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Messages - bennu99

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If you have reported them to Envato and the portfolio is still up because Envato did nothing then maybe its better to post that on the forum there. I am sure it will get all the needed attention from the community and from Envato at the end too.

This happened to me me as well. 3d renders (submitted twice because of this) and both times were rejected as AI. I did open a ticket but from what I see here the problem might be wider.

Adobe Stock / Re: Custom License as low as $0.29 now?
« on: May 06, 2024, 09:19 »
got one too

Envato / Re: Envato acquired by Shutterstock
« on: May 04, 2024, 14:02 »
Hey everyone, for those of you who also contribute to Envato, theres been an interesting development over there. In a long thread, a CodeCanyon artist has proposed creating a separate artist-run platform, independent of Envato. If this sounds like something youd be interested in, you can reach out to him directly through his profile. This could be a great opportunity for artists looking for more control over their work.

his profile:

Envato / Re: Envato acquired by Shutterstock
« on: May 04, 2024, 03:33 »
I agree that the current data doesn't explicitly signal that Shutterstock is "going bust." However, the concern isn't solely about immediate financial decline but rather about the sustainability of their growth strategy. Acquiring companies like Envato without effectively managing and integrating them can lead to long-term issues. There's a pattern where, after such acquisitions, the initial excitement and potential often don't translate into sustained growth or contributor satisfaction. Look at previous acquisitions like Bigstock Photo, and more recently, Pond5 and Gumroadthere are growing frustrations among the communities involved. This strategy might provide short-term boosts but could potentially destabilize the company if not managed with a focus on long-term value and contributor engagement. Essentially, while they're not on the brink of collapse, the foundation they're building on might not be as stable as it seems.

Envato / Re: Envato acquired by Shutterstock
« on: May 03, 2024, 15:19 »
Shutterstock's recent acquisition of Envato, touted during their earnings call, is framed as a boost to their data licensing sector. However, this strategy raises concerns about the organic growth of their contributor base and the unique value of new content, as much of Envato's assets may overlap with Shutterstock's existing collection.

Moreover, the evolving AI landscape, highlighted by the development of efficient, smaller AI models like Apple's OpenELM, challenges the notion that larger datasets are essential for effective AI training. These smaller models demonstrate competitive performance and faster speeds on less data, which might reduce the relevance of Shutterstock's strategy to accumulate vast content libraries.

This shift suggests that the future of AI and data utilization may focus more on the strategic use of content rather than merely expanding content volumes, aligning with trends toward data efficiency and privacy.

It's particularly odd that there are videos with model releases, such as the one found here: This suggests that either some content genuinely belongs to the uploader, or, more concerningly, there might be a case of falsified personal information.

Its very frustrating to see your work stollen and I think MotionArray will take care of it. They usually answer in 1-2 days. I am surprised that he/she even opened such a portfolio on MotionArray....

Do you mind giving a link to his/her portfolio?

You can try Pixsy: For videos what I do is create thumbnail (1-2) that are most likely to recognize it. It works for me but it is just too much work. They send you monthly email of what is going on - you you can check that yourself on their site. However it is another case if you can chase the thief with them (as they claim). I have heard some people did not manage to do so because the image/artwork is on a stock agency site. For videos I am not sure if they can help at all. I do it purely to see what is going on.

I had that happen to me too couple of times. Each time takes a while with the initial response from their side (hopefully you get faster one). It seems that they sometimes have trouble recognizing what is AI and what not. You should not worry about your account being closed immediately. You have time to prove that it is not AI.

Sorry to hear that although this has happened to me quite a few times. Shuttersock will NOT remove the account if it is one or two stollen clips ( I am talking from experience) but it will do so if there are many stolen clips there. Just write them and best of luck to sorting this out in your favor.

Adobe Stock / Re: Dashboard Filter
« on: April 01, 2024, 06:13 »
I enjoy using my Ipad mainly for checking and browsing. I do my editing on a proper size  desktop though. Just I find Ipad quite useful since I can use it when I am relaxing on my bed for example. I am sure many people use it in a more professional manner since it has some capabilities.

Adobe Stock / Re: Dashboard Filter
« on: March 30, 2024, 14:44 »
I have the same problem when viewing on Ipad. It has been reported as a bug few weeks back on Discord. Since then there is not much improvement. I have to turn the Ipad vertically to see the option "sort by date". Hopefully it will be fixed.

16 / Re: Is Shutterstock dead?
« on: February 21, 2024, 11:07 »
From the report:

Subscribers: 523,000, down 63,000 year on year

Income from operations decreased 27% to $68.4 million

Operating cash flows decreased $17.9 million to $140.6 million


It seems they're maximizing their profits as much as possible. Yet, if subscribers start to leave, I question the bright future they're promising.

Canva / Re: Magic Creator Payment is now completely zero
« on: February 17, 2024, 10:20 »
They have made a statement that they aim to do the payments by the end of next week.

Canva / Re: Magic Creator Payment is now completely zero
« on: February 15, 2024, 01:17 »
3 times they changed my amounts daily basis (monthly income) in a row, i am guessing they will not do the 15 Feb, now i think they have finalized and they will pay me today. LOL!!!
Weired Website and their finance management team.
.  I just checked mine and it is like 1/3 less in downloads of what it was words if this is how they manage payment to their contributors.

Indeed, this is the first time I've observed almost no sales from the US. It's quite unusual, and although the numbers aren't drastically low, the earnings are disappointing.

20 / Re: Another thief on Shutterstock
« on: January 26, 2024, 12:44 »
Seriously, Shutterstock letting stolen stuff get sold left and right isnt shocking anymore, but its super frustrating. Its like theyre cool with anyone ripping off artists as long as it fills their pockets. Makes you wonder if theyd even blink if I threw up a site and started giving away their top-tier collections for free. They gotta start caring about us creators if they want us to stick around.

22 / Another thief on Shutterstock
« on: January 25, 2024, 12:56 »
Yet again, Shutterstock permits the blatant sale of stolen workshardly a surprise. :-[

Canva / Re: Canva Observations
« on: January 22, 2024, 11:32 »
Similar experience for me: very high rejections (almost instantly within seconds) and earning steadily going down like 20-30%.

When loyalty is not their priority (since many years..) no wonder people will look elsewhere to buy/sell. They used to be #1 but something got completely off inside that company:

The greediness of their management has no limit. So here are the consequences...and when the numbers talk all the rest does not matter.

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