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Author Topic: UFOs now called UAP (Unidentified Aerial Phenomenon) Crowd Stories and photos.  (Read 54047 times)

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« Reply #150 on: June 11, 2023, 11:39 »

And if he does not think he understands quantum mechanics, then that would raise the questions why he feels he can argue about them with a physicist who has worked in the area.

That physicist resorted to a lie to save her face in the debate... A paradigm shift can be painful.

As a matter of fact, your statement that there is nothing "mysterious" about quantum physics is much closer to B. Kastrup's views than to those of S. Hossenfelder. It is materialists like S. Hossenfelder who pull out some mysterious "hidden variables" out of a hat to rescue their paradigm. "Hidden variables" are an appeal to magic. Zero proof, no idea what exactly they are supposed to be.

According to materialism, matter is fundamental. And yet, the building blocks of matter before observation / measurement / interaction have no "substance" and no properties. They are just some probability wave, whatever it means, and are "rendered" only "on demand".  Similar to objects in computer games that are not rendered unless there is a need.

Idealism has no problem with quantum physics whatsoever. B. Kastrup is the Executive Director of Essentia Foundation. I counted 12 physicists (including quantum physicists) among their contributing authors:


The views of the contributing authors (including quantum physicists) are broadly compatible with those of Bernardo Kastrup. The aim of the foundation is "communicating, in an accurate yet accessible way, the latest analytic and scientific indications that metaphysical materialism is fundamentally flawed".


There is also a physicist who has somewhat similar views as B. Kastrup, and the name of his theory is actually similar to your username :) But TOE stands there for "theory of everything".


« Last Edit: June 11, 2023, 12:36 by LDV81 »

« Reply #151 on: June 11, 2023, 12:33 »
There are also hypotheses that some of the crashes are intentional, to give humans technology and influence the Earth's development, without that influence being widely known.

They would never do that - it goes against the Prime Directive.
of course the PD isn't mandatory, so it's wise to consider the Dark Forest theory

excellent Hugo award winning sci-fi trilogy https://www.amazon.com/Three-Body-Problem-Boxed-Set-Remembrance/  explores that situation after earth is discovered by a malevolent society.  an adaptation by netflix is due out later this year

« Reply #152 on: June 11, 2023, 12:38 »

So, we can say one thing for sure, a UFO appeared on the territory of the United States. And this is good news, because. secret technologies fell into the hands of the Pentagon. It would be much worse if a UFO was found on the territory of Russia or China.
I'm also interested in weapons. What do humanoids have there - blasters, laser guns or something else abruptly. Aliens will strengthen the US army!  8)
agreed there are UFO, but you're assuming UFO means alien - a much more likely possibility is that they're actually of Russian or Chinese origin.   you're also assuming alien UFO, if such exist, are purposely flying over and crashing in only US airspace and that China & Russia --more secretive than the US & with fewer leaks -- have not had their share of 'encounters'

« Reply #153 on: June 11, 2023, 13:51 »
And yet, the building blocks of matter before observation / measurement / interaction have no "substance" and no properties.

That is at best very misleading and at worst completely wrong.

We feel the consequences of the properties of the "buildings blocks" of matter, aka Protons, Neutrons and Electrons all the time.

For example they all subject to gravitation, so this is a property we feel all the time, unless we are astronauts currently in space.

Also all chemical properties of all the chemical compounds that make up our world are a consequence of of the properties of the single atoms and mostly there electron orbitals:

"In atomic theory and quantum mechanics, an atomic orbital (/ɒrbədl/) is a function describing the location and wave-like behavior of an electron in an atom.[1] This function can be used to calculate the probability of finding any electron of an atom in any specific region around the atom's nucleus. The term atomic orbital may also refer to the physical region or space where the electron can be calculated to be present, as predicted by the particular mathematical form of the orbital.[2]"


So you can only make statistical statement about the electrons whereabout, as far as that question makes sense at all in quantum mechanics. This does not mean that they have no properties, though. Depending on the number of electrons in their hull, elements can be very aggressive or totally inert. Examples for aggreesive elements are chlorine or fluorine. They have an incomplete orbital that needs an extra electron in order to be more stable. So they take it from another elements hat has a surplus of eletrons like sodium.

There is also a physicist who has somewhat similar views as B. Kastrup, and the name of his theory is actually similar to your username :) But TOE stands there for "theory of everything".



Now that is indeed a funny coincidence.

« Reply #154 on: June 11, 2023, 14:55 »
And yet, the building blocks of matter before observation / measurement / interaction have no "substance" and no properties.

