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Author Topic: UFOs now called UAP (Unidentified Aerial Phenomenon) Crowd Stories and photos.  (Read 53721 times)

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« Reply #400 on: August 10, 2023, 18:07 »
When I was shooting, I didnt see anything, I discovered it accidentally a few years later, sorting through the archives. Everything was shooted by me in RAW format. In the third photo its definitely strange and quite noticeable, but what gives it meaning is that there is a series of photos with a difference of 10 seconds on which there is also something, although without the third photo itself it would never have attracted attention. Obviously something is coming in the sky.

I dont know what it is and Im not saying its a UFO, but its definitely not a helicopter or a drone,...

it's called a cloud!  to be expected with low clouds like this - you can see small changes in the nearby clouds including some becoming darker (usually caused by lighting changes due to other clouds positions wrt the sun.  timelapse  videos easily show this effect.

No it sn't. It isnt the smallest cloud ever to have come into existence, historically in any real world meteorological event. It may be a jet, an errant folding sun lounger adorned with a towel, sailing majestically atop a thermal or even more likely a rather large eagle clutching a small indigenous goat, but whatever it is, it is not a cloud the size of a reasonably priced family yurt.

Regarding your generic mention of murders occurring in Peru  for decades I am not sure that qualifies as a valid analysis of the case I posted. Peru doesn't have a monopoly on murders for decades. In fact I'm pretty certain that murders happen fairly frequently around the world. No the gentleman that was found in Peru was dead. Cause unknown. However given his post mortem appearance he was either extremely badly mutilated by someone or some thing or both or he had an extremely aggressive shaving regime. In the absence of evidence of a razor and shaving foam I am going to assume his injuries were not self inflicted. Maybe he was a smoker and his lighter was incorrectly adjusted. Maybe it went down like the villagers reported but I think we can safely agree the witness who was actually present for the event is unable to give his version of events because he is tragically missing his face,  lips, eyes and a functioning larynx.

Some out of the box thinking though. Lenticular nano clouds?

« Reply #401 on: August 11, 2023, 13:58 »
When I was shooting, I didnt see anything, I discovered it accidentally a few years later, sorting through the archives. Everything was shooted by me in RAW format. In the third photo its definitely strange and quite noticeable, but what gives it meaning is that there is a series of photos with a difference of 10 seconds on which there is also something, although without the third photo itself it would never have attracted attention. Obviously something is coming in the sky.

I dont know what it is and Im not saying its a UFO, but its definitely not a helicopter or a drone,...

it's called a cloud!  to be expected with low clouds like this - you can see small changes in the nearby clouds including some becoming darker (usually caused by lighting changes due to other clouds positions wrt the sun.  timelapse  videos easily show this effect.

Regarding your generic mention of murders occurring in Peru  for decades I am not sure that qualifies as a valid analysis of the case I posted. Peru doesn't have a monopoly on murders for decades. In fact I'm pretty certain that murders happen fairly frequently around the world. ...
once again you're distorting what i said - nowhere did I talk about 'generic' murder - i quoted SPECIFIC cases of corporate murder/massacres in the amazon occurring for decades as the rainforest is razed.  mutilation of the dead has been part of those attacks. no need for alien encounters

« Reply #402 on: August 11, 2023, 14:42 »
When I was shooting, I didnt see anything, I discovered it accidentally a few years later, sorting through the archives. Everything was shooted by me in RAW format. In the third photo its definitely strange and quite noticeable, but what gives it meaning is that there is a series of photos with a difference of 10 seconds on which there is also something, although without the third photo itself it would never have attracted attention. Obviously something is coming in the sky.

I dont know what it is and Im not saying its a UFO, but its definitely not a helicopter or a drone,...

it's called a cloud!  to be expected with low clouds like this - you can see small changes in the nearby clouds including some becoming darker (usually caused by lighting changes due to other clouds positions wrt the sun.  timelapse  videos easily show this effect.

Regarding your generic mention of murders occurring in Peru  for decades I am not sure that qualifies as a valid analysis of the case I posted. Peru doesn't have a monopoly on murders for decades. In fact I'm pretty certain that murders happen fairly frequently around the world. ...
once again you're distorting what i said - nowhere did I talk about 'generic' murder - i quoted SPECIFIC cases of corporate murder/massacres in the amazon occurring for decades as the rainforest is razed.  mutilation of the dead has been part of those attacks. no need for alien encounters

Well factually you proved you can post newspaper links with no photos.  I'm sure there are plenty of murders everywhere as I said. I'm not disputing it.


