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Author Topic: UFOs now called UAP (Unidentified Aerial Phenomenon) Crowd Stories and photos.  (Read 56686 times)

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« Reply #275 on: July 12, 2023, 08:55 »
Interview this week ...

Tim Gallaudet - Admiral Tim Gallaudet discusses how he received the go fast video in 2015 via supranet (military internet) via email flagging air safety issues due to number of sightings.


« Reply #276 on: July 13, 2023, 05:40 »
Congreswoman Anna Paulina Luna (asked by Comer to co-chair the hearings) is briefly interviewed by Matt Laslo regarding the upcoming open UAP hearings which will bring forth further Whistel blowers who have more information regarding the UAP phenomena and what it means for the human race. In this brief interview he asks her what is the format and plan and outcome ....

ML: Have you guysare you going to be focusing on the whistleblowersGruschs mates? Trying to corroborate his story? I think, Gillibrand says thats what shes gonna do but sounds like you guys here are trying to be a little broader?

APL: So what we're focusing on is, one, getting the information out to the American people: Clearly, this is a big galaxy that we live in and that there is very likely technology that we are unaware of where its come fromand so, does this pose a national security threat?

And then, as far as UAP goes, I mean, the Air Force had a program called Project BLUE BOOK that was established, and there's archived information. Were going to be pulling that information out and presenting that to the American people.

But it's important that instead of trying to make this conspiratorial and poo-pooing it, that people are actually understanding that it's very likely that there's other life forms out there and that we're not alone in this universe and that we can address these things with a scientific mindset.

Further several aerospace engineers employed at various firms have been contacted by the heads and told that they are not permitted to speak to the press and that any and all comments or information will be referred directly to the congressional AARO team.

« Reply #277 on: July 14, 2023, 16:28 »
The latest... UAP amendment to disclosure ...

 At the appropriate place, insert the following:
5 SEC. ll01. SHORT TITLE. This title may be cited as the Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena Disclosure Act of 2023 or the UAP Disclosure Act of 2023.

These are amendments that have been submitted.

Source government pdf link https://democrats.senate.gov/imo/media/doc/uap_amendment.pdf

« Reply #278 on: July 15, 2023, 03:16 »
Oh dear god ...

Clearance Jobs, an organization that defines itself as the largest career network for professionals with federal government security clearance, has issued an apparent letter of guidance to its personnel to help them understand the consequences of whistle blowing.

Their legal team has gone over a variety of scenario's in their letter and site David Grusch as an example. They claim that he may think he is legally protected but in fact he has made a mistake and that he has done nothing other than offer a public good which although admirable, isn't a defence in law.

So they claim he has put himself at risk of prison for revealing his experiences under the whistle blower act but didn't satisfy the criteria to be protected by it.

Chillingly their lawyer asserts that should anyone do this and not make sure they are protected ....

Though your career is over and you are sitting in a jail cell, you are still, ethically, at least, on solid footing, Brown offers. Strictly from a utilitarian perspective, your act did the maximum amount of good for the maximum amount of people. As a matter of deontology, you had a duty to do something so intrinsically good and right. And ultimately, good government should be as transparent as possible and accountable to its citizens. And you can reflect on all this as you decay in a federal penitentiary. Dont worry, though. Youve got a heck of a book deal waiting for you on the other side.

A significant threat if ever there was one wrapped in a 'helpful' format.

Clearly Clearance Jobs thought they needed to quickly lay it all out there ... stupidly showing that there is something to be found. They state "leaving lizard people out of this for a moment" ... but thats all the whistle blower act protects in this context. UAPs and UFOs and material of non human origin/inteligence ... Lizard or otherwise.

Was meant to be an internal memo to all departments and ended up in the press. Where should we focus our attention I wonder ... duh!

source https://news.clearancejobs.com/2023/07/13/how-to-blow-the-whistle-if-you-work-with-flying-saucers-and-their-alien-pilots/
« Last Edit: July 15, 2023, 10:40 by Lowls »

« Reply #279 on: July 15, 2023, 03:29 »
Burchett and Luna confirm House UFO hearing date is July 26th 2023 ..... 😊😊😊 ... what will be revealed ...

