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Author Topic: Photodune, Thoughts?  (Read 77640 times)

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« Reply #150 on: December 20, 2011, 12:34 »
I only today had my first pics approved, but assumed "clickthroughs" would be views... if its not what is the clickthroughs then?
Where do you see clickthroughs?  I can't find it.

« Reply #151 on: December 20, 2011, 15:23 »
If you go to your dashboard you see different tabs (profile, portfolio, my settings, etc), click the "earnings" one and there it shows clickthroughs...

« Reply #152 on: December 20, 2011, 16:04 »
Clickthroughs are in the referral section, so I assume it's some type of referral. It can't be views as I've had sales and it shows 0 clickthroughs for me.


  • I work at Envato! How can I help?
« Reply #153 on: December 20, 2011, 16:13 »
I only today had my first pics approved, but assumed "clickthroughs" would be views... if its not what is the clickthroughs then?

Where do you see clickthroughs?  I can't find it.

Hi all!  Here is a link that will hopefully shed some light on things a bit for you :)

You will need to use your username to log in and an API key that you can generate under the settings tab of your profile.  Hope this is useful!

« Reply #154 on: December 20, 2011, 19:08 »
The 'analytics' page at first looks just like the 'portfolio' tab, but I see that if you click on a thumbnail you get a report showing 'unique visits' for that image - I assume these are clickthroughs/views ? 

The usefulness is limited because you can only view the clickthroughs for one image at a time... 


  • Carl Stewart, CS Productions
« Reply #155 on: December 20, 2011, 21:20 »
I uploaded a batch of photos, nagivated successfully through the upload mechanism on the site, but it says a model release has to be in a zipped file.  I don't remember how I uploaded the model release for my first batch, and I can't afford the time it would take for me to guess, explore, read, and try something, hoping it works.  I can tell you that I've never put a model release in a zipped file.  It's less than a megabyte, for cryin' out loud.  And since I'm not about to do so for one site, I'm done.  I'm out.

« Reply #156 on: December 21, 2011, 09:06 »
it takes some time to get used to the upload system on photodune, but once you understand the logic it appears to be one of the easiest possible. (still too many clicks but certainly better than many others)

You only need to put release in a zip file if you upload via web interface.

If you upload via FTP you must upload all releases for your batch at once, and you must upload it to Releases folder on FTP server (just normal JPG or PDF files) - that must be done before you press Process button.

then Process, then Show all then submit (several times if you upload more than 25 pictures at once, as Show all only shows 25 photos).

No categories, no editing one by one, no attaching releases one by one.


  • Carl Stewart, CS Productions
« Reply #157 on: December 22, 2011, 08:52 »
I must admit that you're right, MikLav.  Kinda convoluted, but once you get the hang of it, it's not so bad, and much better than some.  I'm uploading, and if I'm lucky, it will turn out to be a productive site.

« Reply #158 on: December 22, 2011, 17:52 »
Does photodune only take 30 keywords? I know that Graphic River does and it's a big PITA to have to strip out the keywords up to 50. Again, it would really help with time taken to upload if it was in line with the other sites.

Hi Microbius!  Thanks for taking the time to give PhotoDune a chance to sell your photos :)  Any keywords beyond 50 will simply be dropped and will not affect your upload.

Hope that helps!

They won't simply be dropped.  Your image will go into a "file has a problem" mode and then you have to pick what keywords must be removed, unless something has changed in the last two weeks.  There is no counter so I pasted the keywords into word, which counts them for you. Then I copy and paste back into the file, hit submit and voila!


  • I work at Envato! How can I help?
« Reply #159 on: December 22, 2011, 18:05 »
Does photodune only take 30 keywords? I know that Graphic River does and it's a big PITA to have to strip out the keywords up to 50. Again, it would really help with time taken to upload if it was in line with the other sites.

Hi Microbius!  Thanks for taking the time to give PhotoDune a chance to sell your photos :)  Any keywords beyond 50 will simply be dropped and will not affect your upload.

Hope that helps!

They won't simply be dropped.  Your image will go into a "file has a problem" mode and then you have to pick what keywords must be removed, unless something has changed in the last two weeks.  There is no counter so I pasted the keywords into word, which counts them for you. Then I copy and paste back into the file, hit submit and voila!

Yikes!  I just did a test and you are correct.  So sorry for the misinformation.  I will get with the team and see if we can do anything to simplify this.


