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Messages - Oleg

Pages: [1] 2 3
I'm just not convinced that oleg really knows how much work/time/expertise it would take to get a site to the state when it could take on the current big hitters.
I also suspect he hasn't worked on many committees. 
You suspect wrong.
I built a small production, and organized production of goods.
Those were different directions, medicine, industry, building homes. I am not an expert in these areas, but I organized a group of people (professionals in the right part). I did it with a simple phone (there were not mobile). Yes it was a long time ago, the world changed. Much was on another, other methods different psychology.

I quote myself
I propose to begin discussion of item number 1. Legal form.
What will it be?, Joint stock company, limited liability company, a cooperative?
Discuss no one

I assumed that no one wants to do anything.
But I tried to offer it to you.
Say - millions of dollars, investments, business plan, professional management, analysis, research, weather, stock market, quotes, indices ...... is very convenient, smart, I'm not funny.
And when you need something new to do, there is always a chance crap.
And you'll look like a clown. Why would we?
People will say - we were warned.

Agencies pay us probably many.
I do not want to offend anyone
I'm sorry

I was not expecting 1000 assistants. But I did not expect and enemies.
Opponents I understand you, you think this is futile and will not help. No need to repeat it many many times.
I ask to talk constructively

Specific arguments about the unreality "of the agency," I have not heard.
Opponents - write about specific difficulties.
Maybe they just do not have?

Quality control - no censorship.
Buyers are not as stupid as people think. Before buying a can and should look, there is the zoom.
This is my opinion, but maybe there is an alternative.
On my site there is a closed category, the beginner can ship there, and we will vote

I propose to begin discussion of item number 1. Legal form.
What will it be?, Joint stock company, limited liability company, a cooperative?
I suggest getting ready site shop. Calculate% fee for authors (eg 70-99%). Make a collective agreement by store. The author makes a profit only on their sales. Devise a method of control and influence

2-3 hours a day? a week?
A lifetime. For example you web designer, your job is to make the front page. And all.
I see this as an automated self-service shop-warehouse.
This is not a co-op - a mechanism sale.
Suppose - software almost free, hosting $ 0.05 per 1 GB per month.
Or 25 GB for free from Microsoft (per account)
Each investor site, blog, article (link) + social network.
How do you think will be the effect?

The people with the huge, marketable stock files that you need wouldn't have the time to be heavily involved in the background tasks. Those that have the time wouldn't be likely to be the big hitters.
In general.
I have thousands of pictures (now it is not much).
But if I am asked to do a job (2 - 3 hours) for our "cooperative" of the agency - I am happy to do

I did a bit of an outline plan, but first:
Today, the market is difficult images. No vacancy
Need huge investment, but for one company.
If such a company will appear, it wants to recover their investment
and profit. Therefore the interest of authors small.
Investments are needed to attract sponsors for the technical part, to pay for super administrators (who migrate from one company to another),
advertising and ...
Let's do (think about how to make) these investments to be involved (design, programming, articles, social networks ....)
Us all, everywhere and always say millions, millions, millions, millions $ $
But is it true?
Why we do not want to figure it out?
Why are we lazy?
Why are we such cowards?
Why we do not believe in your own potential?
We have about 10,000 people - is a big skilled force.
Let's make the first move.

Here's a little plan.
A. Divide the project into several parts
1 Legal status
2 The technical
3 Pricing
4 Advertising and promotion
B. Invite people to these tasks
C. Discuss and clarify the options
D. Every participant works for free and makes a very small part of

The cart moved forward.
I have 3 hours to lay out their thoughts

I agree.
But donations should be the minimum, specific and transparent
(for example to pay for hosting). The main business model is to make a pleasant and friendly
Ready to take part in this group

True... a business can be sold by the owner. We would then have the same problem we actually have, no control...

Selling Stock Direct / Re: And I made ​​a site
« on: August 25, 2012, 15:08 »
This statistic for the last month
sales- test

I will be glad to criticism and advice about my site. But in my theme

When I have questions about my site. I'll write in there.
In this section, I listen to the answers to work together

I suggest that instead of the phrase - it's impossible to discuss how this can be done

You probably offended. This is a mistake a translator. I corrected.
Talk of my site in another topic

I do not see that every week is a theme.
But I see that little interest

Groundbreaking idea!  Knock yourself out.
You are wrong. My site - my site. For many they are. My website - it's not an agency. My dream - to make a collective agency with a minimum of effort on intermediaries

I see no reason that it is impossible

[pulls up chair and popcorn]
There are many people who believed that life - it's a movie.
And all my life, they only ate popcorn

Many reports about discontent old and new agencies.
We make our website and hope for success.
May be worth trying to microstock with minimal disabilities?

only cutcaster but because I was kicked out after saying they were dead with no sales (I am sure most of you know this but I will keep on saying it)
And after such cases, many photographers still licking ass agencies

The problem of "fair" fees exist for a long time
I seriously wonder why some people advocate the big agency
Yuri works fine.

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