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Author Topic: Portfolio critique wanted, thanks in advance :)  (Read 9591 times)

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  • I sample life
« on: May 30, 2017, 18:04 »
Hi, I been shooting stock for ~2 years, this is what I done so far, you can see condensed version here at my site, or at Shutterstock whole library. I'm uploading to all top and mid tier agencies, RF only.

I like shooting people, lifestyle & portraits, working with zero budgets (thinking I will invest once I earn more), shooting almost always local people, who would like to model ... Reason I want my portfolio to be critiqued is simple, I earn usually around 100-200$ per month, which is a shame, I can't even pay rent with that kind of money :/
I find it hard to enter into any 'specialized' agencies (for example Blend images declined my application few days ago, Offset, Stocksy and imagesource too).

I would really appreciate if forum member who is longer into microstock, gives me any direction/tips.

« Reply #1 on: May 30, 2017, 21:16 »
You've got some interesting environments (gym, restaurant), but all those waist up shots just looking at camera are probably a waste of time.  And things like this will probably end up getting you in trouble : https://www.shutterstock.com/image-photo/young-adult-man-model-posing-shirtless-579460909


  • I sample life
« Reply #2 on: May 30, 2017, 22:47 »
Thanks for commenting Sean!

but all those waist up shots just looking at camera are probably a waste of time.

I agree, will try to make fewer simple studio portraits.

And things like this will probably end up getting you in trouble : https://www.shutterstock.com/image-photo/young-adult-man-model-posing-shirtless-579460909

Because of buyers possible misuse of photo?


  • Space, Sci-Fi and Astronomy Related Stock Footage

« Reply #3 on: May 31, 2017, 04:20 »
I'd ditch the herpes line. The amount of people that find it funny will probably be offset by the amount of people that don't... humour won't get you sales, but offence might have the opposite effect. I know it's reasonably innocuous, but you don't want to give potential buyers any reason not to buy your stuff!

« Reply #4 on: May 31, 2017, 06:36 »
Because of buyers possible misuse of photo?

Yes.  That kind of thing just screams to be used on the cover of a male porn film or something similar.


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« Reply #5 on: May 31, 2017, 07:47 »
Hi, I been shooting stock for ~2 years, this is what I done so far, you can see condensed version here at my site, or at Shutterstock whole library. I'm uploading to all top and mid tier agencies, RF only.

I like shooting people, lifestyle & portraits, working with zero budgets (thinking I will invest once I earn more), shooting almost always local people, who would like to model ... Reason I want my portfolio to be critiqued is simple, I earn usually around 100-200$ per month, which is a shame, I can't even pay rent with that kind of money :/
I find it hard to enter into any 'specialized' agencies (for example Blend images declined my application few days ago, Offset, Stocksy and imagesource too).

I would really appreciate if forum member who is longer into microstock, gives me any direction/tips.

some good idea and some good shot. for me the problem in many is light.
sometimes too hard, sometimes too soft and flat.
what source u use in studio? i think small one mostly.
outdoor u should shoot more and sunrise or sunset. applying filter don't save a flat photo shot in poor light.
i see the trend is more natural shot. yours model all look very constructed, they lack that easy posing in front of camera, most of them. they pretend to be super model attitude don't work.


    This user is banned.
« Reply #6 on: May 31, 2017, 07:49 »
Hi, I been shooting stock for ~2 years, this is what I done so far, you can see condensed version here at my site, or at Shutterstock whole library. I'm uploading to all top and mid tier agencies, RF only.

I like shooting people, lifestyle & portraits, working with zero budgets (thinking I will invest once I earn more), shooting almost always local people, who would like to model ... Reason I want my portfolio to be critiqued is simple, I earn usually around 100-200$ per month, which is a shame, I can't even pay rent with that kind of money :/
I find it hard to enter into any 'specialized' agencies (for example Blend images declined my application few days ago, Offset, Stocksy and imagesource too).

I would really appreciate if forum member who is longer into microstock, gives me any direction/tips.

Hello Milan,

It's nice time to see your works. I would like to offer you that contributing your images to Korean Markets thru our platform( www.imagetoday.co.kr ). If you okay, I will let you know how to do the next.

Look forward to your reply.

Thks and regards,

Wallfa Choi

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

do you have an english version?

« Reply #7 on: May 31, 2017, 08:38 »
Hi, I been shooting stock for ~2 years, this is what I done so far, you can see condensed version here at my site, or at Shutterstock whole library. I'm uploading to all top and mid tier agencies, RF only.

I like shooting people, lifestyle & portraits, working with zero budgets (thinking I will invest once I earn more), shooting almost always local people, who would like to model ... Reason I want my portfolio to be critiqued is simple, I earn usually around 100-200$ per month, which is a shame, I can't even pay rent with that kind of money :/
I find it hard to enter into any 'specialized' agencies (for example Blend images declined my application few days ago, Offset, Stocksy and imagesource too).

I would really appreciate if forum member who is longer into microstock, gives me any direction/tips.

Hello Milan,

It's nice time to see your works. I would like to offer you that contributing your images to Korean Markets thru our platform( www.imagetoday.co.kr ). If you okay, I will let you know how to do the next.

