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Author Topic: UFOs now called UAP (Unidentified Aerial Phenomenon) Crowd Stories and photos.  (Read 54053 times)

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« Reply #200 on: June 20, 2023, 07:41 »
It's in the public domain now so ... here is the memo in full

« Reply #201 on: June 20, 2023, 14:39 »
Senator Josh Hawley confirms David Grusch's testimony is pretty close to what he was briefed about UAP.


« Reply #202 on: June 25, 2023, 15:27 »
Latest updates on what's happening with David Grusch.


Ross Coulthart and Bryce Zabel talk procedure and info from their sources within the inteligence community.

« Reply #203 on: June 27, 2023, 05:28 »
I added some aliens and ufo images to my ai content and had a few sales.

Maybe I will do some more, if the aliens do come to get us I will at least make some money before they destroy us all.

« Reply #204 on: June 27, 2023, 17:59 »
Senator Marco Rubio comes foreward ....

He has now heard the testimony from other whistle blowers who have had first hand experience of the recovered craft



« Reply #205 on: June 27, 2023, 20:37 »
Indicated by 4 or more of the following: 1) suspects, without evidence, that others are exploiting, harming or deceiving him or her, 2) Is preoccupied with unjustifiable doubts about the loyalty of trustworthiness of others, 3) Is reluctant to confide in others because of unwarranted fear that they will use the information maliciously, 4) Reads hidden meanings or threatening meanings into benign remarks of others, 5) Persistently bears grudges, 6) perceives attacks on his/her character or reputation that are not apparent to others and is quick to react angrily or to counterattack, 7) Has recurrent suspicions, without justification, regarding fidelity of spouse or sexual partner. DSM-5

Not sure what this was in reference to, but it perfectly describes one of my colleagues in the office next door to mine - Paranoid Personality Disorder.

« Reply #206 on: June 27, 2023, 20:39 »
And claims of it being a hoax abound.

Maybe because it's a hoax?  To me that would be the most likely explanation.

« Reply #207 on: June 27, 2023, 20:50 »
Judging by the comments on many utube clips it appears we are devolving.

I hate it when that happens.  Although it does explain a lot of recent political developments.

« Reply #208 on: June 27, 2023, 21:00 »
What do you think would happen if we had real, incontrovertible evidence of aliens?  For example, if they landed a ship on the White House lawn or at UN headquarters and demanded a meeting with our leaders?  Would it unite all of the world's population?  Would it cause people to abandon their religions?  Give up on our governments?

Why would world governments hide evidence of alien contact if it existed?  Would they be afraid of worldwide panic?  That's the part I've never understood - if aliens have made contact, why hide it?

« Reply #209 on: June 28, 2023, 04:59 »
What do you think would happen if we had real, incontrovertible evidence of aliens?  For example, if they landed a ship on the White House lawn or at UN headquarters and demanded a meeting with our leaders?  Would it unite all of the world's population?  Would it cause people to abandon their religions?  Give up on our governments?

Why would world governments hide evidence of alien contact if it existed?  Would they be afraid of worldwide panic?  That's the part I've never understood - if aliens have made contact, why hide it?

In short tactical advantage andnthen money. After that power.

Running up behind the cold War a lot of the uap sighting were tagged as Russian technology. So it became a military matter by default. With full support from the populace who were patriots. Once you take that avenue and perhaps realise or discover this isn't what it is then it becomes a necenessity politically to keep that narrative going whilst throwing the brightest and the best at it. But military tend to have an idea and then to improve security have certain companies make a part of it and break the components down and spread their construction across several. And have a smaller in house team assembling and installing and testing. Back engineering something that already exists and works but you don't k ow how is harder if you only have a small team of experts.

The Manhattan project used already proven technology and known laws of physics and built on that in secrecy. Against an enemy and that kept the secrecy as an act of patriotism. This may have been the same by accident until it was realised it was beyond us.

I've often thought that the best way to expose something is work out what the secret holder needs to do. So in this case its clear youde need certain experts...

Language experts
Electrician specialists.

at least. But you don't. You don't need engineers because engineers build what is theoretically possible and tweek it once built. These things work. No engineer required.

Physicists - required
Microbiologists- required for possible organisms that could. e harmful. But you can monitor those members of the public or police already exposed and see how it goes. If they don't die it's probably safe.

