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Author Topic: Stocksy rejection-need your opinion  (Read 17739 times)

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« on: April 09, 2016, 06:04 »

after 10 months of waiting for response I've got rejection (for the second time :D ), so I just want to ask you(if you can) to take a look at my portfolio and try to tell me why do you think they don't want me. I understand that they don't want classic commercial fashion photography, but I'm more curious about lifestyle section. I'm not sad about rejection, or disappointed.. rather just curious, so please, let me hear your thoughts  :)

Thank you.
« Last Edit: February 17, 2017, 11:29 by Indie »

« Reply #1 on: April 09, 2016, 06:28 »
I have no idea why, they should tell you.  Are they still only taking 500 new contributors a year?  If 10,000 apply, the odds aren't great.

« Reply #2 on: April 09, 2016, 06:55 »
I have no idea why, they should tell you.  Are they still only taking 500 new contributors a year?  If 10,000 apply, the odds aren't great.

I think yes, and I know the odds aren't great but I would like to hear from you why I'm not good enough for them, because I can't see why... considering the content they already have...

« Reply #3 on: April 09, 2016, 08:57 »
I might suggest submitting something other than head and shoulders looking at the camera glamour model portraits.  Not they aren't nice - nothing I can do - but it's basically a one not submission.

« Reply #4 on: April 09, 2016, 08:59 »
I might suggest submitting something other than head and shoulders looking at the camera glamour model portraits.  Not they aren't nice - nothing I can do - but it's basically a one not submission.

i love your work, but i too had the same first impression as slp...
take his word for it, he knows stocksy well .

also, you should also try Offset, which is not exclusive.

« Reply #5 on: April 09, 2016, 09:05 »

after 10 months of waiting for response I've got rejection (for the second time :D ), so I just want to ask you(if you can) to take a look at my portfolio and try to tell me why do you think they don't want me. I understand that they don't want classic commercial fashion photography, but I'm more curious about lifestyle section. I'm not sad about rejection, or disappointed.. rather just curious, so please, let me hear your thoughts  :)

Thank you.


Excellent stuff!

Maybe focus more on the film stuff you have (http://ninamasic.com/film), that seems to be the direction VSCO, oh I'm sorry, Stocksy likes.

« Reply #6 on: April 09, 2016, 09:10 »
Hey Nina - you have a great portfolio. The editor's are looking for photographers who fit a niche/style not otherwise filled by current members, and I am guessing that lifestyle is a very competitive area right now. No inside knowledge, just my guess.

« Reply #7 on: April 09, 2016, 09:38 »
Excellent stuff!

Maybe focus more on the film stuff you have (http://ninamasic.com/film), that seems to be the direction VSCO, oh I'm sorry, Stocksy likes.

No VSCO in my (or most Stocksy photog) portfolios.....although it is starting to grow on me... ;)

« Reply #8 on: April 09, 2016, 09:51 »
Nina, your work is so beautiful. I'm sure you will be accepted if you applied a year or two ago.
However, I think glamour portraits is quite saturated in Stocksy. I could be wrong, but I recognise a few of your models have worked with other Stocksy's photographers, so that doesn't really help especially when they are looking for something different.
« Last Edit: April 09, 2016, 10:05 by onepointfour »

« Reply #9 on: April 09, 2016, 13:08 »
I might suggest submitting something other than head and shoulders looking at the camera glamour model portraits.  Not they aren't nice - nothing I can do - but it's basically a one not submission.

i love your work, but i too had the same first impression as slp...
take his word for it, he knows stocksy well .

also, you should also try Offset, which is not exclusive.

