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Messages - rayakey

Pages: [1]
A couple of topics going on in this thread..

First, SEO. I have been a web developer for many years and SEO is not difficult. All you need to do is stay "relevant." how does one do this? Simple, keyword accurately, specify ALT tags on all of your images, use the TITLE field of the HTML 'a' tag and use at least one paragraph of text on each image page descriptive of the image on that page. Also, refresh your content often. If you run a blog on your home site, post more often. The search engines are a lot smarter and much more complex in algorithm than they once were. It takes time but you'll get there. Just to prove that I know what I'm talking about, if you type "ray akey" or "ray a. akey" in google, first 10 pages is all me.

As for selling, I don't yet sell from my home site but I will be starting to soon. I'll have to keep an eye on this board to see if there are some helpful suggestions I can use.

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