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Messages - mybaitshop

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General Stock Discussion / Survey bugs
« on: December 31, 2011, 20:13 »
I am not sure if it is just me or not but I thought I would post this.  I tried to fill this out and immediately got a Malware Trojan that has taken my laptop completely down.  It has either removed or hopefully hidden all of my files.  Again, not sure if just me, but just a word of caution.

2 / Please Help with Application. I am at a loss.
« on: September 07, 2009, 16:54 »
Hi all,
I started the microstock journey at the beginning of the year and have learned tons so far.  A lot of it from reading this forum.  One HUGE mistake I made when I first started was to try and keep trying to get into Istockphoto before I had any clue what I was doing.  As a result I have been repeatedly denied and am currently three months into my six month waiting period. 

I have been accepted on all of the other sites but Istock, and I desperately want in the next time around.  I am looking for your help in suggestions on what to submit this next time.  I am afraid my horrible early submissions have tainted my application for future attempts.  I can't post to the Istock forums as I have not been accepted so I'll ask for help here. 

Here is a link to my Shutterstock portfolio:

I chose to show this port as I think they are the second toughest reviewers.  Are there three photos in here worthy of submitting and gaining acceptance at Istock?  Which would you recommend? 

The last submission denied for very similar were:

Your help and suggestions are GREATLY appreciated.  Please understand I am very new to photography and microstock but I am improving and trying very hard to learn this.  It's much more difficult, and rewarding, than I had ever imagined.
Thanks in advance.

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