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Author Topic: PantherMedia Relaunch [Press Release]  (Read 13026 times)

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« on: December 02, 2011, 06:17 »
PantherMedia Stockagency relaunches platform with 13 million royalty free images, new design, unique extended search functions and new products
The microstockagency PantherMedia unveils its new platform with more than 13 million images and a completely new face. All new images can be purchased on invoice, per credits or within a subscription. Thus, PantherMedia becomes one of the largest providers of royalty free images and image subscriptions worldwide.
In November 2011, the platform panthermedia.net had a massive re-launch. In addition to the image upgrade of 10 million new images, the design and navigation was revamped. Finding an image in this larg archive is quite a challenge, so the guys from PantherMedia improved their image search quite substantially, they now also offer vectors and illustrations in eps-format. Last but not least, new extended rights are now available on PantherMedia.net.

So we thought it is a good idea to take a closer look at their new website.
If you would like to test PantherMedia, you can download 3 free images until 31th January 2012.
How does it work?
1. Register at www.panthermedia.net
2. Please go to www.panthermedia.net?code and type in this voucher code: G03JG-J5SQN
3. Search and download your images (please mind: choose subscription on the extended search bar on the left)

Impressively fresh design the new homepage of PantherMedia:
The website of PantherMedia got a complete facelift and new functions to find the perfect image faster in an even greater archive. The new design focuses on the essential information for the user, e.g. the current special offer, the free image of the week, registration and their toll free number.
Clear and easy navigation:
The navigation has been completely restructured, giving the customer a clear overview of his account. In the upper right corner, the customer sees his purchased credits, the subscription downloads and the amount of images in his shopping cart and in the lightboxes.
The image preview has been redesigned to help the customer to proceed his search or to download the image instantly. There are many integrated search functions, e.g. similar images, search for the same model and the like.

At the bottom of the website the customer finds a more comprehensive navigation for all relevant information about the products and the company.

Faster image search with extended search functions

The extended search is now on the left hand side of the screen to give faster access to extended search filters, e.g. by colour, number of people and brand new, the ethnicity filter enabling to search for people of different ethnicities. Ethnicities are especially important for international customers, who need to have specified images in different countries.
Our conclusion: The new facelift of PantherMedia is a great success!
New: Vectors and illustrations at PantherMedia
The customer can now also purchase vectors and illustrations in eps-format at PantherMedia. To speed up the search, the customer can filter search results by vectors and illustrations only.

New extended rights

The extended licence model has been rebuilt. Instead of paying too much for rights he does not need the customer can now pick & mix from four extended rights for every individual purpose of use which is not covered by the standard licence. These four different extended rights are: the press release licence, the corporate licence, the merchandising licence the template licence. He has also the opportunity to simply buy the all-in-one package for all extended rights.These are the four different extended rights:

Press release licence
As you can image when reading the name, the customer purchases the right to distribute images as part of press releases.

Corporate licence
The corporate licence gives customers the right to use the images in multiple, but affiliated companies of a corporation.

Merchandising licence
The merchandising licence contains the right to use images on commercial merchandising products of all kinds in particular interactive and multimedia products such as computer games for example.

Template licence
With the template licence the customer has the right to use images within templates, such as web- or email-templates.

All-in-one licence
This is a special offer that includes all extended rights at a special rate.

Subscription Xmas Special at PantherMedia

PantherMedia has a special gift for all customers who buy an annual subscription:
Buy an annual subscription, get one month for free! That is one extra month for free! That offer is only valid until the 31st of December.

« Reply #1 on: December 02, 2011, 06:21 »
But have they made the uploading system less insane? I gave up on them largely because of it.

« Reply #2 on: December 02, 2011, 07:26 »
Old watermark is still there..


« Reply #3 on: December 02, 2011, 08:05 »
Can not see / find any info about uploading vectors to the site?  ???


« Reply #4 on: December 02, 2011, 08:58 »
But have they made the uploading system less insane? I gave up on them largely because of it.