« Reply #160 on: December 22, 2011, 18:51 »
photodune (non-exclusive)
Extra Small 387 x 516 (0.2MP)   $1
Small 671 x 894 (0.6MP)   $2
Medium 1225 x 1633 (2.0MP)   $3
Large 2121 x 2828 (6.0MP)   $5
Extra Large 3000 x 4000 (12.0MP)   $7
Extra Extra Large 5412 x 7216 (39.1MP)   $9

istockphoto (regular non-exclusive collection)
XSmall 342 351 $2
Small   683 703 $5
Medium 1366 1406 $10
Large   2185 2250 $15
XLarge 3380 3479 $20
XXLarge 3963 4080 $27
XXXLarge 6440 6632 $32

once again the all pricing needs an adjustment, not saying we need IS prices but raise it a bit, we are cutting our legs no?


« Reply #161 on: January 17, 2012, 06:15 »
Well, I have tried three times to get the initial portfolio uploaded. They insist only in compressed zip-files? and MRs, why is this?  nobody else does.

BTW, whats the upload system like?  easy or tough?


« Reply #162 on: January 17, 2012, 06:19 »
Does photodune only take 30 keywords? I know that Graphic River does and it's a big PITA to have to strip out the keywords up to 50. Again, it would really help with time taken to upload if it was in line with the other sites.

Hi Microbius!  Thanks for taking the time to give PhotoDune a chance to sell your photos :)  Any keywords beyond 50 will simply be dropped and will not affect your upload.

Hope that helps!

They won't simply be dropped.  Your image will go into a "file has a problem" mode and then you have to pick what keywords must be removed, unless something has changed in the last two weeks.  There is no counter so I pasted the keywords into word, which counts them for you. Then I copy and paste back into the file, hit submit and voila!
Yeah way too much effort with a large portfolio. I will wait to see if they increase the level to 50


« Reply #163 on: January 17, 2012, 06:42 »
Does photodune only take 30 keywords? I know that Graphic River does and it's a big PITA to have to strip out the keywords up to 50. Again, it would really help with time taken to upload if it was in line with the other sites.

Hi Microbius!  Thanks for taking the time to give PhotoDune a chance to sell your photos :)  Any keywords beyond 50 will simply be dropped and will not affect your upload.

Hope that helps!

They won't simply be dropped.  Your image will go into a "file has a problem" mode and then you have to pick what keywords must be removed, unless something has changed in the last two weeks.  There is no counter so I pasted the keywords into word, which counts them for you. Then I copy and paste back into the file, hit submit and voila!
Yeah way too much effort with a large portfolio. I will wait to see if they increase the level to 50

Hi!  havent been able to upload any zips as yet but what happens if you got a port of say around 2000 files?  is it too much hassle or what? :)


« Reply #164 on: January 17, 2012, 12:05 »
Hi!  havent been able to upload any zips as yet but what happens if you got a port of say around 2000 files?  is it too much hassle or what? :)

Don't do what I did and upload them all at once by FTP, I tried that to my cost, their server deletes any files that haven't been 'processed' within 24hrs of uploading, (they've now added that info to the upload page!) which in my case meant the files had been deleted before the upload of all the files completed.

My advice is do them in batches of 200 or so. They will take large collections via a HD but personally it was easier just to do them in batches.

One PITA is the 50 keywords thing, their system doesn't delete duplicates (i.e. if you keyword 'one man' 'man only' 'business man' etc whereas other sites count the phrase as one keyword theirs doesn't) and it doesn't tell you how many keywords there are so you have to guess.

« Reply #165 on: January 17, 2012, 12:37 »
The zip file is a pain, but it's only for the initial approval. FTP for everything else and a reasonable system (not great, but workable) for MR and PR: you need to FTP all the releases for a given FTP batch into a Model Releases sub-folder, then the files themselves in the parent directory. They are fine when you have a mix of files, not all of which need all the releases.

Some of the keyword pains have already been mentioned - that you don't get a count of how much you're over by if you're over 50 by their count. I say by their count because I had a file with 48 keywords (counted by SS's upload process), but some of the keywords were multi-word ones. PD counts words, not comma-separated items, so it complained I was over 50. I just deleted some of the less important keywords until it was happy. In this case it was a composite with a grungy window with four season views - sometimes you need a lot of keywords depending on what's in the image.

The other keyword pain is that it won't accept certain punctuation or numbers by themselves. I have some older images with 50 as a keyword - newer ones I have 50s and fifties. I had over a hundred in one batch where I had to edit one by one - there's no batch editing (someone from PD should sit over the shoulder of a SS contributor to see how this should be done).