That is at best very misleading and at worst completely wrong.

Oh, for crying out loud, let me quote a professor of quantum physics:

"It proves that measurement is everything. At the quantum level, reality does not exist if you are not looking at it," said Associate Professor Andrew Truscott from the ANU Research School of Physics and Engineering.



We feel the consequences of the properties of the "buildings blocks" of matter, aka Protons, Neutrons and Electrons all the time.

For example they all subject to gravitation, so this is a property we feel all the time, unless we are astronauts currently in space.

For a large non-isolated system like the Earth, interactions with other systems prevent it from undergoing interference on a macroscopic scale.
When you write "feel" it sounds almost like idealism... Please watch the long interviews with Professor Donald Hoffman and Bernardo Kastrup where they talk about perceptions and qualia. They might interest you, even if you come from the opposite direction.
« Last Edit: June 13, 2023, 20:35 by LDV81 »

« Reply #155 on: June 11, 2023, 18:25 »
There are also hypotheses that some of the crashes are intentional, to give humans technology and influence the Earth's development, without that influence being widely known.

They would never do that - it goes against the Prime Directive.
of course the PD isn't mandatory, so it's wise to consider the Dark Forest theory

excellent Hugo award winning sci-fi trilogy https://www.amazon.com/Three-Body-Problem-Boxed-Set-Remembrance/  explores that situation after earth is discovered by a malevolent society.  an adaptation by netflix is due out later this year

I hadn't heard about those books - will have to check them out, thanks for the suggestion!

« Reply #156 on: June 11, 2023, 19:56 »
mirrored https://www.youtube.com/live/jBeKzm9ntME?feature=share

from newsnation if you can't get it where you live

« Reply #157 on: June 12, 2023, 01:51 »
If any did watch it ... the majority of it has already been shown.

There were several points that were hilarious.

David Grushs eyes. There is no f'ing around with this guy. forget what he said forget what he claims for a second. His eyes aren't full of doubt. They are full of "im putting you on notice and unless you do the right thing, I'm gonna bring it all down around your ears. He is a total boy scout. And he hung Kirkpatrick out to dry and then some. Which means that AARO is at present worthless and Sean Kirkpatrick is toast. He said I hope Sean does the right thing. And I don't think he meant give Congress the stuff he has refused to thus far.

He also hung a private contractor out to dry. Either Lockhead or another. I'm gonna go with Bigelow because he is always so vocal. He's been totally silent. Not a whiff.

Finally this was sold as an hour of David Grush and an hour of analysis with experts in their field. What we got was Mick West, Ross Coulthard and Michael Shellenberger.

Mick West - paraphrasing "I think he believes what he's been told but I think he is clearly mistaken even his lawyer has refused to represent him any longer because he states that his oart in this has been missrepresented"

Ross Coulthard - I'm afraid with respect Mick you have made an error there. His lawyer is still representing him as you'll discover in a few days and I am not permitted at this time to explain why that is but you're misunderstanding what is actually happening.

Because Mick West isn't an expert in anything at all. Except video game coding which is how he made his money. However he does get wheeled out as an expert in military operations, video analysis to name a few things lol. Until the comments start rolling in which are often brutal.

So instead of an hour of analysis whe got 7 minutes of mainly mick getting his expertise handed to him.

The interview was 7 hours long over two sessions. It will apparently see the light of day.

People that have and still work in crash retrievals and more are apprently waiting in the wings and are deciding what to do after they see what happens to Grush in the coming days and how he is treated.

Mick West will be on twitter ... his investigative platform where he gives detailed explanations of what isn't going on.

« Reply #158 on: June 12, 2023, 03:17 »

So, we can say one thing for sure, a UFO appeared on the territory of the United States. And this is good news, because. secret technologies fell into the hands of the Pentagon. It would be much worse if a UFO was found on the territory of Russia or China.
I'm also interested in weapons. What do humanoids have there - blasters, laser guns or something else abruptly. Aliens will strengthen the US army!  8)
agreed there are UFO, but you're assuming UFO means alien - a much more likely possibility is that they're actually of Russian or Chinese origin.   you're also assuming alien UFO, if such exist, are purposely flying over and crashing in only US airspace and that China & Russia --more secretive than the US & with fewer leaks -- have not had their share of 'encounters'
Are you saying that the Russians and the Chinese got their hands on alien ships too? It is a bad idea.
In any case, the Russians have no science, and even if they find a UFO, they will not understand anything about it.