Thank you for your advice, I agree with you 100%, I know it's not what they need,  but I thought they will consider the fact that I do a few different styles in photography and I enjoy doing all of them. I thought the film and lifestyle section is more for them, but  I can't just remove all of my other work when I'm applying just because I think they don't want it.
Most of my clients want me because of my portrait and fashion photography..It would be great if they left the old way of applying where you could decide what you want to send them, but then again I got the impression they want their photographers to be 100% in just one style of photography, and I think that if you want to be a professional you have to be able to master a lot of different styles in photography - pre and post-production part. ::)
« Last Edit: April 09, 2016, 13:10 by Indie »

« Reply #10 on: April 09, 2016, 13:18 »
Nina, your work is so beautiful. I'm sure you will be accepted if you applied a year or two ago.
However, I think glamour portraits is quite saturated in Stocksy. I could be wrong, but I recognise a few of your models have worked with other Stocksy's photographers, so that doesn't really help especially when they are looking for something different.

Thank you!  :) <3

You are right, I have few friends photographers on stocksy, that's because we live in a small city  and we have a few same models. Maybe you are right about that, I thought they could actually gain from that..because that way I wouldn't be able to sell those photos anywhere else, and I know they don't allow selling same or sister images on other sites.

They keep saying they want different styles but I can only see a bunch of new photographers with the same or really similar style...or maybe it's just me..don't know.
« Last Edit: April 09, 2016, 13:31 by Indie »

« Reply #11 on: April 09, 2016, 21:31 »
I'm a Stocksy reject as well, so I'm no expert in that department, but I buy a lot of stock photos for advertising. Your shots are beautiful, but most of them, even many of the lifestyle images, have a bit of a posed, fashion-y feel to them. What I am always looking for in lifestyle is casual, natural looking images a moment in someone's day captured. I almost never buy a shot where the subject is looking at the camera. I don't mean to be critical as I love your images and I could see myself buying a few of them.

« Reply #12 on: April 11, 2016, 05:37 »
I'm a Stocksy reject as well, so I'm no expert in that department, but I buy a lot of stock photos for advertising. Your shots are beautiful, but most of them, even many of the lifestyle images, have a bit of a posed, fashion-y feel to them. What I am always looking for in lifestyle is casual, natural looking images a moment in someone's day captured. I almost never buy a shot where the subject is looking at the camera. I don't mean to be critical as I love your images and I could see myself buying a few of them.

I totally agree. Photographically great images (much better than I usually do) but way too much into the fashion-portrait style and not so advertising-stock friendly. The Lifestyle category looks a bit better in my opinion but even in there in most photos people do not actually "do" things in what could be their real lives.


« Reply #13 on: April 11, 2016, 08:19 »
Great shots.
The money is in lifestyle in Shutter, in istock in offset and in canstock...  other niches have usually less profits.

I am rejected in stocksy, i apply late and think in 2012 could be in with my actual work... but i have work in offset, Getty... and earn good money. Try them. Offset have the best RPI i see never. (this month more than 3 eur per image)

Maybe one day stocksy grow more and admit new photographers... or not... Lucky people inside, great artist inside!

« Reply #14 on: April 12, 2016, 04:52 »
Thank you all, I agree with most of the things you said :) It makes sense
I can't see myself to be just stock photographer (and you saw that in my work..I'm not going in  that direction). So I applied to stocksy because they represent themselves different, like they want different styles, not classic stock photography etc.  They are also giving 50% of sales to photographer which is great, so I thought it could work for me, but I guess they are still stock site so they want to see something like that..

Classic lifestyle photography is not a challenge for me, that's why I don't have it in my portfolio, but I thought if they see that I can do things that are way more complicated than lifestyle (like fashion, beauty, knowing lightning and postproduction) that I could easily do the lifestyle too (and the editing style they need...which again, I like, but it's too easy to achieve to represent only that in my portfolio) ::)

« Reply #15 on: April 12, 2016, 05:34 »
Thank you all, I agree with most of the things you said :) It makes sense
I can't see myself to be just stock photographer (and you saw that in my work..I'm not going in  that direction). So I applied to stocksy because they represent themselves different, like they want different styles, not classic stock photography etc.  They are also giving 50% of sales to photographer which is great, so I thought it could work for me, but I guess they are still stock site so they want to see something like that..

