (some names ill miss spell)for those unaware ...

1947 New Mexico a rancher called Mike Brasil whilst moving some cattle discovers a vast area of his farmland covered in small metallic debris. He also discovers casualties.

He contacts the local airbase to report that one of their aircraft has crashed on his land and debris is over a large area ... several hundred meters. The local airbase commander  Jesse Marcel knowing no aircraft were out there visits the farm. The airbase was the home of the Enola Gay of Hirroshima infamy.

After visiting He returns to report that a UFO flying saucer has crashed and alerts the local paper and the story goes national. He retrieves some of the material which he shows to various people including his son who gives some to. The material crumples like foil but when placed in the table returns to its original shape with no creases. A material that exists today and called by its nick name memory metal. This is used in hundreds of applications including medical applications like stents to open clogged or collapsed arteries in humans. One particular object was a small metal I-beam which has symbols on it and about the size of a school ruler.

In very short order hundreds of troops are deployed to the area to fingertip collect all materials. Marcel is forced to recant his story and pose at a press conference by his superiors holding a weather balloon and some wooden formers and declare he made an error to the worlds press.
How could such an officer make such a pathetic error and embaraess the military? Well as you can imagine he would probably be demoted and you would never hear of him again. In fact he was punished ... by being given a promotion and a more high profile job.

Mike Brasil was forced to be silent about anything he saw or found. And his money problems vanished.

The local radio station were threatened.

Civilians involved were threatened.

After Stantons deep investigation n the 80s and onwards and forensically picking through documentation and gathering interviews the USAF began an investigation of their own and admitted they had lied and it wasn't a weather balloon. That they had classified the crash because it was actually something else that crashed ... a collection of balloons that carried radiation monitoring equipment and a mannequin as part of a testing programme.

This was a fact. This programmed did in fact exist. Stanton began researching this programmed. He spoke to various witnesses about these balloon assemblies and people came foreward to tell him about finding these mannequins here and there out in the desert. So the story reignited by Stanton after laying dormant for about 30 years could have died again. But he was forensic. He tracked down the family  company that got the contract to make the life size soldier mannequins. They gave him the governmental order for the manufacture of them. And that order was created in1953. The USAF hadn't considered that the company would still hold that record.

That's how it stands to this day. A secret weather balloon carrying monitoring equipment and the bodies that witnesses described at 4 foot tall with one alive the rest badly burned explained away as a life size human soldier mannequin which wasn't produced until 6 years after the incident took place.

That's it in a snap shot. But the actual full story is so convoluted and detailed you'll have to keep dipping in and out for months. However it's astonishing. And could never have been a weather balloon or even a collection of them because although they did release many weather balloons everyone around roswell knew what they were because they would always be found because that many were realised daily and would land everywhere.

Jesse Marcel press photo

Stanton Friedman - Physicist employed by various governmental contract bodies for his expertise in propulsion in space. He wrote the book - literally - on the Roswell incident


Uncle Pete

  • Great Place by a Great Lake - My Home Port
« Reply #9 on: May 15, 2023, 11:55 »
Yeah Roswell, a nice photo for someone with a radar tracking balloon, and for all the proof and evidence and answers, confirming it's nothing? The story grows and grows. People like a good mystery, and that one brings in tourists.

Just like Nessy, Champ, sasquach, the Bermuda Triangle or so many more. Well OK Area 51 is really something, but mythical beasts and UFOs that are satellites, landing lights, Venus, "strange disappearances" and most of the time very well explained, are the basis for a whole mythology.

Good for public speakers, books, blogs and radio talk hosts.

People who outgrew, ghosts, faeries, the Easter bunny and Santa Claus, still have more modern adventures, searching for outer space visitors.

« Reply #10 on: May 15, 2023, 14:18 »
Yeah Roswell, a nice photo for someone with a radar tracking balloon, and for all the proof and evidence and answers, confirming it's nothing? The story grows and grows. People like a good mystery, and that one brings in tourists.

