Agency Based Discussion > Pond5

New rules - Editorial content etc

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Email states the changes come in from Dec 4th.

Looks entirely to align it with Shutterstocks world view/lawyer view.

Editorial videos must now be labelled as such by the contributor and have an editorial caption.

Reminder about trademarks not allowed in keywords.

Yeah, after getting the email I went through my uploads and cleaned up some keywords. I had a few tagged with Minecraft, eek!

It sounds like they are just getting a bit lazy/offsetting the work to the contributor. Before the Pond5 reviewers would check/deterimine if it was editorial, and mark it as such. Now they are making "you" do "their" job...


--- Quote from: SuperPhoto on December 01, 2023, 05:50 ---It sounds like they are just getting a bit lazy/offsetting the work to the contributor. Before the Pond5 reviewers would check/deterimine if it was editorial, and mark it as such. Now they are making "you" do "their" job...

--- End quote ---

Same, the P5 workflow is horrible enough already but i just sent everything, keyworded with a sensible description and let the staff decide if its editorial or not.

Now its extra work deciding on a per clip basis, writing new descriptions and so on.

I wonder if this only applies to uploads after Dec 4, or will we need to go back and re-keyword older clips when things like "iphone" were permitted?

That could be a big task.  If they want all trademarked words removed from their database, they should do it automatically.  Probably wouldn't be too difficult to write a script that strips all trademarked words from everyone's keywords and descriptions.


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