« Reply #159 on: June 12, 2023, 04:02 »
Full official Whistblower interview and apparently full discussion after


« Reply #160 on: June 12, 2023, 08:47 »
Thank you for sharing. I am really curious about this.

« Reply #161 on: June 12, 2023, 09:57 »
If alien technology allows travel over light years of space and exhibits 'impossible' moves in our atmosphere, why are there so many crashes?

If the interdimensional hypothesis is true, or the visitors come from another universe in the multiverse, some physical constants may be different here than in their universe / reality. If that's the case, even very advanced craft will have a bumpy ride.

A Porsche, or a Ferrari are pretty advanced too and they were designed for roads, and yet they do crash on roads, right?

There are also hypotheses that some of the crashes are intentional, to give humans technology and influence the Earth's development, without that influence being widely known. The intentions may be benevolent or malevolent, and there may be various factions involved. If they have mastered time travel, stuff might get bats#it crazy... You could even imagine some humans from a distant future trying to manipulate the timeline or create a new one.

Other conceivable possibilities are basically what humans also do:

1. Human scientists watch animals use tools. Sometimes the scientists will suggest tools to the animals. Recently, I saw a video of a bird throwing pebbles into a bottle of water, to cause the water level to rise so that the bird could drink it. A smart bird.

A popular experiment is the so-called mirror test. It tests which species are able to recognize their reflection in the mirror.

Maybe the crashes are also some kind of experiment, testing what humans will do with such very advanced tools: perhaps whether the use will be positive or destructive.


2. Voyager 1 and Voyager 2 are space probes launched by NASA in 1977. They contain images and sounds of the Earth and scientific data on golden discs:


Perhaps some of the crashes are simply probes or drones.
« Last Edit: June 12, 2023, 10:21 by LDV81 »

« Reply #162 on: June 12, 2023, 12:14 »
And the next to give testimony that hasn't yet been passed on.

Michael Herrera. Ex marine who has remained silent for the last 14 years who on hearing of the congressional amnesty repealing NDAs stepped foreward to give his testimony.


Will be giving open testimony as part of Greers disclosure project. Greer has a long and distinguished career in various high profile roles but latterly in my opinion sold out. He believes he can now summon UFos by following a procedure using lasers and meditation. He holds courses. Take that as you find it and I'll leave it but he has supported a significant amount of military and high ranking military to come foreward as part of the disclosure project to give formal testimony and sworn affidavits.


« Reply #163 on: June 12, 2023, 15:44 »
I have been following the discussion over on reddit. Now getting really curious about the coming news.

I am sure alien life and more moderrn techmology exists somewhere. But what would they be doing here?

Maybe it's us coming back from the future to save us and our planet - to tell us to stop burning carbon, to learn how to live and let live, and to stop following leaders who incite anger, war, and division?  ;)
« Last Edit: June 12, 2023, 15:49 by Annie »

« Reply #164 on: June 12, 2023, 16:09 »
I have been following the discussion over on reddit. Now getting really curious about the coming news.

I am sure alien life and more moderrn techmology exists somewhere. But what would they be doing here?

Maybe it's us coming back from the future to save us and our planet - to tell us to stop burning carbon, to learn how to live and let live, and to stop following leaders who incite anger, war, and division?  ;)

Assuming that time is linear, changing or influencing the past could create the so-called 'grandfather paradox', split the timeline or destroy the timeline from which they came :)  Alternatively, there is the "many-worlds interpretation", where it all doesn't matter anyway, because everything happens.
« Last Edit: June 12, 2023, 16:35 by LDV81 »

« Reply #165 on: June 12, 2023, 18:15 »
OK, its time to stop all this speculation and look objectively at the facts we already know.  Once you do, its very clear that the aliens are here, have been living with us for decades at least and are planning for their coming takeover.

We can summarize the proof in two words (or one name): Elon Musk.  How is it that one person can come up with so many technologically important companies Tesla, Boring, Neuralink?  Is that possible for a human being?  You know it isnt.  With Tesla he can monitor where we are going and what we are doing, with Boring he can develop rapid underground transport so the aliens can get where they want undetected, and the purpose of Neuralink is to develop implants that can control human thought.  Why would he do this?  Hello???  Obviously to control human minds after the alien takeover!  Musk is supposedly from South Africa, but has anyone seen his birth certificate?  Has he provided a DNA sample to prove that he is human?  I dont think so - and you know the reason why!  Musk is always saying that people need to have more kids, but by people he doesnt mean you or me, instead that is a message to his species to produce more aliens for the coming takeover.

