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Author Topic: UFOs now called UAP (Unidentified Aerial Phenomenon) Crowd Stories and photos.  (Read 64254 times)

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« Reply #550 on: November 08, 2023, 17:30 »
They do not say they are aliens and think they may be a prehuman race related to lizards.

There is no such thing as a prehuman race related to lizards.

What do you think they are? I thought these mummies had been debunked. Then it transpired these were not the amalgamated ones. Now none of them appear to be. So what are they?

« Reply #551 on: November 08, 2023, 18:49 »
There is no such thing as a prehuman race related to lizards.

What do you think they are? I thought these mummies had been debunked. Then it transpired these were not the amalgamated ones. Now none of them appear to be. So what are they?

I have not spend a lot of time reading up on them, but from what I have read, it still seems to be the most likely that they are some kind of fraud.

They are definitely not pre-humans related to lizards, though.

Humans and lizards are on different branches of the land vertebrate evolutionary tree. Humans are mammals and so are all pre-humans.

Lizards are usually categorized as reptiles (although that is a paraphyletic group). They are more closely related to birds than to mammals.

« Reply #553 on: November 09, 2023, 05:58 »
There is no such thing as a prehuman race related to lizards.

What do you think they are? I thought these mummies had been debunked. Then it transpired these were not the amalgamated ones. Now none of them appear to be. So what are they?

I have not spend a lot of time reading up on them, but from what I have read, it still seems to be the most likely that they are some kind of fraud.

They are definitely not pre-humans related to lizards, though.

Humans and lizards are on different branches of the land vertebrate evolutionary tree. Humans are mammals and so are all pre-humans.

Lizards are usually categorized as reptiles (although that is a paraphyletic group). They are more closely related to birds than to mammals.

The fraud claim came from a single utube clip. That's all it took. And from some time ago and took on a life of its own. Jamie Musshain is actually apprently a very good rigorous reporter but has become less reliable because of that video and his claims now.

These new medical examinations follow on from previous ones which although doen live were literally laughed at by American news outlets because they were "mexicans" ... just lovely. Nice bit of racism. Well we shall have to see where it goes.

« Reply #555 on: November 10, 2023, 10:05 »
These new medical examinations follow on from previous ones which although doen live were literally laughed at by American news outlets because they were "mexicans" ... just lovely. Nice bit of racism. Well we shall have to see where it goes.

please show references where this occurred

the results were laughed at because they were nonsense, not for any racial bias

« Reply #556 on: November 10, 2023, 10:34 »
These new medical examinations follow on from previous ones which although doen live were literally laughed at by American news outlets because they were "mexicans" ... just lovely. Nice bit of racism. Well we shall have to see where it goes.

please show references where this occurred

the results were laughed at because they were nonsense, not for any racial bias

These new medical examinations follow on from previous ones which although doen live were literally laughed at by American news outlets because they were "mexicans" ... just lovely. Nice bit of racism. Well we shall have to see where it goes.

please show references where this occurred

the results were laughed at because they were nonsense, not for any racial bias

You again have no idea what you're talking about as per usual. The rough quote was ... "They've been examined by some Mexican doctors apprently and they claim that they are real and haven't been adulterated but I wouldn't go to Mexico for treatment for as much as a cold"

The source is on page 22 which has the link to the latest investigations. They don't claim that they are aliens and neither did I.

« Reply #557 on: November 11, 2023, 12:22 »
Sean Kirkpatrick head of AARO until next month at least has given an off camera round table

After affirming that he has attempted to interview David Grusch several times and been declined (a claim David Grusch denies strongly as does his lawyer) he goes on give more information obtained from those he believes David Grusch may have obtained his claimed information from ...

Q: One quick follow up question. So, you said you think you've all talked to the same people David Grusch did. Are you able to expand on that? What did they share with you all?

