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Messages - Mifornia

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Yes, this week was the worst downloads and earning of 2024 for me as well.
PS: someone rescued this weeks earnings by buying two images for $20.78 each! Downloads are still the worst of 2024

yes is worth but only if cut out by hand = clean

Yes, if you cut them clean with 200% zoom on your outlines, they do sell. However, the time that takes and patience to do that - you can upload lots of other images and make the same or more money on them.

Contributors who do best selling png work are excellent at it: shadows, grass, fur, hair, dust, raindrops, explosions, elaborate food, etc. if you will learn how png behave on various different backgrounds, they will sell. If you cut them automatically and they will end up with a halo against white or black background, they do not sell.

 I know some designers who are wicked fast at clean png. I never got that fast, even my first png was 30 years ago.

this whole thread is a disappointment

I had 1 image selected for free photo collection this year! Ha-ha, not sure what happened.

Im yet to see minimum or maximum value in my port. My sales are not consistent, my month to month graph looks like a rollercoaster, so I cant really predict my next month sales. (800-4,000 weekly rank)

Bestsellers are usually about 50% of my sales. When they suddenly die, my sales go down drastically. Doing better new variations of my bestsellers doesnt bring me sales for some reason?

Yes, new content is not promoted and takes up to 6 months to take off.  Some images get a random sale after sitting on the shelf for more than a year.

Images being featured might or might not lead to good sales.

My customers dont go for very unique images that I love. At times its my ugliest images that sell instead of my proudest ones that I spent  days working on (I quit doing that)

Blvdone posted some good on point advice. Thank you to everyone for sharing their experience. It motivates me to keep going, through Im not uploading as much as I use to. Now, one image per day is my goal.

Sunday at 5 pm I checked my weekly position and it was blank - previous week is closed and I didnt sell anything for the next week yet. Curious thats the first time that I saw my position as blank.

Good week so far after a bad week.
Impressive ! And your graph is so steady! (Mine is totally up and down)
With those downloads, its not a surprise that you are in 1000 weekly. Congratulations!

Adobe Stock / Editorial Illustrations rejections
« on: May 16, 2024, 13:33 »
My Editorial Illustrations that have popular landmarks get rejected. However, there are plenty Editorial Illustrations with same landmarks as editorial illustrations on Adobe Stock.

Guidance: https://helpx.adobe.com/stock/contributor/help/illustrative-editorial-content.html
The most common cases for rejection from that collection are:

- The file includes identifiable people. (Nope)
- The file is news or documentary editorial. (Nope)
- The file did not have a strong editorial concept. (My landmarks take about 1/3 to 1/2 of the image)

What am I missing?

Adobe Stock / Re: Custom License as low as $0.29 now?
« on: May 15, 2024, 18:17 »
Are $0.31 sales are normal now?
Im getting them on regular bases now.

Politicians and special interest groups, tell us that electric cars are the future and people swallow that?
(Side note) As of 2035 no new gas cars will be sold in California by law. Yes, the future of almost fully self driving electric cars is here, its already common on our streets. If you will save $400 per month on gas and 30 minutes each way to work by taking carpool lanes - electric cars suddenly become much more attractive! Almost every family has one commuter electric car in our area, at times parked right next to F250 or muscle cars. Money and time are valuable commodities.

Boy, I absolutely love my iPad Pro and paint a lot on it. (Its so much more intuitive than PC with Wacom Pen and Ive been using Wacom since 1997 full time for work) However,  If you ever tried to paint holding an iPad , it gets heavy fast, so Ill be up for buying a lighter version. I use it a lot! (Now sitting outside on a patio) Im so done with PC - and have a monster work-station with server at home, but just so tired of office.

My new iPhone pro has an amazing quality video, definitely well worth an upgrade, since I take on average 3 hours of video per week

That said, I love my technology toys and its a passion for me.

commercial can be an add for new Breaking Bad 🤣🤣🤣  Ill watch that! Its definitely not an add for Christmas or Birthday gift for IPad - it should appeal to moms

Adobe Stock / Re: Dashboard Filter
« on: May 12, 2024, 19:22 »
I have the same problem when viewing on Ipad. It has been reported as a bug few weeks back on Discord. Since then there is not much improvement. I have to turn the Ipad vertically to see the option "sort by date". Hopefully it will be fixed.
Go to your downloads and then click weekly downloads- then refresh the browser - then Dashboard link shows up on top, go there and click on photos (only) or illustrations (only) then finally you can see the sort by date and weekly rank as well. If Chrome doesnt work, Safari will work for sure. It took me a while to figure that out. But tilting iPad might be faster!

(I draw on my iPad Pro and would rather not be stuck in my office)

My best week after 2 months of tanked sales. Fingers crossed that it will continue to improve!
Mothers Day images for me didnt do well.

(One day last year I woke up to a client buying several $26 licenses! That was fantastic, but happened only once.)

An opt in or at least opt out should be the norm for use of our images in AI/to train AI.
How many companies would you expect to opt out? All of them will never happen. Copyright watermarks are easy to fix with Adobe Photoshop. Then how would numerous AI companies police if its a personal image or someone elses image that is used img2img as reference? (Majority of people use AI to create selfies in different styles)
Thats not a right direction for requesting stronger infringement policies.

Adobe should train more knowledgeable customer support that will look not only on individual images and say its 50% different with no clear parts of copyrighted images, but customer support who can look at a whole portfolio and describe if its an intentional infringement.