« Reply #403 on: August 15, 2023, 02:38 »

« Reply #404 on: August 15, 2023, 05:22 »
Whelp, episode is out:

Looking forward to listening.

So for the purposes of preventing misinformation this podcast is quite long and bad.

In the first 21 minutes it was drenched with incorrect facts and poor research lol.

So if you play grand theft auto ... this would be on the radio of your car. And I quote ...

"Ryan Graves is a bald man, wearing the most basic outfit you could to a congressional hearing and he is clean-shaven"
"And a blue tie" "Oh yeah the blue tie"
"He's an F18 pilot and runs a business called ....."
"That sounds made up"
"Basically he is the sort of guy youde see down the Gym"
"For sure down the Gym"

If you can sit through nearly 2 hours of that and learn incorrect facts then have at it. Aside from "he knew a guy once that may have seen something maybe but he's not sure"  "... and the rest of his claims are like ... paper thin "

lol it was tragic. So bad. Time lines wrong, details none, conjecture heaped to the ceiling. Very poorly researched drivel. At least listen to Ryan Graves lol. Clearly they didn't even watchnthenwole thing. Talked sit for two hours but couldn't watch for another two. omg hilarious.

« Reply #405 on: August 15, 2023, 06:22 »
So if you want to hear the latest by people who are helping to guide Congress along with Grusch, Graves and Farvor this is the latest episode of Jeremy Corbell and Geroge Knapps podcast and you'll also get some background of what led up to the hearings.

https://youtu.be/kJR_pSZjUdk - podcast

As an aside there is some allegedly new footage of a plane being targeted by 3 UAPs and the plane is MH370 the one that went missing and nothing was found. Although some time later some very small pieces were allegedly found. Although that's independently being called into question. In the footage and there are various versions you see a plane taking what seems like evasion maneuvers and being chased by three spheres. The footage is satellite footage. At a certain point there is a small flash and the plane and UAPs vanish.

it is very compelling and in another version you get two aspects. Satellite image and another synced video allegedly from a FLIR camera being used ground to air.

So problems. Aside from the usually horsesh%t is that it crashed into the sea somewhere at night. Satellite imagery appears to be daylight but could be enhanced don't know. Flir video .... it was at sea that's why they can't find it surely so was the FLIR on a boat. Seems odd. And this has been around a while though its the first I've seen of it. Never the less I'd put it firmly in a bucket in stable. Well until yesterday when some sources 🙄  became adamant that this footage is confirmed as leaked. Now I never believed the jet footage films. But then they were confirmed as leaked and then the DOD confirmed they were real. So take it as you will ... I'm still doubtful but word is that its real. And it's gonna get more traction shortly. I'll have that pinch of salt ready ...

https://youtu.be/cBwT_2bbeto one of many versions there is actually a longer version but I couldn't find that again. This shows the important stuff.


« Reply #406 on: August 15, 2023, 06:33 »
There's a guy with an excellent website that actually analyses footage. Can't remember the guy's name but he's mentioned a few times in that Ross and Carrie episode.

They treat the subject with the seriousness it deserves, sometimes much more than it deserves.

They've been looking into these and adjacent groups for many years. They know most of the kooks in front of Congress are toning it down for the normies while in fact have a barmy detailed mythology regarding a plethora of alien races (nordics etc.)

Highly recommend listening to the whole thing as they make lot of interesting points, if in a comical way.

EDIT it's Mick West


Particularly of interest for photographers/ videographers
« Last Edit: August 15, 2023, 07:28 by Justanotherphotographer »

« Reply #407 on: August 15, 2023, 08:24 »
There's a guy with an excellent website that actually analyses footage. Can't remember the guy's name but he's mentioned a few times in that Ross and Carrie episode.

They treat the subject with the seriousness it deserves, sometimes much more than it deserves.

They've been looking into these and adjacent groups for many years. They know most of the kooks in front of Congress are toning it down for the normies while in fact have a barmy detailed mythology regarding a plethora of alien races (nordics etc.)