Just like Nessy, Champ, sasquach, the Bermuda Triangle or so many more. Well OK Area 51 is really something, but mythical beasts and UFOs that are satellites, landing lights, Venus, "strange disappearances" and most of the time very well explained, are the basis for a whole mythology.

Good for public speakers, books, blogs and radio talk hosts.

People who outgrew, ghosts, faeries, the Easter bunny and Santa Claus, still have more modern adventures, searching for outer space visitors.

That mistaken view is more out-of-date than religious belief systems Peter. And you know it.

« Reply #11 on: May 15, 2023, 16:21 »
... and some years later more photographs at this press conference were released. Here is Brigadier General Ramey and Colonel Dubose laughing for the press at the miss identification of the weather balloon wreckage.

Courtesy, Fort Worth Star-Telegram Photograph Collection, Special Collections, The University of Texas at Arlington Library, Arlington, Texas

The problem with this photo is that it was taken with a very expensive camera. And years later as technology improved someone noticed the note in his hand. A note which wasn't meant to be seen. After obtaining the negatives they were redeveloped using modern methods. The words crash victims can be seen most agree but the rest is a mystery largely. A private individual is offering $10,000 to anyone or lab that can definitively provide a good resolution image of the Ramey memo.

Maybe A.I. holds the key.

Courtesy, Fort Worth Star-Telegram Photograph Collection, Special Collections, The University of Texas at Arlington Library, Arlington, Texas


« Reply #12 on: May 15, 2023, 16:52 »
Yeah Roswell, a nice photo for someone with a radar tracking balloon

1951 man-made. Looks like parts could have been of the same 'tin foil' material.

« Last Edit: May 15, 2023, 17:11 by Annie »

« Reply #13 on: May 15, 2023, 18:01 »
Yeah Roswell, a nice photo for someone with a radar tracking balloon

1951 man-made. Looks like parts could have been of the same 'tin foil' material.

Unfortunately the above photos were declared false by the USAF themselves after an exhaustive investigation in 1994, the Office of the Secretary of the Air Force concluded an exhaustive search for records in response to a General Accounting Office (GAO) inquiry of an event at Roswell wasn't a weather balloon after all.

Roswell Incident 1947.
Conclusion of the investigation was that the 'crash' was a culmination of two events. And that itbwas these two events that confused people and military staff alike.

These two events needed to provide evidence that the bodies people had seen were not alien in nature and it also needed to provide a valid excuse for the amount of debris.

It offered Project MOGUL as the cause.

... however MOGUL was largely an unclassified project. Although larger wasn't large enough to cover a large area of over 100 meters of debris and they didn't lose any according to the records.

They also offered Project High Dive as a reason for suspected bodies found at the crash site. A high altitude parachute testing system that carried lifelike dummies. The 4 foot aliens found at the crashsite were apparently not 4 foot aliens but were these

6 foot mannequins 😳 that achieved time travel. Project Highjump began in tye mid 50s.

Uncle Pete

  • Great Place by a Great Lake - My Home Port
« Reply #14 on: May 17, 2023, 12:03 »
Yeah Roswell, a nice photo for someone with a radar tracking balloon

1951 man-made. Looks like parts could have been of the same 'tin foil' material.

The "believers" will never listen to reason and come up with the same stale "prove it's not real" which is a contradiction in logic. Prove I don't own a giant invisible frog, that lives in my yard. Impossible.

Believers don't want answers, they want the mystery and intrigue.  http://www.roswellproof.com/rawin_construction.html

RAWINs are basically a balsa-wood kite stick framework forming corners covered with a radar reflecting substance like aluminum foil.

The Mogul Project occasionally used the ML-307 radar target for tracking of their balloon trains.  This is also the model of RAWIN displayed in Gen. Ramey's office on July 8, 1947.

But you'll see that anything that disagrees with the conspiracy, crash, aliens, Etc. will be a planned cover-up and discounted. While any wisp of a blurry note, will become proof, without a doubt. If the only evidence that is acceptable, is that which supports a theory, and all the other evidence is eliminated and discounted, of course, it's going to make a convincing story.

