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Author Topic: Video - Pricing at Pond5  (Read 110914 times)

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« on: June 18, 2009, 00:26 »
I start to sell my footages at Pond. Looks very interesting. With only 20 videos I have already 3 sales in 2 weeks. Compared to my portfolios (video) at IS and SS with over 200 files and only 3-5 sales/month Pond rocks. And they pay us 50%. I'll probably fix prices of my video at Pond  lower then prices at IS and SS. I still get more than at others sites. I prefer buyers go to Pond, it's win-win model. What prices you put at Pond?

« Reply #1 on: June 18, 2009, 00:51 »
I put 5-10$ on my first ones. the following I let the "curator" do the pricing for.  25$ !!!   

 They should have guidelines.  length/quality and content etc...

« Reply #2 on: June 18, 2009, 03:06 »
Looks like Pond 5 is very good place to sell footage!

Semmick Photo

« Reply #3 on: January 14, 2015, 03:57 »
*** OLD THREAD ***

Just didnt want to open a new thread.

I have started selling video on P5. What do you suggest for pricing videos? I have set all videos at $100 dollar, so $50 dollar for me.

Seems people are selling for $20 dollar there ($10 for them), but I get like $23-$27 on SS for a video sale (30%).

I think $100 is fair but I dont want to price myself out of the market as I dont shoot high end stuff.

Suggestions? Thanks.

« Reply #4 on: January 14, 2015, 05:44 »
I price around the $50 mark for commercial and $30-40 for editorial, aiming to be cheaper than IS and about a par with SS. I don't use models or expensive shoots and everything I do can quite easily be replicated by others. If I was doing more high quality clips I would pitch them at around $100. Even $100 is cheap compared to traditional agencies

I sell far fewer videos at P5 than SS, even though my two portfolios are close to identical. My theory is that P5 buyers are spoilt by some videographers selling too cheaply, making mine look expensive. I wish sellers wouldn't pitch low as it will eventually drag down the microstock market for everybody.

« Reply #5 on: January 14, 2015, 06:29 »
Quote from: JoeClemson link=topic=8225.msg404845#msg404845 date=1421232281

I sell far fewer videos at P5 than SS, even though my two portfolios are close to identical. My theory is that P5 buyers are spoilt by some videographers selling too cheaply, making mine look expensive. I wish sellers wouldn't pitch low as it will eventually drag down the microstock market for everybody.[/b]

Totally agree with your point plus P5 is not looking after buyers well and NOT investing in sales at all.
No point our files sitting on their server forever, for P5 PR stunt to get more investment and afterwards not do anything for contributors.

Semmick Photo

« Reply #6 on: January 14, 2015, 07:29 »
I price around the $50 mark for commercial and $30-40 for editorial, aiming to be cheaper than IS and about a par with SS. I don't use models or expensive shoots and everything I do can quite easily be replicated by others. If I was doing more high quality clips I would pitch them at around $100. Even $100 is cheap compared to traditional agencies

I sell far fewer videos at P5 than SS, even though my two portfolios are close to identical. My theory is that P5 buyers are spoilt by some videographers selling too cheaply, making mine look expensive. I wish sellers wouldn't pitch low as it will eventually drag down the microstock market for everybody.

Thanks for that, I will be pricing down to $60-$40

« Reply #7 on: January 14, 2015, 08:56 »
I price around the $50 mark for commercial and $30-40 for editorial, aiming to be cheaper than IS and about a par with SS. I don't use models or expensive shoots and everything I do can quite easily be replicated by others. If I was doing more high quality clips I would pitch them at around $100. Even $100 is cheap compared to traditional agencies

I sell far fewer videos at P5 than SS, even though my two portfolios are close to identical. My theory is that P5 buyers are spoilt by some videographers selling too cheaply, making mine look expensive. I wish sellers wouldn't pitch low as it will eventually drag down the microstock market for everybody.

Thanks for that, I will be pricing down to $60-$40

I price similarly. About $40 to $50 unless it's an underwater vid, then the price goes up to the $60 range. What bothers me most about P5 is all the great videos the people price for $10, full 1080P. P5 should set a minimum pricing of, say $30 for a full 1080P and it can tier down from that on size.  Just like images, videos will be easily cheapened if they keep allowing pricing to be this low.  Video will become like stills where everybody is doing it, and willing to take a Bigstock penny in return. Not to hijack this thread but P5 is one of our only hopes for longer term sustainment of income and they can easily stop this risk with some simple rules.

If you don't believe me go take a peek at some of their videos. Well made and you too can own it for $10, or even $5.

Here's a couple   $10  $5


« Reply #8 on: January 14, 2015, 09:39 »
Most of my work is priced at 75. Last batch I raised to 89, my better aerials I sell for $150.
« Last Edit: January 14, 2015, 09:53 by Zeus »

« Reply #9 on: January 14, 2015, 10:49 »
The majority of my files that sell are priced at 30 or 60 dollars. But I also have files for 150-200 and outtakes and sunsets for 10 dollars.

I used to have a huge variety in prices 32, 46,58 etc... but last year dumped most of it into 4 distinct price levels. Obviously anything rare,with paid models etc... costs more, test shots are cheap.

I keep moving prices up and down and check for new work coming in, to stay competitive.

« Reply #10 on: January 14, 2015, 11:31 »
I have the same video on SS, P5 and Revostock.
I still have some video on IS, only those ones who are priced around 150$. 
I keep prices on P5 to be competitive and  let me earn 25/32 $ per sale.
I tried to make my clips much cheaper but I didn't increase AT ALL my sales.
If customers need them and if they are in a good  prices range, let's say 45/150 $, they just buy them.
My best seller is SS.
My sales in P5 didn't change at all when I lowered prices, I just got less money and P5 too.
My best sold files are the same  in any agency (apart Revo which is a very slow seller).
Customers buy the same clips at very different prices.
It can happen that I sell the same clip the same week for 150 $ on IS and 64 $ on P5 and SS/prices.
I don't think the game is on prices.
We lower prices and we just get less money.
I'm pretty sure that if we go under 45/50 dollars we don't sell more, we just get less money.
We probably have to work on better footage and BETTER KEYWORDING  to compete one another
« Last Edit: January 14, 2015, 11:49 by lucagavagna »

« Reply #11 on: January 14, 2015, 12:00 »
Everybody makes his own experiences. when I lowered testshots and sunsets to 10 dollars they started to sell and now sell regularly. And interestingly, the sales of my higher priced files also increased, overall my revenue went up by 60% after restructuring my prices. I also get more serial downloads, where several files from a similar subject sell at once.

