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Would you be interested in a replacement to the now-closed iSyndica?

32 (66.7%)
16 (33.3%)

Total Members Voted: 39

Author Topic: Considering a replacement service to iSyndica... need to measure your interest.  (Read 19124 times)

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« on: September 27, 2010, 12:12 »
Hey All

very sad to read about the closure of iSyndica today, but hey, I like problems to solve :)

I'm considering setting up a simple service to replace iSyndica, and I need to know whether it's something worth my time away from other projects.

It will be a simpler tool, and work like this:

  • You upload to a 'picNiche' FTP
  • You login and review received images
  • You set the destinations via unlimited 'custom FTP channels', and will add support for others via http upload in future
  • You pay per task...
for example: each file transfer will be about 2-4 cents depending on file size, storage will be priced about 1-2 cents per day per file so you can use it as a backup if you want.

It will be primarily for microstock, though i may add 'social' stuff if there is a demand.

What do you think? Please let me know cos it's quite an upfront outlay I need to know if it's worth it.

Cheers :)


« Reply #1 on: September 27, 2010, 12:26 »
Joining a service like that requires a bit of trust, since we have to give you logins and pwds.
You surely start from a vantage point: since we already know you for picNiche, I wouldn't have any fears.

So it all depends on cost: with my average number of uploads and file size, I spend about 1.3 cents per upload with Photoshelter. So 2 to 4 cents wouldn't be cost-effective for me.
« Last Edit: September 27, 2010, 13:13 by microstockphoto.co.uk »

« Reply #2 on: September 27, 2010, 12:41 »
I voted yes but I only used isyndica for footage, so that's what interest me.

« Reply #3 on: September 27, 2010, 12:44 »
I agree, footage will be a strong selling point....

« Reply #4 on: September 27, 2010, 12:47 »
I only use the Analysis parts !  So they would need to be available cheaply !! 

The rest I may need later :)

« Reply #5 on: September 27, 2010, 12:53 »
I generally build with flexibility in mind, so would ultimately work with any file type and of any size.

For simplicity I try and stick with a 'fixed model' so pricing images around a couple of cents each is to make it easy to calculate/predict usage cost. For footage it would probably work just as well when priced by filesize, or by size canisters (<50meg, <100meg, <200meg etc etc).

My goal would be primarily to cover server and development costs, and since I'm just one developer (no board to appease) I have flexibility there to reduce (or increase) prices as needed.

For anyone who is price-sensitive, what do you think is the right price for it? I ask because I have a number of hosting options available with different costs for each aspect of the service, and I'm figuring out whether I go for a high-reliability or low-cost (one thing I can't sacrfice is security so even the cheapest option is more expensive than your average host).

For those who prefer analytics, the picNiche toolbar should be integrating with sites like Microstock Charts in future, would this be a suitable replacement to that part of their service?

« Reply #6 on: September 27, 2010, 12:59 »
For those who prefer analytics, the picNiche toolbar should be integrating with sites like Microstock Charts in future, would this be a suitable replacement to that part of their service?

If it's automated !  Yes !!  can't be doing with all that inputting data !!  ;)  lol

« Reply #7 on: September 27, 2010, 13:04 »
I voted yes, but to get my membership, it will have to include Istockphoto uploading.  2-4 cents would be fine.


« Reply #8 on: September 27, 2010, 13:05 »
Im in. As long as all the essential microstock sites is supported.

Also, iSyndica had some GUI issues. Iframes is a no no, and an upload button should be available directly after login.


« Reply #9 on: September 27, 2010, 13:10 »
For anyone who is price-sensitive, what do you think is the right price for it?

My range for average 5 MB files is between $0.00 (my cost when I FTP at night from my own computer) and about $0.013 (photoshelter, which I use when I have too many files for my bandwidth) per upload.
I think I would switch to a new service only if cost is significantly lower, i.e. no more than $0.01 per upload, including free storage at least for a few days for the time needed to send files to all sites.
Otherwise, it would cost me less to switch to another ISP with higher upload bandwidth.

$0.01 is for using with top/middle tier sites which give a certain return; should I decide to use it to upload my port to hopeless sites as well (most of the low earners on the right, with a few exceptions), then price should be $0.001 per upload, which I am sure it's not cost-effective for you.