Language experts for translation of anything you might find. But you, me a 5 year old are already Language experts we don't need a specialist because we carry a universal translator around with us now.

And electrical potentials are covered by large amounts of trained military personnel.

So any clues we could find are in the early days before our technology became good enough that anybody could be trained to monitor and test without having a careers worth of knowledge to understand the results.

So why keep it secret is because to admit you have technology that is hundreds of years ahead of the Russians could cause a war to get it just like WW2 and going after the scientists has already proved.

Religion is another issue because many of those in power who are in charge of the research and budgets and whatever else are religious and they feel it will take away people's moral code and religious calmness if their idol is ripped away from them. But the Catholic Church has already stated years ago that Earth's God could easily have. reates them as well.  So don't panic. I don't believe in god so I'm just putting that out there.

I think there are two very important questions that do not seem to have an obvious answer. Yours ... why don't they just land and be done with it. But the single most stupid question which should be the focus of it all ... and it's a really silly question ... if they can travel the cosmos or interdemensionally ... why do they need running lights?

Because the implications of that question if you answer it are jaw dropping. and give a large clue as to proving they exist. And I've given over a large amount of daydreaming to answer that.

We use them not for navigation as some state. We use them.to make others aware of our location in the sky or at sea or on land. They need power. That usually means a hull penetration. This means a weakness. And it for them at least is a pointless drain on onboard power. It's such a rediculous point to want to know. But the answer reveals so much.

« Reply #210 on: June 28, 2023, 17:54 »
What do you think would happen if we had real, incontrovertible evidence of aliens?  For example, if they landed a ship on the White House lawn or at UN headquarters and demanded a meeting with our leaders?  Would it unite all of the world's population?  Would it cause people to abandon their religions?  Give up on our governments?

Why would world governments hide evidence of alien contact if it existed?  Would they be afraid of worldwide panic?  That's the part I've never understood - if aliens have made contact, why hide it?

The consequences are impossible to predict, unless you have access to time travel. And they would greatly depend on the type and "nature" of the visitors. In any case, it would be a massive paradigm change. And if there are multiple factions of visitors with different agendas, it complicates things even more.

The word "aliens" suggests ETs from another planet - similar to us, just much more advanced. But it is very limiting. Check the hypotheses of Jacques Vallee.

Imagine the visitors do not come from our universe at all. Or they understand and can operate in 4, 5, 6 spatial dimensions and maybe 2 temporal dimensions. We would be like Flatland for them. Or maybe they can completely transcend spacetime. Hasn't Grusch claimed that one of the craft is bigger inside than on the outside and that time flows differently inside?

What if the visitors had engineered the development of mankind and it was revealed? Or what if the Loosh Farm theory is close to the truth? What if among the visitors are future humans trying to protect or change the timeline?

This would probably destroy our societies... I think I could handle the truth after having read many theories, hypotheses and ideas. But I don't think most people could handle the truth because they have spent all their lives only within the current mainstream paradigms and just cannot imagine anything else. It would be an ontological shock for them.

It would be kind of funny, though, if Star Trek, The X-Files, Stargate, etc. all showed some pieces of the truth. There is a theory that popular culture might be part of "soft disclosure" - getting people used to such ideas, so that it is not such a big shock when the day comes.

For now, it seems that most skeptics are stunned and don't really know what to say. Grusch's case is either psyops on a gigantic scale or what the guy says is basically the truth. What a time to be alive...
« Last Edit: June 28, 2023, 18:25 by LDV81 »

« Reply #211 on: June 28, 2023, 18:17 »
In a new Bill Congress has thrown down the glove.

Any corporation that houses UFOs as part of a special access projects is now obliged to come foreward and they will be give funding to work on their project. Or else ... their funding will be removed.

« Last Edit: June 28, 2023, 18:20 by Lowls »

« Reply #212 on: June 29, 2023, 02:01 »
Grusch's claims being a giant psyop just doesn't make any sense. Look over here at this fantastical revelation about shattering alien claims while we ... what over here. What could possibly be bigger than that. Hide some money? Get RFK into the Whitehouse. And if it was it hasnt worked very well. General public are like ... cool now what's for dinner. The press are ignoring it and skeptics have turned themselves inside out bending to cling onto his claim it may be people from different dimensions.

In a single spade of earth there are hundreds of life forms. On our planet trillions and trillions from bacteria to mammals. In that universe ... the simplest explanation is not interdemensional beings. But it is apparently the most palatable.