Roswell wasn't even an event or interesting, to anyone, not even UFO people, until someone brought it back to life years later.

In 1978, nuclear physicist, author and UFO researcher Stanton Friedman interviewed Marcel, who said that the discovery made 31 years earlier was not from this world, and that the government had ordered him to keep quiet. Friedman revisited the incident and sought other witnesses, and his work inspired Charles Berlitz and William Moore to write "The Roswell Incident" published in 1980. Their conclusion was simple: There had been a huge cover-up.

1980! Because the original incident was an error and it was resolved and the truth was known. But lets look at Friedman, Berlitz and Moore for a bit.

From Random House: Charles Berlitz, the author of The Bermuda Triangle, was a renowned linguist, lecturer, and underwater explorer. In addition to The Bermuda Triangle, which has sold over 10 million copies in twenty-three languages, Berlitz wrote other best sellers on archaeology, languages, Atlantis, and underwater exploration. Wow, there's some background, the fake Bermuda Triangle mystery that's clearly solved (The Bermuda Triangle Mystery Solved by Larry Kusche, which people who deny the truth won't pick up and read, because it goes against the mythology) Atlantis? Wait, let me point out, the author of the Roswell Incident and his writings?

    The Mystery of Atlantis, 1969
    Mysteries from Forgotten Worlds, 1972
    The Bermuda Triangle, 1974, ISBN 0-285-63326-0
    Without a Trace, 1977
    The Philadelphia Experiment Project Invisibility, 1979
    The Roswell Incident, 1980
    Doomsday 1999 A.D., 1981, ISBN 0-586-05543-6
    Atlantis The Eighth Continent: G. P. Putnams Sons, New York, 1984
    Atlantis: The Lost Continent Revealed, Macmillan, London, 1984
    The Lost Ship of Noah: In Search of the Ark at Ararat, 1987
    The Dragon's Triangle, 1989
    World of the Incredible but True: Ballantine Books, New York, 1991
    World of Strange Phenomena: Little Brown & Company, New York, 1995

Some list, and for those who say, Friedman and Berlitz were exposing something, I'll say, they are only in it for the money. William Moore co-author.

In 1970, Friedman left full-time employment as a physicist to pursue the scientific investigation of unidentified flying objects (UFOs). Since then, he gave lectures at more than 600 colleges and to more than 100 professional groups in 50 states, 10 provinces, and 19 countries outside the US. Additionally, he worked as a consultant on the topic. He published more than 80 UFO-related papers and appeared on many radio and television programs. He also provided written testimony to Congressional hearings and appeared twice at the United Nations. (wikipedia)

So there you have it. Friedman a UFO advocate, who collected evidence, then supported by Moore and Berlitz, created the Book and all the current mythology about the Roswell Incident. Which is also found as the crash at Corona by some sources. And as time went by, it changed from one crash to two and then three.

This is what's called a cafeteria story, where people pick and choose what they want to believe and others along the way, add to the menu with new "facts". (aka Factoids) It's a great example of creative combining of a basic story into a larger and larger myth that takes on epic proportions.

Moreover, the book took a bold step forward and related the extraordinary story, narrated by a man who had died in 1969, about a second crash some 150 miles from the Corona debris, on the plains of Saint Augustin, which was littered with tiny humanoid bodiesa secondhand story in which, back then, no one, including, Friedman says, Friedman himself, placed any credence.

While it's impossible to prove this didn't happen, the burden of proof falls on the people making the claims to prove something DID happen. Their evidence is based on conjecture and conspiracy and what's missing will be claimed to have been covered up. Here we have a government that can't hid much of anything, but a UFO crash, they have kept secret since 1947?  ::)

The Incident at Roswell: "the world's most famous, most exhaustively investigated, and most thoroughly debunked UFO claim" Psychology Today has a nice post about, well psychology, but also a timeline for Roswell. A nice clear and accurate timeline.  https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/the-paranormal/201205/roswell-revisited

Mythology - thank you. Yes I have read about this over the years.

