Agency Based Discussion > Pond5
Pond5 exclusive content can now be offered on Shutterstock
"Pond5 Exclusive artists still have complete control over their pricing on Pond5."
I wonder for how much longer will non exclusive contributors will be able to set their own prices on P5.
--- Quote from: dragonblade on September 12, 2023, 00:49 ---"Pond5 Exclusive artists still have complete control over their pricing on Pond5."
I wonder for how much longer will non exclusive contributors will be able to set their own prices on P5.
--- End quote ---
We must be realistic believing we have complete control over our P5 pricing - Exclusive or not.
The P5 Contributor Agreement section 3.a.i. has the onerous clause that states:
"we (P5) will have sole discretion to adjust the price of any Content to maximize your overall revenue performance or comply with our minimum pricing guidelines;"
It seems that SS is trying to make P5 less competitive in a long run.
Even though I am at Level 3, most of my SS sales are at 0.25(clip pack). How many clip pack sales that I will have to make in order to get the earning for one sale at P5? Go figure.
Let me guess ...... Al most 1% of P5 exclusive contribuyors will take this exciting new SS offer ;D ;D
The day I am forced to sell my clips for cents at SS i am out as quick as a lightning bolt. I did already step out and delete thousands of videos from Istock for the low amounts SS id even worse
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