Other agencies might not go extra mile for dealing with infringement, but Adobe definitely should: Adobe serves creative community, reputation matters

Adobe Is The Worst!!! I had one single image where I used an element of another image that was clear of copyright and they deleted my whole folder including all of my video!!! I had a handful of images and would have been happy to delete them all but nooooo no response, just evil........FACT
So its possible for Adobe to take a swift action? Why that wasnt done in Neo Leoss case then, but it was done in yours? Seems subjective Do you know who from Adobe decides is it infringement or not?

Around 20k including a few thousand AI generated added last year. A one-man business.
I am seeing a lot of people copying my image titles and generating AI images that are very similar to mine. They don't even bother to change even one characted in the title.

Impressive, how long are you doing this? are you still uploading new content?

I keep uploading on regular basis but feeling more and more discouraged. The worst thing that may happen to you is when you are in weekly top sellers. Next week all you portfolio is copied x-times by AI prompters.
Ditto to that, I thought I was the only one who didnt like to be in weekly top sellers for that exact reason. Especially after the reply NeoLeo got from Adobe after his whole portfolio was clearly copied - it is very discouraging.

This is terrible. Its so obvious that someone is copying your portfolio. If that will go on, I agree that creative artists will leave Adobe after the same situation will happen to them and they will get tired of slowly generating original ideas that are then quickly copied by other contributors. Profits will get diluted, frustration will grow.

Its up to Adobe to make an educated decision if similarities are accidental (2 pink flamingos in the same pose) or if similarities are intentional (usually if intentional similarities are greater than 60% its an infringement) and there is no question that your whole portfolio is intentionally being copied. Adobes response is quite disappointing and telling.

Unfortunately, I saw similar situation with CafePress in 2010 - they also allowed copying of popular images.  CafePress market got flooded with similar images, creative artists got upset and left. Without new ideas from creative artists, CafePress stock tanked tanked and never recovered

Adobe has a long standing creative brand to protect. I hope it will choose a right path.

I use to hand develop photographs in my bathroom. Most of them were trash. 🤣 but it was so much fun to watch them come to life from white paper to black and white against the red light!
However, true talent can accomplish so much more in so little time! Im always amazed by it! I also saw extra talented people give it all up, because they didnt have a persistence that less talented people so often have. Its most of the time just talented enough people who do the best, not necessarily the most talented or the most experienced. Time erodes and you have to counteract erosion with persistence.

Agencies have to ask themselves what is a reward for combination of talent and persistence?

Pete, of course you do have a point. There are much broader professions that someone can apply themselves in to: accounting and ip comes to mind. It never was photography or arts

Congratulations 🎉 Thats a big milestone and shows your long term commitment. I hope Adobe will have an exclusive option soon.

Agree with Cobalt that new content takes time to sell, for me its usually 2-4 months. I rarely sell freshly uploaded images, and if it sells once, it usually never sells again (?) so I upload and forget about them. I finally have 29 pages!!! 3710 weekly - going up a bit. My weekly changes daily and it seems that it reflects yesterday, not today sales. (My sales sucked today, but yesterday was better)

As for Olympics, Im friends with a multiple times Olympian and medalist 🙂 Very humble, nice and now on anxiety meds man. Its mind blowing how nervous he was before his starts. He holds one of the Worlds Records.

Well, we might be going down, but Adobe itself is still selling well. Otherwise our ranking would go up even if our sales are slowing down.

So we simply don't have the right content for what buyers are looking for right now.

I did upload quite a bit of summer content, but I think it arrived too late and just like with people I have no footsteps in the summer algos.

Next year will be better.
I do have spring and summer seasonal content, so I cant use that excuse. This Monday is even worse, I think if portal is on the downward, then its shown less. Whats interesting is that my images that are selling usually well, stopped selling but images that never sold are now selling, but are one hit wonders.

I wonder if algorithms changed?

PS: for example I have older traditional photograph that Ive made to png that use to  sell every day, its timeless, not seasonal - now it stopped. My seasonal best seller also stopped

Its strange that from this thread we are all going downwards. Did I miss anyone? Anyone is selling well?

Im also sliding downwards 4270


As for the art form dying, true, but the demand for oil paintings is hardly enough for anyone to want to go into that for a living. As a side interest of hobby, sure. Some demand for stock images, won't support anyone's life or equipment investment in the future. Also that won't keep the stock photo agencies in business as they would be selling an obsolete product.

Think of being a blacksmith as a trade? There's still a need, but hardly enough commercial demand. All that's left are specialists and the last trade artisans.

He-he, try to find a good blacksmith! Huge demand! Horses need shoes every 8 weeks. Best have 2 people working for them and do several horses at the same time. 200-250 horses per week in rain, freeze, or heat.

Friend of mine in her 50s decided to take art classes from Stanford, started to paint and now has several exhibitions and galleries rep her. She is an amazing salesman. My guess she makes $20k per year from oil paintings.

Sorry Pete to debunk your post, to each their own, Stock is fast, but painting is slow. I painted for many years, its the same principle as in Stock: only 20% of what you produce sells, where to store other 80% of large paintings? Not for me anymore, but it was fun and there are still droves of people who would love to make extra cash with art. Art will never die, its therapeutic and romantic. It weathered centuries 😉

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