Have you ever wondered why Mark Zuckerberg looks (and acts) so much like a robot?  Because thats the way everybody looks on his planet!  The character Data in Star Trek was obviously modeled after another member of Zuckerbergs species.  And what is up with Meta and the Metaverse?  Most likely trying to recreate his original planet here on Earth.

What about Jeff Bezos?  How could a normal human have quickly made a small company selling used books into a behemoth that moves 80% of all commerce on the planet?  Alien technology or knowhow.  Ever notice how his right eye always seems a little off compared to the left?  Thats clearly because his alien body is having a hard time fitting inside its human shell.

What about Warren Buffett?  It seems he got where he is through smarts and hard work probably one of us.

The aliens also seem to have completely taken over one of the major political parties in the U.S.  Does Donald Trumps orange skin make you think something is a little off?  Well thats the normal color for beings from his planet!

What about Ron DeSantis complete lack of emotions and inability to understand and respond to typical human cultural norms?  Those are not needed on his planet and apparently he skipped out on those lessons during the training sessions before his arrival.

Ever wonder why Mike Pence is constantly looking towards the heavens?  He is waiting for a rescue ship to come and take him and Mother back to their home world!  (Im kind of looking forward to that, too)

Have you ever wondered why Mitch McConnell looks like some sort of mutant love child between a frog and a salamander?  Is he an alien too?  In his case I think not, unfortunately he is just a poster child for what happens from too much inbreeding.

And then theres good old Joe Biden with an emphasis on old.  How can he be so old and still run one of the most powerful countries in the world?  It isnt from taking his Geritol!  There are paintings showing Biden out having beers with George Washington and Thomas Jefferson at the * Tavern in Virginia in the 1770s (* - the System won't let me put in the actual name).  How can he be almost 300 years old but not look a day over 80?  Maybe if he was a vampire, but we know those arent real, so the only remaining logical explanation is that he must be an alien!

And what is up with climate change?  Most of the aliens came from hotter planets so they took over fossil fuel companies early and allowed us to develop technologies to burn fuel as fast as possible to quickly destroy our planet and make it more habitable for them!  And they used us to do it so it doesnt even look like alien influence was behind it!

We can also look at what our future alien overlords do with their money.  Now if you were the richest person in the world, what would you do?  Obviously you would buy a small Caribbean (or maybe Mediterranean or South Pacific) island or possibly an entire country, bring in an excellent medical staff and the most beautiful women from around the world (assuming you are male) and spend the rest of your days frolicking on the sand.  Please dont deny it, we all know its true!  However, what have Bezos and Musk done?  Started companies that build spaceships!  SpaceX, Blue Origin are you kidding me?  That is certainly not normal human behavior and clearly was done so they can have transport back to their home worlds (or possibly to bring back their relatives - durn anchor babies).  It also gives them cover in case they can repair one of the alien spacecraft held around the world they can hail it as a new, homegrown invention!

As if all the above were not completely convincing, I can provide a further piece of evidence: domestic cats.  Why do we spend our lives in servitude to creatures that provide nothing in return?  How is it that cats were able to so quickly take over the internet?  What made the ancient Egyptians worship them as gods?  We are expected to feed them, give them excellent medical care, constantly refresh their water dishes, clean up after all their messes from barfing all over the place, let them out, and in, and out, and in, and out, and maybe in again, and scoop their poop several times a day, and what do they do for us?  Maybe bring us a dead animal, or only half of one, if were lucky.  And if were not fast enough bringing them their dinner?  They will show their displeasure by peeing on your shirt!  Ever have one stare at you?  They never blink clearly part of their alien mind-control techniques.  Cats seem to have been brought here to train us to be more effective slaves for our alien leaders once they have fully taken over the planet, and we have fallen for it hook, line and sinker!

People, its time to wake up and smell the coffee - all of the above provides, clear, unambiguous, irrefutable proof that the aliens are here among us and are planning for our imminent demise!  Resistance is futile - we will either be wiped out or reduced to servitude.  So now you know the truth and we can stop all of these discussions!  OK, I have to stop writing and go feed the cats or there will be pee to pay.

(Disclaimer: It is possible that I made up parts or maybe all of the above.  Except for Mitch McConnell and the cats).

« Reply #166 on: June 13, 2023, 01:16 »
OK, its time to stop all this speculation and look objectively at the facts we already know.  Once you do, its very clear that the aliens are here, have been living with us for decades at least and are planning for their coming takeover.