Bestsellers are NOT the same on pond5 and SS.

So everybody needs to find their own balance for their material.

Also pond5 is the only place that gives us a real marketplace. I think that is fantastic.
« Last Edit: January 14, 2015, 23:20 by cobalt »

« Reply #12 on: January 14, 2015, 13:22 »
My cheapest clips are $49, I have a large % at $59 and several even higher.

Pricing below $40 means you don't value your work or the future of the industry. If it's competing with many similar competitor clips, just make sure it's either slightly better or a little different and sales will eventuate, unless of course it's an overstocked subject not in demand.

« Reply #13 on: January 16, 2015, 09:16 »
Current best selling videos on Pond5 (the ones you see on the top page "Media of the Moment") are priced around $69 for 1080 HD file.  If you sell for cheaper, you are not really increasing your sales, but just decreasing your profit.  It's a bad business decision.

« Reply #14 on: January 16, 2015, 15:23 »
Current best selling videos on Pond5 (the ones you see on the top page "Media of the Moment") are priced around $69 for 1080 HD file.  If you sell for cheaper, you are not really increasing your sales, but just decreasing your profit.  It's a bad business decision.

Many of these videos are very severly UNDERPRICED. I would never offer that kind of quality for 69 dollars, not even in hd.

The biggest problem is that many artists dont make an effort to critically analyse what they are offering the customer. They also dont watch the market and adjust their prices up or down.

That is why you see many people offer bad quality for 60 dollars and then complain they are not getting sales on pond5 and others underprice good quality work.

But then again, everyone is free to do it their way. If someone is convinced all his files should be priced the same, irrespective of quality, rarity or market demand, then of course they can do that. I am sure it works for some people.

« Reply #15 on: January 17, 2015, 02:22 »
To get $10 in Brazil is not bad at all.
I doubt they will adjust pricing anytime soon.
They might work on better algorithm to avoid tons of bad quality clips appearing in search.
But first, they have to finish their no-end vacations.  ;)
« Last Edit: January 17, 2015, 02:24 by SSContributor »


« Reply #16 on: January 17, 2015, 04:15 »
To get $10 in Brazil is not bad at all.
I doubt they will adjust pricing anytime soon.
They might work on better algorithm to avoid tons of bad quality clips appearing in search.
But first, they have to finish their no-end vacations.  ;)

...maybe if you life in the countryside of Bahia. In Sao Paulo $10 is the tip for the guy who parks your car is much more expensive than the US there.

But I agree on the assumption that Pond5 is on vacations :D They are waaaaay too passive to maintain success IMHO.
« Last Edit: January 17, 2015, 04:23 by Tror »

« Reply #17 on: January 17, 2015, 04:40 »
To get $10 in Brazil is not bad at all. 

...maybe if you life in the countryside of Bahia. In Sao Paulo $10 is the tip for the guy who parks your car is much more expensive than the US there.

Hmmm... Average Monthly Disposable Salary (After Tax)   
NY - 4,260.82 $      
SP - 865.09 $

Consumer Prices in Sao Paulo are 36.47% lower than in New York, NY
Consumer Prices Including Rent in Sao Paulo are 54.28% lower than in New York, NY
Rent Prices in Sao Paulo are 72.67% lower than in New York, NY
Restaurant Prices in Sao Paulo are 44.41% lower than in New York, NY
Groceries Prices in Sao Paulo are 49.47% lower than in New York, NY
Local Purchasing Power in Sao Paulo is 55.59% lower than in New York, NY

If you get $10 in Brazil as a contributor, it will def last longer than in USA.
Solution to pricing - move to less expensive country! ;-)

« Last Edit: January 17, 2015, 05:24 by SSContributor »

« Reply #18 on: January 17, 2015, 04:47 »

I doubt they will adjust pricing anytime soon.
They might work on better algorithm to avoid tons of bad quality clips appearing in search.
But first, they have to finish their no-end vacations.  ;)

But I agree on the assumption that Pond5 is on vacations :D They are waaaaay too passive to maintain success IMHO.



« Reply #19 on: January 17, 2015, 05:50 »
To get $10 in Brazil is not bad at all. 

...maybe if you life in the countryside of Bahia. In Sao Paulo $10 is the tip for the guy who parks your car is much more expensive than the US there.

Hmmm... Average Monthly Disposable Salary (After Tax)   
NY - 4,260.82 $      
SP - 865.09 $

Consumer Prices in Sao Paulo are 36.47% lower than in New York, NY
Consumer Prices Including Rent in Sao Paulo are 54.28% lower than in New York, NY
Rent Prices in Sao Paulo are 72.67% lower than in New York, NY
Restaurant Prices in Sao Paulo are 44.41% lower than in New York, NY
Groceries Prices in Sao Paulo are 49.47% lower than in New York, NY
Local Purchasing Power in Sao Paulo is 55.59% lower than in New York, NY

If you get $10 in Brazil as a contributor, it will def last longer than in USA.
Solution to pricing - move to less expensive country! ;-)

New York is one of the most expensive cities and not necessarily representative for the whole US - but I accept the comparison as we talk about SP as a city as well.
The low average salary results from all the low paid Jobs like being a cashier with low education. Latin america is famous for the huge differencies is income and wealth. If you work in Media in SP you make a lot more than e.g. Spain or a doorman. Factor 10 is not uncommon. When I was living there people could not believe that I work in Stock which has such a low monthly revenue.

