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Messages - jayreilly

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Microstock Services / paris wedding workshop - sept 22, 23
« on: September 10, 2009, 08:37 »
Hi Everyone,

Hope this is ok to post, if not, just please remove or move to an appropriate place. 

For years I funded my stock photography pursuit with wedding photography.  I have teamed up with Victor Sizemore to do a 2 day wedding workshop in Paris on Sept 22, 23.  If your looking to help fund the stock work, or just another channel to make some cash as a photographer, here is the information:

If you have any questions, you can hit me up at [email protected].

sorry this is a last min posting...only a few more seats left...

Jay Reilly

i would love to sell them from my own site, but have not found a solution i am happy with yet ;-(

General Stock Discussion / Re: Sad day for photographers
« on: August 04, 2009, 17:28 »
very sad.

I think I spend about 350%  ;D
Same here!
Hmm, I'm afraid my percentage is higher :)

remember, this is just stock ;-)  you should not be over investing in something that does not return. ;-)  unless your not in it for the money.

its probably not worth the debate.  i doubt you will change his mind and i doubt your gonna stop contributing to micro channels.  so whats the point?


General Stock Discussion / Re: Is this for real?
« on: February 05, 2009, 14:15 »
if he wants an exclusive rate, better it give it to him.  but you also gotta ask if the images was downloaded by anyone previous to this request...because if it has, then your out of luck.

General Stock Discussion / Re: Is he a hypocrite?
« on: February 05, 2009, 14:12 »
ha, this is funny.  i am a hypocrite.  i have spent $35 on istock so far.  i would never put my images on istock.

hey RT - my blog is defiantly just on the verge of giving away and sharing and giving just little enough insight.  i like to share, create community yet, i gotta keep some secrets to myself! 

and with a tongue and cheek name, i think its fitting!


I like your blog it shows photo's of sunny fun places which we don't see much in the UK, but you do realise the name means you're going to have to shell out on a Hassy 50 otherwise everyone will laugh at you  :D
If you do get one let me know and I'll buy the domain -

ha, i am looking at a hasselblad right now, but not the largest, looking at the older h3s, i think the 30 megapixel...just can timagine ever needing much more!

  all the tips and tricks are soo easily traded on blogs, forums and other media that it is a shoot yourself in the foot way to go.

This is what I think is the biggest downfall in microstock, I know some people feel the urge to share their knowledge but generally speaking in the end it helps others to take away their income.

By the way Jay how's the blog coming along :D

hey RT - my blog is defiantly just on the verge of giving away and sharing and giving just little enough insight.  i like to share, create community yet, i gotta keep some secrets to myself! 

and with a tongue and cheek name, i think its fitting!

This is the problem: "5,660,112 photos available for download, 69,570 new photos added in the past week".

The number of images submitted by photographers every week far exceeds the growth in the number of images downloaded by buyers.  Despite constant uploading of new images your portfolio will comprise an ever smaller percentage of what is available to buyers on SS.

i don't do microstock but i would say this it is, combined with the mentality "i love it and i would not give it up for anything!"  i think another reason that the market is sooo flooded is that there is a invite all sorta thought process.  i see the same thing in wedding photography.  all the tips and tricks are soo easily traded on blogs, forums and other media that it is a shoot yourself in the foot way to go.

General - Stock Video / nikon d90 or the canon 5dm2
« on: September 21, 2008, 00:46 »
so on the video side, what are the pros and cons of each.  other than the price.

i do like the 24p on the nikon, does it make a difference in look?


General - Stock Video / camera options
« on: September 20, 2008, 10:27 »
hi guys

i am looking into buying some equipment for shooting motion.  not completely for stock in fact it is a second priority to just having a nice camera to capture life.

can you suggest a rig?  ideal interests are:
24 progressive frames a sec
dof with nice lenses

when is the scarlet due out, i think that is ideal, but if it is gonna be a while, maybe i should consider something else.

i have a canon xl1s that i can sell, if it is of value anymore??