We can summarize the proof in two words (or one name): Elon Musk.  How is it that one person can come up with so many technologically important companies Tesla, Boring, Neuralink?  Is that possible for a human being?  You know it isnt.  With Tesla he can monitor where we are going and what we are doing, with Boring he can develop rapid underground transport so the aliens can get where they want undetected, and the purpose of Neuralink is to develop implants that can control human thought.  Why would he do this?  Hello???  Obviously to control human minds after the alien takeover!  Musk is supposedly from South Africa, but has anyone seen his birth certificate?  Has he provided a DNA sample to prove that he is human?  I dont think so - and you know the reason why!  Musk is always saying that people need to have more kids, but by people he doesnt mean you or me, instead that is a message to his species to produce more aliens for the coming takeover.

Have you ever wondered why Mark Zuckerberg looks (and acts) so much like a robot?  Because thats the way everybody looks on his planet!  The character Data in Star Trek was obviously modeled after another member of Zuckerbergs species.  And what is up with Meta and the Metaverse?  Most likely trying to recreate his original planet here on Earth.

What about Jeff Bezos?  How could a normal human have quickly made a small company selling used books into a behemoth that moves 80% of all commerce on the planet?  Alien technology or knowhow.  Ever notice how his right eye always seems a little off compared to the left?  Thats clearly because his alien body is having a hard time fitting inside its human shell.

What about Warren Buffett?  It seems he got where he is through smarts and hard work probably one of us.

The aliens also seem to have completely taken over one of the major political parties in the U.S.  Does Donald Trumps orange skin make you think something is a little off?  Well thats the normal color for beings from his planet!

What about Ron DeSantis complete lack of emotions and inability to understand and respond to typical human cultural norms?  Those are not needed on his planet and apparently he skipped out on those lessons during the training sessions before his arrival.

Ever wonder why Mike Pence is constantly looking towards the heavens?  He is waiting for a rescue ship to come and take him and Mother back to their home world!  (Im kind of looking forward to that, too)

Have you ever wondered why Mitch McConnell looks like some sort of mutant love child between a frog and a salamander?  Is he an alien too?  In his case I think not, unfortunately he is just a poster child for what happens from too much inbreeding.

And then theres good old Joe Biden with an emphasis on old.  How can he be so old and still run one of the most powerful countries in the world?  It isnt from taking his Geritol!  There are paintings showing Biden out having beers with George Washington and Thomas Jefferson at the * Tavern in Virginia in the 1770s (* - the System won't let me put in the actual name).  How can he be almost 300 years old but not look a day over 80?  Maybe if he was a vampire, but we know those arent real, so the only remaining logical explanation is that he must be an alien!

And what is up with climate change?  Most of the aliens came from hotter planets so they took over fossil fuel companies early and allowed us to develop technologies to burn fuel as fast as possible to quickly destroy our planet and make it more habitable for them!  And they used us to do it so it doesnt even look like alien influence was behind it!

We can also look at what our future alien overlords do with their money.  Now if you were the richest person in the world, what would you do?  Obviously you would buy a small Caribbean (or maybe Mediterranean or South Pacific) island or possibly an entire country, bring in an excellent medical staff and the most beautiful women from around the world (assuming you are male) and spend the rest of your days frolicking on the sand.  Please dont deny it, we all know its true!  However, what have Bezos and Musk done?  Started companies that build spaceships!  SpaceX, Blue Origin are you kidding me?  That is certainly not normal human behavior and clearly was done so they can have transport back to their home worlds (or possibly to bring back their relatives - durn anchor babies).  It also gives them cover in case they can repair one of the alien spacecraft held around the world they can hail it as a new, homegrown invention!

As if all the above were not completely convincing, I can provide a further piece of evidence: domestic cats.  Why do we spend our lives in servitude to creatures that provide nothing in return?  How is it that cats were able to so quickly take over the internet?  What made the ancient Egyptians worship them as gods?  We are expected to feed them, give them excellent medical care, constantly refresh their water dishes, clean up after all their messes from barfing all over the place, let them out, and in, and out, and in, and out, and maybe in again, and scoop their poop several times a day, and what do they do for us?  Maybe bring us a dead animal, or only half of one, if were lucky.  And if were not fast enough bringing them their dinner?  They will show their displeasure by peeing on your shirt!  Ever have one stare at you?  They never blink clearly part of their alien mind-control techniques.  Cats seem to have been brought here to train us to be more effective slaves for our alien leaders once they have fully taken over the planet, and we have fallen for it hook, line and sinker!

People, its time to wake up and smell the coffee - all of the above provides, clear, unambiguous, irrefutable proof that the aliens are here among us and are planning for our imminent demise!  Resistance is futile - we will either be wiped out or reduced to servitude.  So now you know the truth and we can stop all of these discussions!  OK, I have to stop writing and go feed the cats or there will be pee to pay.