Check the prices e.g. for cameras in online stores. Or groceries. Or check the rents in good neighborhoods. Obviously, if you calculate a statistic and take into account the 800 Favela like neighborhoods no one who is owning good equipment can live in you come out with cheaper number....however, healthcare is actually cheaper than in the US and services like a cleaning lady or a nanny as well.

I assume you haven`t lived there and just wanted to put country-xy-less-developed as an example?
« Last Edit: January 17, 2015, 05:55 by Tror »

« Reply #20 on: January 17, 2015, 18:06 »
I assume you haven`t lived there and just wanted to put country-xy-less-developed as an example?

I am just trying to understand why would anyone price their clips so cheap.  :o

« Reply #21 on: January 17, 2015, 20:03 »
Location for video is not relevant. $10 a clip signals desperation. $50 is around the minimum footage should be sold for. $10 doesn't go that far now even in places like Brazil.

« Reply #22 on: January 22, 2015, 15:22 »
Current best selling videos on Pond5 (the ones you see on the top page "Media of the Moment") are priced around $69 for 1080 HD file.  If you sell for cheaper, you are not really increasing your sales, but just decreasing your profit.  It's a bad business decision.


« Reply #23 on: January 23, 2015, 11:42 »
Current best selling videos on Pond5 (the ones you see on the top page "Media of the Moment") are priced around $69 for 1080 HD file.  If you sell for cheaper, you are not really increasing your sales, but just decreasing your profit.  It's a bad business decision.



« Reply #24 on: January 23, 2015, 21:16 »
Can we hear the opinions of people who works for Pond5, in regarding of this issue. Why leaving us the choice of what price to set for footage if the best selling clips are 69$? Someone puts 5$, someone 300$, what this looks like... Why not set a fixed price and accept only the file that meet the criteria.


« Reply #25 on: January 23, 2015, 22:38 »
Why not set a fixed price and accept only the file that meet the criteria.
Aren't there enough agencies that do that? I don't see anything wrong with allowing flexible pricing. What I do think is wrong is the far too low minimum price for HD (and 4K) footage.

« Reply #26 on: January 24, 2015, 04:30 »
Can we hear the opinions of people who works for Pond5, in regarding of this issue. Why leaving us the choice of what price to set for footage if the best selling clips are 69$? Someone puts 5$, someone 300$, what this looks like... Why not set a fixed price and accept only the file that meet the criteria.

probably not...cause they are too busy vacationing, flying and partying around the world >:(
« Last Edit: January 24, 2015, 04:42 by KnowYourOnions »

« Reply #27 on: January 24, 2015, 05:44 »
Pond5 is the only real marketplace and they are doing very well. why would you want to kill off a place that brings in reliable money?

 There are plenty of agencies with fixed price systems, if you prefer the one price system, I would just ignore pond5.

And everybody is free to create content at high prices that the customers are ready to pay for.

My 60 Dollar files sell well, even though I have cheaper files from the same theme, or the same series. But that is because the customer can see the difference and knows they are not being overcharged.

If you don't want to analyse your work, then maybe pond5 is simply the wrong place for you.

it is the same with photos. if you don't like subs and have content that can generate a higher income, don't send it to a sub site, focus on the agencies with higher prices. 28 cents or 600 dollars - your choice.

But the decision what to sell where, which price is the right one, is your own responsibility.
« Last Edit: January 24, 2015, 06:01 by cobalt »

« Reply #28 on: January 25, 2015, 19:00 »
OK, thanks for your opinion :), but still, it would be good to hear the opinion of people who own or work for Pond5.
I think, that it would also be good, or most importantly, to hear what customers have to say about this issue, what are their experiences and how they choose what to buy and for what price? The product is worth as much as someone is willing to pay for it.

For me, Pond5 is the best agency for now, and first place to sell the footage with the highest earnings and it's okay to have a flexible prices or decide how to sell our work. I'm just saying that if customers are most willing to pay for footage amount of 69$, why do not specify a limit for regular quality HD clips between 40$ for low and 90$ for heights price and that's it. If someone has unique HD or 4K footage, then make a special group and separate them from other clips, so they price also will be a unique. If you think that people who put prices of 10 or 20$ for HD clips are negatively affect to the stock market, maybe this would solve that problem.

« Reply #29 on: January 30, 2015, 22:58 »
No 1080 full HD video should be priced at below $50.  Best selling videos on Pond5 is priced $60-70 or so these days.  If you price it below $50, you are just losing money or not making money you can be making.

« Reply #30 on: January 31, 2015, 01:50 »
No point pricing when nobody can actually find your clips.

Taken from Pond5 forum:
Wideweb: "This does not make sense at all. Public Domain clips with 0 sales infiltrate the lines of clips with tens or hundreds of sales.
Search for something, sort by sales. You will see that more than 20% of the search result at the top of the page is PD with 0 sales.
For example, search with blank search box, you will see PD clip with 0 sales between two files with 283 and 275 sales.
What's the point?"

« Last Edit: January 31, 2015, 04:09 by KnowYourOnions »

« Reply #31 on: March 19, 2015, 04:59 »
I think people lowering their prices "because it sells better" ought to be going bankrupt. They deserve it, for undermining the marketplace and the income of everyone who do price their clips according to quality.

Some people here are saying they have lowered prices for easily produced footage, but it's not about how much work it takes to shoot it, it's about PERCEIVED VALUE for the customer. Your simple test shot may seem worthless to you, but a buyer would perceive it as something he wants. Why price it at $10 then? If you really think your test shots are worthless, DON'T UPLOAD THEM.
I just saw some 4K clips being sold for $22-$30. It's utterly insane. It's mostly amateurs who really don't know how to value their work.
I hope Pond5 will do something about this devaluation of their site, because this behaviour makes it impossible to generate any decent sales.

For the record: I price my clips at $79 (HD) and $199 (4K).
« Last Edit: March 19, 2015, 05:04 by Noedelhap »

« Reply #32 on: March 19, 2015, 05:24 »
Personally i pretty agree with you, but there's a but:

1- If someone wants to sell a 4k clip is free to do it
2- as per you're statement he should be an amateur

This leads to the conclusion that you're a professional therefore youre clips should have a better quality.
If someone is looking for quality will choose your videos not one by an amateur. If someone is NOT looking for a quality video chooses for a 10$ 4k or, worse, just choose to shoot by himself.