Now what about, the Bermuda Triangle Myth? Atlantis? The Philadelphia Experiment? And finding Noah's Ark? Honestly we're more likely to find Noah's Ark. Which if you want to consider how unlikely that story may be? The capacity of the ship/ark would be roughly 1.5 million cubic feet. But you know what, no one can prove it isn't a true story? And there are new claims over and over, that someone found Noah's Ark on some mountain top.

Nope, you can call me what you want, but I am clearly for science and evidence and a skeptic when it comes to extraordinary claims. Show me the evidence, I'm ready to change my mind and admit I was wrong and had erred.

Just a note, I believe that Stanton Friedman clearly and honestly believed what he spoke about and wrote about and investigated. Not so for Berlitz and Moore.
« Last Edit: May 17, 2023, 12:08 by Uncle Pete »

« Reply #15 on: May 17, 2023, 12:42 »
Let's assume that aliens exist and they are circling the earth. But what's the use of them? How can they help in the war with the russians and russia? I don't see any help from them. Accordingly, why fill your head with information that does not help in any way in the war.


« Reply #16 on: May 17, 2023, 15:52 »
Let's assume that aliens exist and they are circling the earth. But what's the use of them? How can they help in the war with the russians and russia? I don't see any help from them. Accordingly, why fill your head with information that does not help in any way in the war.

That's an interesting way of looking at it  ;D

« Reply #17 on: May 17, 2023, 16:29 »
for anyone interested in exploring the history of Roswell & other conspiracies, check out




The Roswell Slides Fiasco:
UFOlogys Biggest Black Eye

and for anyone still believing this nonsense,  I have some jackalope mummies for sale...

« Reply #18 on: May 17, 2023, 17:30 »
Peter has clearly found his meds 😳 ... pssst Lower the dose.

Where do you start. The Bermuda triangle is a fact. The cause isn't but I subscribe to the underground or underwater mass gas releases experiments that were done which can be found on utube. The gas aerated the water and reduced its density. The only reason things float is that the specific gravity of water allows for things to float ad long as they displace more water than the object weighs. Aerated water changes the maths and boats sink through the water very very rapidly. It doesn't explain the various planes that went missing due to instrument failure specifically the compass but many things can cause a compass to fail.

The diatribe about Stanton Friedman is laughable and doesn't warrant a response frankly. Can't speak for the rest.
The crash at corona is a different crashed object recovery which has been exhaustively investigated by many but the one I'm familiar with is Scott Ramsay I think his name is.

... which brings us to the ignorance of the skeptics self proclaimed or otherwise. I did state at the beginning of the thread ... don't bother. Your ridiculous cliche of "the burden of proof falls to the ones making claims" is the usual trollop trotted out by lazy and idle people. You are the one hurling claims lol. Crack on Peter please prove your claim. You can't though can you because skeptics can never provide any meat to their bone. Its all "nonsense" they cry without any research or any proof what so ever. Lazy. And they never attempt to investigate themselves. They barely bother to research what's out there. One thing is a fact. No one employs skeptics when embarking on a venture do they. Pay them good money to work against you lol.

As for Roswell there is so much evidence, witness testimony and documents from people who were actually there at all levels of credibility it would take a lifetime to explore it all id imagine. You can thank Stanton Friedman for that because he tracked them all down and interviewed them on tape. Many of those interviews are available on utube. Of course all that research had to be done for free according to Peter. Because if you take that research and put the salient points in a book jacket and sell it, it automatically makes you a fraud. Oops. and the lectures these fraudsters attend are also scambait. 

Peter is giving away his stock photos for free everyone btw. Just dm him that's right isn't it Peter lol.

It is certainly an interesting event. Dont take it from me though take it from someone who fought for their country for small pay. An actual hero who recieved the bronze star. Who supported the atom bomb tests at bikini atol. Put in charge as the intelligence officer at Roswell Air base and became group inteligence officef. A base who's purpose was to be the tip of the spear for nuclear monitoring against Russian radiological weapons testing amongst other things. Who went on to be promoted to Lt Col. Not bad for a fraud.

