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Author Topic: Is Pixmac Worth It?  (Read 25106 times)

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« Reply #26 on: May 30, 2012, 08:22 »

There's always so much to do.
We are all waiting here for wonderfull things to happen.
Like customers...


  • Author of best selling "Get Started in Stock"

« Reply #27 on: May 30, 2012, 10:07 »
Well, I think Pixmac is OK! I used to have my images sent there from DepositPhotos and presumably got a few sales less their commission. I moved to a direct contributor in late March, got great support to get my images online, and now see a dribble of sales coming through ($9 so far...). Not great, but for a very low maintenance site it is better than I was getting before. All I have to do is get the images there via Lightburner, visit to add a model release where necessary and sit back. I haven't had a payment yet, but we are slowly getting there.


Paulo M. F. Pires

  • "No Gods No Masters"
« Reply #28 on: May 30, 2012, 15:52 »
We are all waiting here for wonderfull things to happen.
Like customers...

I can wait for customers, because i'm still waiting ( October 2011 ) that some images from Yaymicro, DP somehow appear on pixmac  ::)

With some luck I'll have they online,  when some customer visit pixmac :D

THP Creative

  • THP Creative

« Reply #29 on: May 30, 2012, 16:54 »
Hey Zager, yeah that was the issue. Look forward to the fix.


« Reply #30 on: August 03, 2012, 06:32 »
     Uploaded  8  on  july  30th  (wanted  to  start  small)  3  were  accepted  on  aug  2nd.  (1  other  had  a  copyight  issue  which  i  didn't  notice  at  first)  Not   the  best  of  starts  but  have  more  uploads  for  next  week.


« Reply #31 on: August 04, 2012, 07:12 »
     here  i  go  again  uploading  a  small  batch  (5).  hile  i  ait  to  see  if  the  rainy  eather  lets  up.
Make  that  7.  More  to  come.
« Last Edit: August 05, 2012, 10:24 by Dan »


« Reply #32 on: August 27, 2012, 06:59 »

i  have  14  approved  (small  amount  i  know)
7  rejected  (bound  to  happen)
6  waiting  for  review.
3  waiting  to  upload
and  i  got  a   sale  today  -  must  be  doing  something  right.
  thanks  Zager  for  a  great  site


« Reply #33 on: August 27, 2012, 14:54 »
Dan, let us know again when you hit the 250 approved mark, we will get the bubbly out  ;)


« Reply #34 on: September 03, 2012, 18:43 »
  It's  definately  worth  it  if  a  small  port  like  mine  has  a  sale.  My  port  is  growing.

« Reply #35 on: September 03, 2012, 18:53 »
  It's  definately  worth  it  if  a  small  port  like  mine  has  a  sale.  My  port  is  growing.

And if you are willing to accept their business practices.  These guys are not too ethical.  In my opinion, foolish move.

« Reply #36 on: September 04, 2012, 11:14 »
And if you are willing to accept their business practices.  These guys are not too ethical.  In my opinion, foolish move.

Hi Mantis, I'm ready to discuss any issues were not resolved. As well as any actual proofs that we do "not too ethical" business. Thank you. Vita CEO at Pixmac

Btw. have you seen this for example? It's my personal initiative.


« Reply #37 on: September 04, 2012, 11:51 »
FWIW, I have been uploading to Pixmac for nearly two years and they have always been perfectly ethical with me.  Payouts come fairly regularly and are paid within a day or two. 

THP Creative

  • THP Creative

« Reply #38 on: September 04, 2012, 19:13 »
Zager, I just sent you a PM if you could take a look please. Thanks

« Reply #39 on: September 06, 2012, 08:21 »
And if you are willing to accept their business practices.  These guys are not too ethical.  In my opinion, foolish move.

Hi Mantis, I'm ready to discuss any issues were not resolved. As well as any actual proofs that we do "not too ethical" business. Thank you. Vita CEO at Pixmac

Btw. have you seen this for example? It's my personal initiative.

The proof is in Dreamstime's actions. As a contributor, that's typically enough for me...since I typically don't have access to the books and data DT used to draw their conclusion.  However, notwithstanding a convincing explanation, I am always open to listening.  I seem to recall you claimed it was a "technical issue" (you or someone from Picmax) as cause, but if that were the case wouldn't DT have listened and understood?  Wouldn't they have got it, asked you to correct it and pilot test your remedies to ensure a future robust partnership? I personally believe that Dreamstime wouldn't have pulled the plug if it were an innocent, explainable and correctable issue. As you probably know, MS is a bitch to make a living, contributors fighting every day for fair play, better commissions, and frankly, being respected mechanisms of the industry.  In many proven instances the opposite is in fact true.  So, for me personally, the last thing I want is to have to deal with yet another dishonest agency.