If you really believe that your work is in better quality you should not be scared of the price falling. Personally i'm not scared by a 4k video sold for 10$.
For the record: i price around 50$ my clips (i have only HDs)...i don't give the same price to all my clips, what in my opinion is better i put an higher price.

« Reply #33 on: March 19, 2015, 05:46 »
Personally i pretty agree with you, but there's a but:

1- If someone wants to sell a 4k clip is free to do it

Of course he is, but that doesn't mean I have to like it. Most contributors loathe it when agencies cut their commissions or lower their prices for customers, because it lowers the value of video as a whole. The same goes for contributors offering their clips for $10.

2- as per you're statement he should be an amateur

This leads to the conclusion that you're a professional therefore youre clips should have a better quality.

That person is an amateur not because of his quality, but because he doesn't know how to value his own work and price it according to its commercial value.
I'm not saying my clips automatically have better quality, quality is not the issue here.

If someone is looking for quality will choose your videos not one by an amateur. If someone is NOT looking for a quality video chooses for a 10$ 4k or, worse, just choose to shoot by himself.

If you really believe that your work is in better quality you should not be scared of the price falling. Personally i'm not scared by a 4k video sold for 10$.
For the record: i price around 50$ my clips (i have only HDs)...i don't give the same price to all my clips, what in my opinion is better i put an higher price.

Scared is not the correct word, it's more annoyance than scared. You're right about someone looking for quality will maybe not look at pricing. But say I have priced a certain clip at $79, and someone with a clip of the same level of quality has priced it at $20. I'm not saying everyone would go for the $20 clip, but it will alter the customer's perception of what a quality clip should be worth.


« Reply #34 on: June 04, 2015, 10:34 »
I price most of my Pond 5 content at the current price shown except for the collection of cars crashing on camera that is stuff you pay the big bucks for but everything else is at the current price and sales have been steady until the recent slowdown across all sites and even then I am still selling just not as much so I have to now work on doing my own direct advertising to buyers and see if that helps.

I did a price experiment early in the year hoping for insane volume of sales and those sales did not happen, lower price, sales stayed about the same, raise prices big time and sales dropped big time so I went back to my current price and will probably raise slightly but not by much. 



« Reply #35 on: June 04, 2015, 10:41 »
I don't like the default prices showing on P5 at all -- I think that does a disservice to contributors. Particularly out of place seems to be the 4K pricing. Here's what I see when I submit a video:

HD clips: $43.60 (all), $59.80 (best-selling)
4K clips: $50.30 (all), $80.30 (best-selling)

$50 4K clips?  :o  And if that's the average price, that means there are a lot of contributors pricing below $50. No wonder I've yet to sell a 4K clip there (not that I've sold many anywhere).

« Reply #36 on: June 04, 2015, 11:06 »
. just saw this is an older thread and i already posted above. sorry.
« Last Edit: June 04, 2015, 11:22 by cobalt »

« Reply #37 on: June 05, 2015, 01:46 »
You already doing good with that price setting and you wanna lower it more? Sorry,XXXXX not a smart move. bahh old thread.
« Last Edit: June 05, 2015, 01:48 by Open_ »


« Reply #38 on: June 07, 2015, 20:38 »
I don't like the default prices showing on P5 at all -- I think that does a disservice to contributors. Particularly out of place seems to be the 4K pricing. Here's what I see when I submit a video:

HD clips: $43.60 (all), $59.80 (best-selling)
4K clips: $50.30 (all), $80.30 (best-selling)

$50 4K clips?  :o  And if that's the average price, that means there are a lot of contributors pricing below $50. No wonder I've yet to sell a 4K clip there (not that I've sold many anywhere).

Those numbers look like they came off the artists resource page, I don't think those numbers hardly ever change, you are best to browse the prices of the various artists and clips actually up for sale than go by that page.

Pond 5 is great, easy uploading and batch tagging, set your own prices, fair curators.....I have a ton of severe weather stuff and college and university students content, a lot of it is branded editorial and it's up there and passed curation, not ONE of the other sites will accept what I have and SELLS on Pond5.  Right now you can see what my prices are set to, I have one folder of high priced stuff but everything else is at the mid-range price.

Everyone is in a bit of a slump right now but that's no reason to change prices right away. (Average price $66.95)

Uber expensive but exclusive and you are paying for the freezing off of my butt in the 6 hour stake out to get these shots.

Expensive and again...exclusive and a long stakeout involved.

« Reply #39 on: June 07, 2015, 21:10 »
$900 for a clip?  Good luck.


« Reply #40 on: June 07, 2015, 21:15 »
$900 for a clip?  Good luck.

Just those few, there are some $1499 ones as well, the rest of the 24,000 files are $66.95

« Reply #41 on: June 08, 2015, 01:48 »
I'm new into 4k clip, got my 1st sale with P5 priced at 290$!

« Reply #42 on: June 08, 2015, 07:45 »
I don't like the default prices showing on P5 at all -- I think that does a disservice to contributors. Particularly out of place seems to be the 4K pricing. Here's what I see when I submit a video:

HD clips: $43.60 (all), $59.80 (best-selling)
4K clips: $50.30 (all), $80.30 (best-selling)

$50 4K clips?  :o  And if that's the average price, that means there are a lot of contributors pricing below $50. No wonder I've yet to sell a 4K clip there (not that I've sold many anywhere).

Those numbers look like they came off the artists resource page, I don't think those numbers hardly ever change, you are best to browse the prices of the various artists and clips actually up for sale than go by that page.

Pond 5 is great, easy uploading and batch tagging, set your own prices, fair curators.....I have a ton of severe weather stuff and college and university students content, a lot of it is branded editorial and it's up there and passed curation, not ONE of the other sites will accept what I have and SELLS on Pond5.  Right now you can see what my prices are set to, I have one folder of high priced stuff but everything else is at the mid-range price.

