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Author Topic: Dune and Graphic River  (Read 11089 times)

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« on: December 28, 2011, 09:44 »
I am loading my Portfolio to PhotoDune. I had a rejection for a photo that said it would be better off in Graphic River. I checked out Graphic River and saw that Isolated Images are one of the items they accept.

For those of you that upload to PhotoDune, do you also upload your isolation shots to Graphic River? Is it ok to upload the same isolations to both PhotoDune and Graphic River?

« Reply #1 on: December 28, 2011, 09:55 »
I have had similiar rejections. I never understood the cumbersome upload process at GraphicRiver so I stopped trying.

« Reply #2 on: December 28, 2011, 10:34 »

« Reply #3 on: December 28, 2011, 12:12 »
It's been a nightmare with Photodune.

They already have over 100,000 isolations over white on Photodune but reject every isolation I sent them.

Once I had every rejection escalated with support all my isolations were approved at Photodune, go figure.

Naturally, I was told in my rejection notifications to upload those images to Graphic River but their submission process gives me the creeps not to mention the one from Photodune.

I have lots of illustrations so even non-isolated subjects get rejected with the note to upload them to Graphic River.

My last 5 support inquiries were left unanswered. I used their ticketing system to follow up on the submission results etc. but many tickets remain open and abandoned.

I've dealt with 5 people from Envato support and my issues have not been resolved, despite me offering to speak with them on the phone to clarify the situation.

The few images I have up are selling pretty good so I'd like to see my entire port online but with the current reviewing speed/results it's not going to happen anytime soon.

Feels a bit like the Fotolia epxerience: Either they gobble up your stuff and get your port online in one run or you end up struggling, eventually throwing in the towel because there isn't any communication (despite the forum activity of PD here).

« Reply #4 on: December 28, 2011, 12:23 »
I've started submitting there, have had a couple of rejections which were approved after an appeal.  But if they don't accept isolations, I'm probably just going to get a lot more rejections, including some of my best sellers.

Given the extremely low prices, I'm having second thoughts about PD.   And besides being low, the prices have no upward mobility.  At DT, for example, your commissions go up as your images make more sales.   PD wants you to be exclusive, and I'm not going there.

« Reply #5 on: December 28, 2011, 12:28 »
they do need a few more "reviewers".. they are the agency that rejected me the most pictures, my port at PD is half of SS :D

« Reply #6 on: December 28, 2011, 12:51 »
Thanks for the feedback.

It was not an isolation shot where they said to try Graphic River. But it caused me to check out Graphic River and I saw that isolations were one of the things they accepted there. So I was wondering if I should try uploading my isolations to GR even though they are also on PD.

I would say that about 75% of what I have submitted to PD have been accepted so far. Some of the ones that are being rejected are my best sellers at the other sites.

« Reply #7 on: December 28, 2011, 13:58 »
they do need a few more "reviewers".. they are the agency that rejected me the most pictures, my port at PD is half of SS :D


same experience here . . . . . .

« Reply #8 on: December 28, 2011, 14:06 »
I don't even see the rejection reasons at PhotoDune - I have opted for the once a day e-mail and via that route you don't even see the total list of rejections let alone any reasons.

I did that because their rejections are so insane that I just can't be bothered with trying to sort it out. I just upload and they take or they don't. With other sites I try to learn about their likes and dislikes to try and feed them what they want. When there is no fathomable pattern or consistent reasoning in rejections, there's no point. It's possible that some of the bulk rejections might have been for isolations they wanted elsewhere.

They're outsourcing their reviewing. They've heard via this forum what some of us think of the process. They keep on going. Clearly it must be meeting their needs, but I think they're doing themselves a huge disservice.

« Reply #9 on: December 28, 2011, 14:17 »
For contributors who only submit photographs Photodune should work fine and like jsnover I'd have the same attitude like throwing everything at them and see what sticks.

For other contributors who partially or solely upload illustrations it's getting really confusing. Some isolations are accepted, some frame filling illustrations are supposed to go to Graphic River.

I understand that Envato wants layered PSDs, EPS, isolated rasters on Graphic River as they "usually" don't convey a strong stock concept but as long as everything that is supposed to go to Graphic River is also accepted at Photodune I don't see why I should be uploading to 2 places then.

I asked them several times to review my full portfolio at Shutterstock to get an idea of what I have and then tell me how to proceed.

Besides getting the hint of help using a specialized uploading process nothing happened afterwards.

« Reply #10 on: December 28, 2011, 14:31 »
   98% of my uploads are isolations and were accepted. The few that were rejected were for failing to meet size requirements. You can find the reason by clicking on Hidden, and then clicking on the thumbnail. The explanation is to the right of the photo.

« Reply #11 on: December 28, 2011, 14:47 »
  98% of my uploads are isolations and were accepted. The few that were rejected were for failing to meet size requirements. You can find the reason by clicking on Hidden, and then clicking on the thumbnail. The explanation is to the right of the photo.

I would agree on your work for sure! BUT I would say again that PD is the strictest agency ever and making tons of errors doing reviews (my top5 pictures in SS, 4 were rejected at PD) :)

reviews arent fair in any way once I have double portfolio in all top agencies beside IS (due to slots) and DT (not what we are looking for or similarity)

« Reply #12 on: December 28, 2011, 15:50 »
   98% of my uploads are isolations and were accepted. The few that were rejected were for failing to meet size requirements. You can find the reason by clicking on Hidden, and then clicking on the thumbnail. The explanation is to the right of the photo.

Hard Rejections are not in the hidden section; those are soft rejections. Hard rejections are not visible anywhere on the site as far as I know.