Classic lifestyle photography is not a challenge for me, that's why I don't have it in my portfolio, but I thought if they see that I can do things that are way more complicated than lifestyle (like fashion, beauty, knowing lightning and postproduction) that I could easily do the lifestyle too (and the editing style they need...which again, I like, but it's too easy to achieve to represent only that in my portfolio) ::)

With a portfolio like yours I would not touch stock photography with a 30 feet bargepole,.....even Stocksy. Stock photography is unfortunately a short term schemme full with mediocre images at best and wild drag your photography down to fit expectancy of sales. I really think that you should not walk but run away from it. In a few years looking back you will be very glad you did.

« Reply #16 on: April 12, 2016, 08:40 »
Stocksy's visual direction is directed by a small group of elitist editors that are looking for a very narrow and specific Instagram/VSCO/foodie/hipster aesthetic, exclusively. They only give vague indications as to what they want, and the few hints that they want variety is contradicted by their recommendation to refer to their existing collection for guidance. 98% of the content on that site could be shot by one photographer.

They claim they don't want "typical" stock photography, yet their most vocal supporter, representative and cheerleader is exactly the style of shooter they claim they don't want to accept. No offense to the gentleman I refer to, but this dude wouldn't have been accepted to Stocksy based on the content style they historically provided to iStock, etc. Again, not a rip on quality, just the irony of the insincere Stocksy philosophy.

I don't know why anyone would want to be subject themselves to the guaranteed rejection they'll give you or the BS excuses the apologists here will make. You have great work "Indie", their denial of you into their little world was a massive oversight. It sure would give the cheerleaders here a bit more authenticity to admit that. I'm guessing they have a contractual obligation to never speak of Stocksy in a negative manner. Which would be another major reason I'd avoid doing business with them.

Stocksy is going to drop off the relevance map like a ton of bricks the second the "current" fashion style changes. Which it ALWAYS does, eventually. For this reason, their public business model doesn't make a lick of sense. All the stress of being accepted, the work to put into it for exclusive sets, then bam, the hipster-bearded-manbun-lumberjack-granola-gluten-free look goes out of style. Ooops, all of a sudden 75% of the collection looks dated and useless.

"I might suggest submitting something other than head and shoulders looking at the camera glamour model portraits."
"i too had the same first impression as slp"


"The editor's are looking for photographers who fit a niche/style not otherwise filled by current members"
"they are looking for something different"

Anyone looking through their collection can determine in about 10 seconds that this is nonsense.

FYI, I know Stocksy defenders will call me jealous, butthurt about some rejection of a submission I never made. But honestly, I don't care to apply at Stocksy, don't really care about those who do. On top of that, I specialize in video. But from the outside looking in, the elitist hipster arrogance is a little overwhelming. Tone a down a bit guys, and maybe you'll get less hate. Maybe lay out some HONEST expectations for the people that actually want to subject themselves to your narrow scrutiny. Just a a suggestion.
« Last Edit: April 12, 2016, 09:28 by Daryl Ray »

Rose Tinted Glasses

« Reply #17 on: April 12, 2016, 09:10 »
Thank you all, I agree with most of the things you said :) It makes sense
I can't see myself to be just stock photographer (and you saw that in my work..I'm not going in  that direction). So I applied to stocksy because they represent themselves different, like they want different styles, not classic stock photography etc.  They are also giving 50% of sales to photographer which is great, so I thought it could work for me, but I guess they are still stock site so they want to see something like that..

Classic lifestyle photography is not a challenge for me, that's why I don't have it in my portfolio, but I thought if they see that I can do things that are way more complicated than lifestyle (like fashion, beauty, knowing lightning and postproduction) that I could easily do the lifestyle too (and the editing style they need...which again, I like, but it's too easy to achieve to represent only that in my portfolio) ::)

With a portfolio like yours I would not touch stock photography with a 30 feet bargepole,.....even Stocksy. Stock photography is unfortunately a short term schemme full with mediocre images at best and wild drag your photography down to fit expectancy of sales. I really think that you should not walk but run away from it. In a few years looking back you will be very glad you did.