Since it seems everyone has different needs (upload / storage / statistics) keeping these parts separate to keep price low is a must imo.
« Last Edit: September 27, 2010, 13:41 by microstockphoto.co.uk »

« Reply #10 on: September 27, 2010, 13:10 »
I voted yes, but I will not be using your service, if it will be with the pricing structure suggested here. Isyndica was great not only for easy uploading, but also for keeping track of uploads. There need to be a way to keep track of the uploads for me to be interested. Also, I would not be willing to pay 1-2 cent per day per file in storage. If my math is not off, that would cost 3650-7300 USD pr year for a portfolio of 1000 images!  2 cent pr file tranfer is a bit high (isyndica was less than 1 cent as they always had rebates) and 4 is definately too much.

Good luck with the project!

« Reply #11 on: September 27, 2010, 13:20 »
Here's my first thought .. they had a functioning service, no competition, lots of promo ...  and they still went out of business. Doesn't get any more high risk than that.


  • Wage peace, not war
« Reply #12 on: September 27, 2010, 13:24 »
I voted yes, but I will not be using your service, if it will be with the pricing structure suggested here. Isyndica was great not only for easy uploading, but also for keeping track of uploads. There need to be a way to keep track of the uploads for me to be interested. Also, I would not be willing to pay 1-2 cent per day per file in storage. If my math is not off, that would cost 3650-7300 USD pr year for a portfolio of 1000 images!  2 cent pr file tranfer is a bit high (isyndica was less than 1 cent as they always had rebates) and 4 is definately too much.

Good luck with the project!

I agree. If you can get the iSyndica pricing (and include all their features, especially for vector illustrators), then I think you can fill the void.

« Reply #13 on: September 27, 2010, 13:30 »
Consider moneybookers payment please , because lots of people have problems with paypal , mostly because id doesnt work in lots of contries

« Reply #14 on: September 27, 2010, 18:38 »
I am primarily interested in it for footage as well.  And I'll be honest, you need to seriously consider a flat fee.  $20 a month, $30 a month, something like that.

Find yourself a data center in the U.S. (there are many) that does not charge for bandwidth.  That was iSyndica's problem... The "price per upload" model for footage does not work.  If you can put together a package with unlimited transfers for a workable fee, the footage people will flock.


  • Wage peace, not war
« Reply #15 on: September 27, 2010, 23:56 »
Yes, flat fee. But make it less for illustrators. They don't submit high volume or giant files very often. :-\

I am primarily interested in it for footage as well.  And I'll be honest, you need to seriously consider a flat fee.  $20 a month, $30 a month, something like that.

Find yourself a data center in the U.S. (there are many) that does not charge for bandwidth.  That was iSyndica's problem... The "price per upload" model for footage does not work.  If you can put together a package with unlimited transfers for a workable fee, the footage people will flock.

« Reply #16 on: September 28, 2010, 01:06 »
Some verry interesting questions and issues raised, it's looking like there is some interest, and I'm investigating what I do with it from here. Please keep the feedback coming :)

Illustrations, again same as footage, yes for certain, though maybe not day 1 (which if I decide to do it will be soon).

I can say with some certainty that it won't be based on a flat monthly fee or subscription, and footage is highly unlikely to work on that model.
Both of these are for the same reason: for it to be both reasonably priced, and cost-effective to run, setting a single fixed cost without regard for usage would mean that either one of these 2 conditions must be met:
a) People using it less pay more per file, and people using it more pay less per file.
b) The price would have to raise after the 'honeymoon period' when the realisation of how nearsighted that pricing structure was.
Either of the above would not be fair to anyone, and for those of you who've worked with me in the past you know I like to keep things as fair as possible :)
I will put in stone now, it will not be a fixed fee service. I may however offer discounted pricing for bulk purchase (which would be more relevant to high quantity producers and footage artists), this option offers more of a balance between a happy customer and a productive and long-term operation (if you see what I'm saying ;)

The per-file pricing I mentioned is by no-means final, just envelope figures. and yes, my storage calc was off by a factor of 10 or more ;)
It would also have a referral programme of course, though I'd be unlikely to have a substantial 'free trial' beyond maybe a couple of images to check out the control panel.