« Reply #280 on: July 16, 2023, 18:20 »
Silver sphere filmed bobbing about initially. Those clouds do cause turbulence if it were a balloon. But those clouds are around 4 thousand feet and a balloon would be much lower or it eouod be the size of a very large house. But then the object tracks away and as it leaves the frame another follows it. interesting stuff coming out via social media

« Last Edit: July 17, 2023, 03:17 by Lowls »

« Reply #281 on: July 18, 2023, 06:29 »
What do the aliens look like? We have all kinds of reports and claims, people have seen them and believe they have been abducted. What do aliens look like in their descriptions. That's a pretty basic and simple question? Is there any group consensus or collective way to describe the alien appearance?

What do UFOs look like. I mean, I can describe an airplane, boat or a car, can someone describe what the aliens travel in? No I don't expect anyone to understand the propulsion systems, just some nice basic data to build from?

 There are all kind of photos and claims. Darn near everyone now carries a camera/phone that can take photos or video. I would expect we'd have more and better images, than in the old days.

After the disclosure or the official first contact, you should be able to buy an encyclopedia of aliens with illustrations. If you survive the ontological shock.

For now, the field is so muddied with hoaxes and disinformation, that for the average person it is difficult to figure out what is true.

Listen to serious and credible people like Elizondo, Nolan, Coulthart or Valle. You will not hear stories about the Galactic Federation or alien races from them. But what you hear from them sounds very serious. Elizondo and Nolan probably cannot disclose everything they know and have seen. Look up that famous "somber" comment from Elizondo...

There are plenty of reports from "experiences", just look for them. There are some recurring "races" of aliens in their stories, but it is up to you to judge how credible a given experiencer is. I will not do that for you. I am not trying to convince anyone about anything, but I wish some people expanded their intellectual horizons a little. It is great to be an open-minded skeptic, but it is stupid to be a denialist.

Why haven't we had a disclosure or an official first contact yet? Well, just look at this thread... Denialists and religious fundamentalists on the whole planet would probably go berserk... But things have accelerated greatly in the recent months for some reason. I think we are approaching that moment.

This will be just another farce from the UFO cult followers. These events are nothing but more programming for the weak minds of the brainwashed.

« Reply #282 on: July 18, 2023, 09:01 »
This will be just another farce from the UFO cult followers. These events are nothing but more programming for the weak minds of the brainwashed.

Besides that, do you also have anything intelligent to add?

« Reply #283 on: July 18, 2023, 10:52 »
What do the aliens look like? We have all kinds of reports and claims, people have seen them and believe they have been abducted. What do aliens look like in their descriptions. That's a pretty basic and simple question? Is there any group consensus or collective way to describe the alien appearance?

What do UFOs look like. I mean, I can describe an airplane, boat or a car, can someone describe what the aliens travel in? No I don't expect anyone to understand the propulsion systems, just some nice basic data to build from?

 There are all kind of photos and claims. Darn near everyone now carries a camera/phone that can take photos or video. I would expect we'd have more and better images, than in the old days.

After the disclosure or the official first contact, you should be able to buy an encyclopedia of aliens with illustrations. If you survive the ontological shock.

For now, the field is so muddied with hoaxes and disinformation, that for the average person it is difficult to figure out what is true.

Listen to serious and credible people like Elizondo, Nolan, Coulthart or Valle. You will not hear stories about the Galactic Federation or alien races from them. But what you hear from them sounds very serious. Elizondo and Nolan probably cannot disclose everything they know and have seen. Look up that famous "somber" comment from Elizondo...

There are plenty of reports from "experiences", just look for them. There are some recurring "races" of aliens in their stories, but it is up to you to judge how credible a given experiencer is. I will not do that for you. I am not trying to convince anyone about anything, but I wish some people expanded their intellectual horizons a little. It is great to be an open-minded skeptic, but it is stupid to be a denialist.

Why haven't we had a disclosure or an official first contact yet? Well, just look at this thread... Denialists and religious fundamentalists on the whole planet would probably go berserk... But things have accelerated greatly in the recent months for some reason. I think we are approaching that moment.

This will be just another farce from the UFO cult followers. These events are nothing but more programming for the weak minds of the brainwashed.