But do tell.  Convince me to take a chance and upload my 3000 images.
« Last Edit: September 06, 2012, 08:28 by Mantis »

« Reply #40 on: September 06, 2012, 15:46 »

Just a few statements to think about.

Our partners were bigger competitors at the same time, looking at our growth as potential risk in future.

Any individual company itself can do a pile of gray stuff and not being seen. We stepped into the wild waters and tried to do a partnership with direct competitors, believing we can reach to more customers. And yes, we were under magnifying glass. My mistake was, that I was so idealistic, that I thought they would respect us and as you said, they would listen and understand with a vision of a better future.

The reality is that we all fight for life on this planet. And at that time, we were a small unknown against a big wellknown. And in such cases the winner is easy to guess. So everything that happened is easy to understand for me. And yes, it was the biggest lesson of my life so far.

And as for your 3k images? I'd be happy to host and sell them. I bet you put a lot of work into creating them and I understand how careful you are about putting them somewhere. The reality is that you never know. In any company: technical error can happen, somebody's mistake can occur, and in the end there's always somebody with a stolen creditcard putting your stuff onto strange websites.

At least I tried to talk about things that other companies just hide or do not comment.

But you know what? Microstock has one powerful feature that nobody uses. You can do a test purchase anytime and see if the whole chain works as it should. And ask questions. Still, the reality is that many people prefer to construct strange theories rather than spending a few dollars to find out the truth with a single click.

Sorry if I'm too open. And honestly, enjoy your life with or without Pixmac.


« Reply #41 on: September 06, 2012, 17:16 »

Just a few statements to think about.

Our partners were bigger competitors at the same time, looking at our growth as potential risk in future.

Any individual company itself can do a pile of gray stuff and not being seen. We stepped into the wild waters and tried to do a partnership with direct competitors, believing we can reach to more customers. And yes, we were under magnifying glass. My mistake was, that I was so idealistic, that I thought they would respect us and as you said, they would listen and understand with a vision of a better future.

The reality is that we all fight for life on this planet. And at that time, we were a small unknown against a big wellknown. And in such cases the winner is easy to guess. So everything that happened is easy to understand for me. And yes, it was the biggest lesson of my life so far.

And as for your 3k images? I'd be happy to host and sell them. I bet you put a lot of work into creating them and I understand how careful you are about putting them somewhere. The reality is that you never know. In any company: technical error can happen, somebody's mistake can occur, and in the end there's always somebody with a stolen creditcard putting your stuff onto strange websites.

At least I tried to talk about things that other companies just hide or do not comment.

But you know what? Microstock has one powerful feature that nobody uses. You can do a test purchase anytime and see if the whole chain works as it should. And ask questions. Still, the reality is that many people prefer to construct strange theories rather than spending a few dollars to find out the truth with a single click.

Sorry if I'm too open. And honestly, enjoy your life with or without Pixmac.


Thanks! I have been enjoying it perfectly fine without.

« Reply #42 on: September 07, 2012, 02:27 »
FWIW, I have been uploading to Pixmac for nearly two years and they have always been perfectly ethical with me.  Payouts come fairly regularly and are paid within a day or two.

+1, never had a problem with them either, and if I have a question they respond promptly.


« Reply #43 on: September 08, 2012, 12:19 »
     I  added  several  more  to  review.  By  next  Friday  (or  so)  my  port  should  double. 
Even  with  a  small  port  i  had  a  SALE.  So  yeah  they're  worth  a  shot.

« Reply #44 on: September 08, 2012, 17:08 »
     I  added  several  more  to  review.  By  next  Friday  (or  so)  my  port  should  double. 
Even  with  a  small  port  i  had  a  SALE.  So  yeah  they're  worth  a  shot.

For you. I never did get a reasonable response from Zager so in my mind same ol same ol.  Lisa, you may be satisfied that you are getting a payout every month, but have you ever asked yourself how much you aren't getting?  Of all the forum posts about these guys (here, SS, DT, etc) I just think they are a lousy option, personally.
« Last Edit: September 08, 2012, 17:13 by Mantis »


« Reply #45 on: September 09, 2012, 02:47 »
     I  added  several  more  to  review.  By  next  Friday  (or  so)  my  port  should  double. 
Even  with  a  small  port  i  had  a  SALE.  So  yeah  they're  worth  a  shot.

You actually convinced me they are not worth it


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