Highly recommend listening to the whole thing as they make lot of interesting points, if in a comical way.

EDIT it's Mick West


Particularly of interest for photographers/ videographers
Yeah no. Sorry to say that source is as cloud cuckoo as it gets. Mick West is a joke.
Currently Mick is attempting to convince everyone that in the gimble video that the craft is another jet, that it doesn't rotate at all and that the proteusions coming off it which in a good copy look like antenna are both lens anomalies and sensor flare. We are all waiting with bated breath because he has taken his torch out to the garage and pointed at his camera to prove a point that he'll no doubt claim proves his point.

But prior to that the 'go fast' video which was analyised by the DOD and various scientific groups within that organisation and concurred it was a UAP was according to mick nothing more ... than a seagull.

He has done a detailed examination and computer simulation of the FLIR pod sighted on a jet and using Google and concluded that it is a lens anomaly because it has to rotate along various axis because it isnt a turret mount, and that gives the illusion that the gimble craft rotate when it doesn't. He ignores the fact that the clouds behind the object mysteriously don't rotate at all.
He interviewed Commander Alex Dietrich for two hours regarding her experience when she and David Fravor engaged the Tic Tac craft and basically implied she was mistaken.

He created a computer generated simulation of her experience to show everyone what she saw to prove it wasn't anything and had to wind it back because he'd made a serious error through lack of expertise.

And just a few days ago he had to wind back on his claims about the gimble video in which he claims it was in his expert opinion another jet. For years he has been told the reason it was classed as a UAP was precisely because it was affirmed that there was no unauthorised jet in the training area because that doesn't happen they have transponders but he doesn't listen to that. Until someone obtained FLIR footage of exactly what not one but three jets look like on a FLIR and he had to concede. But it's still glare he says not rotation of a craft.

You can suggest whomever you like for you but I wouldn't suggest him without doing a very small bit of research about him. He's an ex high profile computer game programmer (Tony Hawk) and I believe spiderman maybe and then he stopped doing that and began a career inndebunkungn. He began doing that with Morgellons. God knows why but he did. And he isn't a doctor but as he says himself on his bio ... "so I wrote a hundred or so papers on Morgellons". OK then.

« Last Edit: August 15, 2023, 08:47 by Lowls »

« Reply #408 on: August 15, 2023, 08:44 »

EDIT it's Mick West


Particularly of interest for photographers/ videographers

Mick West in above video 3 years old : "certainly  the gimble and FLIR videos are constant with it being another plane"

Mick West 3 days ago


« Reply #409 on: August 15, 2023, 08:45 »
To be honest my posts weren't targeted at you. The links are more for people interested in studying the UAP industry/ believer phenomenon, rather than UAP themselves. Much more interesting IMHO.

« Reply #410 on: August 15, 2023, 09:55 »
To be honest my posts weren't targeted at you. The links are more for people interested in studying the UAP industry/ believer phenomenon, rather than UAP themselves. Much more interesting IMHO.

Oh god likewise no dig at you at all but Mick West akways gets wheeled out as the voice of reason and the guy is renowned for being shocking. Yeah the whole thing is fascinating but it is a minefield. I don't avoid Mick West because he is a debunker I avoid him because he is patently and consistently wrong. wrong. He makes his money by debunking but he lacks any expertise in all the critical fields required. Morgelons - not medically trained at all. Military expertise- none. Fighter pilot- nope. Photograoher - maybe but he makes significant errors in the simplist of explanations and I mean glaring errors.

So nothing to do with you but avoid Mick West as a trusted source.

« Reply #411 on: August 17, 2023, 06:07 »

One thing for certain in my experience is that it has never ever gone down like this before. Especially with what I know is coming.

What is coming? When?

« Reply #412 on: August 17, 2023, 07:18 »

Here's the basis hypothesis. They see a light in the sky that they can't identify, it must be space aliens. A extreme leap and conclusion without any basis.

What is coming? When?

You've clearly made up your mind that nothing is coming.

« Reply #413 on: August 17, 2023, 15:44 »

Here's the basis hypothesis. They see a light in the sky that they can't identify, it must be space aliens. A extreme leap and conclusion without any basis.

What is coming? When?