Do you mean compared to their old upload system (until about 1 year ago) which was completely insane, or compared to their recent upload system which is almost acceptable?

« Reply #5 on: December 02, 2011, 09:38 »
the recent upload system aint good enough.. we need like 10 clicks to send a picture to pending.. they need to make it better, like a default option remembering some options from the previous submission.. I am submitting hard to them this moment, but it took like 5 hours to send 800 files and many done on batches.. got plenty ahead..

« Reply #6 on: December 03, 2011, 09:03 »
But have they made the uploading system less insane? I gave up on them largely because of it.

Do you mean compared to their old upload system (until about 1 year ago) which was completely insane, or compared to their recent upload system which is almost acceptable?

It's more than a year since I gave up. Maybe I should try to navigate my way around their site again (though last time I tried to log in, a month or so back) it took about half-an-hour to work out how to see my account, nothing there seems to be user friendly.

« Reply #7 on: December 03, 2011, 13:47 »
uploading with FTP
- max upload is around 200 pictures or 1GB (at once, it needs to be imported and then you can upload more)

submitting on contributor portal
- 100 pics at once (select them all and copy main keywords)
- one by one or batches of identical title/description/keywords (once it will overwritten data), one click inside each file/batch Send image to the reviewers
- end of the submission you need to click on 30% - Image is also offered in cheaper stock agencies

these are the currents needs to send a picture to approval, these could have been done a lot faster if they were somehow automatic if there was a default option or a saved one perhaps done by contributors

« Reply #8 on: December 12, 2011, 15:24 »
I received an e-mail from them this morning suggesting that I upload there. In addition to concerns about difficulties of uploading mentioned here, I wondered what sales had been like lately?

Looking at the chart on the right (poll results) it doesn't look all that promising unless things have really been picking up since this site "relaunch" last month.

If they're harder to upload to than CanStock and with lower sales, it's not clear why I'd want to upload.

« Reply #9 on: December 12, 2011, 15:39 »
the uploading is quite simple, not as fast as canstockphoto but not much, you can submit 100 at each time, you need 6 clicks to send non MR pics, MR ones you need one or two more (the 6 clicks are for 100 files once you pick all of them)

regarding sales as a very small fish I do have some earnings there and some nice sales, I had 1000 files now have a few more and

started in October 2009 (from 100 files to around 1000 four or five months ago)

135 sales for 270 EUR (lowest around 0.5$ and highest for 23$)

just finished sending my portfolio today, so will see how it goes with a lot more pics

comparing to canstockphoto (from April 2009)
Total Sales:    247
Total Earnings:    $257.65
« Last Edit: December 12, 2011, 15:49 by luissantos84 »

« Reply #10 on: December 12, 2011, 15:46 »
uploading with FTP
- max upload is around 200 pictures or 1GB (at once, it needs to be imported and then you can upload more)

submitting on contributor portal
- 100 pics at once (select them all and copy main keywords)
- one by one or batches of identical title/description/keywords (once it will overwritten data), one click inside each file/batch Send image to the reviewers
- end of the submission you need to click on 30% - Image is also offered in cheaper stock agencies

these are the currents needs to send a picture to approval, these could have been done a lot faster if they were somehow automatic if there was a default option or a saved one perhaps done by contributors

Hmm... I never have 100 images with the same "main keywords", I have about four or five at a time. So everything would have to be done manually. I used the FTP and sent several hundred images before they got round to reviewing them. They accepted more than 80% of them but put through all the acceptances first and then all the rejections, so my last 100 images had something like a 90% rejection rate. That meant I was banned from FTP and had a very low manual uploading limit (three a day, I think), until I could get the rejection rate on my most recent 100 images up to the FTP requirement (which may have been 80%).

If I had taken the trouble to spend two or three months using my daily allowance to get FTP privileges back again, I could have FTP'd another batch and had them force me through the same ridiculous process again.

They never bothered to respond to my message, so I have ignored them since. They don't sell much, anyway.

