Agency Based Discussion > Pond5

Dataset earnings - opt out

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Uncle Pete:

--- Quote from: SuperPhoto on October 04, 2024, 15:59 ------

--- End quote ---

Perfect quote, since I might as well be writing to an empty black mirror.

Speaking of ignoring and repeating? You didn't answer?

You go to a mechanic and he replaces your rotors and brake pads. You pay for the parts and labor. Then you should pay him a fee, monthly, every time you use the brakes on your car?  :o

A parallel would be, the AI software PAYS to use your image, one time, and only one time, why do you expect to get paid, every time the software creates a new image, which is made without accessing or using your image again? They have paid for the parts and labor.

The images are used one time, to create a model and that machine learning model, creates the new images. Your images, and mine, are never USED again. Single Use.


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