You've clearly made up your mind that nothing is coming.

based on DECADES of real-soon-now claims

« Reply #414 on: August 17, 2023, 16:20 »

Here's the basis hypothesis. They see a light in the sky that they can't identify, it must be space aliens. A extreme leap and conclusion without any basis.

What is coming? When?

You've clearly made up your mind that nothing is coming.

based on DECADES of real-soon-now claims

on that point we can 100% agree.

« Reply #415 on: August 18, 2023, 02:56 »

One thing for certain in my experience is that it has never ever gone down like this before. Especially with what I know is coming.

What is coming? When?

What is already here is the second season of Star Trek: Strange New Worlds. A very good season again and a must-see for anyone interested in aliens. The last episode aired just last week.

Unfortunately, it ended on a cliff hanger and due to the actors and writers strike, it may be quite a while until the third season is coming.

« Reply #416 on: August 18, 2023, 08:07 »

One thing for certain in my experience is that it has never ever gone down like this before. Especially with what I know is coming.

What is coming? When?

What is already here is the second season of Star Trek: Strange New Worlds. A very good season again and a must-see for anyone interested in aliens. The last episode aired just last week.

Unfortunately, it ended on a cliff hanger and due to the actors and writers strike, it may be quite a while until the third season is coming.

to put your humour in context ...


« Reply #417 on: August 19, 2023, 11:12 »
Well that's not good news. So 40 whistblowers have lined up to testify or already may have. These whistleblowers were people discovered by David Grusch during his 4 year special projects cataloguing role. It was during this time that he discovered the ufo reverse engineering programmes that were not part of any congressional oversight. Which is why he reported it to his superiors and they passed it up the chain. When it reached the Pentagon they warned him off severely.

The open hearings were it was thought going to begin a flood of other whistle blower revelations and they would head up more open hearings to put pressure on the Pentagon to reveal what it has. Pressure that was also applied from the Whitehouse as well as Congress. And guess what ...

This announcement from Chris Mellon (Former Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Intelligence | Former Minority Staff Director, Senate Select Committee on Intelligence)

"Sadly, it appears that there is little prospect at this time of further hearings on the UAP issue by the House Oversight Committee. However, the Intelligence and Armed Services committees remain engaged and there is far-reaching legislation in the DoD Bill that establishes a process for declassifying unprecedented amounts of UAP data."

What does this mean.

Well Grusch was meant to reveal classified material from his investigations within a secure SCIF (Sensitive compartmented information facility). To do that whoever is present needs the relevant clearances to equal or exceed his so they can hear it. That doesn't happen overnight and may or may not have happened yet. I believe it has happened and has happened for the 40 as well.

But there has been some rather odd behaviour going on. Senator Gillibrand who was feral in getting to the truth gave a press conference as some event and all but made very light jokes and non statements. Complete 180.

Chuck Schumer who was extremely determined and made jaw dropping legislative amendments made a no comment statement on the issue.

Very very odd behaviours. As well from those on the inside and at the coal face have stated that it is like a war zone with people jumping round for cover like cockroaches when the lights come on.

However it has been stated that this disclosure is going ahead. It will go ahead with governments guidance or if they won't play ball it will be happening without them.

"This will never happen again so at the very latest by the end of this year the people of America will be left with zero doubt that were are not alone in the universe"

but also ...

"The trouble with these people is that half of the political groups are raging religious people and are of the firm belief that these aliens are not aliens at all but are definitely demons and they believe that 100%"

lol. omfg. OK - watch this space.

« Reply #418 on: August 21, 2023, 05:36 »

One thing for certain in my experience is that it has never ever gone down like this before. Especially with what I know is coming.

What is coming? When?

The aliens are coming seems to be what Lowls is saying. I don't welcome that idea. If they are here as the grim reapers to harvest us, will they take the prize cattle first or thin the herd. Maybe they see the planet is being mismanaged and the pandemic didn't kill enough. We have famine, climate change, over population, nuclear weapons and more. I don't know why everyone thinks they are benevolent. We could be nothing but stock for a food supply for many other species. No one welcomed the slave traders, but people want to meet the aliens who could end our freedom.

I think the aliens first mission will be remove the agencies that are interfering with the plans. Take out the government that has captured fellow visitors and holds them hostage while trying to duplicate the technology. Next will be the meddling investigators who are exposing the aliens to the rest of us. They are not hiding without a reason. I don't welcome the aliens revealing their plans here.

