1000: This year goes down as one of the most pronounced states of hysteria over the return of *. All members of society seemed affected by the prediction that Jesus was coming back on Jan 1, 1000 AD. There really weren't any of the events required by the Bible transpiring at that time. The magical number 1000 was primarily the sole reason for the expectation. During December 999 AD, everyone was on their best behavior; worldly goods were sold and given to the poor, swarms of pilgrims headed east to meet the Lord at Jerusalem, buildings went unrepaired, crops were left unplanted, and criminals were set free from jails. The year 999 AD turned into 1000 AD and nothing happened.
1300: The Little Ice Age. Summers were rainy, winters cold, and in many places temperatures were too low for grain crops to mature. Famines and epidemics raged, and average life expectancy dropped by 10 years. In Germany, thousands of villages were abandoned and entire stretches of land depopulated.
1836: Millennium begins; Johann Albrecht Bengel (1687-1752) divided 666 by 42 (months) and came out that each month = 15-6/7 years. Came up with date using this formula.
1896: Svante Arrhenius, the father of the greenhouse effect, would be called a heretic today. Far from issuing the sort of dire predictions about climate change which are common nowadays, the Swedish physicist dared to predict a paradise on earth for humans when he announced, in April 1896, that temperatures were rising -- and that it would be a blessing for all.
1953: David Davidson wrote a book titled "The Great Pyramid, Its Divine Message". In it, he predicted that the world would end in 1953-AUG.
1960s: When temperatures plunged unexpectedly once again in the 1960s, many meteorologists were quick to warn people about the coming of a new ice age -- supposedly triggered by man-made air pollution.
1970's: The Population Bomb began with this statement: "The battle to feed all of humanity is over. In the 1970s hundreds of millions of people will starve to death in spite of any crash programs embarked upon now. At this late date nothing can prevent a substantial increase in the world death rate ..."
1992: Greenpeace International conducted a survey of the worlds 400 leading climatologists. Greenpeace had hoped to publicise the results of that survey in the run-up to the Rio summit, but when they completed the survey, they gave very little publicity to its results. In response to the survey,
only 15 climatologists were willing to say they believed in global warming, although all climatologists rely on it for their employment.
2000: Another Millennium, grave predictions, fear, and of course, nothing happened.
Now we have "climate change" which apparently has been going on for billions of years.
2012 is right around the corner. Someone come back in 2013 and please add "I told you so."

Some Facts:
According to climatologists the Earth is actually in an Ice Age cycle that fluctuates between warm and cold periods. Right now we are in what is called an interglacial period the warm time in between the much longer and colder ones. If the record of ice ages is accurate and consistent then its due to get very much colder in the next few thousand years maybe starting tomorrow.
In fact, we've only got a billion years left before the slowly expanding sun boils off the oceans and reduces our planet to an uninhabitable cinder...
OK my point? Don't Panic! Take pictures, make illustrations, don't worry, be happy.