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Author Topic: Video - Pricing at Pond5  (Read 110912 times)

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« on: June 18, 2009, 00:26 »
I start to sell my footages at Pond. Looks very interesting. With only 20 videos I have already 3 sales in 2 weeks. Compared to my portfolios (video) at IS and SS with over 200 files and only 3-5 sales/month Pond rocks. And they pay us 50%. I'll probably fix prices of my video at Pond  lower then prices at IS and SS. I still get more than at others sites. I prefer buyers go to Pond, it's win-win model. What prices you put at Pond?

« Reply #1 on: June 18, 2009, 00:51 »
I put 5-10$ on my first ones. the following I let the "curator" do the pricing for.  25$ !!!   

 They should have guidelines.  length/quality and content etc...

« Reply #2 on: June 18, 2009, 03:06 »
Looks like Pond 5 is very good place to sell footage!

Semmick Photo

« Reply #3 on: January 14, 2015, 03:57 »
*** OLD THREAD ***

Just didnt want to open a new thread.

I have started selling video on P5. What do you suggest for pricing videos? I have set all videos at $100 dollar, so $50 dollar for me.

Seems people are selling for $20 dollar there ($10 for them), but I get like $23-$27 on SS for a video sale (30%).

I think $100 is fair but I dont want to price myself out of the market as I dont shoot high end stuff.

Suggestions? Thanks.

« Reply #4 on: January 14, 2015, 05:44 »
I price around the $50 mark for commercial and $30-40 for editorial, aiming to be cheaper than IS and about a par with SS. I don't use models or expensive shoots and everything I do can quite easily be replicated by others. If I was doing more high quality clips I would pitch them at around $100. Even $100 is cheap compared to traditional agencies

I sell far fewer videos at P5 than SS, even though my two portfolios are close to identical. My theory is that P5 buyers are spoilt by some videographers selling too cheaply, making mine look expensive. I wish sellers wouldn't pitch low as it will eventually drag down the microstock market for everybody.

« Reply #5 on: January 14, 2015, 06:29 »
Quote from: JoeClemson link=topic=8225.msg404845#msg404845 date=1421232281

I sell far fewer videos at P5 than SS, even though my two portfolios are close to identical. My theory is that P5 buyers are spoilt by some videographers selling too cheaply, making mine look expensive. I wish sellers wouldn't pitch low as it will eventually drag down the microstock market for everybody.[/b]

Totally agree with your point plus P5 is not looking after buyers well and NOT investing in sales at all.
No point our files sitting on their server forever, for P5 PR stunt to get more investment and afterwards not do anything for contributors.

Semmick Photo

« Reply #6 on: January 14, 2015, 07:29 »
I price around the $50 mark for commercial and $30-40 for editorial, aiming to be cheaper than IS and about a par with SS. I don't use models or expensive shoots and everything I do can quite easily be replicated by others. If I was doing more high quality clips I would pitch them at around $100. Even $100 is cheap compared to traditional agencies

I sell far fewer videos at P5 than SS, even though my two portfolios are close to identical. My theory is that P5 buyers are spoilt by some videographers selling too cheaply, making mine look expensive. I wish sellers wouldn't pitch low as it will eventually drag down the microstock market for everybody.

Thanks for that, I will be pricing down to $60-$40

« Reply #7 on: January 14, 2015, 08:56 »
I price around the $50 mark for commercial and $30-40 for editorial, aiming to be cheaper than IS and about a par with SS. I don't use models or expensive shoots and everything I do can quite easily be replicated by others. If I was doing more high quality clips I would pitch them at around $100. Even $100 is cheap compared to traditional agencies

I sell far fewer videos at P5 than SS, even though my two portfolios are close to identical. My theory is that P5 buyers are spoilt by some videographers selling too cheaply, making mine look expensive. I wish sellers wouldn't pitch low as it will eventually drag down the microstock market for everybody.

Thanks for that, I will be pricing down to $60-$40

I price similarly. About $40 to $50 unless it's an underwater vid, then the price goes up to the $60 range. What bothers me most about P5 is all the great videos the people price for $10, full 1080P. P5 should set a minimum pricing of, say $30 for a full 1080P and it can tier down from that on size.  Just like images, videos will be easily cheapened if they keep allowing pricing to be this low.  Video will become like stills where everybody is doing it, and willing to take a Bigstock penny in return. Not to hijack this thread but P5 is one of our only hopes for longer term sustainment of income and they can easily stop this risk with some simple rules.

If you don't believe me go take a peek at some of their videos. Well made and you too can own it for $10, or even $5.

