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Messages - justin83

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Microstock News / Re: Getty Images to aquire 123RF!!
« on: April 12, 2010, 10:58 »
Some people just can't take a joke ::)

Why so serious?

123RF / Re: 123RF Image Enlargement Services & Your Earnings
« on: April 06, 2010, 18:07 »
Look.. whatever sjlocke. It's great that we have the inquisitive sense to stand up and question this scheme but we must also look at 123rf's point of view as a company doing business, as I've tried to explain on my previous post

In addition, we stand to benefit anyway. Don't you think it's great that we have yet another way to earn income now? Would you rather stick with what they had previously and earn credits only by image sales? You accuse me of kissing their feet but you know what? Maybe I am. Go out there and find me any other microstock company that offers a similar service. Last I checked, I don't think I've found one. I think it's a good thing cos to tell you the truth I'm miles away from getting the sales figures I want but with this scheme I can at least have an additional opportunity to earn something extra. And anything to help my meager earnings is * welcome in my eyes. If 123rf were to take this away due to this thread we all lose

123RF / Re: 123RF Image Enlargement Services & Your Earnings
« on: April 06, 2010, 17:06 »
You know to be quite frank I don't see what's wrong with what they're doing. Sure 13% may look very low compared to what they're earning but look at it this way: why would they distribute the profit evenly when they are the one that jump-started and implemented this service? We are contributors, not  co-owners. What justifies us in getting 33% of profits? Also we don't know the costs of the implementation of this service. How much of the 87% are they keeping as profit? We certainly don't know and 123rf definitely don't have the obligation to tell you this information

Also come to think of it, if you sell your image at XXL without this service you get a commission of 2.5 credits. But if a client decides to use this service for this same image you earn 13% of 150credits =20 credits. That means you earn close to 800% of what you should have earned if there's no such service. That's a HUGE plus imho

Am I making sense here? I'm not siding with them, just trying to think from their point of view

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