Or if you don't accept Jesse Snr how about Jesse Jnr or rather Dr Marcel or Flight Surgeon Marcel ... alleged quack and fraudster because he also attended lectures and also appeared on TV over the years.

Shame you ranted off Peter. Why is anyone's guess but that's you isn't it. What rank did you get to Pete ... I'm curious...

Jesse Marcel Snr ladies and gents ...

05.30 onwards. Interview with Marcel



« Reply #19 on: May 17, 2023, 18:20 »

Where do you start. The Bermuda triangle is a fact. The cause isn't but I subscribe to the underground or underwater mass gas releases experiments that were done which can be found on utube. The gas aerated the water and reduced its density. The only reason things float is that the specific gravity of water allows for things to float ad long as they displace more water than the object weighs. Aerated water changes the maths and boats sink through the water very very rapidly. It doesn't explain the various planes that went missing due to instrument failure specifically the compass but many things can cause a compass to fail.

I saw a scientific documentary about the Bermuda Triangle a year or so ago. With new technology, they were able to scan to the bottom of the ocean in that area. Its apparently extremely deep and narrow - with very deep cliffs on either side - that can cause rogue waves and severe weather turbulence. Boats, ships and planes can get sucked down, similar to a reverse Tornado effect. That's it - nothing more. No aliens, no underwater alien bases, no magic tunnel through to other planets/parts of the universe, etc.

People shouldn't watch too much Ancient Aliens, which is meant for entertainment purposes only.  ;)

« Last Edit: May 17, 2023, 18:24 by Annie »


« Reply #20 on: May 17, 2023, 18:41 »
Yeah Roswell, a nice photo for someone with a radar tracking balloon

1951 man-made. Looks like parts could have been of the same 'tin foil' material.

Unfortunately the above photos were declared false

And as for the 'fake photo', I spoke to my husband whose stepfather is a military history buff (stepdad was born in England during the Battle of Britain, which kind of explains his fascination for the subject), and he said there were lots of those kind of balloons used during WWII and especially on D-Day - called barrage balloons.

There are lots of (verified) photos of them.


« Last Edit: May 17, 2023, 20:25 by Annie »

« Reply #21 on: May 18, 2023, 01:24 »

Where do you start. The Bermuda triangle is a fact. The cause isn't but I subscribe to the underground or underwater mass gas releases experiments that were done which can be found on utube. The gas aerated the water and reduced its density. The only reason things float is that the specific gravity of water allows for things to float ad long as they displace more water than the object weighs. Aerated water changes the maths and boats sink through the water very very rapidly. It doesn't explain the various planes that went missing due to instrument failure specifically the compass but many things can cause a compass to fail.

People shouldn't watch too much Ancient Aliens, which is meant for entertainment purposes only.  ;)

No Annie they should watch it and then look for more information regarding the content. Inevitably when producing any form of mini documentary regarding any subject the makers are given a budget and a time constraint. Much of what they learn is cut out. And because the UFO world is relatively small compared to other subjects like wildlife documentaries for instance, it's slim pickings on experts. They will aim for those who's credibility is assured and fill the rest in with attempted ballance of speakers dependant on the content. This isn't scientific it is as you say entertainment ... but it does contain facts all be it with missing context.

In the UFO world you had Stanton Friedman as pro UFO and often against they turned as they often do to someone who might provide legitimate credible opposition. Often this would be Seth Shostak. He was a tragic example. A highly regarded astronomer who's main defence was that if there was anything up there he would see it because he was always looking and knew what all the stuff up there was. He is a significant skeptic and debunker. But Seth has another rather important job. He is the head astronomer for the SETI institute. Search for Extra Terretrial Intelligence ... using radio telescopes they attempt to find radio signals generated by other races. A privately funded organisation that garners hundreds of millions in funding. Seth refuses to believe any other race have visited the earth. He is always wheeled out as opposing argument. But he admits he doesn't look at the evidence. Not exactly credible then.