DR. KIRKPATRICK: No. For a variety of reasons, so we -- we, obviously, we are obligated to protect all these people's identities for for all kinds of reasons. What they are reporting, we are documenting. They are reviewing and then revalidating that this is what they want to say. We then research all of that collectively. There is a there is a, if you think of it as a story arc, there's a number of people that kind of fit into this story arc.

But then there's these little offshoots and variations on themes. We're investigating each and every one of them. We're cross-referencing those. There are some bits of information that are turning out to be things and events that really happened. A lot of it is still under review, and we're putting all that together into our historical report.

Not vague at all but assuming he means in the context of the congressional hearings under oath it doesn't leave much that wasn't extraordinary to pick from aside from funneling money off for black projects which wouldn't be under the congressional oversight because that funnelled funding went to private defence contractors.

We shall see and fairly soon I believe.

Details here https://www.defense.gov/News/Transcripts/Transcript/Article/3575588/aaro-director-dr-sean-kirkpatrick-holds-an-off-camera-media-roundtable/

« Reply #558 on: November 12, 2023, 14:15 »
David Grusch new interview airing now


« Reply #559 on: November 15, 2023, 09:23 »
These new medical examinations follow on from previous ones which although doen live were literally laughed at by American news outlets because they were "mexicans" ... just lovely. Nice bit of racism. Well we shall have to see where it goes.

please show references where this occurred

the results were laughed at because they were nonsense, not for any racial bias

Another important congressional investigation. A congressman is calling for a federal investigation of Warner Bros. for its handling of Coyote vs. Acme.

« Reply #560 on: November 21, 2023, 18:08 »
Whistle blower David Grusch 2 hours 40 minutes on the Joe Rogan experience dropped a couple of hours ago.

Any infantile comments will be ignored. This man is beyond reproach. His credentials are beyond reproach. His information is beyond reproach and has been investigated fully by congressional members, Intelligence leaders past and present and lawyers. Be extremely careful what you write regarding him because not only will you make yourself look rather stupid anything vaguely iffy legally will be traced. Have no doubt at all that anything regarding this man on any platform is being scraped and monitored. Zero doubt.
This isn't paranoid delusional nonsense, this guy has been vetted and investigated to death and they've found nothing to discredit him. They've (all the 3 letter agencies, Congress, Whitehouse, everyone who matters).


« Reply #561 on: November 25, 2023, 18:38 »
in less than 72 hours Senater Schumers amendment is due to be either passed or thrown out. It is a brutal amendment and requires any and all to make known what they hold regarding UAP - material, bodies, evidence, retrieved craft and so on. The wording of the amendment leaves almost zero wiggle room. It has been swiftly going through the various stages being pushed along by a large group of senators who want to know the truth.

However senator Mike Turner who's campaign funds are made up of mostly all the military contractors like Lockhead Martin (known to be in possession of at least one craft) and other major defence contractors, had privately been running around attempting to get the amendment thrown out. When this was made public earlier this year he was exposed and forced to go on camera to call it all nonsense.

But despite his claim he has renewed his efforts to prevent the amendment being passed and is fighting tooth and nail to get it thrown out. If there was no truth to the amendment it wouldn't matter if it passed. And yet he is determined to get it thrown out.

These are the last hours you have to contact your senators and let them know how you feel. If the amendment doesn't pass black budget money will be funnelled with zero congressional oversight. None.

This from Chris Mellon -
« Last Edit: November 25, 2023, 18:40 by Lowls »

« Reply #562 on: November 26, 2023, 18:35 »
Rumours already surfacing that Mitch McConnell approached senator Schumer and told him "Its gone, its out, your UAP amendment has been thrown out"

And because of that a redundancy is being put into motion.

« Reply #563 on: November 29, 2023, 04:31 »
So the Schumer amendment is floating in a void at present.
After rumours that Mitch McConnell has been running around claiming the bill is a dead duck suddenly certain congresspeople have risen up to make their stance known.