« Reply #419 on: August 21, 2023, 11:46 »

One thing for certain in my experience is that it has never ever gone down like this before. Especially with what I know is coming.

What is coming? When?

The aliens are coming seems to be what Lowls is saying. I don't welcome that idea. If they are here as the grim reapers to harvest us, will they take the prize cattle first or thin the herd. Maybe they see the planet is being mismanaged and the pandemic didn't kill enough. We have famine, climate change, over population, nuclear weapons and more. I don't know why everyone thinks they are benevolent. We could be nothing but stock for a food supply for many other species. No one welcomed the slave traders, but people want to meet the aliens who could end our freedom.

I think the aliens first mission will be remove the agencies that are interfering with the plans. Take out the government that has captured fellow visitors and holds them hostage while trying to duplicate the technology. Next will be the meddling investigators who are exposing the aliens to the rest of us. They are not hiding without a reason. I don't welcome the aliens revealing their plans here.

There are worrying hints that we are a resource. I haven't heard hints of food source just 'resource' whatever that means.

Honestly though with the ability to travel across the universe and therefore pass many a planet resources that our planet can offer seem irrelevant. With one exception. Water.

Technology seems unlikely but who knows.

So why is a very important question. That said thousands of people go missing each year. Globally it must be many many thousands. So through crime. Some through misadventures. but that's a relatively small percentage. Where do people go missing to and why.

The film Fire in The Sky had decaying people in alcoves sealed in with a membrane. A fact that Travis Walton explained was a fictional addition he didn't experience. Thank god lol.

« Reply #420 on: August 21, 2023, 12:36 »
aliens are our friends -- read "To Serve Man" by  Damon Knight (1950s)

« Reply #421 on: August 21, 2023, 12:51 »
aliens are our friends -- read "To Serve Man" by  Damon Knight (1950s)

If they are aliens and not us /future us/interdimensional somebodies they seem to be very happy for us to starve, war against each other, and struggle on. The cry for disclosure so that we can benefit from their advanced technology seems optimistic at best.

Personally I want disclosure or rather full disclosure so that we can put the secrecy to bed and get on with learning what we can. Unfortunately that probably means capturing. That said the Russian files show they haven't mucked about filming them from cockpits and straight out tried to bring them down with recorded losses and retaliation.

« Reply #422 on: August 21, 2023, 13:01 »
aliens are our friends -- read "To Serve Man" by  Damon Knight (1950s)

If they are aliens and not us /future us/interdimensional somebodies they seem to be very happy for us to starve, war against each other, and struggle on. The cry for disclosure so that we can benefit from their advanced technology seems optimistic at best.

Personally I want disclosure or rather full disclosure so that we can put the secrecy to bed and get on with learning what we can. Unfortunately that probably means capturing. That said the Russian files show they haven't mucked about filming them from cockpits and straight out tried to bring them down with recorded losses and retaliation.

you have a humor deficit

« Reply #423 on: August 21, 2023, 14:09 »
aliens are our friends -- read "To Serve Man" by  Damon Knight (1950s)

If they are aliens and not us /future us/interdimensional somebodies they seem to be very happy for us to starve, war against each other, and struggle on. The cry for disclosure so that we can benefit from their advanced technology seems optimistic at best.

Personally I want disclosure or rather full disclosure so that we can put the secrecy to bed and get on with learning what we can. Unfortunately that probably means capturing. That said the Russian files show they haven't mucked about filming them from cockpits and straight out tried to bring them down with recorded losses and retaliation.

you have a humor deficit

You're probably right 😆 I think I'm frustrated with the drip feed. And now with what's going on regarding future hearings it doesn't look great. There is a small window for this to happen. Biden. Next year this will get buried again as the elections start in ernest. Tactically more needs to have happened publicly. There is more to come. But it needs to speed up. Or it will get hidden again.

« Reply #424 on: August 21, 2023, 16:55 »
senator Eric Burlison

I find I have a hard time buying the idea that an alien species is technologically capable to reach nearly the speed of light, travel trillions of miles or more, and gets here and somehow incapable of navigating Earths atmosphere,.

In my opinion I think its either angels or its manmade, he said. I think the most likely explanation is that its manmade.

just wow


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