« Reply #11 on: December 12, 2011, 15:50 »
Hmm... I never have 100 images with the same "main keywords", I have about four or five at a time. So everything would have to be done manually. I used the FTP and sent several hundred images before they got round to reviewing them. They accepted more than 80% of them but put through all the acceptances first and then all the rejections, so my last 100 images had something like a 90% rejection rate. That meant I was banned from FTP and had a very low manual uploading limit (three a day, I think), until I could get the rejection rate on my most recent 100 images up to the FTP requirement (which may have been 80%).

If I had taken the trouble to spend two or three months using my daily allowance to get FTP privileges back again, I could have FTP'd another batch and had them force me through the same ridiculous process again.

They never bothered to respond to my message, so I have ignored them since. They don't sell much, anyway.

my bad, you can submit 100 at each time it wont overwrite data, you will only overwrite the following:
- rights of the picture
- 30% royalties

(remember that with over 2k files we have an extra 5% in royalties)

you had 90% rejection rate? I am having like 75% approved, if I were you I would email them..
« Last Edit: December 12, 2011, 15:52 by luissantos84 »

« Reply #12 on: December 12, 2011, 16:27 »
My portfolio is apparently already on PantherMedia, I'm guessing as a partnership with 123rf (based on my name being joannsnover versus jsnover).

PantherMedia's link for my portfolio on their site doesn't work - it shows 50-something images if you click on my name from any one image found via a search. If I search for some keywords I see more of my images showing up. Not sure if it's everything that's at 123rf, but it looks like it. If that's the case, why would anyone who's already on 123rf upload directly to PantherMedia?

In paging through search results, lots of things weren't working the way I expected. As an example, with the default of 30 images per page, most pages after the first had one line of 15 images shown and then the next page icon. If I changed to 100 per page it either refreshed and stayed at 30 or refreshed at 100 but then the second page was back to 30 again.

And I see Baldrick's images too - Santorini, roses with blank cards, etc. - so you are there in spite of yourself :)
« Last Edit: December 12, 2011, 16:30 by jsnover »

« Reply #13 on: December 12, 2011, 16:31 »
Hmm... I never have 100 images with the same "main keywords", I have about four or five at a time. So everything would have to be done manually. I used the FTP and sent several hundred images before they got round to reviewing them. They accepted more than 80% of them but put through all the acceptances first and then all the rejections, so my last 100 images had something like a 90% rejection rate. That meant I was banned from FTP and had a very low manual uploading limit (three a day, I think), until I could get the rejection rate on my most recent 100 images up to the FTP requirement (which may have been 80%).

If I had taken the trouble to spend two or three months using my daily allowance to get FTP privileges back again, I could have FTP'd another batch and had them force me through the same ridiculous process again.

They never bothered to respond to my message, so I have ignored them since. They don't sell much, anyway.

my bad, you can submit 100 at each time it wont overwrite data, you will only overwrite the following:
- rights of the picture
- 30% royalties

(remember that with over 2k files we have an extra 5% in royalties)

you had 90% rejection rate? I am having like 75% approved, if I were you I would email them..

No, my rejection rate is less than 20%. But if they take a batch of 500, pass 410 and then reject 90 they call it a 90% rejection rate, on the grounds that the last 90 results were rejections. The rest of us would probably call it an 82% acceptance rate.

It makes no sense. Maybe they have changed the way they do sums since then. I suppose I should go and have another look, if I can ever work out how to navigate around their site (I end up confused every time I log in).

« Reply #14 on: December 12, 2011, 16:35 »

And I see Baldrick's images too - Santorini, roses with blank cards, etc. - so you are there in spite of yourself :)

I need to go and check then. I do have a few hundred I send years back which probably included Santorini and roses. But if they are taking everything from 123 then I can just leave it at that. I don't mind them selling my stuff, I just don't want to waste hours and hours struggling with a site that doesn't deliver a significant return (I think there is about 90 euros in my account there at the moment, which is lifetime earnings).