Those who are deeply opposed and allegedly running around trying to turn the tide to have the amendment thrown out:

Mitch McConnell - Senate Minority Leader

Mike Turner - House Intelligence Chair (Ohio) and home of Write Patterson AFB which is the location  for many of the rumours of retrieved craft being housed there along with "biologics"

Mike Rogers - United States Representative

Mike Johnson - Speaker of the United States House of Representatives

But despite the pushback they are trying to garner more senators are also making their voices heard following contact from their constituents. And it doesn't help that this information is freely available. Senator Mike Turner receives significant funding from aerospace organisations who have allegedly been given retrieved crashed UAP for analysis and have done for years.

It isnt a great look when you are trying to destroy a piece of proposed legislation which would force organisations to hand over crashed craft and biologics and data to the US government when those same organisations fund you. And yet that's what's going down.

It looks as though the eminent domain part of the disclosure act may be being removed.

Mike Turners funding

« Last Edit: November 29, 2023, 04:33 by Lowls »

« Reply #564 on: December 06, 2023, 09:38 »
So the schumer rounds bill has
been rejected
been gutted of the powerful language written in it
is being strengthened further and will be passed intact
is being desperately fought for as well as discarded.

The conflicting information coming out of there is mad. However a high powered law firm have made it clear that unless it passes in tact they will take matters into their own hands and a date has been set for final votes on an in tact or gutted bill by Decemeber 21st. Unless it gets extended. If all parties are happy it will be given to Biden earlier or later depending how it goes.

If it passes unchanged it will begin a rapid disclosure process that will be a paradigm changer but by rapid they mean by 2034. If it gets thrown out a "catastrophic disclosure" plan is in place to shuffle things along with no restraint. Apprently way too many people are now in the loop and there is zero hope of putting the sh*t back in the horse. Literally none because vast chunks of it are very open secrets. So many know the facts allegedly that everyone is waiting for it to be leaked so they know what course to take.

I am not in the loop. Or I'd have just gotten it over with. 🤷

« Reply #565 on: December 08, 2023, 16:31 »
Senator Schumers UAP disclosure act remains but has been neutered by Mike Turner and colleagues.

Eminant Domain - stripped
Civilian review board of UAP material held - stripped
Subpoena power for non compliant bodies and people - stripped

This has rendered the language of the amendment impotent to a great degree and now the question being asked is "if there is nothing to this why has Turner and crew fought to remove the parts of the amendment that can help them prove that there are no craft held or back engineering programmes.

Danny Sheehan discusses the outcome- https://youtu.be/A5BihKg2mOs?feature=shared

« Reply #566 on: December 09, 2023, 18:02 »
Journalist Christopger Sharp and International attorney J. P. Hague discuss the finer details of what the failure to bring disclosure legislation into law. The causes and the outcomes with some interesting revelations. Christopher is fairly new on the scene but has garnered some significant sources and really does give a no nonsense journalistic rigor to any discussion.


« Reply #567 on: December 19, 2023, 02:14 »
following the failure of the Schumer Rounds ammendment to make it through in its entirety (factually made impotent) those calling for disclosure have been left realising that this is no longer a cover up. But an open secret in the halls of power and among the media with zero ability to expose anything for fear that the truth is something so terrible that we can't handle it. Some speculate that this can only mean we are some form of resource like vitamins or cattle. And increasingly the wording being used is implying this more and more. And that the technologies involved are so advanced as to render us or our abilities to stop it happening - pointless. Many who have fought tooth and nail for truth seem to have backed right off. Not only have they gone silent but they have literally begun posting completely opposing positions. Defending the actions of those senators who have thwarted this bill. In less than two weeks. Coulthart, delonge, corbell and Knapp. Whatever they have learned isn't good. They aren't dropping it as if they had learned its all a shame and don't want to sink with it. They are backing off and u-turning regarding the secrecy.

But it's running away with itself with even main stream media smelling blood.


