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Messages - nova

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Site Related / Re: Where did you hear about Microstockgroup.com
« on: August 28, 2006, 15:49 »
Oh I think that I recall some savvy self-promoter mentioning it in the DPC forums ;D

(glad you did too!)

iStockPhoto.com / Re: iStock Stirs the Pot Once Again
« on: August 26, 2006, 15:33 »
Your opinion on the matter is well stated amanda1863. The core nugget of truth that I see there is that "while this may be a gray area, they (and their in-house lawyer) judge this to be within bounds as far as their EULA." It is that judgement on the part of istock that startled me so and has made me have a change of mind about using friends and family as istock models.

With that in mind, I am looking for advice or opinions from anyone who wishes to offer one about the use of non- professional models on other stock sites. I had decided to return to exclusivity with istock after my 6 month obligation to Dreamstime had passed, but this whole episode has caused me to rethink that decision. I remain hesitant about posting model shots at Dreamstime or ShutterStock... should I be?

What about Rights Managed sites? Is my understanding correct that RM sales are more controlled? I'm vaguely familiar with Alamy but wonder if there are other less pricey RM companies. Any advice appreciated.

I guess that lastly I need to clarify that I don't really want to argue whether istock was justified or not to make the judgement that they did. It is what it is and I can work with that. Whether I (or you) agree with it is not the point. I am just trying to figure out how to proceed from here.

iStockPhoto.com / Re: iStock Stirs the Pot Once Again
« on: August 25, 2006, 21:21 »
I for one am very surprised and disappointed at the response from istockphoto.  I disabled all of my model-released photos (eighty or so images) and will not be uploading any more. 

Just an idea ... it could help put model-wanna-be's at ease if later you could put a link to a 3rd party stock site (better to your own portfolio) to give them an idea where their pictures would end up / be posted....

...my suggestion would be move a few thumbnails of previous model shots to your front page just under the title and link those photos to the relevant image at iStock....

Both really good ideas, and thank you for them! I'll try to work them into my next update.  Remember I'm a rank beginner at website design. 

And you are right fintastique that I am unconcerned about search engine optimization because I am only advertising locally in my small town.  I just figured that by using a website I could explain the whole microstock model more easily and thoroughly than I could do in person or over the phone.  I cannot imagine approaching an attractive  waiter or waitress..... "Hi, I'm a photographer and was wondering if you would consider modeling for me??  You see, I shoot for online microstock...." etc.  THAT would go over like a lead balloon, I'm sure!  Plus by having a website I avoid posting my name and phone number on flyers... I didn't like the thought of that.  This just seemed the best option to me.

For anyone considering this idea, I registered through godaddy.com for under $10.  My website is hosted by a local isp for under $3 per month.  And I used a free online webdesign utility at www.nvu.com

Sorry for the thread hijack.  Thanks again for the website suggestions and critiques.  Ya'll keep shooting.


Hey thanks for the complements! I have a second photo shoot scheduled with Angel later this week, and with a new model Amber for Wednesday of next week. I'm kind of enjoying this ;D Thanks again for the good words.

My idea was to post little flyers locally and refer potential models to a website I registered explaining it all.    I have only posted 4 such notices - I've been too busy to fool with it lately -  and have had one response leading to an "introductory shoot".  I'm sure that when the college kids return later this month I can find more models by placing a few more flyers in places they frequent.

("Earn Spending Cash:  www.whomemodel.com")

OH... there will be NO LAUGHING at my website, pitiful as it may be!  It was my first attempt ever at html.  8)

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