Everyone is in a bit of a slump right now but that's no reason to change prices right away. (Average price $66.95)

Uber expensive but exclusive and you are paying for the freezing off of my butt in the 6 hour stake out to get these shots.

Expensive and again...exclusive and a long stakeout involved.

Well I see you did get at least one $1,499 sale. Congrats. Frankly I would rather see people increasing prices than lowering them.


« Reply #43 on: June 08, 2015, 13:12 »
I don't like the default prices showing on P5 at all -- I think that does a disservice to contributors. Particularly out of place seems to be the 4K pricing. Here's what I see when I submit a video:

HD clips: $43.60 (all), $59.80 (best-selling)
4K clips: $50.30 (all), $80.30 (best-selling)

$50 4K clips?  :o  And if that's the average price, that means there are a lot of contributors pricing below $50. No wonder I've yet to sell a 4K clip there (not that I've sold many anywhere).

Those numbers look like they came off the artists resource page
Those numbers show up as you are filling in the information (title, description, keywords, price, etc.) for every upload (is that what you meant by 'artists resource page'?). I haven't paid enough attention to know whether they ever change or not. I just don't like them encouraging the clueless to set their clip prices so low (particularly 4K clips).

« Reply #44 on: June 08, 2015, 13:52 »
Can we hear the opinions of people who works for Pond5, in regarding of this issue. Why leaving us the choice of what price to set for footage if the best selling clips are 69$? Someone puts 5$, someone 300$, what this looks like... Why not set a fixed price and accept only the file that meet the criteria.

Hiya, I do happen to work at Pond5, so I'll try to share what information I can.

So to start, here are our current pricing guidelines at Pond5:

Pond5's mission has always been to be an open marketplace, by artists, for artists. That's why we let you price your own goods. I think there's a strong argument to be made for having firm pricing guidelines in that scenario, and I've cirtanly seen lots of feedback suggesting we need to raise the minimums. Rest assured that that feedback gets reviewed by the people upstairs.

There's been lots of talk about falling sales across the whole website, not just outside of Pond5, but we're aware of it and working on it internally too. It's true that summer time comes with a drop in sales normally, but we think there are other factors contributing that many of you have mentioned here. Our marketplace could use a good "quality" clean up, for example. That's totally on the to-do list.

Something else I can share about pricing that may be helpful is this: we've seen data that suggests when you raise prices (on quality content) it tends to correlate with a rise in sales. Now, we all know that correlation does not necessarily mean causation, but it's still probably unwise to ignore that. We think higher prices may give buyers the impression of higher quality, and when the shopper is looking for a scene to put into their next multi-million dollar movie or TV show, quality is often their primary concern. So I would definitely and highly recommend playing with pricing, and see what works best for your items. The recommendations on the edit item page are much more up-to-date than what's on artist resources, so I'd use those as a barometer first. WeatherENG's suggestion of using the search system is also really good advice.

I don't have any news or information on if or when we'll adjust the minimum prices, but if you have anything to say on the subject please feel free. As I said, I do bring this feedback to the guys upstairs.

On that note, if you really want to help, please try to offer as much "actionable" feedback as you can. Saying something like "the interface sucks" isn't actionable, and won't really help us improve anything. But saying, "I can't easily price or manage my items because the interface makes it hard for me to work with large numbers of files at once," is much more helpful and actionable.

And of course, you're always welcome to PM me on here, or email me directly if you'd like: [email protected]

« Reply #45 on: June 08, 2015, 13:59 »
Raise the minimum pricing at least to $50 for HD and $100 for 4K.
Don't accept so many similars.  Get rid of the ones you have.
Please start rejecting some stuff, there is a ton of really horribly done video that gets through.  Shaky, poorly exposed, and identical videos should be rejected.
I'd like to set prices for 4k and HD instead of the automatic pricing.

« Reply #46 on: June 08, 2015, 16:02 »
All the above plus a few clarifications if i may.

Please for heaven's sake fix the 4K+HD price search.It has forced me -as well as others- to upload 4k and hd separately for the past month cluttering my portfolio.I dont want to but there is no other way since the hd gets buried in price search especially if the 4K price is high (reasonable).

Also do rejections not only based on overplayed concepts or "boring" stuff (because one can argue that he is offering a different angle etc) but in very basic things in quality.I am seeing horrible  stuff being accepted,that would never pass quality inspection in anything more that an amateur youtube video .
I have persuaded a few friends who work in film and tv to do some stock and after searching for a few hours (and not only on pond5) they were horrified by some of the things they saw and i cant blame them.

Even out of focus stuff and i dont mean crowds or traffic which an be very aesthetically pleasing if blurred correctly,i mean like buildings,close ups of people, even aerials and when i say out of focus aerials i dont mean "i am concealing logos out of focus" i mean "i dont know how to do an infinity focus on my lens out of focus" .


« Reply #47 on: June 08, 2015, 20:06 »
I don't know if I agree with deleting the similars and the quality cleanup, unless something is really bad, most of my content for example is news, weather and on campus events, frosh week stuff, it's not fine art and it sells, some imperfections might fit perfectly with someones project especially if it's not all shot to perfection and on tripod.

Not too long ago I sold a clip of a blizzard scene, it was in 80km/hr wind, I was frozen, bumped the tripod, that clip was in a batch that I batch uploaded and it sold.  Most of my "good" stuff doesn't sell often, I've been quite amazed at some of my "bad" stuff that's sold.  Not every customer is looking for fine art.  My POV driving shots from my dashcam even sell.

If it wasn't for Pond5 I would not have any sales at all as the other agencies are too strict, they want perfection, imperfection sells as well.  These aren't precision engineered parts here, styles and trends change fast these days.

As for pricing, well, we can't compete with that site that is giving good stuff away for free, no point in trying to lower prices to compete with them, I'd say maybe a higher min price would be an idea.  People also need to charge what their product is worth and to run it as a business, cover all costs plus labor and equipment life cycle replacement and then price the product accordingly. Think of other businesses or industries, who is in business to lose money?.  A contractor or auto repair shop will price out the cost of materials/parts and labour and expenses plus some profit and that's your price, they rarely give deals let alone give their product or services away for free yet it's almost expected in the video industry, not just in stock, in news as well, news was the worst and back then I didn't have the nerve to say excuse me but that's insulting and walk away and I really lost big time.  Now I advocate zero tolerance in pricing.