Here's a couple   $10  $5


« Reply #8 on: January 14, 2015, 09:39 »
Most of my work is priced at 75. Last batch I raised to 89, my better aerials I sell for $150.
« Last Edit: January 14, 2015, 09:53 by Zeus »

« Reply #9 on: January 14, 2015, 10:49 »
The majority of my files that sell are priced at 30 or 60 dollars. But I also have files for 150-200 and outtakes and sunsets for 10 dollars.

I used to have a huge variety in prices 32, 46,58 etc... but last year dumped most of it into 4 distinct price levels. Obviously anything rare,with paid models etc... costs more, test shots are cheap.

I keep moving prices up and down and check for new work coming in, to stay competitive.

« Reply #10 on: January 14, 2015, 11:31 »
I have the same video on SS, P5 and Revostock.
I still have some video on IS, only those ones who are priced around 150$. 
I keep prices on P5 to be competitive and  let me earn 25/32 $ per sale.
I tried to make my clips much cheaper but I didn't increase AT ALL my sales.
If customers need them and if they are in a good  prices range, let's say 45/150 $, they just buy them.
My best seller is SS.
My sales in P5 didn't change at all when I lowered prices, I just got less money and P5 too.
My best sold files are the same  in any agency (apart Revo which is a very slow seller).
Customers buy the same clips at very different prices.
It can happen that I sell the same clip the same week for 150 $ on IS and 64 $ on P5 and SS/prices.
I don't think the game is on prices.
We lower prices and we just get less money.
I'm pretty sure that if we go under 45/50 dollars we don't sell more, we just get less money.
We probably have to work on better footage and BETTER KEYWORDING  to compete one another
« Last Edit: January 14, 2015, 11:49 by lucagavagna »

« Reply #11 on: January 14, 2015, 12:00 »
Everybody makes his own experiences. when I lowered testshots and sunsets to 10 dollars they started to sell and now sell regularly. And interestingly, the sales of my higher priced files also increased, overall my revenue went up by 60% after restructuring my prices. I also get more serial downloads, where several files from a similar subject sell at once.

Bestsellers are NOT the same on pond5 and SS.

So everybody needs to find their own balance for their material.

Also pond5 is the only place that gives us a real marketplace. I think that is fantastic.
« Last Edit: January 14, 2015, 23:20 by cobalt »

« Reply #12 on: January 14, 2015, 13:22 »
My cheapest clips are $49, I have a large % at $59 and several even higher.

Pricing below $40 means you don't value your work or the future of the industry. If it's competing with many similar competitor clips, just make sure it's either slightly better or a little different and sales will eventuate, unless of course it's an overstocked subject not in demand.

« Reply #13 on: January 16, 2015, 09:16 »
Current best selling videos on Pond5 (the ones you see on the top page "Media of the Moment") are priced around $69 for 1080 HD file.  If you sell for cheaper, you are not really increasing your sales, but just decreasing your profit.  It's a bad business decision.

« Reply #14 on: January 16, 2015, 15:23 »
Current best selling videos on Pond5 (the ones you see on the top page "Media of the Moment") are priced around $69 for 1080 HD file.  If you sell for cheaper, you are not really increasing your sales, but just decreasing your profit.  It's a bad business decision.

Many of these videos are very severly UNDERPRICED. I would never offer that kind of quality for 69 dollars, not even in hd.

The biggest problem is that many artists dont make an effort to critically analyse what they are offering the customer. They also dont watch the market and adjust their prices up or down.

That is why you see many people offer bad quality for 60 dollars and then complain they are not getting sales on pond5 and others underprice good quality work.

But then again, everyone is free to do it their way. If someone is convinced all his files should be priced the same, irrespective of quality, rarity or market demand, then of course they can do that. I am sure it works for some people.

« Reply #15 on: January 17, 2015, 02:22 »
To get $10 in Brazil is not bad at all.
I doubt they will adjust pricing anytime soon.
They might work on better algorithm to avoid tons of bad quality clips appearing in search.
But first, they have to finish their no-end vacations.  ;)
« Last Edit: January 17, 2015, 02:24 by SSContributor »


« Reply #16 on: January 17, 2015, 04:15 »
To get $10 in Brazil is not bad at all.
I doubt they will adjust pricing anytime soon.
They might work on better algorithm to avoid tons of bad quality clips appearing in search.
But first, they have to finish their no-end vacations.  ;)

...maybe if you life in the countryside of Bahia. In Sao Paulo $10 is the tip for the guy who parks your car is much more expensive than the US there.

But I agree on the assumption that Pond5 is on vacations :D They are waaaaay too passive to maintain success IMHO.
« Last Edit: January 17, 2015, 04:23 by Tror »

« Reply #17 on: January 17, 2015, 04:40 »
To get $10 in Brazil is not bad at all. 

