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Author Topic: What to do with these photos?  (Read 7749 times)

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« on: August 02, 2021, 08:52 »

it need long time until I uploaded these photos - now only on Pond5 available.

The reasons are/were:

1. Mostly not sharp photos. Who would buy it?
2. But after I saw these photos in big on my laptop AND watched each minimum 5 seconds, suddenly I saw a market for them! But am I right with it? Or does still 1. refuse all my ideas about it? Then I rotated that photos: and more and more I saw these photos could be attractive for this:

game backgrounds, which has different rooms in a fantasy world or a science fiction genre.

But I might be totally wrong with my idea.

What do you think?

And IF you think it could be saleable: WHERE on which agency I should offer them? Well, of course except shutterstock which AI review will never accept them, even if I upload them 1000 times. LOL
And Most other agencies will reject them for same reasons, just because not sharp, noise and so on.

I am curious to know your mind. Thx in advance!

* In real there are not many photos, but I cropped them, rotate them in any kind to show, what could be done with them.
** Photos were taken in a cave.

And here they are:


« Reply #1 on: August 02, 2021, 11:43 »
Wow. Hem. I've got an idea about what I would do with them but... I prefer keep it for myself ;) no... seriously...  :-\

« Reply #2 on: August 02, 2021, 12:04 »
You seem to be talking about abstract backgrounds.
Not my turf, but there's a market for that, as there is for nearly everything.
It does need different keywording and probably also different editing.
"Grotto Passages Surrounded From Flowing Stone Walls And Dripstones" will not do the trick if you want to sell it as a background.
See how others keyword their abstract content, and take yours from there.

For Real

« Reply #3 on: August 02, 2021, 15:00 »
I like this tool for key wording



« Reply #4 on: August 02, 2021, 19:19 »
I wish agencies still had editors...


« Reply #5 on: August 02, 2021, 19:41 »
Why is there so much duplication? Many are virtually identical. My eyes glazed over looking at them.

« Reply #6 on: August 03, 2021, 02:42 »
Why is there so much duplication? Many are virtually identical. My eyes glazed over looking at them.

Well, after I suddenly saw potential for sales in case for games and so on, I got grazy and tried with only 8 images or so following:
- Crop, so that it is easier to see for what it might be needed.
- rotate often in 4 ways: To see, how putting them together could have more perspectives of a way through the cave and easy to handle for composing a virtual room.
- changing the color from cream white or brown to golden.

Yes! I could just upload the main and original 8 photos instead and let them do the work on they own. They even know it better how to do. But I wanted to find out myself, how it works and now the customer has two options:
Buy only the original ones and safe money and do the work on his own. Or for lazy customer, who like the crops and rotated views can buy all they like. LOL

Hey, I know, it is a little bit grazy. And overwhelming indeed! - or glazed over :D
But I had fun with it and the only motivation was:
After viewing them in big size, I suddenly saw directly a buyer for them - Even the quality is for sure not good, I know! But not sharp backgrounds are also searched for elsewhere for many reasons. So why not these?  ;D

« Reply #7 on: August 03, 2021, 08:18 »
If you want to sell these as game backgrounds, you need to make them seamless.

« Reply #8 on: August 03, 2021, 10:07 »
If you want to sell these as game backgrounds, you need to make them seamless.

This and a few more ideas coming up in my mind.
BUT: Before that I would like to travel to that place again or similar places and take better shots. and maybe also videos.

« Reply #9 on: August 03, 2021, 10:09 »
And my most important question is:

Lets say, I did new shots with much better quality photos and videos:
Which agency is the best to sell that kind of stuff?
Where are these game producer searching for their photos/videos?

« Reply #10 on: August 03, 2021, 16:46 »
Most game 'images' are not photos, ESPECIALLY for backgrounds. - they're CGI which makes them easily changed with viewpoints, motion, etc.  DOOM/QUAKE erupted w this  model 30 years ago a nd rendering has become faster and more detailed.

one area where game developers might look is location shots on which to base their CGI

« Reply #11 on: January 11, 2022, 09:35 »
It looks as if there is electrical light in that cave. If you paid an entranvce to get there, there may be legal problems with selling the photos there. P5 does not care about that, they blame it on you.

There are many backgrounds offered for sale, and the marked interest is modest. It will never be a big deal.

You should also learn to select. Having 3 good photos on a subject is better than hiding 3 good photos in a group of 50 less god images.

Further, P5 is a footage site. They may sell a photo now and then, but footage is their thing.


« Reply #12 on: January 11, 2022, 09:56 »

You should also learn to select. Having 3 good photos on a subject is better than hiding 3 good photos in a group of 50 less god images.

That's excellent advice under any circumstances!

« Reply #13 on: January 11, 2022, 11:01 »
Why is there so much duplication? Many are virtually identical. My eyes glazed over looking at them.

There are still editors.

Anyway, These won't be accepted, most of the places if not all. Saying as one of them. No offence, no hard feelings.

« Reply #14 on: January 14, 2022, 09:48 »
To sharp photo use Denoizer ai from topaz. Do very great job ;)

« Reply #15 on: January 14, 2022, 16:14 »
To sharp photo use Denoizer ai from topaz. Do very great job ;)

i use both deNoise & Sharpen AI from topaz & highly recommend them - the latter for images w low noise.  deNoise sometimes gives weird results with faces becoming flattened androids

« Reply #16 on: January 23, 2022, 13:01 »
It looks as if there is electrical light in that cave. If you paid an entrance to get there, there may be legal problems with selling the photos there.

You should also learn to select. Having 3 good photos on a subject is better than hiding 3 good photos in a group of 50 less god images.

Unbelievable that after that long time another advice coming up here. - Thank you!
Legal problem because of entrance fee? I never thought about that! Well, not for a cave wall. Yes, I paid entrance and yes there is electrical light there.
Until now I did not try to upload them anywhere else. I just forgot them. And yes, not sharp enough at all.
On other stocksites I would send indeed only 3 or 5 of them. On P5 I did not care. Most are crops from only 2 images, turned around and so on, to get an idea how customer might use them as room view (better: way through a cave) - that was more for me I guess LOL


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