I am watching and waiting for a couple of things right now but then plan to raise overall prices as well to reflect the cost of making the product.

Finally, perhaps contributors need to pick one or two sites, Pond5 and perhaps a secondary site? by uploading to every site out there I am wondering if they are diluting the marketplace, need to be a bit more loyal perhaps? My content is on Pond5, it will come up on every search engine, no need to be on 10 different sites.

PS- Speaking of buying..... :)

« Reply #48 on: June 09, 2015, 00:25 »
All the above plus a few clarifications if i may.

Please for heaven's sake fix the 4K+HD price search.It has forced me -as well as others- to upload 4k and hd separately for the past month cluttering my portfolio. ...
Raise the minimum pricing at least to $50 for HD and $100 for 4K.
I'd like to set prices for 4k and HD instead of the automatic pricing.

Guys there is already solution for this. Under Action dropdown menu there is "set downconverted price(video)"

« Reply #49 on: June 09, 2015, 01:13 »
People also need to charge what their product is worth and to run it as a business, cover all costs plus labor and equipment life cycle replacement and then price the product accordingly.

Contributors who are out of "western" world ask for less money for their product because they can go long way with it. It would be interesting to reveal from which territories cheaper pricing comes? I guess South America, ex Eastern Europe ....

Q for Jonathan, dealwork question you gave us answer was asked on January 23rd, more than 5 months ago!!! Why such delay?
« Last Edit: June 09, 2015, 01:22 by KnowYourOnions »

« Reply #50 on: June 09, 2015, 02:43 »


Guys there is already solution for this. Under Action dropdown menu there is "set downconverted price(video)"

Yes but i wasnt talking about the setting prices -which has been fixed like you said- i was talking about the price SEARCH where hd price gets ignored and the higher price of the 4K is the minimum price which shows in the results,again only if one does a price search eliminating lower/upper values.

« Reply #51 on: June 09, 2015, 07:10 »
All the above plus a few clarifications if i may.

Please for heaven's sake fix the 4K+HD price search.It has forced me -as well as others- to upload 4k and hd separately for the past month cluttering my portfolio. ...
Raise the minimum pricing at least to $50 for HD and $100 for 4K.
I'd like to set prices for 4k and HD instead of the automatic pricing.

Guys there is already solution for this. Under Action dropdown menu there is "set downconverted price(video)"
Thank you for that.  It's not the most intuitive and I would still rather do it at the same time I set the price for 4K but it does work. 


« Reply #52 on: June 09, 2015, 23:13 »
Can we hear the opinions of people who works for Pond5, in regarding of this issue. Why leaving us the choice of what price to set for footage if the best selling clips are 69$? Someone puts 5$, someone 300$, what this looks like... Why not set a fixed price and accept only the file that meet the criteria.

You don't want the freedom to set your own price and adjust that price according to market conditions of the day or how much work you put into making that product?  A raising of the min price perhaps but having that freedom is a good thing no?.

I have two collections of rather high priced content that could be used for works on personal injury law and road safety in winter and then the bulk of my weather and on campus/students collection is batch price in that average range of $66.95 but my two higher priced collections reflect the value of the product, it's not easy to get this stuff and the time and effort I put into it.  I kinda like the pricing freedom at P5.

Here are the two expensive collections:

« Reply #53 on: June 10, 2015, 06:13 »
Can we hear the opinions of people who works for Pond5, in regarding of this issue. Why leaving us the choice of what price to set for footage if the best selling clips are 69$? Someone puts 5$, someone 300$, what this looks like... Why not set a fixed price and accept only the file that meet the criteria.

You don't want the freedom to set your own price and adjust that price according to market conditions of the day or how much work you put into making that product?  A raising of the min price perhaps but having that freedom is a good thing no?.

I have two collections of rather high priced content that could be used for works on personal injury law and road safety in winter and then the bulk of my weather and on campus/students collection is batch price in that average range of $66.95 but my two higher priced collections reflect the value of the product, it's not easy to get this stuff and the time and effort I put into it.  I kinda like the pricing freedom at P5.

Here are the two expensive collections:

I too like the pricing freedom but I agree with most that they should set the floor to a minimum level, $30, $40, $50, whatever, and be a bit more selective and cull.  I am not a fan of making a "cheap" collection, either. That just leads to danger. Look at what Bigstock is testing. That is tantamount to FOTOLIA's DPC, but for VIDEO. Horrible for the visual content industry.


« Reply #54 on: June 10, 2015, 08:17 »
Can we hear the opinions of people who works for Pond5, in regarding of this issue. Why leaving us the choice of what price to set for footage if the best selling clips are 69$? Someone puts 5$, someone 300$, what this looks like... Why not set a fixed price and accept only the file that meet the criteria.

You don't want the freedom to set your own price and adjust that price according to market conditions of the day or how much work you put into making that product?  A raising of the min price perhaps but having that freedom is a good thing no?.

I have two collections of rather high priced content that could be used for works on personal injury law and road safety in winter and then the bulk of my weather and on campus/students collection is batch price in that average range of $66.95 but my two higher priced collections reflect the value of the product, it's not easy to get this stuff and the time and effort I put into it.  I kinda like the pricing freedom at P5.

Here are the two expensive collections:

I too like the pricing freedom but I agree with most that they should set the floor to a minimum level, $30, $40, $50, whatever, and be a bit more selective and cull.  I am not a fan of making a "cheap" collection, either. That just leads to danger. Look at what Bigstock is testing. That is tantamount to FOTOLIA's DPC, but for VIDEO. Horrible for the visual content industry.

Totally agree on the price floor, especially now that there is a site giving away tons of free clips (vb), those looking for low price to free clips for small projects can go there,  serious paying clients can pay at least $50 or higher so no longer do I feel guilty about shutting out those who can't afford.

