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Author Topic: taxes at PantherMedia  (Read 11863 times)

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« Reply #25 on: March 15, 2013, 06:21 »
US based agencies withhold taxes only from sales that are made by US citizens AND only when the contributors country has no tax treaty with the United States.

So if I understand this right: Does Panthermedia withhold taxes from ALL sales made by German as well as not German buyers  and is it after that not needed to give up the not withholded part of the sales from Panthermedia as an income to the tax department in your own country?

If the answer to this question is Yes: Is it not possible to do this the same way as the US based agencies does: only withhold taxes from sales made by German buyers AND only when the contributors country has no tax treaty with Germany?

I am paying all taxes from all my income (even from all stockagencies) in my own country, for my country has a tax treaty with the US. I am not sure the taxdepartment will accept that I do not give up income from Panthermedia for the reason taxes are already paid in Germany.

That is not strictly speaking correct - one has to complete a W8BEN form to avoid deductions

« Reply #26 on: March 15, 2013, 09:47 »
On April 20, 2012 I was informed  the way I wrote.  PM is EU based not US. Different rules.
A year later, on Feb. 26, 2013 Robert from PM said that a tax exemption was possible. I didn't know before.
For myself it makes no difference, but for  mtkang it possibly does. Depending on where he lives.
That's why I think he does better to ask PM directly.


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