Blimey that's quite a sweeping statement  and given the recent events in Congress a little bit of a missinformed one. Senators Schumer and Rounds have issued an amendment to declassified any and all meterial relating to UFOs, UAPs and material of non human origin to be held, catalogued and held for historic importance and research by the public. This in the wave of the discovery that much of this meterial was being held under a non related classification of Radialogical nature. This meant that the legislation could hide it under that umbrella. No longer. It must be made available.

Further any and all material of nonbhuman origin and uaps and ufos and related materials will now automatically be owned by the governmnent and keeping it will be a serious offence.

There are going to be financial incentives to come foreward and disclose what you know, how, and what you have. They want all of it.

Anyone threatening or attempting to force people to sign non disclosure agreements (which is allegedly happening rapidly) will be prosecuted and the NDA null and void. No matter who it originates from.

Rumours has it that Lockhead Martin are in quite a flap and jave been trying to offload theirs. They requested that the classification be opened to allow a larger research group and this was denied and threats made. So they aren't happy. They aren't the only one.

So you look at all that and the laws that are being drafted enmass regarding this and then look at what you typed. 😆 🤣 


« Reply #284 on: July 18, 2023, 19:44 »

This will be just another farce from the UFO cult followers. These events are nothing but more programming for the weak minds of the brainwashed.

Blimey that's quite a sweeping statement  and given the recent events in Congress a little bit of a missinformed one. Senators Schumer and Rounds have issued an amendment to declassified any and all meterial relating to UFOs, UAPs and material of non human origin to be held, catalogued and held for historic importance and research by the public....
Further any and all material of nonbhuman origin and uaps and ufos and related materials will now automatically be owned by the governmnent and keeping it will be a serious offence.
yet another of your out of context misstatements -
no one yet has actually shown ANYTHING related to interstellar lifeforms -  congress may declassify such material IF IT EXISTS, but does not say there actually is any there there.

breaking news -latest unexplained lifeform found hiding in Istanbul airport:

« Last Edit: July 18, 2023, 19:59 by cascoly »

« Reply #285 on: July 19, 2023, 10:51 »
no one yet has actually shown ANYTHING related to interstellar lifeforms -  congress may declassify such material IF IT EXISTS, but does not say there actually is any there there.

1. "Interstellar lifeforms" is already an interpretation. At this point, the public doesn't know much, so "NHI" and "the phenomenon" are better terms.

2. Face the music. If there is nothing behind the claims, then either one of these must be true:

a) some high-ranking US government officials and military staff with high clearances are bats#it crazy
b) we are watching some gigantic psyops

There are no other options.

But if it is psyops, they could certainly make it more shock-and-awe... And it should get much more coverage in mainstream media.

« Last Edit: July 19, 2023, 12:17 by LDV81 »

« Reply #286 on: July 19, 2023, 12:47 »
no one yet has actually shown ANYTHING related to interstellar lifeforms -  congress may declassify such material IF IT EXISTS, but does not say there actually is any there there.

2. Face the music. If there is nothing behind the claims, then either one of these must be true:

a) some high-ranking US government officials and military staff with high clearances are bats#it crazy
b) we are watching some gigantic psyops

There are no other options.
c - their testimony will cover only unexplained events, no actual evidence, especially now ET  artifacts or bodies
d - they have examined all the evidence & concluded there is nothing ET
e - they will release data previously classified for natl security which led to conspiracy theories. releasing it earlier would have exposed our technologies which have now been replaced by more sophisticated programs
f - they have finally developed cameras that can actually focus & discovered the terran origin of previously classified as UFO

« Reply #287 on: July 19, 2023, 13:28 »
c - their testimony will cover only unexplained events, no actual evidence, especially now ET  artifacts or bodies
d - they have examined all the evidence & concluded there is nothing ET
e - they will release data previously classified for natl security which led to conspiracy theories. releasing it earlier would have exposed our technologies which have now been replaced by more sophisticated programs
f - they have finally developed cameras that can actually focus & discovered the terran origin of previously classified as UFO

What? What you have come up with is already covered by a.
Grusch and others have made some very concrete and bold claims. Watch the interview with Grusch. I think you are not familiar with it. Apparently, he, and other people who came out, are viewed as "credible" by the Congress and elsewhere.