« Reply #213 on: June 29, 2023, 11:58 »
Grusch's claims being a giant psyop just doesn't make any sense.

Without having enough information, it does make sense. Trying to scare the adversaries of the US. It doesn't have to be the case, but it is one of the possibilities.

As other high-profile people seem to confirm the main points and claim Grusch is a credible person, I exclude the possibility that Grusch is making things up. But he might have been fed false information, or partially false information, as part of the psyops.

And if the phenomenon includes humans from the future, it could explain the great secrecy.
« Last Edit: June 29, 2023, 12:28 by LDV81 »

« Reply #214 on: June 29, 2023, 14:14 »

In a single spade of earth there are hundreds of life forms. On our planet trillions and trillions from bacteria to mammals. In that universe ... the simplest explanation is not interdemensional beings.

Not if the theories of people like Donald Hoffman are correct (and I think they might be). And not if what is reported by people who experienced astral projections is part of the "objective reality". Check Robert Monroe's books or other people who report similar things. They open a door to a whole new reality.

That would be very "woo", but maybe woo is just the way things are in the grand scheme of things. Do you want to experience weird things yourself (without taking ayuhuasca, DMT or any drugs)? Try this program used by the CIA for years, the report was declassified some time ago:


I have been doing it since last year, and it is amazing. I feel much better and stronger. I was able to control (completely "switch off") physical pain with my mind a few times and it shocked me as it happened instantly. Some experiences can be mind-blowing. And I am just a beginner, advanced users often report super-woo things.
« Last Edit: June 29, 2023, 14:45 by LDV81 »

« Reply #215 on: June 29, 2023, 15:36 »

In a single spade of earth there are hundreds of life forms. On our planet trillions and trillions from bacteria to mammals. In that universe ... the simplest explanation is not interdemensional beings.

Not if the theories of people like Donald Hoffman are correct (and I think they might be). And not if what is reported by people who experienced astral projections is part of the "objective reality". Check Robert Monroe's books or other people who report similar things. They open a door to a whole new reality.

That would be very "woo", but maybe woo is just the way things are in the grand scheme of things. Do you want to experience weird things yourself (without taking ayuhuasca, DMT or any drugs)? Try this program used by the CIA for years, the report was declassified some time ago:


I have been doing it since last year, and it is amazing. I feel much better and stronger. I was able to control (completely "switch off") physical pain with my mind a few times and it shocked me as it happened instantly. Some experiences can be mind-blowing. And I am just a beginner, advanced users often report super-woo things.

Well tye CIA tried everything and more didn't they.

You are forgetting George Knapp regarding a psyop. It isnt going to worry the Russians or Chinese one bit.

Firstly Knapp smuggled classified documents back to the states for several years. The BBC stopped that and he had to rush out. But he was given enough that its known the Russians have them too. Further confirmed by Grusch with his arms race statement. The chinese and Russians do not have oversight like the US and or limits of morality built in from a young age. Frankly they just dont care about much. Safety, morality, money,  anything. Psyop it isnt.

« Reply #216 on: July 01, 2023, 12:24 »
... The chinese and Russians do not have oversight like the US and or limits of morality built in from a young age. Frankly they just dont care about much. Safety, morality, money,  anything.

sounds like you're the one in an alternate universe if you believe the US is so different from R&C in these areas

« Reply #217 on: July 01, 2023, 13:55 »
... The chinese and Russians do not have oversight like the US and or limits of morality built in from a young age. Frankly they just dont care about much. Safety, morality, money,  anything.

sounds like you're the one in an alternate universe if you believe the US is so different from R&C in these areas

another unnecessary snarky comment. What you meant to say was "The US are just as bad". And I don't disagree. Just ignore the thread or me lol. You don't believe in any way that this phenomena is anything other than misunderstood ordinary items. You do not believe in the credibility of any military personnel, equipment or data. You just know best. Which is fine. Cool. So stop yourself and show some restraint and don't suffer idiots like me and threads like this. So easy to do. You have the whole Internet to roam mocking people. Have at it. Just if you can't help yourself ... moderate yourself.