I would definitely give PD a try. They're making an effort to improve things; the site is bringing in regular sales and in spite of the relatively low prices (I have opted out of extended licenses as I think their pricing on that is way out of line) my return per download is $1 (give or take a few cents either way). That's higher than DT (although the volume of sales right now is lower)

« Reply #166 on: January 17, 2012, 13:23 »
There upload and submission process is pretty simple compared to many...the only way it could be made simpler is if they duplicated the Description in the Title people the option to change it if they so desire.  This would allow me to submit in mass and be done in 5 seconds, rather than spending half an hour doing the duplication for them.

« Reply #167 on: January 17, 2012, 13:39 »
I uploaded about half of what I have - and after a few weeks, things are deader than a Herman Cain campaign office.  If I get a few sales I'll upload more.

The upload process is actually ok, once you figure it out.  Really, all they'd need to do would be add a couple paragraphs of nice clear explanation on their site.   I don't know if I have any images with 50 keywords.  Obviously all the agencies would like to kick back against keyword spamming, and reduce their server storage requirements.  But they're looking for ways to do this, that don't actually require their reviewers to spend time making judgements about the relevance of all the keywords - especially tough if English isn't the reviewer's native language.   No simple answer here, except to come down hard on anyone found to be egregiously spamming.
« Last Edit: January 17, 2012, 19:07 by stockastic »


« Reply #168 on: January 18, 2012, 02:35 »
Jeez!  you cant even get in contact with them via their support!  just some weird wiki thingy.

« Reply #169 on: January 18, 2012, 02:38 »
You can contact support (I think you just have to check the box that says you've looked at the Wiki to get the ticket to be sent). There are also forums (and admins do help people with problems out).


« Reply #170 on: January 18, 2012, 02:44 »
You can contact support (I think you just have to check the box that says you've looked at the Wiki to get the ticket to be sent). There are also forums (and admins do help people with problems out).
« Last Edit: January 20, 2012, 12:55 by lagereek »

« Reply #171 on: January 22, 2012, 11:17 »
Anyone else find their reviews rather arbitrary? Alot of my best sellers didn't make it through, and even one of those initially accepted as part of their test didn't make it through. Oh well LOL!

Oh and if a photodune person happens to read this it sure would be nice to see a picture of the file you rejected, especially if you are asking for something before resubmitting it, as I may have multiple files from the same shoot with similar names, and may have no idea which one it is without putting codes in titles and descriptions which you don't want.

And one last would be nice to get specific rejections, rather than ones that list 3 different possibilities. It helps us authors argue our case if its clear the reviewer fat fingered it...which we all know from time to time happens.
« Last Edit: January 22, 2012, 11:25 by gwhitton »

« Reply #173 on: January 23, 2012, 19:21 »
Yep, now I know Photodune staff fat finger it just like everyone else. :)

Minutes apart I get these two emails.

Congratulations, your item Trans Alaska Oil Pipeline has been approved for sale on the Envato Marketplaces. You can view it online here:

Then this one.

We're sorry, your item Trans Alaska Oil Pipeline has been hard disabled for sale on PhotoDune. This is the reason given by our item inspector:

Unfortunately we're not able to accept your submission at this time as the image quality does not meet our quality requirements due to one or more of the following aspects:

 - Element or framing composition
 - Noise, exposure, lighting or saturation
 - Chromatic aberration, moir pattern or other image quality issues

Thanks for your submission, we look forward to seeing more of your work.

All the best,

Above link now dead...

Of course there is a reason I never responded to the soft reject because it made no sense, and this image was probably the poorest example in the series, all of which were rejected. Okay whatever. They are on 6-8 other sites, were they sell just fine.

« Reply #174 on: January 23, 2012, 19:22 »
Yep, now I know Photodune staff fat finger it just like everyone else. :)

Minutes apart I get these two emails.

Congratulations, your item Trans Alaska Oil Pipeline has been approved for sale on the Envato Marketplaces. You can view it online here:

Then this one.

We're sorry, your item Trans Alaska Oil Pipeline has been hard disabled for sale on PhotoDune. This is the reason given by our item inspector:

Unfortunately we're not able to accept your submission at this time as the image quality does not meet our quality requirements due to one or more of the following aspects:

 - Element or framing composition
 - Noise, exposure, lighting or saturation
 - Chromatic aberration, moir pattern or other image quality issues

Thanks for your submission, we look forward to seeing more of your work.

All the best,

Above link now dead...

Of course there is a reason I never responded to the soft reject because it made no sense, and this image was probably the poorest example in the series, all of which were rejected. Okay whatever. They are on 6-8 other sites, were they sell just fine.


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