(Disclaimer: It is possible that I made up parts or maybe all of the above.  Except for Mitch McConnell and the cats).

That's exactly what an alien would say 👽😲👽😲

« Reply #167 on: June 13, 2023, 02:28 »
A year prior to the public release by David Grush he approached Jeremy Corbell and George Knapp. This is what happened prior to Ross Coulthart and 'The Debrief' ... published as I type


« Reply #168 on: June 13, 2023, 03:04 »

Documents regarding David Grush. His whistleblower complaint can be found on this page.


« Reply #169 on: June 13, 2023, 08:02 »
OK, its time to stop all this speculation and look objectively at the facts we already know.  Once you do, its very clear that the aliens are here, have been living with us for decades at least and are planning for their coming takeover.

We can summarize the proof in two words (or one name): Elon Musk.  How is it that one person can come up with so many technologically important companies Tesla, Boring, Neuralink?  Is that possible for a human being?  You know it isnt.  With Tesla he can monitor where we are going and what we are doing, with Boring he can develop rapid underground transport so the aliens can get where they want undetected, and the purpose of Neuralink is to develop implants that can control human thought.  Why would he do this?  Hello???  Obviously to control human minds after the alien takeover!  Musk is supposedly from South Africa, but has anyone seen his birth certificate?  Has he provided a DNA sample to prove that he is human?  I dont think so - and you know the reason why!  Musk is always saying that people need to have more kids, but by people he doesnt mean you or me, instead that is a message to his species to produce more aliens for the coming takeover.

Have you ever wondered why Mark Zuckerberg looks (and acts) so much like a robot?  Because thats the way everybody looks on his planet!  The character Data in Star Trek was obviously modeled after another member of Zuckerbergs species.  And what is up with Meta and the Metaverse?  Most likely trying to recreate his original planet here on Earth.

What about Jeff Bezos?  How could a normal human have quickly made a small company selling used books into a behemoth that moves 80% of all commerce on the planet?  Alien technology or knowhow.  Ever notice how his right eye always seems a little off compared to the left?  Thats clearly because his alien body is having a hard time fitting inside its human shell.

What about Warren Buffett?  It seems he got where he is through smarts and hard work probably one of us.

The aliens also seem to have completely taken over one of the major political parties in the U.S.  Does Donald Trumps orange skin make you think something is a little off?  Well thats the normal color for beings from his planet!

What about Ron DeSantis complete lack of emotions and inability to understand and respond to typical human cultural norms?  Those are not needed on his planet and apparently he skipped out on those lessons during the training sessions before his arrival.

Ever wonder why Mike Pence is constantly looking towards the heavens?  He is waiting for a rescue ship to come and take him and Mother back to their home world!  (Im kind of looking forward to that, too)

Have you ever wondered why Mitch McConnell looks like some sort of mutant love child between a frog and a salamander?  Is he an alien too?  In his case I think not, unfortunately he is just a poster child for what happens from too much inbreeding.

And then theres good old Joe Biden with an emphasis on old.  How can he be so old and still run one of the most powerful countries in the world?  It isnt from taking his Geritol!  There are paintings showing Biden out having beers with George Washington and Thomas Jefferson at the * Tavern in Virginia in the 1770s (* - the System won't let me put in the actual name).  How can he be almost 300 years old but not look a day over 80?  Maybe if he was a vampire, but we know those arent real, so the only remaining logical explanation is that he must be an alien!

And what is up with climate change?  Most of the aliens came from hotter planets so they took over fossil fuel companies early and allowed us to develop technologies to burn fuel as fast as possible to quickly destroy our planet and make it more habitable for them!  And they used us to do it so it doesnt even look like alien influence was behind it!

We can also look at what our future alien overlords do with their money.  Now if you were the richest person in the world, what would you do?  Obviously you would buy a small Caribbean (or maybe Mediterranean or South Pacific) island or possibly an entire country, bring in an excellent medical staff and the most beautiful women from around the world (assuming you are male) and spend the rest of your days frolicking on the sand.  Please dont deny it, we all know its true!  However, what have Bezos and Musk done?  Started companies that build spaceships!  SpaceX, Blue Origin are you kidding me?  That is certainly not normal human behavior and clearly was done so they can have transport back to their home worlds (or possibly to bring back their relatives - durn anchor babies).  It also gives them cover in case they can repair one of the alien spacecraft held around the world they can hail it as a new, homegrown invention!