...maybe if you life in the countryside of Bahia. In Sao Paulo $10 is the tip for the guy who parks your car is much more expensive than the US there.

Hmmm... Average Monthly Disposable Salary (After Tax)   
NY - 4,260.82 $      
SP - 865.09 $

Consumer Prices in Sao Paulo are 36.47% lower than in New York, NY
Consumer Prices Including Rent in Sao Paulo are 54.28% lower than in New York, NY
Rent Prices in Sao Paulo are 72.67% lower than in New York, NY
Restaurant Prices in Sao Paulo are 44.41% lower than in New York, NY
Groceries Prices in Sao Paulo are 49.47% lower than in New York, NY
Local Purchasing Power in Sao Paulo is 55.59% lower than in New York, NY

If you get $10 in Brazil as a contributor, it will def last longer than in USA.
Solution to pricing - move to less expensive country! ;-)

« Last Edit: January 17, 2015, 05:24 by SSContributor »

« Reply #18 on: January 17, 2015, 04:47 »

I doubt they will adjust pricing anytime soon.
They might work on better algorithm to avoid tons of bad quality clips appearing in search.
But first, they have to finish their no-end vacations.  ;)

But I agree on the assumption that Pond5 is on vacations :D They are waaaaay too passive to maintain success IMHO.



« Reply #19 on: January 17, 2015, 05:50 »
To get $10 in Brazil is not bad at all. 

...maybe if you life in the countryside of Bahia. In Sao Paulo $10 is the tip for the guy who parks your car is much more expensive than the US there.

Hmmm... Average Monthly Disposable Salary (After Tax)   
NY - 4,260.82 $      
SP - 865.09 $

Consumer Prices in Sao Paulo are 36.47% lower than in New York, NY
Consumer Prices Including Rent in Sao Paulo are 54.28% lower than in New York, NY
Rent Prices in Sao Paulo are 72.67% lower than in New York, NY
Restaurant Prices in Sao Paulo are 44.41% lower than in New York, NY
Groceries Prices in Sao Paulo are 49.47% lower than in New York, NY
Local Purchasing Power in Sao Paulo is 55.59% lower than in New York, NY

If you get $10 in Brazil as a contributor, it will def last longer than in USA.
Solution to pricing - move to less expensive country! ;-)

New York is one of the most expensive cities and not necessarily representative for the whole US - but I accept the comparison as we talk about SP as a city as well.
The low average salary results from all the low paid Jobs like being a cashier with low education. Latin america is famous for the huge differencies is income and wealth. If you work in Media in SP you make a lot more than e.g. Spain or a doorman. Factor 10 is not uncommon. When I was living there people could not believe that I work in Stock which has such a low monthly revenue.

Check the prices e.g. for cameras in online stores. Or groceries. Or check the rents in good neighborhoods. Obviously, if you calculate a statistic and take into account the 800 Favela like neighborhoods no one who is owning good equipment can live in you come out with cheaper number....however, healthcare is actually cheaper than in the US and services like a cleaning lady or a nanny as well.

I assume you haven`t lived there and just wanted to put country-xy-less-developed as an example?
« Last Edit: January 17, 2015, 05:55 by Tror »

« Reply #20 on: January 17, 2015, 18:06 »
I assume you haven`t lived there and just wanted to put country-xy-less-developed as an example?

I am just trying to understand why would anyone price their clips so cheap.  :o

« Reply #21 on: January 17, 2015, 20:03 »
Location for video is not relevant. $10 a clip signals desperation. $50 is around the minimum footage should be sold for. $10 doesn't go that far now even in places like Brazil.

« Reply #22 on: January 22, 2015, 15:22 »
Current best selling videos on Pond5 (the ones you see on the top page "Media of the Moment") are priced around $69 for 1080 HD file.  If you sell for cheaper, you are not really increasing your sales, but just decreasing your profit.  It's a bad business decision.


« Reply #23 on: January 23, 2015, 11:42 »
Current best selling videos on Pond5 (the ones you see on the top page "Media of the Moment") are priced around $69 for 1080 HD file.  If you sell for cheaper, you are not really increasing your sales, but just decreasing your profit.  It's a bad business decision.



« Reply #24 on: January 23, 2015, 21:16 »
Can we hear the opinions of people who works for Pond5, in regarding of this issue. Why leaving us the choice of what price to set for footage if the best selling clips are 69$? Someone puts 5$, someone 300$, what this looks like... Why not set a fixed price and accept only the file that meet the criteria.


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