If these claims are not true, then some high-ranking US officials are nuts, mentally unstable or whatever. Or this is psyops.

Denialism at this stage is nothing else than a religious belief. I don't know if Grusch and others are nuts. Maybe they are, but maybe not. But I am very curious to find out the truth and I am simply open-minded about it.
« Last Edit: July 19, 2023, 13:59 by LDV81 »

« Reply #288 on: July 19, 2023, 14:19 »
If these claims are not true, then some high-ranking US officials are nuts, mentally unstable or whatever.

Yeah, what else is new?

Denialism at this stage is nothing else than a religious belief. I don't know if Grusch and others are nuts.

"Adam Frank, a professor of astrophysics at the University of Rochester, published a critique of the Grusch claims on June 22 with Big Think. Frank writes that he does "not find these claims exciting at all" because they are all "just hearsay" where "a guy says he knows a guy who knows another guy who heard from a guy that the government has alien spaceships".[24]"



« Reply #289 on: July 19, 2023, 14:34 »
"Adam Frank, a professor of astrophysics at the University of Rochester, published a critique of the Grusch claims on June 22 with Big Think. Frank writes that he does "not find these claims exciting at all" because they are all "just hearsay" where "a guy says he knows a guy who knows another guy who heard from a guy that the government has alien spaceships".[24]"

From what I have read, some witnesses have confirmed at least some of Grusch's claims and there will be a hearing. The fact that such claims are even being investigated is quite astonishing. Before 2017, they would have just been ridiculed and ignored.

Jonathan Grey, a current US intelligence official at the National Air and Space Intelligence Center (Nasic), confirmed the existence of exotic materials to the Debrief.

The non-human intelligence phenomenon is real. We are not alone, Grey said.

Retrievals of this kind are not limited to the United States. This is a global phenomenon, and yet a global solution continues to elude us.

« Last Edit: July 19, 2023, 14:37 by LDV81 »

« Reply #290 on: July 19, 2023, 14:42 »
Jonathan Grey, a current US intelligence official at the National Air and Space Intelligence Center (Nasic), confirmed the existence of exotic materials to the Debrief.

The non-human intelligence phenomenon is real. We are not alone, Grey said.

Retrievals of this kind are not limited to the United States. This is a global phenomenon, and yet a global solution continues to elude us.


That is true. There is certainly non-human intelligence on this planet. I mentioned this before. There are chimpanzees, other great apes, dolphins and to a lesser degree cats and dogs and many other animals. And it is in fact a global phenomenon. Just recently, I detected a cat in my neighbours garden.

« Reply #291 on: July 19, 2023, 14:47 »
That is true. There is certainly non-human intelligence on this planet. I mentioned this before. There are chimpanzees, other great apes, dolphins and to a lesser degree cats and dogs and many other animals. And it is in fact a global phenomenon. Just recently, I detected a cat in my neighbours garden.

Very funny  ;D Consider a career as a stand-up comedian :P
« Last Edit: July 19, 2023, 14:55 by LDV81 »

« Reply #292 on: July 19, 2023, 14:56 »
That is true. There is certainly non-human intelligence on this planet. I mentioned this before. There are chimpanzees, other great apes, dolphins and to a lesser degree cats and dogs and many other animals. And it is in fact a global phenomenon. Just recently, I detected a cat in my neighbours garden.

Very funny  ;D Consider a career of a stand-up comedian :P

Thank you! However, having watched The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel, I know that is not so easy to make a living in that field.

« Reply #293 on: July 19, 2023, 16:28 »
If these claims are not true, then some high-ranking US officials are nuts, mentally unstable or whatever.

Yeah, what else is new?

Denialism at this stage is nothing else than a religious belief. I don't know if Grusch and others are nuts.

"Adam Frank, a professor of astrophysics at the University of Rochester, published a critique of the Grusch claims on June 22 with Big Think. Frank writes that he does "not find these claims exciting at all" because they are all "just hearsay" where "a guy says he knows a guy who knows another guy who heard from a guy that the government has alien spaceships".[24]"



Sorry you've got muddled. It isnt hearsay in a legal sense which although I didn't look, I'm guessing your wiki link is then legal sense. If not sorry in advance.