« Reply #218 on: July 01, 2023, 14:10 »
Ross Coulthart talking on the Theories of Everything channel now:


I consider Coulthart a serious journalist. He might be a little biased, yes. But I don't consider him to be part of the "UFO Entertainment Industry", like many others. There is a reason why Grusch went to him and I think it is because of Coulthart's reputation. The podcast host is genuinely interested in UFOs, but I wouldn't call him a "UFO enthusiast". No tin foil hats.
« Last Edit: July 01, 2023, 14:13 by LDV81 »

« Reply #219 on: July 01, 2023, 15:22 »
... The chinese and Russians do not have oversight like the US and or limits of morality built in from a young age. Frankly they just dont care about much. Safety, morality, money,  anything.

sounds like you're the one in an alternate universe if you believe the US is so different from R&C in these areas

Research has shown that repeating a claim increases that claims perceived truth value. The UFO propaganda machine is designed to tell the lies over and over and also discredit anything that doesn't agree with the propaganda version of the story. Anything that shows evidence that does follow the story line is vigorously attacked, but anything that follows the propaganda mission is accepted without questioning.

They claim to be searching for the truth but instead are ignoring the facts that would show their claims are vague fantasy science fiction.

« Reply #220 on: July 01, 2023, 15:57 »
The UFO propaganda machine is designed to tell the lies over and over and also discredit anything that doesn't agree with the propaganda version of the story. Anything that shows evidence that does follow the story line is vigorously attacked, but anything that follows the propaganda mission is accepted without questioning.

They claim to be searching for the truth but instead are ignoring the facts that would show their claims are vague fantasy science fiction.

This may be true for some, maybe even for many people in this field. But your claim is arrogant and ignorant.

Garry Nolan was asked to examine the Atacama skeleton. Stephen Greer was convinced that it was extraterrestrial. Garry Nolan examined the skeleton, and guess what. He said it was human. He had no problems to admit it.


If you accuse serious researchers and respected scientists like Garry Nolan of being part of "UFO propaganda", you are making a fool of yourself. There are some clowns in the field, yes, but people like Nolan are the real deal. Look at his scientific achievements, registered patents, position and reputation in the world of science. And then listen to what he says about UFOs.
« Last Edit: July 01, 2023, 16:55 by LDV81 »

« Reply #221 on: July 01, 2023, 16:12 »
... Look at his scientific achievements, registered patents, position and reputation in the world of science. And then listen to what he says about UFOs. ...

consider them, but qualifications in one field don't necessarily qualify someone in another - Nobel prize winners have embarrassed themselves with racist theories or advocating vitamin C as a cure for the common cold

in this case how do his achievements, patents & reputation become evidence for accuracy wrt alien UFO? argument from authority does not give reliability to any statements they may make

« Reply #222 on: July 01, 2023, 16:28 »
in this case how do his achievements, patents & reputation become evidence for accuracy wrt alien UFO? argument from authority does not give reliability to any statements they may make

That is true, but his achievements prove that he is no tin foil hat wearer and he would be risking his reputation telling lies. And also: he is a freaking consultant of the Pentagon and the CIA in the field of...., yes: UAPs/UFOs. In other words: he has seen things. And he is even an "experiencer" himself.

I cannot think of any possible motivation for someone like Nolan to claim that UFOs are "real", if it wasn't true (at least based on information available to him). He has much, much more to lose than to gain. He probably doesn't need more money. If anything, some people say he might have lost a chance for a Nobel prize, because he has been saying things that have been stigmatized for so long. Therefore, I think he is interested in the truth, has sharp thinking skills and has access to more information than we do.
« Last Edit: July 01, 2023, 19:31 by LDV81 »

« Reply #223 on: July 01, 2023, 16:31 »
Denialism is just as stupid as the Ancient Aliens show, whose authors seem to see "aliens" almost everywhere. Same thing, just the opposite direction.

« Reply #224 on: July 01, 2023, 17:09 »
I think we are currently seeing a "gradual" disclosure to avoid a shock in our societies. For some reason, this process has accelerated greatly recently. Maybe it is the knowledge of certain future events, maybe certain circles think that the public should know. It is no longer the fringe subject that it was even 10 years ago. Coulthart claims that the Pentagon/CIA have been talking to people in Hollywood about the contents of sci-fi movies and series and have been trying to influence them.

I think many people will experience a huge ontological shock and when/if the day comes, and their belief systems will be shattered. I think I can handle the truth myself because I am familiar with most hypotheses in this field. But the truth might be even wilder than I can imagine, multiple hypotheses could be true...


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