Regarding your second post you've misunderstood. I quoted you regarding the tin foil (your photo which is real is part of what you said but irrelevant to my reply) comment and explained how my photos of Marcel with weather balloon foil was fake. It is a weather balloon in my photo and radar reflector foil, but what was fake was that it wasn't a weather balloon that was found. The governmnent admitted that this photo was staged.

Your photos and origional photo are of course real. They were known as barrage balloons. A large balloon part filled with hydrogen gas and tethered by a steel cable. The steel cables would form a forest of dangerous air space and could also be used to form choke points. There were a lot of balloons used. It was so bad that German pilots would cross the channel and reach the East Anglian coast and dump their loads overboard in the shallow estuaries. Fishermen still bring things up in their nets today. They would not only drop their bombs there they would also throw their guns out too to reduce weight to save fuel sonthey could turn around and make it back.

But it was also not a barrage balloon they found at Roswell. Major Jesse Marcel was familiar with all the equipment used on and launched from the base because that was his job.

« Reply #22 on: May 18, 2023, 08:46 »

Where do you start. The Bermuda triangle is a fact. The cause isn't but I subscribe to the underground or underwater mass gas releases experiments that were done which can be found on utube. The gas aerated the water and reduced its density. The only reason things float is that the specific gravity of water allows for things to float ad long as they displace more water than the object weighs. Aerated water changes the maths and boats sink through the water very very rapidly. It doesn't explain the various planes that went missing due to instrument failure specifically the compass but many things can cause a compass to fail.

I saw a scientific documentary about the Bermuda Triangle a year or so ago. With new technology, they were able to scan to the bottom of the ocean in that area. Its apparently extremely deep and narrow - with very deep cliffs on either side - that can cause rogue waves and severe weather turbulence. Boats, ships and planes can get sucked down, similar to a reverse Tornado effect. That's it - nothing more. No aliens, no underwater alien bases, no magic tunnel through to other planets/parts of the universe, etc.

People shouldn't watch too much Ancient Aliens, which is meant for entertainment purposes only.  ;)

Marilyn did not commit suicide, as commonly claimed, but rather was murdered by government officials to silence her about highly classified things she knew about UFO crash retrievals. That's the kind of stories that the UFO nuts spread, when there's nothing to support them.

Uncle Pete

  • Great Place by a Great Lake - My Home Port
« Reply #23 on: May 18, 2023, 11:33 »
Good that you decided to reply with information, not just personal attacks and the usual defensive positions. Oh wait, you didn't answer the questions or the contradictions. You just blew some more smoke into your fantasy and imaginary stories.

Attack the topics and the ideas, not the people. You seem to be unable to do that?

Peter has clearly found his meds 😳 ... pssst Lower the dose.

... which brings us to the ignorance of the skeptics self proclaimed or otherwise. I did state at the beginning of the thread ... don't bother. Your ridiculous cliche of "the burden of proof falls to the ones making claims" is the usual trollop trotted out by lazy and idle people. You are the one hurling claims lol. Crack on Peter please prove your claim. You can't though can you because skeptics can never provide any meat to their bone. Its all "nonsense" they cry without any research or any proof what so ever. Lazy. And they never attempt to investigate themselves. They barely bother to research what's out there. One thing is a fact. No one employs skeptics when embarking on a venture do they. Pay them good money to work against you lol.

Of course all that research had to be done for free according to Peter.

Peter is giving away his stock photos for free everyone btw. Just dm him that's right isn't it Peter lol.

Shame you ranted off Peter. Why is anyone's guess but that's you isn't it. What rank did you get to Pete ... I'm curious...

That's terribly rude and has nothing to do with UAPs. You throw stones and insults and then ask that your views be respected? It's a two way street.

I didn't rant I gave evidence of the truth and the facts. I know the work will make you cringe but Roswell is debunked and if you are going to hang your hat on a best case for UFOs, that's the worst case as it's been defeated back and forth. Do you ever read or look at anything that disagrees with your preconceived beliefs. Do you take the time to actually seek the truth.