As if all the above were not completely convincing, I can provide a further piece of evidence: domestic cats.  Why do we spend our lives in servitude to creatures that provide nothing in return?  How is it that cats were able to so quickly take over the internet?  What made the ancient Egyptians worship them as gods?  We are expected to feed them, give them excellent medical care, constantly refresh their water dishes, clean up after all their messes from barfing all over the place, let them out, and in, and out, and in, and out, and maybe in again, and scoop their poop several times a day, and what do they do for us?  Maybe bring us a dead animal, or only half of one, if were lucky.  And if were not fast enough bringing them their dinner?  They will show their displeasure by peeing on your shirt!  Ever have one stare at you?  They never blink clearly part of their alien mind-control techniques.  Cats seem to have been brought here to train us to be more effective slaves for our alien leaders once they have fully taken over the planet, and we have fallen for it hook, line and sinker!

People, its time to wake up and smell the coffee - all of the above provides, clear, unambiguous, irrefutable proof that the aliens are here among us and are planning for our imminent demise!  Resistance is futile - we will either be wiped out or reduced to servitude.  So now you know the truth and we can stop all of these discussions!  OK, I have to stop writing and go feed the cats or there will be pee to pay.

(Disclaimer: It is possible that I made up parts or maybe all of the above.  Except for Mitch McConnell and the cats).

hahahhahahaha  rofl

Brilliant piece of writing - and so true of course. ;) Especially about the cats  ;D

« Reply #170 on: June 13, 2023, 08:53 »

hahahhahahaha  rofl

Brilliant piece of writing - and so true of course. ;) Especially about the cats  ;D

Really? But what does your husband think?

« Reply #171 on: June 13, 2023, 12:43 »
... moving on.

Congressman Tim Burchett will be leading the congressional hearings regarding the testimonials given by military personnel starting with David Grush.

James Comer, Chairman of the House Oversight Committee has appointed Burchett and others to hold the hearings.

interview here https://youtu.be/jGl6l8RfE8E

Uncle Pete

  • Great Place by a Great Lake - My Home Port
« Reply #172 on: June 13, 2023, 12:44 »
So Long, and Thanks for All the Fish

« Reply #173 on: June 13, 2023, 18:36 »
OK, its time to stop all this speculation and look objectively at the facts we already know.  Once you do, its very clear that the aliens are here, have been living with us for decades at least and are planning for their coming takeover.

We can summarize the proof in two words (or one name): Elon Musk.  How is it that one person can come up with so many technologically important companies Tesla, Boring, Neuralink?  Is that possible for a human being?  You know it isnt.  With Tesla he can monitor where we are going and what we are doing, with Boring he can develop rapid underground transport so the aliens can get where they want undetected, and the purpose of Neuralink is to develop implants that can control human thought.  Why would he do this?  Hello???  Obviously to control human minds after the alien takeover!  Musk is supposedly from South Africa, but has anyone seen his birth certificate?  Has he provided a DNA sample to prove that he is human?  I dont think so - and you know the reason why!  Musk is always saying that people need to have more kids, but by people he doesnt mean you or me, instead that is a message to his species to produce more aliens for the coming takeover.

Have you ever wondered why Mark Zuckerberg looks (and acts) so much like a robot?  Because thats the way everybody looks on his planet!  The character Data in Star Trek was obviously modeled after another member of Zuckerbergs species.  And what is up with Meta and the Metaverse?  Most likely trying to recreate his original planet here on Earth.

What about Jeff Bezos?  How could a normal human have quickly made a small company selling used books into a behemoth that moves 80% of all commerce on the planet?  Alien technology or knowhow.  Ever notice how his right eye always seems a little off compared to the left?  Thats clearly because his alien body is having a hard time fitting inside its human shell.

What about Warren Buffett?  It seems he got where he is through smarts and hard work probably one of us.

The aliens also seem to have completely taken over one of the major political parties in the U.S.  Does Donald Trumps orange skin make you think something is a little off?  Well thats the normal color for beings from his planet!

What about Ron DeSantis complete lack of emotions and inability to understand and respond to typical human cultural norms?  Those are not needed on his planet and apparently he skipped out on those lessons during the training sessions before his arrival.

Ever wonder why Mike Pence is constantly looking towards the heavens?  He is waiting for a rescue ship to come and take him and Mother back to their home world!  (Im kind of looking forward to that, too)

Have you ever wondered why Mitch McConnell looks like some sort of mutant love child between a frog and a salamander?  Is he an alien too?  In his case I think not, unfortunately he is just a poster child for what happens from too much inbreeding.