We have to get our heads around the fact that this is a business and a product is produced, prices rise and sometimes fall, not many businesses sell their products and services at or below cost except during sales.   I was looking around at the cost of web development and design and I am exploring all options too promote my niche content that I have on pond5 and I was shocked at the costs but also impressed, they aren't giving away their talents and products for next to nothing and we shouldn't be either.

I think everyone needs to gradually inch up those prices not down,  I am thinking about slightly raising my prices as well, just a little bit at a time to make it less of a shock to customers but my costs are going up not down.


« Reply #55 on: June 10, 2015, 08:23 »
Can we hear the opinions of people who works for Pond5, in regarding of this issue. Why leaving us the choice of what price to set for footage if the best selling clips are 69$? Someone puts 5$, someone 300$, what this looks like... Why not set a fixed price and accept only the file that meet the criteria.

You don't want the freedom to set your own price and adjust that price according to market conditions of the day or how much work you put into making that product?  A raising of the min price perhaps but having that freedom is a good thing no?.

I have two collections of rather high priced content that could be used for works on personal injury law and road safety in winter and then the bulk of my weather and on campus/students collection is batch price in that average range of $66.95 but my two higher priced collections reflect the value of the product, it's not easy to get this stuff and the time and effort I put into it.  I kinda like the pricing freedom at P5.

Here are the two expensive collections:

I too like the pricing freedom but I agree with most that they should set the floor to a minimum level, $30, $40, $50, whatever, and be a bit more selective and cull.  I am not a fan of making a "cheap" collection, either. That just leads to danger. Look at what Bigstock is testing. That is tantamount to FOTOLIA's DPC, but for VIDEO. Horrible for the visual content industry.

Totally agree on the price floor, especially now that there is a site giving away tons of free clips (vb), those looking for low price to free clips for small projects can go there,  serious paying clients can pay at least $50 or higher so no longer do I feel guilty about shutting out those who can't afford.

We have to get our heads around the fact that this is a business and a product is produced, prices rise and sometimes fall, not many businesses sell their products and services at or below cost except during sales.   I was looking around at the cost of web development and design and I am exploring all options too promote my niche content that I have on pond5 and I was shocked at the costs but also impressed, they aren't giving away their talents and products for next to nothing and we shouldn't be either.

I think everyone needs to gradually inch up those prices not down,  I am thinking about slightly raising my prices as well, just a little bit at a time to make it less of a shock to customers but my costs are going up not down.


One of the things i am doing on p5 is if a clip sells, i go up the price by $10 or so. If it sells again, i go up the price another $5-$10. Ive done this a dozen or more times. They key is to be realistic with yourself based on competitive clips. But that strategy works for me. My base for simple animations is around $42, which is my lowest price. The few underwater videos i have are in the upper $90 range due to difficulty, cost and risk.

« Reply #56 on: June 11, 2015, 01:03 »
Absolutely agree on the price floor, but that ain't gonna happen because P5 is focusing on  small markets and small buyers.
There is hardly any presence of them in the UK, Canada, Australia ...  :o

« Reply #57 on: June 11, 2015, 05:51 »
Absolutely agree on the price floor, but that ain't gonna happen because P5 is focusing on  small markets and small buyers.
There is hardly any presence of them in the UK, Canada, Australia ...  :o

Without knowing their strategy, we make educated guesses. But more than likely you're right. It would be nice to know the composition of transactions broken down into a histogram based on price paid for clips.


« Reply #58 on: June 11, 2015, 10:33 »
Absolutely agree on the price floor, but that ain't gonna happen because P5 is focusing on  small markets and small buyers.
There is hardly any presence of them in the UK, Canada, Australia ...  :o

If that is part of their strategy, I stress, part of, maybe that's not a bad thing, someone need to cater to the smaller markets and buyers as well as the deep pocketed clients, I just think a slight increase to the price floor is in order, maybe $49 for HD or something close to that, for the clients who low to no budget there is all that free stuff on VB now anyways.

I also think the best way to compete for sales is to have a lot of stuff no one else has a lot of.  I worked in news so I used scanners to find out where the action is, same in weather, anyone can take video of clouds but these will get you to where the action is.

Sure I shoot storm clouds as well but as one can see by looking at my collections or keyword searching I do try and find the storm damage, flooding, slippery winter stuff etc, can only shoot so much intense blizzard vis. I need to do more and better of course given the sales slump these days and sometimes it's the simple things we don't think of, there is an artist on P5 who sold a pan of bacon frying for $300.

My collection of people slipping and falling and the cars crashing came from a scanner, we had winter weather but it was a radio transmission from a local transit driver mentioning how durable these young people are at the corner of university and Sunview av, she was commenting on how icy it was, I booted it over there and a four hour stakeout quite a few drops and that's good vis for anyone doing a story/doc/news piece on personal injury law, on salting your sidewalks so no to get sued, etc, if a senior took a tumble like that.

Same with my cars sliding and crashing collection, the one set of clips was right at the end of my street, had no clue until a bus driver called in that he had no braking action and sure enough just the right conditions, +20c, strong March sun melting the top layer of snow that then instantly froze and it was the slipperiest surface and no one was stopping.

and then there are some community events, most are advertised, pretty sure I was the only one at this event shooting for stock.

So at the end of the day I think we need a slight increase in price floor, we need to do our own marketing as well in addition to what the agency does for us and really start thinking about trying to film the stuff you think "oh that will never sell".


« Reply #59 on: June 11, 2015, 11:11 »

After reading this thread, the evidence seems to show that customers will pay a wide price range for the right clip, and lowering the price on good clips won't increase sales. Also, it seems sellers have good experience lowering the price on their test shots and less unique shots. Wanting to try an experiment, I logged onto P5 and, whereas I had always just priced all HD clips at $40, I now raised my better shots to $54 and tried to lower my second-tier material to $24 - but P5 wouldn't let me, a pop-up said video has to be priced at $30 or more.

Don't know if people can price new shots lower than $30, maybe it applies only to price changes?