That is a bit dark don't you think? I completely disagree.

You have work that is suitable for stock photos, but in today's very tough and competitive market you must find your own place within it. Do some homework and you will find other better agencies out there. I also don't think Stocksy did you a disservice by rejecting you. Stock photography currently is and has always been about hard work and diligence.

Read the comment above by Daryl Ray.


  • There is a crack in everything
« Reply #18 on: April 12, 2016, 09:11 »
Looking at the spam on some of these images (and some multiple incompatible locations (etc.) on other searches I looked at recently over there), they're not going to be selling on a 'cleaner search'. And I mean actual nouns, not subjective adjectives, e.g. 'sunglasses' where none are in the photo, etc.
[NB, I've never applied, never been rejected]

Rose Tinted Glasses

« Reply #19 on: April 12, 2016, 09:19 »
Stocksy's visual direction is directed by a small group of elitist editors that are looking for a very narrow and specific Instagram/VSCO/foodie/hipster aesthetic, exclusively. They only give vague indications as to what they want, and the few hints that they want variety is contradicted by their recommendation to refer to their existing collection for guidance. 98% of the content on that site could be shot by one photographer.

They claim they don't want "typical" stock photography, yet their most vocal supporter, representative and cheerleader is exactly the style of shooter they claim they don't want to accept. No offense to the gentleman I refer to, but this dude wouldn't have been accepted to Stocksy based on the content style they historically provided to iStock, etc. Again, not a rip on quality, just the irony of the insincere Stocksy philosophy.

I don't know why anyone would want to be subject themselves to the guaranteed rejection they'll give you or the BS excuses the apologists here will make. You have great work "Indie", their denial of you into their little world was a massive oversight. It sure would give the cheerleaders here a bit more authenticity to admit that. I'm guessing they have a contractual obligation to never speak of Stocksy in a negative manner. Which would be another major reason I'd avoid doing business with them.

Stocksy is going to drop off the relevance map like a ton of bricks the second the "current" fashion style changes. Which it ALWAYS does, eventually. For this reason, their public business model doesn't make a lick of sense. All the stress of being accepted, the work to put into it for exclusive sets, then bam, the hipster-bearded-manbun-lumberjack-granola-gluten-free look goes out of style. Ooops, all of a sudden the whole collection looks dated and useless.

"I might suggest submitting something other than head and shoulders looking at the camera glamour model portraits."
"i too had the same first impression as slp"


"The editor's are looking for photographers who fit a niche/style not otherwise filled by current members"
"they are looking for something different"

Anyone looking through their collection can determine in about 10 seconds that this is nonsense.

FYI, I know Stocksy defenders will call me jealous, butthurt about some rejection of a submission I never made. But honestly, I don't care to apply at Stocksy, don't really care about those who do. On top of that, I specialize in video. But from the outside looking in, the elitist hipster arrogance is a little overwhelming. Tone a down a bit guys, and maybe you'll get less hate. Maybe lay out some HONEST expectations for the people that actually want to subject themselves to your narrow scrutiny. Just a a suggestion.

I agree with you on much of what you have posted, especially about the one photographer that shoots ordinary predictable set up gee aren't we having a ton of fun type of photos. There are also a few carry overs from that era as well that shoot predictable stock and are on stocksy.

That said, I also don't shoot man bun photos with Nik Filters so it's no loss for me. There is a lot of great creative work on Stocksy without a doubt. Simply put it's not the agency for me and I make a reasonably good full time income being exclusive with you know who.

Rose Tinted Glasses

« Reply #20 on: April 12, 2016, 09:22 »

[NB, I've never applied, never been rejected]

... and never regretted.

Much ado about nothing.


