Agency Based Discussion > Pond5
Pond5 exclusive content can now be offered on Shutterstock
Quite apart from the fact that everyone makes and should make this decision for themselves, one question popped straight into my head:
If I offer via Pond5 at Shutterstock, do I get a 15% share from Shutterstock and this amount is then split again 60:40 with Pond5?
In a 25 cent sale, 15 cents would remain for the contributor.
Shutterstock would then earn twice as Pond5 now belongs to Shutter.
Or am I thinking too complicated here?!
They are not distributing your p5X content to SS.
You must have a SS account and upload individually into that one.
And on SS you have to go through their yearly ranking system...
It would certainly be easier if we could just upload once to p5 and then select what goes to SS from there.
--- Quote from: cobalt on September 11, 2023, 08:44 ---They are not distributing your p5X content to SS.
You must have a SS account and upload individually into that one.
And on SS you have to go through their yearly ranking system...
It would certainly be easier if we could just upload once to p5 and then select what goes to SS from there.
--- End quote ---
OK, I see - thank you for the clarification!
Maybe I'm already thinking too confused, after all the exiciting news of the last 2-3 years :-)
If you are allowed to upload the exclusive Pond5 videos to Shutter, this is an offer that everyone can consider for themselves.
Here, everyone has to calculate lower prices in exchange for more sales.
I think we are all a little crazy by now.
I mean, why am I even commenting on a program I cannot even take part in because the previous managers purged my SS account???
I really miss the old Shutterstock, it was a fantastic place.
Nevertheless, I think this is a very fair offer.
And will calm a lot of people down, because I know many artists who are terrified that p5X accounts will have their content transferred against their will and by force to SS.
I am completely with you on that!
In the meantime, one always expects the worst, which is probably simply the result of the experience of the last few years :-)
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