« Reply #15 on: December 12, 2011, 16:39 »
I checked a couple of image numbers and except for the A in front of them, PantherMedia's match 123rf's

« Reply #16 on: December 12, 2011, 16:42 »
My portfolio is apparently already on PantherMedia, I'm guessing as a partnership with 123rf (based on my name being joannsnover versus jsnover).

dont know but I have close to 1500 sales on 123RF and like I said 135 from Panther directly on their website, so I do see the need to upload, if I were you I would give them a try

perhaps they can explain this partnership here..

« Reply #17 on: December 12, 2011, 17:44 »
It makes no sense. Maybe they have changed the way they do sums since then. I suppose I should go and have another look, if I can ever work out how to navigate around their site (I end up confused every time I log in).

Data of the last 3 months. If the acceptance rate falls below 60%, there will be a daily upload limit of 2 images/day.

« Reply #18 on: December 12, 2011, 17:53 »
It makes no sense. Maybe they have changed the way they do sums since then. I suppose I should go and have another look, if I can ever work out how to navigate around their site (I end up confused every time I log in).

Data of the last 3 months. If the acceptance rate falls below 60%, there will be a daily upload limit of 2 images/day.

Ah, now that's more like it, though it still leaves the door open for silly quirks. However, if they already have the files from 123, I wonder if they would accept them directly? And would we end up with a bigger commission getting it directly than getting it as a PP sale with 123 (none of which I ever recall seeing, btw).

« Reply #19 on: December 12, 2011, 18:00 »
I have sent them an email asking about this partnership, will see

« Reply #20 on: December 13, 2011, 12:07 »
I received a reply to my e-mail questions this morning. It says, in part:

"...Well, even if you're images are already on our webside through 123 rf, there are many advantages why to register directly to Panthermedia. These are:

- Higher comissions
- Distribution partner network of more than 100 partners. Here are all our partners: http://www.panthermedia.net/index.php?page=cms/pages/display2.php&cms_id=196
- Subscription and partner subscriptions
- All extended licence sales
- Direct money transfer and account voerview with sales report downloads"

I really don't know what to make of this. How would they deal with duplicate content if I were to take them up on the offer and upload directly? I wouldn't want buyers confused with two copies of the same image - they might buy neither!

What they seem to imply is that if you are on their site via 123rf you don't get onto their partner sites or their own subscriptions.

I also wonder what 123rf would be thinking about a partner soliciting a 123rf contributor to submit directly instead - if everyone did that, what would be the point (from 123rf's perspective) of a partnership?

Partnership deals seem to introduce complexity and multiple layers of "deals" siphoning off portions of the buyer's cash so it doesn't end up in my pocket. Not clear that the added "exposure" balances out more parties slurping at the trough.

When I sell at CanStock, they differentiate sales from a partner site from ones on CanStock directly. I don't think 123rf does that - IOW how would I know if any business at 123rf is actually from the PantherMedia distribution deal?

« Reply #21 on: December 14, 2011, 01:01 »
panthermedia read IPTC file...and the 'main keywords' and other options are optional, so i usually just select all and submit, which is one of the fastest of agencies.

I have no idea will spend time to click those options and enter main keywords will make more sales, but it is just too time consuming.

« Reply #22 on: December 14, 2011, 03:08 »
panthermedia read IPTC file...and the 'main keywords' and other options are optional, so i usually just select all and submit, which is one of the fastest of agencies.

I have no idea will spend time to click those options and enter main keywords will make more sales, but it is just too time consuming.

the main keywords might be optional yes but thats 1 click for 100 files so not much work, you need to place 30% at the bottom too once we sell on agencies that have a lower price for buyers

« Reply #23 on: December 14, 2011, 10:09 »
I didn't realize that 123RF content is with Panthermedia until now.

I just checked and my "real" Panthermedia portfolio is listed under a pseudonym number while my 123RF content is listed under my 123RF username.

I couldn't find duplicates, however I was shown the 123RF portfolio when I clicked on an image that was uploaded to Panthermedia...

Really confusing.


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