« Reply #60 on: June 11, 2015, 11:29 »
Absolutely agree on the price floor, but that ain't gonna happen because P5 is focusing on  small markets and small buyers.
There is hardly any presence of them in the UK, Canada, Australia ...  :o

If that is part of their strategy, I stress, part of, maybe that's not a bad thing, someone need to cater to the smaller markets and buyers as well as the deep pocketed clients
, I just think a slight increase to the price floor is in order, maybe $49 for HD or something close to that, for the clients who low to no budget there is all that free stuff on VB now anyways.

From what I've seen I think they prefer smaller markets/buyers (hence cheap clips all over and no investing in sales).
I can understand to experiment in those small markets for a while, but for the company which had been around for long 10 years, I just don't get that they don't have much presence in big markets like the UK, Australia, Canada...their marketing strategy (if any) is rather weird, imho.
« Last Edit: June 12, 2015, 01:16 by KnowYourOnions »


« Reply #61 on: June 14, 2015, 10:19 »
Absolutely agree on the price floor, but that ain't gonna happen because P5 is focusing on  small markets and small buyers.
There is hardly any presence of them in the UK, Canada, Australia ...  :o

If that is part of their strategy, I stress, part of, maybe that's not a bad thing, someone need to cater to the smaller markets and buyers as well as the deep pocketed clients
, I just think a slight increase to the price floor is in order, maybe $49 for HD or something close to that, for the clients who low to no budget there is all that free stuff on VB now anyways.

From what I've seen I think they prefer smaller markets/buyers (hence cheap clips all over and no investing in sales).
I can understand to experiment in those small markets for a while, but for the company which had been around for long 10 years, I just don't get that they don't have much presence in big markets like the UK, Australia, Canada...their marketing strategy (if any) is rather weird, imho.

Wonder why not a big presence in UK, Australia, Canada? we could solve that problem for them on our own I think by promoting our work that we have on P5 to those countries? if we get some buyers aware there is good product at P5 that is reasonably priced then they should look, word gets around and more will look?


« Reply #62 on: June 14, 2015, 14:38 »
Absolutely agree on the price floor, but that ain't gonna happen because P5 is focusing on  small markets and small buyers.
There is hardly any presence of them in the UK, Canada, Australia ...  :o

If that is part of their strategy, I stress, part of, maybe that's not a bad thing, someone need to cater to the smaller markets and buyers as well as the deep pocketed clients
, I just think a slight increase to the price floor is in order, maybe $49 for HD or something close to that, for the clients who low to no budget there is all that free stuff on VB now anyways.

From what I've seen I think they prefer smaller markets/buyers (hence cheap clips all over and no investing in sales).
I can understand to experiment in those small markets for a while, but for the company which had been around for long 10 years, I just don't get that they don't have much presence in big markets like the UK, Australia, Canada...their marketing strategy (if any) is rather weird, imho.

Wonder why not a big presence in UK, Australia, Canada? we could solve that problem for them on our own I think by promoting our work that we have on P5 to those countries? if we get some buyers aware there is good product at P5 that is reasonably priced then they should look, word gets around and more will look?


Hmm...kind reminder that these guys got $61 million in funding a year ago!!!
If they don't have money to promote us in those markets I don't see the point trusting their "artist friendly PR shout".
We build them with our submissions, we trusted their sales will's time to get something in return, don't you think?
Us bragging about them is not going to bring big UK, Ozzie and Canada  media fishes on board.


« Last Edit: June 15, 2015, 00:08 by KnowYourOnions »


« Reply #63 on: June 16, 2015, 09:12 »

 Hmm...kind reminder that these guys got $61 million in funding a year ago!!!
If they don't have money to promote us in those markets I don't see the point trusting their "artist friendly PR shout".
We build them with our submissions, we trusted their sales will's time to get something in return, don't you think?
Us bragging about them is not going to bring big UK, Ozzie and Canada  media fishes on board.

I dunno.....I do think they are artist friendly, 50% commission and less hassles in getting content approved that's for sure, some might not like my work as a lot of is branded editorial but I have been looking for a second site to host my 24,000 clips just to get more exposure/sales and as a backup site.  I tried SS, VB, Dissolve, and while they say they accept editorial they sure gave me a hard time about it and rejected almost everything including stuff that is not only hosted on Pond5 but sells on Pond5.

SS- After I wasted time proving I am not a robot they reject almost everything I uploaded, usually they want a very detailed, newsworthy and dramatic editorial caption, sorry, I am not writing for a newspaper here, unless is a major incident that people will search for by name and date, why? 

VB-Say they take editorial but reject everything, they also told me I will make 100% commission but they give nearly everything away for free and if someone can't find what they are looking for they have a small paid section.  Wasted effort there.

Dissolve-Rejected 100% of my content, first telling me it is not well shot and would never sell to anyone, (Sells on Pond5), did battle with then again and in one email I linked them my P5 profile as they just could not believe anything I shoot sells, their response?  You could not ftp all of that to us as we wouldn't have the bandwidth.    I have Rogers high speed unlimited, uploaded 24,000 clips no problem, I have three older storage drives plus my laptop which is also about 3-4 years old, no bandwidth issues, still have a fair bit of space to spare, this Dissolve company doesn't have the bandwidth?.

Overall I am happy as a contributor to Pond5, they make it super easy and hassle free,  as for sales, well....I need to work on that and bring in customers to my Pond5 page.


« Reply #64 on: June 16, 2015, 12:14 »

Overall I am happy as a contributor to Pond5, they make it super easy and hassle free,  as for sales, well....I need to work on that and bring in customers to my Pond5 page.


And what they suppose to do for us, especially after 61 million in funding 1 year ago?  :o


« Reply #65 on: June 17, 2015, 20:51 »

And what they suppose to do for us, especially after 61 million in funding 1 year ago?  :o

Well they do a lot of advertising, that was an investment so there needs to be a RIO, wasn't free money, I'm just thinking out loud that in light of lower sales everywhere, we need to do our part and perhaps learn something new along the way.  I will admit I have no clue how to code a website but I'm gonna have to do something.


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