His claims are what you and me and everyone who is non intelligence services are allowed to hear. That should shock you to the core. You've been granted permission to hear that because he completed the proformas from DOPSR. West 🤡 led the charge that this meant it wasn't true because they only allow true stuff that's a national security issue to be stopped. As he was making this up he could go for his life... and his reputation could die a horrible death. But Mick West is an expert in computer programming and has ZERO other qualifications in the inteligence agencies or governmental procedures.

If they prevented him it leant weight to his whistle blowers claims and instigated a full and thorough investigation which to prove he was lying ... theyde have to read in to these special programmes ... senators they didn't want looking. By allowing him, they bought themselves time.

But Grusch doesn't need your belief or support because a year agohe testified to a panel of people within the intelligence agency and the top guy there audited his testimony and found it credible and urgent. This was rapidly sent to congress and they collected some congressional bodies and some senators advisors to listen to David Grusch. The advisors ran away and briefed their bosses and they too made him testify under oath and questioned him for 11 hours. This testimony and their findings after exhaustive investigation of his claims led them to create a UAP task force headed up by Sean Kirkpatrick. Some under informed chancers claim that Kirkpatricks claim "nothing credible" is where it stops. Wrong.
1. Kirkpatrick didn't have enough clerances to push into special projects. Particularly ad the investigation proved they they had been deliberately held in a holding programme labelled Radialogical Anomalies. Which meant that the clearness given AARO weren't entitled to look there. Other whistblowers whom Grusch has brought to congress ... A YEAR AGO .... taught congress that.

So what we saw with Ross Coulthart is true. But it is only publicly new. Not new. But because the appointed are telling the elected to grow up and go away and write cheques and leave them alone ... too many facts are on the electeds side.

This is bipartisan and it is from the top. This isn't going to flop. It isnt going to fade away. It is literally a game changer and if congress fails to overrule the Intelligence agencies who are trying to block this (why if it isn't true) ... then it will explode out in a different way.

This time it is very much a case of you can't put this sit back in this horse. Never gonna happen. Too many people who don't care ... are in key positions to make this happen. Grusch pulled a master stroke. But then he is strategically brilliant.

« Reply #294 on: July 20, 2023, 08:34 »
What do the aliens look like? We have all kinds of reports and claims, people have seen them and believe they have been abducted. What do aliens look like in their descriptions. That's a pretty basic and simple question? Is there any group consensus or collective way to describe the alien appearance?

What do UFOs look like. I mean, I can describe an airplane, boat or a car, can someone describe what the aliens travel in? No I don't expect anyone to understand the propulsion systems, just some nice basic data to build from?

 There are all kind of photos and claims. Darn near everyone now carries a camera/phone that can take photos or video. I would expect we'd have more and better images, than in the old days.

After the disclosure or the official first contact, you should be able to buy an encyclopedia of aliens with illustrations. If you survive the ontological shock.

For now, the field is so muddied with hoaxes and disinformation, that for the average person it is difficult to figure out what is true.

Listen to serious and credible people like Elizondo, Nolan, Coulthart or Valle. You will not hear stories about the Galactic Federation or alien races from them. But what you hear from them sounds very serious. Elizondo and Nolan probably cannot disclose everything they know and have seen. Look up that famous "somber" comment from Elizondo...

There are plenty of reports from "experiences", just look for them. There are some recurring "races" of aliens in their stories, but it is up to you to judge how credible a given experiencer is. I will not do that for you. I am not trying to convince anyone about anything, but I wish some people expanded their intellectual horizons a little. It is great to be an open-minded skeptic, but it is stupid to be a denialist.

Why haven't we had a disclosure or an official first contact yet? Well, just look at this thread... Denialists and religious fundamentalists on the whole planet would probably go berserk... But things have accelerated greatly in the recent months for some reason. I think we are approaching that moment.

This will be just another farce from the UFO cult followers. These events are nothing but more programming for the weak minds of the brainwashed.