  • stockcoalition.org
« Reply #21 on: April 12, 2016, 10:07 »
It seems to me that Stocksy accepts fewer people not just for quality control, but also so that current contributors will receive a decent income...less competition. I wouldn't be surprised if they accept certain numbers of contributors in certain categories based on sales growth. If there are a hundred contributors doing shots of people looking into the camera, adding new contributors who do such shots will just dilute everyone's earnings in that category. So even if your work is as good as or better than, they won't let you in. Just a guess.

It's one way to approach thingsthe polar opposite of Shutterstock, which now just throws up huge repetitive ports in one day and dilutes everything to the point where soon nobody will be able to earn anything.

« Reply #22 on: April 12, 2016, 10:21 »
No offense taken ;).  I consider myself lucky to be amongst such an inspiring group.

" Simply put it's not the agency for me and I make a reasonably good full time income being exclusive with you know who."

« Last Edit: April 12, 2016, 10:23 by Sean Locke Photography »

Rose Tinted Glasses

« Reply #23 on: April 12, 2016, 10:53 »
No offense taken ;).  I consider myself lucky to be amongst such an inspiring group.

" Simply put it's not the agency for me and I make a reasonably good full time income being exclusive with you know who."


And none intended.

If it's working for you, you are loving your work, feeling lucky by being within a certain group, and making a living then power on. What more could a person ask for?

You know as well as I do, it's seriously a lot of hard work.

I too am also content and count my blessings, albeit I must admit I am not feeling the love with where the direction of the industry as whole is headed. The overall free fall and disarray is concerning for all of us.

« Reply #24 on: April 12, 2016, 12:18 »
Stocksy's visual direction is directed by a small group of elitist editors that are looking for a very narrow and specific Instagram/VSCO/foodie/hipster aesthetic, exclusively. They only give vague indications as to what they want, and the few hints that they want variety is contradicted by their recommendation to refer to their existing collection for guidance. 98% of the content on that site could be shot by one photographer.

They claim they don't want "typical" stock photography, yet their most vocal supporter, representative and cheerleader is exactly the style of shooter they claim they don't want to accept. No offense to the gentleman I refer to, but this dude wouldn't have been accepted to Stocksy based on the content style they historically provided to iStock, etc. Again, not a rip on quality, just the irony of the insincere Stocksy philosophy.

I don't know why anyone would want to be subject themselves to the guaranteed rejection they'll give you or the BS excuses the apologists here will make. You have great work "Indie", their denial of you into their little world was a massive oversight. It sure would give the cheerleaders here a bit more authenticity to admit that. I'm guessing they have a contractual obligation to never speak of Stocksy in a negative manner. Which would be another major reason I'd avoid doing business with them.

Stocksy is going to drop off the relevance map like a ton of bricks the second the "current" fashion style changes. Which it ALWAYS does, eventually. For this reason, their public business model doesn't make a lick of sense. All the stress of being accepted, the work to put into it for exclusive sets, then bam, the hipster-bearded-manbun-lumberjack-granola-gluten-free look goes out of style. Ooops, all of a sudden 75% of the collection looks dated and useless.

"I might suggest submitting something other than head and shoulders looking at the camera glamour model portraits."
"i too had the same first impression as slp"


"The editor's are looking for photographers who fit a niche/style not otherwise filled by current members"
"they are looking for something different"

Anyone looking through their collection can determine in about 10 seconds that this is nonsense.

FYI, I know Stocksy defenders will call me jealous, butthurt about some rejection of a submission I never made. But honestly, I don't care to apply at Stocksy, don't really care about those who do. On top of that, I specialize in video. But from the outside looking in, the elitist hipster arrogance is a little overwhelming. Tone a down a bit guys, and maybe you'll get less hate. Maybe lay out some HONEST expectations for the people that actually want to subject themselves to your narrow scrutiny. Just a a suggestion.

in many ways, i tend to agree with what you write .
we all remember all the previous "great new hope" to rescue us from istock,...
including veer...

remember how we all cheered for veer??? and even canva???

but none of these have any track record just yet. so in that way, i agree with you,
... wait till the flavour novelty wears out, before we bring in the champagne glasses!!!


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