Agency Based Discussion > Pond5
Dataset earnings - opt out
I am happy ;)
I just got $108.42 for Dataset Earnings and $21.06 for Partner Earnings. Plus another $28.65 combined on my P5 Exclusive account.
This is the first time I've heard about them. Is there a link anywhere for more information about them?
--- Quote from: Annie on April 12, 2023, 13:30 ---I just got $108.42 for Dataset Earnings and $21.06 for Partner Earnings. Plus another $28.65 combined on my P5 Exclusive account.
This is the first time I've heard about them. Is there a link anywhere for more information about them?
--- End quote ---
Yes, right on P5 from your dashboard Financial
Just click on the name line and you'll get the answer.
Zero Talent:
--- Quote from: mindoozas on April 12, 2023, 13:22 ---
I am happy ;)
--- End quote ---
I bet you wouldn't be that happy if they would show each sale with your entire port sold for 2-3 cents/video, and that only to help your AI competitors.
But seeing all sales in a bundle is mesmerizing. :(
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