The internet has created a cult of false information and the easy way to deliver it. Now claiming a big event and how serious and credible people are coming forward. If what they say is true we haven't had first contact but there are 82 species that have visited. https://www.inquisitr.com/3434305/ufo-researchers-82-alien-species-are-currently-in-contact-with-earth-and-at-least-four-are-fighting-for-control-over-earth-video Hellyer gave testimony before Canadas parliament about a government cover-up of UFO information and ETs visiting Earth in advanced UFO spacecraft.
Watch the brainwahsed come back at you and me, without answering the Hellyer claims and how absurd they are in fact.

« Reply #295 on: July 20, 2023, 09:17 »
Tim Burchett interview about what's happened, what's happening and what will be happening. So no ambiguity...


Named people testifying publicly on July 26th:

David Grusch
Ryan Graves
David Fravor

There have been others but as Burchett states they have withdrawn due to pressure not to testify. Whatever has happened may come to light.
« Last Edit: July 20, 2023, 12:19 by Lowls »

« Reply #296 on: July 21, 2023, 17:43 »
This will be just another farce from the UFO cult followers. These events are nothing but more programming for the weak minds of the brainwashed.

Denialists are the new conspiracy theorists :) There is a conspiracy behind any attempts to research anomalous phenomena and attempts to declassify stuff, LOL. :) Noland, Elizondo, Loeb belong to the conspiracy :) LMAO...

Why would people with respected careers in their fields risk being ridiculed? Because they are part of the conspiracy, LOL...But what are the goals of the conspiracy? Hmmm....

« Reply #297 on: July 22, 2023, 03:00 »
This will be just another farce from the UFO cult followers. These events are nothing but more programming for the weak minds of the brainwashed.

Denialists are the new conspiracy theorists :) There is a conspiracy behind any attempts to research anomalous phenomena and attempts to declassify stuff, LOL. :) Noland, Elizondo, Loeb belong to the conspiracy :) LMAO...

Why would people with respected careers in their fields risk being ridiculed? Because they are part of the conspiracy, LOL...But what are the goals of the conspiracy? Hmmm....

I know right. It's like Mick West. His loyal following have now started throwing questions at him. Many are turning on him. He appeared on newsnation and ... jeeze ... it was just clutching at straws. Any possible alternative is preferable to the obvious. Its light anomalies, weather but Micks favourite trope is "they believe it but they are obviously mistaking what they are seeing for something prosaic" ... he said ... from behind his computer screen .... and his book is on its second edition ... 🤦 ... he's gone so fringe in his debunking his own twitteraty were calling him out yesterday.

It's funny because the professional skeptics like Seth Shostak are ... busy lol. Probably writing a new C.V.

Uncle Pete

  • Great Place by a Great Lake - My Home Port
« Reply #298 on: July 23, 2023, 11:32 »
If these claims are not true, then some high-ranking US officials are nuts, mentally unstable or whatever.

Yeah, what else is new?

Denialism at this stage is nothing else than a religious belief. I don't know if Grusch and others are nuts.

"Adam Frank, a professor of astrophysics at the University of Rochester, published a critique of the Grusch claims on June 22 with Big Think. Frank writes that he does "not find these claims exciting at all" because they are all "just hearsay" where "a guy says he knows a guy who knows another guy who heard from a guy that the government has alien spaceships".[24]"



FOAF kind of hearsay that most often doesn't trace back to any real individual at all. What people believe and how many believe, doesn't make something real. Accusations are not proof, just ideas and conjecture.

« Reply #299 on: July 23, 2023, 15:37 »
FOAF kind of hearsay that most often doesn't trace back to any real individual at all. What people believe and how many believe, doesn't make something real.

If Grusch had been told BS, it raises many questions. Grusch is not some YouTube dude with a UFO podcast, he was tasked with this investigation by the Department of Defense. It's no joke, that thing was serious.

Now, if some people with very high clearances had decided to tell him fairy tales as part of his investigation, the obvious question is: WHY?
W-T-F is going on there? Lying to someone in his position, while he is conducting an investigation, is really serious. And if they believed in what they told him, then it's another "W-T-F is going on there?"
« Last Edit: July 23, 2023, 15:40 by LDV81 »


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