And then theres good old Joe Biden with an emphasis on old.  How can he be so old and still run one of the most powerful countries in the world?  It isnt from taking his Geritol!  There are paintings showing Biden out having beers with George Washington and Thomas Jefferson at the * Tavern in Virginia in the 1770s (* - the System won't let me put in the actual name).  How can he be almost 300 years old but not look a day over 80?  Maybe if he was a vampire, but we know those arent real, so the only remaining logical explanation is that he must be an alien!

And what is up with climate change?  Most of the aliens came from hotter planets so they took over fossil fuel companies early and allowed us to develop technologies to burn fuel as fast as possible to quickly destroy our planet and make it more habitable for them!  And they used us to do it so it doesnt even look like alien influence was behind it!

We can also look at what our future alien overlords do with their money.  Now if you were the richest person in the world, what would you do?  Obviously you would buy a small Caribbean (or maybe Mediterranean or South Pacific) island or possibly an entire country, bring in an excellent medical staff and the most beautiful women from around the world (assuming you are male) and spend the rest of your days frolicking on the sand.  Please dont deny it, we all know its true!  However, what have Bezos and Musk done?  Started companies that build spaceships!  SpaceX, Blue Origin are you kidding me?  That is certainly not normal human behavior and clearly was done so they can have transport back to their home worlds (or possibly to bring back their relatives - durn anchor babies).  It also gives them cover in case they can repair one of the alien spacecraft held around the world they can hail it as a new, homegrown invention!

As if all the above were not completely convincing, I can provide a further piece of evidence: domestic cats.  Why do we spend our lives in servitude to creatures that provide nothing in return?  How is it that cats were able to so quickly take over the internet?  What made the ancient Egyptians worship them as gods?  We are expected to feed them, give them excellent medical care, constantly refresh their water dishes, clean up after all their messes from barfing all over the place, let them out, and in, and out, and in, and out, and maybe in again, and scoop their poop several times a day, and what do they do for us?  Maybe bring us a dead animal, or only half of one, if were lucky.  And if were not fast enough bringing them their dinner?  They will show their displeasure by peeing on your shirt!  Ever have one stare at you?  They never blink clearly part of their alien mind-control techniques.  Cats seem to have been brought here to train us to be more effective slaves for our alien leaders once they have fully taken over the planet, and we have fallen for it hook, line and sinker!

People, its time to wake up and smell the coffee - all of the above provides, clear, unambiguous, irrefutable proof that the aliens are here among us and are planning for our imminent demise!  Resistance is futile - we will either be wiped out or reduced to servitude.  So now you know the truth and we can stop all of these discussions!  OK, I have to stop writing and go feed the cats or there will be pee to pay.

(Disclaimer: It is possible that I made up parts or maybe all of the above.  Except for Mitch McConnell and the cats).

That's exactly what an alien would say 👽😲👽😲


« Reply #174 on: June 14, 2023, 12:17 »
The Alien seen in a yard in Las Vegas. Now this came out hot on the heals of David Grusch. And it actually took a lot of the attention away.

The ones online including the one uploaded by the teenager known as Angel are weak evidence at best. There have been body language experts stating the family look completely fine and are barely pointing etc. And full disclosure I found the whole thing eye rolling I even mock it myself on this thread. This isn't that.
But this is Angel in hisbown words with his edited version.


It started with a call to 911 from Angel. He reported a 8 foot 9 foot 10 foot alien with big eyes and a big mouth in his yard. He goes on to state there is one in it and one stood outside of it. The family had heard a bang and the ground shook. On investigating the boys entered the yard to have a look and get some tools from Angels truck. They were confronted by two figures in the yard so ran back in to get their father.
It's worth noting that they return armed with handguns not visible in any footage I have seen previously.

Angels reference to one inside and one outside refer to the fact that whomever it is whatever it is one of them has climbed into a digger and the other one is stood outside the digger. Footage of a nearby officers bodyworn clearly shows what appears to be a meteor and the large bang heard on another system (a ring door bell cam) is also evidence of perhaps meteor. Officers attend the property and find a large circle pressed into the yard. Air footage also shows this over the tyre tracks in the yard.

However this footage shows very clearly the family investigating, armed and speaking in an animated fashion. Bare in mind this footage will have been taken to record events. They had expensive equipment in their yard and had been robbed previously.

The enhanced image claims to show the aliens or potentially, thieves ... who chose to wear alien head masks and get a throat reduction.

https://youtu.be/HRNSEgMYsUc enjoy
« Last Edit: June 14, 2023, 16:53 by Lowls »


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