« Reply #17 on: September 28, 2010, 03:38 »
your work will be appreciated. I think the main goal should be the speed up of the FTP processes and storage features are not so in demand in my opinion. Price has to be low, i.e. Premium iSyndica account was 80$ for 5000 credits, about 0,016$ per distributed file (plus all the analytics, storage, etc features bundled in that subscription). So, I will not pay 4 cents, 1-2 could be in evaluation :-)
Thanks Bob,

« Reply #18 on: September 28, 2010, 04:25 »
One of the very useful function of Isyndica was also the possibility of changing the pictures size by agency automatically.
For subscripton agencies it was very helpful to downsize from 21mpx to 8mpx...

« Reply #19 on: September 28, 2010, 07:36 »
I know I will miss the service, so yes I will be interested in a new one!


« Reply #20 on: September 28, 2010, 08:44 »
Does anyone know why they are closing up shop?  Did they attempt to sell?

I hadn't even heard of them before reading the post about them closing and I've been around for 6 years.

Maybe someone could salvage the dying business and ramp up the marketing?

Sorry, to the OP - I didn't mean for this to hijack your attemps to make this work.  Have you had any communications with them - maybe you won't need to re-invent the wheel, so to speak, if they are open to some kind of arrangement?
« Last Edit: September 28, 2010, 08:49 by Pixel-Pizzazz »


« Reply #21 on: September 28, 2010, 08:58 »
Given the lack of specific information that isyndica gave regarding the reasons for the shut down, I think you would have a hard time replicating their model in a cost effective way. I don't know anything about the business structure of Isyndica, but they obviously had capital behind them. I had responses from tech support in asia that suggest a pretty sophisticated operation.
Coming up with a package that would replicate their functionality would be a tall order, especially since the biggest knock at isyndica on these boards prior to the shutdown was the price. This always struck me as people wanting "something for nothing", which is after all, the internet's favorite pricing model. If you have a less sophisticated service than that, I think you would be inviting unfavorable comparisons, with most people citing isyndicas pricing model versus yours.
I've found that most, if not all, software aimed at the microstock market is half baked, awkward and in the end, takes more time to deal with than the time it saves.
Bottom line is that if isyndica couldn't make it work, who could?
Unless you come up with some sort of software breakthrough that makes a compelling case for using your service....

« Reply #22 on: September 28, 2010, 09:00 »
I've spoken to Hugo (the iSyndica boss) several times in the past, he's a great guy. I was planning to add integration to the picNiche toolbar for iSyndica.

I've not heard specific details about why they are closing, though I'd be willing to venture a wild guess that it wasn't profitable enough for their investors, just in investigating the setup and running costs I'm finding it hard to see how they were running the service so well, and maintaining an excellent website when selling packages at that price, especially with a staff and board to worry about. Even with their popularity it's my view that it just can't have been making enough money to feed everyone long-term. < *disclaimer: total speculation AND my own opinion*

I've sent Hugo a query to see if he has any interest or objection in this replacement project though I'm not looking to buy since I'm not a big business here... everything I do is shoestring, sometimes it works well and sometimes it doesn't, but the only way to find out is to try :)

Please stay on topic in this thread :)

That's why I need everyone's feedback, if it's going to work well for everyone, I need all the info, suggestions & requests, issues and concerns I can get :)

« Reply #23 on: September 28, 2010, 09:01 »
I use photoshelter and this sounds as if it would be expensive in comparison. I've got 1,300 files there at the moment and I'm using their $9 a month membership option so that is less than 1c a month and includes a lot of additional features. I'll be able to store a total of about 2,400 before I hit the limit and need to upgrade, so that will be about 0.4c per file per month.

« Reply #24 on: September 28, 2010, 09:05 »
Bottom line is that if isyndica couldn't make it work, who could?
Unless you come up with some sort of software breakthrough that makes a compelling case for using your service....

I have a history of bringing new ideas to the areas I work, not all of them work, but some do, and those are the ones I keep running :)
There are more ways to do anything than 'just' the way it's been done before, and thus I invite comparison, I do not fear it as a reason not to try :)


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