« Reply #568 on: December 27, 2023, 21:34 »
Some speculate that this can only mean we are some form of resource like vitamins or cattle.

I would think they could find something much more nutritious and tasty than us.  Maybe there are just no cards to show...

« Reply #569 on: December 31, 2023, 05:35 »
Some speculate that this can only mean we are some form of resource like vitamins or cattle.

I would think they could find something much more nutritious and tasty than us.  Maybe there are just no cards to show...

Have ro wait and see what January brings. If the hype is to be believed its going to be rather shocking. But what is shocking?

Would it be shocking that we are being visited. Or that we are being abducted. Or that there is growing concern that there is a increasing number of 'spheres' being logged around the world by military forces. This is a fact that Kirkpatrick admitted and is a matter of record. They appear to be probes. They are being witnessed by all nations. None seem to know the source and claim it isnt theirs. They can't be caught, or shot down. Although other craft have been. Alaska being the latest well known craft.

What would shock the human race to panic. The answer is unknown and this is being given as a reason for the secrecy but it is now widely known that whatever timetable there was has been significantly moved up. Danny Sheehan believes this will resolve in the next 10 years which personally I do not believe.

It cannot take that long given the extreme releases and claims over the last 6 months. Unchallenged as well. Encouraged in fact. This points to a significantly shorter time frame and at best full disclosure at that rate means 2024. Certainly enough that the populace will be left in no doubt that there are others out there. Other races.

Unless a couple of books can be squeezed out of it in the meantime by the usual suspects that is. But increasingly I think Grusch is going to decide to just rip off the bandaid. I hope so.

« Reply #570 on: December 31, 2023, 10:39 »
Would it be shocking that we are being visited. Or that we are being abducted. Or that there is growing concern that there is a increasing number of 'spheres' being logged around the world by military forces. This is a fact that Kirkpatrick admitted and is a matter of record. They appear to be probes. They are being witnessed by all nations. None seem to know the source and claim it isnt theirs. They can't be caught, or shot down. Although other craft have been. Alaska being the latest well known craft.

Let's hope it's not the Daleks. Although in that case, I am sure the Doctor would help out yet again.

« Reply #571 on: December 31, 2023, 16:45 »
Would it be shocking that we are being visited. Or that we are being abducted. Or that there is growing concern that there is a increasing number of 'spheres' being logged around the world by military forces. This is a fact that Kirkpatrick admitted and is a matter of record. They appear to be probes. They are being witnessed by all nations. None seem to know the source and claim it isnt theirs. They can't be caught, or shot down. Although other craft have been. Alaska being the latest well known craft.

Let's hope it's not the Daleks. Although in that case, I am sure the Doctor would help out yet again.

Only Tom Baker has the panache to pull off a 2024 fight for humanity. If its Sylvesta McCoy we're screwed.

« Reply #572 on: December 31, 2023, 19:09 »

Let's hope it's not the Daleks. Although in that case, I am sure the Doctor would help out yet again.

yet we have decades of video evidence of the dalek existence which make them much more likely than other ET to be out there. is there a Dr in the  house/tardis?
« Last Edit: January 01, 2024, 14:47 by cascoly »

« Reply #573 on: December 31, 2023, 19:42 »

Let's hope it's not the Daleks. Although in that case, I am sure the Doctor would help out yet again.

yet we have decades of video evidence of the dalek as existence which make them much more likely than other ET to be out there. is there a Dr in the  house/tardis?

Well we are well and truly beyond 'if'. I now no longer have the luxury of 'if'

'out there' appears to be the fuzzy point because those in the know are hinting at from other dimensional planes being more likely. At which point I suspended belief 😕

« Reply #574 on: January 01, 2024, 12:08 »
Post deleted as obviously I made an error by quoting something that appeared to have been just posted which was actually from September of last year. Very odd but never the less now completely out of context and therefore the response from me was garbage.
« Last Edit: January 01, 2024, 12:56 by Lowls »


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