Agency Based Discussion > Pixmac

starting out slow

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--- Quote from: Dan on August 07, 2012, 14:33 ---     Have  a  small  port  at  Fot,123RF,Big,Can  and  aiting  on  Veer  (6  of  the  top  9)  with  very  little  results.  Can't  hurt  to  try  something  different.

--- End quote ---

When looking at the sites on the right, it seems you are working from the bottom up.  Why not try working from the top down - you'll earn a LOT more money that way.  It won't hurt me if you 'try something different' but it will hurt your income.

My first tip would be, don't post here about every upload you do.  It's about as interesting to me as what you had for breakfast.  Spend your time getting in to SS and DT.  If you can take 15% commission, try istock.  Then there's alamy.  Stick with those until you have at least 1,000 images and regular payouts, then work down the list.  Forget the sites below the low earners in the earnings poll.

leaf  -  i'm  on  5  of  the  top  9  sites.  waiting  on  reviews  from  veer  and  DP.  no  luck  yet  on  IS  or  SS  but  still  trying.
Yes  stormchaser  i  do  have  images  accepted  on  pixmax.  A  few  but  then  with  health  and  time  restraints  i'm  in  no  hurry.


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