Look forward to your reply.

Thks and regards,

Wallfa Choi

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

do you have an english version?
Pot /Kettle?

« Reply #8 on: May 31, 2017, 11:44 »
In addition to the comments above, I would add that your keywords need to be improved. Many sites do not include titles in the search, so with this image for example you don't have man or woman in the keywords - "one young man" is from Getty's controlled vocabulary and on other sites it's actively harmful as no one searches with that language. On SS, it appears they search the title, but on Fotolia, your images aren't found if your search includes man or woman.

In this image, you don't have young but you do have 20-29 years, you have talking but not chatting, you have indoors in the title but not the keywords.

There are tons more examples, but you need to get solid comprehensive keywords describing the people, place, interaction, ethnicity, clothing, etc.

Some of the styling looks really odd to me - strange clothes or strange setting. This may be a US vs. Europe thing - and that may be fine - but you might want to try and broaden the appeal of generic images. If it's supposed to be something local, then put the city or area in the keywords so it'll get found. Examples here, here and here. Iron the shirt! Why is the cupcake in a knocked over teacup? With images like this, include the place (city/state/country). Not much of a market for large tire lifting??

A lot of stock is about giving buyers the expected and saying the obvious, so things that don't look "typical" sell, but not in the quantities you might like. Hope this helps


  • I sample life
« Reply #9 on: May 31, 2017, 13:49 »
^ Jo Ann Snover, you are right.
Thanks for comments everyone :)

some good idea and some good shot. for me the problem in many is light.
sometimes too hard, sometimes too soft and flat.

If u find time, can u link to those photos? :)
To be honest I think my lightning is generally - ok. Since there are ~3000 images, sure I did miss some :) To some degree lightning is a bit of a personal style ... If you are willing post some pics, so we can discuss :)

what source u use in studio? i think small one mostly.
Studio is a small room, 5x5m, where I mostly use ~120cm brollybox, which i consider on bigger side. Also since room is small, and must be bouncing from walls, I always think its more on the soft side :)

i see the trend is more natural shot. yours model all look very constructed, they lack that easy posing in front of camera, most of them. they pretend to be super model attitude don't work.

Most of people you can see, actually aren't models or even if they are, they are just starting out, I was hoping that wasn't as visible since I pay attention to their clothes & poses. Guess you can't have it all with free, non paid, 'models' :D I agree, lifestyle images always benefit from "easy going" attitude.

As suspected I'm probably lacking in all areas a bit, which is fine, I'll learn thought time. What gets on my nerves is when I work with cheap gear, and get rejected for example, chromatic aberrations (I like shooting backlit) and such. How many of those 0.33$ you must sell to afford good (~1000$ lens), huh  ::)
« Last Edit: May 31, 2017, 14:17 by MilanStojanovic »


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« Reply #10 on: May 31, 2017, 15:32 »
^ Jo Ann Snover, you are right.
Thanks for comments everyone :)

some good idea and some good shot. for me the problem in many is light.
sometimes too hard, sometimes too soft and flat.

If u find time, can u link to those photos? :)
To be honest I think my lightning is generally - ok. Since there are ~3000 images, sure I did miss some :) To some degree lightning is a bit of a personal style ... If you are willing post some pics, so we can discuss :)

what source u use in studio? i think small one mostly.
Studio is a small room, 5x5m, where I mostly use ~120cm brollybox, which i consider on bigger side. Also since room is small, and must be bouncing from walls, I always think its more on the soft side :)

i see the trend is more natural shot. yours model all look very constructed, they lack that easy posing in front of camera, most of them. they pretend to be super model attitude don't work.

Most of people you can see, actually aren't models or even if they are, they are just starting out, I was hoping that wasn't as visible since I pay attention to their clothes & poses. Guess you can't have it all with free, non paid, 'models' :D I agree, lifestyle images always benefit from "easy going" attitude.

As suspected I'm probably lacking in all areas a bit, which is fine, I'll learn thought time. What gets on my nerves is when I work with cheap gear, and get rejected for example, chromatic aberrations (I like shooting backlit) and such. How many of those 0.33$ you must sell to afford good (~1000$ lens), huh  ::)

yes and not.
sure is personal but it an work or not.
some your images work good, i like the last u did in first page.


here for example the subject got confused by the rest, light not put emphasis on them but everywhere else, my eyes are not attracted by them, but by the neck of the girl illuminated by a back light. next time kill ambient with soft box and illuminate the subject more than the rest maybe use some kickers to hint something in the background. or shoot them near window. also there is a HDR felling in this series that i don't like. don't think cause your camera can push shadow without banding or noise that pushing is the solution. light is the solution not pushing 100% shadows in post.


nice idea and light not bad but again too much distraction from background. the subject is barely illuminated. use a gelled flash and balance, my suggestion try use a gel for tungsten balance and flash and use the wb on tungsten...you will be amazed by the result.


« Reply #11 on: September 12, 2017, 00:05 »
Agree with Sean 1000% I had very simple Images of women used horribly. there heads taken off and put on another body then on a Cab in Vegas advertising a strip Joint.Stay away from That.You don't need the problems.


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