Here's a slow pitch question since you say " The Bermuda triangle is a fact.".

Where is the Bermuda Triangle? Just a general location, the size of the area, maybe some boundaries. Are there any?

Marilyn did not commit suicide, as commonly claimed, but rather was murdered by government officials to silence her about highly classified things she knew about UFO crash retrievals. That's the kind of stories that the UFO nuts spread, when there's nothing to support them.

And that's why "they" assassinated Kennedy JFK and Bobby, for knowing too much.  ::)

And I'll repeat for those who can read and comprehend. I think Stanton Friedman was honest and believed what he researched and spoke about. I may disagree with his conclusions, but that doesn't mean I'm attacking him as a person.

I challenge anyone who wants to know the truth, to read a well researched, documented, highly intelligent book about the Bermuda Triangle and learn how hoaxes and conspiracies work at the same time.  https://www.amazon.com/Bermuda-Triangle-Mystery-Solved/dp/0879759712

"...in 1972, Larry Kusche, then a reference librarian, decided to collect all the information he could find on each incident. He made contact with the Coast Guard, the Air Force, Lloyd's of London, and many other agencies. He obtained microfilm copies of newspapers from cities where various incidents had been reported.This exhaustive research had an unexpected result - it solved the mystery. It also resulted in the publication of The Bermuda Triangle Mystery-Solved, which is now back in print.Larry Kusche's book is more than an investigation of a mystery; it is a fascinating case history of a "manufactured mystery" in the making. It shows how over the years the raw materials of official accident reports, newspaper accounts, articles in the mainstream press, and word of mouth have been assimilated into a "false mystery.""

Yes, exhaustive research, not some TV show or book that promotes fake mysteries, not some people on the Internet who knew someone who knew someone, a FOAF that has the latest answer. But I'll tell you the Kusche can be found used and on Amazon and it's rock bottom cheap for a used copy. There's no side agenda or other motivation for writing it, other than getting to the bottom of the story and finding the facts.

Anyone who wants to know the real truth, at least give this book a read. Then decide afterwards?

« Reply #24 on: May 18, 2023, 12:10 »
Good that you decided to reply with information, not just personal attacks and the usual defensive positions. Oh wait, you didn't answer the questions or the contradictions. You just blew some more smoke into your fantasy and imaginary stories.

Attack the topics and the ideas, not the people. You seem to be unable to do that?

Peter has clearly found his meds 😳 ... pssst Lower the dose.

... which brings us to the ignorance of the skeptics self proclaimed or otherwise. I did state at the beginning of the thread ... don't bother. Your ridiculous cliche of "the burden of proof falls to the ones making claims" is the usual trollop trotted out by lazy and idle people. You are the one hurling claims lol. Crack on Peter please prove your claim. You can't though can you because skeptics can never provide any meat to their bone. Its all "nonsense" they cry without any research or any proof what so ever. Lazy. And they never attempt to investigate themselves. They barely bother to research what's out there. One thing is a fact. No one employs skeptics when embarking on a venture do they. Pay them good money to work against you lol.

Of course all that research had to be done for free according to Peter.

Peter is giving away his stock photos for free everyone btw. Just dm him that's right isn't it Peter lol.

Shame you ranted off Peter. Why is anyone's guess but that's you isn't it. What rank did you get to Pete ... I'm curious...

That's terribly rude and has nothing to do with UAPs. You throw stones and insults and then ask that your views be respected? It's a two way street.

I didn't rant I gave evidence of the truth and the facts. I know the work will make you cringe but Roswell is debunked and if you are going to hang your hat on a best case for UFOs, that's the worst case as it's been defeated back and forth. Do you ever read or look at anything that disagrees with your preconceived beliefs. Do you take the time to actually seek the truth.

Here's a slow pitch question since you say " The Bermuda triangle is a fact.".