Don't pay Jay any mind guys. ;)  Jay is quoted as saying "i would not submit to someone like istock...i think that is just asking for trouble." 

ha!  i did say that!  i need to put it into context...we were talking about people getting upset to see their image used in unfavorable ways... and someone flamed me as a stock photographer and how that would happen, and i thought, well if i need to sell 1 image 400 plus times to make it worth shooting, then that image is out there 400 more times than me getting paid fat cash for a 1 time use.  I do think about it all the time, i want o be sensitive to my models and subjects and it would sorry me that an image could cost so little and be used so much,  remember i am just learning here!!

General Stock Discussion / keywording software for mac
« on: September 03, 2008, 21:01 »
any suggestions for a good keywording software for mac.  just saw one advertised on this forum for PC only.  any alternatives?



Other than general interest, I am not sure what you are asking.  Maybe if you asked specific questions or gave us an idea what exactly you want to know then we could better address your questions...

thanks lisa!  just reading the boards is insight enough.  i dont really have questions, just soaking it in ;-)

Hi Jay wellcome here :)
If you want to know what happens in microstock world, I suggest trying out the top 5 microstock agencies to the right. I do not count in 123RF.
Send them 100 top stock images and see what happens. Firsthand experience is the best way to learn. You wouldn't be the first pro who comes from macro to try out microstock.

Hi Jan!

Well, so far what i am learning is 100 images might not be enough! ;-)  I am just learning about micro.  dont really have the time to test out stock agencies! 

One question! Do you sell your photos in any type of agency like corbis or jupiter?

i sell on getty, corbis and jupiter

i am not interested in trying micro stock, i am just interested in what is happen here, if that makes sense. ;-)  I write about a lot of stock stuff on my blog and know nothing about micro so just trying to learn.

i am stock photographer from carlsbad, ca just trying to learn a bit more about micro stock, i have never submitted anything for micro and just trying to learn.
macro, mid and micro are referring to prices, not licensing models. The traditional agencies get referred to as macro and micro's what you're asking about. I think mid-stock is a non-starter idea (Lucky Oliver was the most recent proponent of this pricing model and they're now defunct.

All the microstock agencies do RF licensing.

As you have outlets for selling your images already, why are you interested in microstock agencies? Is there some work that your existing agencies don't accept that you think the micros might be good for?

i have always loved the stock world for the past 8 years, i was an art buyer for marketing departments and ad agencies before i started shooting, back when they actually distributed printed books.  i started shooting stock about 3 years ago and never considered microstock.  i just dont know anything about it so i am just trying to learn about this part of the industry.

i would not send my non-selects to aa microstock site just because i have too many rm options and if they are not picked up by any of them, then they must not be good stock and not worth the time.

One question! Do you sell your photos in any type of agency like corbis or jupiter?

i sell on getty, corbis and jupiter

IAnd with your equipment (5D if im not wrong)

i have 2 5ds but they are both broken.  i am a little hard on cameras, i am shooting a 1ds m2 now

what is up with the term, marco and mid?  I have never heard these before.  does the micro stock world not use RM, RR, RF?  Are macro and mid refering to license models or what?


Discussion Franaise / Re: Bonjour tous!
« on: September 02, 2008, 10:21 »
salut tout la monde!!  je suis ici a california!  mais j'aime parler a francaise...but not very good!!


General Stock Discussion / Re: Stock Artists Alliance
« on: September 02, 2008, 10:16 »
i had a conversation with the SAA president a few weeks ago and we were discussing some RF agreements...  and based on that, i think they would welcome anyone interested that is a stock artist and has the money to join the organization.   but i am not sure, maybe there is a qualification process or application asking what agencies you contribute, not sure

jay reilly

General Stock Discussion / Re: 70% don't reach the first payout
« on: September 02, 2008, 10:04 »
just curious, what are the payout terms?  Do you have to have a certain amount a sales before the agency cuts you a check?  Or a certain amount of money made?  What are the typical commision on sales?  Sorry, I am new here!


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