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Author Topic: What to do re: shitterstocks execs "Happy Hanukkah! We taking 25% more from u!"  (Read 1116 times)

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« on: December 11, 2024, 14:42 »
Curious, what do you propose doing?

40%->30% for regular is a 25% income steal.
60%->40% for exclusive is a 33% income steal.

Has nothing to do with "market" conditions, but rather simple theft, and the execs giving themselves between a 25%-33% Christmas bonus to buy new yachts (or maybe 'acquire' more companies), then saying happy hanukkah while they do it grinning from ear to ear, calling the "exclusive" as well an "increase", like what?

Very wrong. Thoughts?

« Reply #1 on: December 11, 2024, 15:13 »
Wrong yes.
Expected? Yes.  Once Shutterstock took over it was inevitable.  And more to come.

Cant do anything about it other than stop submitting.  P5/SS wont care. Buyers wont care.  Nothing will change negatively for them.

« Reply #2 on: December 11, 2024, 15:33 »
Wrong yes.
Expected? Yes.  Once Shutterstock took over it was inevitable.  And more to come.

Cant do anything about it other than stop submitting.  P5/SS wont care. Buyers wont care.  Nothing will change negatively for them.

The most 'obvious' would be if people 'en masse' either removed their portfolios, or stopped submitting (although there is a lot more east indian spam making up for the slack, so not sure that would make a huge difference)... The 'en masse' thing didn't seem to work for shitterstock when they announced their 'good news' (for the execs, of course)...

Hmm... can you think of anything else other than those two things?

As it is - yes, I stopped submitting to shitterstock a while back... For pond, haven't really submitted too much the last year because it was super odd - I had spent a month working/curating videos/etc - and then after doing a relatively large batch - income actually went "down" I think it was like 90% which was rather shocking, and all the support said is "oh, here's a random article on SEO" (irrelevant, didn't answer the question, and not really helpful at all)...

Anyways, this latest cut - well, I'll see - I might start removing some clips.

« Reply #3 on: December 11, 2024, 16:11 »
The most 'obvious' would be if people 'en masse' either removed their portfolios, or stopped submitting

Wont work.  Its threatened every time an agency makes cuts.  iStock. Alamy, Shitterstock, Getty,123RF.  It wont happen.  There just simply isnt the interest for enough to do it.  Its a calculation the agencies make before announcing cuts and they know full well its a gamble worth taking - for them it'll pay off.

(although there is a lot more east indian spam making up for the slack, so not sure that would make a huge difference)..

Indeed - the India/Pakistan/Bangladesh mass spam market will keep feeding it, with some original, lots of lied-about AI and a majority of stolen content.  They'll happily do that for pennies.  Get banned, simply create a new account, wash and repeat.

« Reply #4 on: December 11, 2024, 17:17 »
Trash their Trustpilot score by leaving countless 1-star reviews.

Uncle Pete

  • Great Place by a Great Lake - My Home Port
« Reply #5 on: December 12, 2024, 13:13 »
Curious, what do you propose doing?

40%->30% for regular is a 25% income steal.
60%->40% for exclusive is a 33% income steal.

Has nothing to do with "market" conditions, but rather simple theft, and the execs giving themselves between a 25%-33% Christmas bonus to buy new yachts (or maybe 'acquire' more companies), then saying happy hanukkah while they do it grinning from ear to ear, calling the "exclusive" as well an "increase", like what?

Very wrong. Thoughts?

It's on the stock news for SSTK. This explains much of it.

Bullish Shutterstock Insiders Loaded Up On US$679.5k Of Stock
Simply Wall St. 4 days ago
  Insiders knew they were cutting our commissions and bought stock.

1-Year Return
SSTK Down 26.54% / S&P 500 up 31.40%

Many years ago, I said SS was a $30 stock. Now it is. I would have considered it at $29 a share, but now I wouldn't be an investor for anything. They are unethical and nothing but money grubbers.

As for the questions about closing P5, keep in mind the history. They are still operating BigStock and I believe everyplace that they bought. It was Getty that bought IS and then shut down all of the agencies that IS grabbed up, early on. Veer, StockExpert, Thinkstock, and the long list.

« Reply #6 on: December 14, 2024, 13:13 »
Trash their Trustpilot score by leaving countless 1-star reviews.
Sorry its Shutterstock Trustpilot that's bad
"Their Trustpilot is already bad - 1.2"
« Last Edit: December 14, 2024, 17:31 by Blammo »

« Reply #7 on: December 14, 2024, 14:53 »
Trash their Trustpilot score by leaving countless 1-star reviews.
Their Trustpilot is already bad - 1.2

Just checked it is at 4,7 stars in a scale of 5.
keep in mind the reviews can be flagged by pond5.


« Reply #8 on: December 14, 2024, 19:09 »
4.7 company bought by a 1.2 company.

We know which way thats heading - its not upwards.


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