Where is the Bermuda Triangle? Just a general location, the size of the area, maybe some boundaries. Are there any?

Marilyn did not commit suicide, as commonly claimed, but rather was murdered by government officials to silence her about highly classified things she knew about UFO crash retrievals. That's the kind of stories that the UFO nuts spread, when there's nothing to support them.

And that's why "they" assassinated Kennedy JFK and Bobby, for knowing too much.  ::)

And I'll repeat for those who can read and comprehend. I think Stanton Friedman was honest and believed what he researched and spoke about. I may disagree with his conclusions, but that doesn't mean I'm attacking him as a person.

I challenge anyone who wants to know the truth, to read a well researched, documented, highly intelligent book about the Bermuda Triangle and learn how hoaxes and conspiracies work at the same time.  https://www.amazon.com/Bermuda-Triangle-Mystery-Solved/dp/0879759712

"...in 1972, Larry Kusche, then a reference librarian, decided to collect all the information he could find on each incident. He made contact with the Coast Guard, the Air Force, Lloyd's of London, and many other agencies. He obtained microfilm copies of newspapers from cities where various incidents had been reported.This exhaustive research had an unexpected result - it solved the mystery. It also resulted in the publication of The Bermuda Triangle Mystery-Solved, which is now back in print.Larry Kusche's book is more than an investigation of a mystery; it is a fascinating case history of a "manufactured mystery" in the making. It shows how over the years the raw materials of official accident reports, newspaper accounts, articles in the mainstream press, and word of mouth have been assimilated into a "false mystery.""

Yes, exhaustive research, not some TV show or book that promotes fake mysteries, not some people on the Internet who knew someone who knew someone, a FOAF that has the latest answer. But I'll tell you the Kusche can be found used and on Amazon and it's rock bottom cheap for a used copy. There's no side agenda or other motivation for writing it, other than getting to the bottom of the story and finding the facts.

Anyone who wants to know the real truth, at least give this book a read. Then decide afterwards?

Peter English is my first language I cannot speak for yourself. Adding a question mark at the end of a sentence isn't the only requirement to form a question. You actually have to ask one. As you have edited your original post which you claim gives evidence, proof and facts and I'll inform you contains merely conjecture and cut and paste from Amazon, we can't say for sure how many legitimate question can be found in it because there is a mixture of actual questions and statements punctuated with question marks, but I did find only these.
"Now what about, the Bermuda Triangle Myth? Atlantis? The Philadelphia Experiment? And finding Noah's Ark?"

I can answer your most recent question and the first one here. The Bermuda Triangle is a fact because it has been defined as a fact in its naming. In the same way as its a fact that your username is Uncle Peter.  In the same way I don't know if you are actually an uncle and nor do I know if your real name is Peter. But factually you are known as that here. And the Bermuda triangle also exists in the same way. The answer to the second part of that is .... I have no idea. Its not my hobby horse and I don't believe I mentioned it in my OP. I do know a lot of tonnage of ships have been lost in that general area and as I stated I subscribe to aerated water as a contributing factor. That's scientific fact Peter. I cannot claim to know that its the cause in that general area. But that is a known cause of ships sinking around the world. Cool video of someone doing it on utibe too but that isn't the source of my knowledge on the subject. I won't bore you.
Atlantis - again not my hobby horse and I barely have any inclination towards it. It may as well be carpet underlay. In fact I'd probably lean towards the underlay. Philidelphia experiment. That I do know about but if its true I suspect that it was some experimental pet project that came out of Hitlers stable and is probably linked to De Gloke or however its spelled. The bell that was part of one of Hitlers projects. But again I find it fascinating but not enough to devote time to.
Noahs Ark. God doesn't exist Peter. Other than in people's minds and a book written and rewritten by men.

I could point out that the first few paragraphs of your response directly contradict you but ... meh. I've always known you're a pedant and if you do not agree with something you do not stop ranting about it. You are bombastic. It's not a problem for me but I do worry about you personally.

If you do have any UFO experiences please do post them I do find those fascinating.


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