« Reply #14 on: January 06, 2012, 13:10 »
Hi everyone,

This is one area that has been a point of confusion for our review team and we're working at clarifying it for everyone. PhotoDune and GraphicRiver overlap to some extent and we're working at establishing clear guidelines as to what needs to go where (including examples). Once we have this information we will publish it to our public wiki for author reference.

Apologies for the inconveniences here and thanks for your patience.

they do need a few more "reviewers"

We're already working on it. ;)

I have to say that I'm very confused. Some of isolations or photographs of textures were refused although these are photographs. On the other you started to accept illustrations.
Wouldn't it be simpler and more logical to upload photographs only to PD and illustrations to GR?
I took a look at wiki (probably not updated) that says "Images which are photo-real and are commercially useful as flat .jpeg files may be submitted to PhotoDune, while graphic, vector and 3D-render should generally be submitted to either GraphicRiver or 3dOcean Envato Marketplaces that cater specifically for these types of content. "
« Last Edit: January 06, 2012, 14:12 by jm73 »


  • Carl Stewart, CS Productions
« Reply #15 on: January 07, 2012, 06:49 »
<sarcasm> Oh, oh.  Here we go again.  Someone spouting logic with rational thought, which if left unchecked, would result in the masses thinking for themselves, which would lead to the disintegration of society on a global scale.  It must be stopped!!!  </sarcasm>   :P

« Reply #16 on: January 07, 2012, 07:03 »
<sarcasm> Oh, oh.  Here we go again.  Someone spouting logic with rational thought, which if left unchecked, would result in the masses thinking for themselves, which would lead to the disintegration of society on a global scale.  It must be stopped!!!  </sarcasm>   :P

OK.   :)
But before I stop thinking - the problem is (in addition to my confused facial expression) that full size of identical image can be sold for 5 USD at PhotoDune or for 2 USD at GraphicRiver; EL for 24 USD at PD or for 30 USD at GL.
And no more logic now.

« Reply #17 on: January 07, 2012, 07:13 »
I don't see how PhotoDune will be competitive with the other sites if it only has photos.  Buyers that like photos, vectors and illustrations will prefer the sites that have everything.  There's no incentive to use Graphic River.

I think the sensible option would be to let us upload everything to PhotoDune and give the buyers more choice.  Graphic Leftovers was only for illustrations originally but they took the sensible decision to accept photos.

« Reply #18 on: January 07, 2012, 07:26 »
I don't see how PhotoDune will be competitive with the other sites if it only has photos.  Buyers that like photos, vectors and illustrations will prefer the sites that have everything.  There's no incentive to use Graphic River.

I think the sensible option would be to let us upload everything to PhotoDune and give the buyers more choice.  Graphic Leftovers was only for illustrations originally but they took the sensible decision to accept photos.

I agree. It's a little bit unclear for buyers when they have to change site to buy illustrations. I would prefer to have a possibility to upload illustrations including vectors directly to PhotoDune.

« Reply #19 on: January 07, 2012, 13:06 »
or maybe they should make the search able to search both libraries, and the submissions from either side go into the appropriate libraries too.

« Reply #20 on: January 08, 2012, 05:33 »
^^^The problem then is the pricing.  Graphic river looks far too cheap, compared to what we have for photos.

« Reply #21 on: January 08, 2012, 10:17 »
^^^The problem then is the pricing.  Graphic river looks far too cheap, compared to what we have for photos.


« Reply #22 on: January 08, 2012, 10:48 »
Why have two different sites with overlappings images but different price structure?
Dune / Graphic River = too complicated.


« Reply #23 on: January 09, 2012, 00:46 »
^^^The problem then is the pricing.  Graphic river looks far too cheap, compared to what we have for photos.
thats why i didnt upload.

« Reply #24 on: January 09, 2012, 15:29 »
I've been uploading to PhotoDune, but I'm conflicted about it.   While $1 is more than 35 cents, there are no pricing tiers like DT, so it's $1 now and forever.  No one is going to go exclusive here, so the higher commission rate for exclusives is just a tease.   

At $1, I'd have to see a lot of sales and so far, that's not happening.  If I end up feeling like I've just dumped my images into another bargain bin, I'll probably pull out rather than undercut DT and SS.


  • I work at Envato! How can I help?
« Reply #25 on: January 09, 2012, 17:13 »
I've been uploading to PhotoDune, but I'm conflicted about it.   While $1 is more than 35 cents, there are no pricing tiers like DT, so it's $1 now and forever.  No one is going to go exclusive here, so the higher commission rate for exclusives is just a tease.   

At $1, I'd have to see a lot of sales and so far, that's not happening.  If I end up feeling like I've just dumped my images into another bargain bin, I'll probably pull out rather than undercut DT and SS.

Hello stockastic! I can appreciate your dilemma and realize there are many different option for you out there to choose from and it means a lot to us that you have decided to give PhotoDune a shot. I have noticed that some of our authors have decided to offer the bulk of their portfolio as a non-exclusive author but have also created a second account where they are beginning to sell a portion of their stock as exclusive to test the waters a bit.

I am curious to know what your thoughts are on that approach if you (or others) might have a moment to share.

Either way, thanks again for your feedback and for being a part of PhotoDune! - Josh

« Reply #26 on: January 09, 2012, 19:38 »
Josh, don't get me wrong, I'm certainly hoping Photodune succeeds...

I'm a small fish so my opinions don't carry a lot of weight.  But based on my experiences and observations over the last couple of years, I wouldn't go exclusive with any agency, because the future is just too cloudy.  And I don't see much point in offering specific images as exclusives at an agency - unless maybe that agency's market was distinct in some way, such that the images would do exceptionally well there compared to other agencies.
« Last Edit: January 09, 2012, 23:06 by stockastic »


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