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Messages - zoomfeet77

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Looks like I screwed up during the isolation cleanup in Photoshop. Thanks Rimglow!

Hey Mark! Mate, It's you again :)

I have an iMac 27" at the moment - it's been calibrated by the System Prefs tool. What do you use to calibrate your monitor?

Hi Guys,

Thanks for your responses.

Okay here's a sample that I submitted to iStock.

This is what they sent back to me showing me why they rejected the image due to lighting issues. This image was mocked up at their end by the way.

To the LEFT, is the one I submitted. To the RIGHT, is the one THEY corrected.

Funny thing is, in LR 4.2, my original looked like the one on the RIGHT. I double checked it today and I don't see how they managed to get an original from me which is SO DARK? That gamma's wayyyy off.

I checked my JPG export presets and they're all set to sRGB by default anyway, so they should be right. Any ideas?

Thanks in advance.


Hi guys,

Just wondering if you can help me out.

I've adjusted exposure and everything in LR 4.2 for my images, but when I export jpg's they seem to be darker. I just realised this today!

No wonder, I keep getting rejected for underexposed images by istock.

Please help guys. Anyone here can tell me what settings to use?

Cameras / Lenses / Fuji X-Pro1
« on: November 25, 2012, 02:06 »
I like the Fuji myself but I think the range of different lenses is very limited compared to some micro 4/3 cameras. Also the auto focus speed is slow, hit and miss. Might not be good for action shots. But the quality of shots is very nice, natural looking.

Newbie Discussion / Workflow Advice
« on: November 25, 2012, 02:03 »
Thanks for all your input guys. I've started creating archive folders with multiple folders within for each agency and copying all the jpgs to be submitted to each of them. When I upload each one, ill delete them from the corresponding folder. I like that workflow tip the most!

Newbie Discussion / Workflow Advice
« on: November 21, 2012, 19:32 »
I wrote a pretty comprehensive workflow about 12 months ago - you may find it helpful.


Thanks a lot man. Checking it out now. I really appreciate all your help guys! Keep the tips coming in.

Newbie Discussion / Workflow Advice
« on: November 21, 2012, 18:06 »
I don't bother keeping track which images get accepted by which site.  In the end, it doesn't make a difference.  If an image is rejected on one site and accepted on another and I think it is an image that's going to be a big seller I'll see if I can fix the problem, otherwise I'll just continue on with the next image.

I often create folders of 'batches' of images.   Once I have a new batch ready (I use batches of 50), I copy those images into an 'upload' folder for each site (so I have 10 copies of the same image on my hard drive - one in each folder for each site).  Then after I upload the image, I delete it from the corresponding folder.

Isn't that going to exponentially chock up your HD space though? There has to be another way?

only momentarily -- i save each  batch to a temp archive along with indiv folders for each agency, then delete after uploading, so no big deal on space.  the temp archive later gets transferred to my permanent archives on external HD

when i started i did try to track which images were accepted, but it really makes no difference.  and agencies make it impossible to track which images are sold since they dont keep my original file names.

What do you do if the image is rejected? Do you leave it in the archive or delete it as well?

Newbie Discussion / Workflow Advice
« on: November 21, 2012, 08:33 »
Fotolia is crazy. They rejected everything of mine that got into istock. And here I was thinking istock was tough!

Newbie Discussion / Workflow Advice
« on: November 21, 2012, 07:36 »
Thanks a lot Leaf!

Newbie Discussion / Workflow Advice
« on: November 21, 2012, 06:09 »
I don't bother keeping track which images get accepted by which site.  In the end, it doesn't make a difference.  If an image is rejected on one site and accepted on another and I think it is an image that's going to be a big seller I'll see if I can fix the problem, otherwise I'll just continue on with the next image.

I often create folders of 'batches' of images.   Once I have a new batch ready (I use batches of 50), I copy those images into an 'upload' folder for each site (so I have 10 copies of the same image on my hard drive - one in each folder for each site).  Then after I upload the image, I delete it from the corresponding folder.

Isn't that going to exponentially chock up your HD space though? There has to be another way?

Newbie Discussion / Workflow Advice
« on: November 21, 2012, 02:30 »
Hi guys,

I'm new to the forum and also to micro. I've been stuck on how to proceed with building a portfolio on microstock sites, so I'm wondering if some of you vets can help guide me a little.

I signed up on the top few agencies like:

- istock
- shutterstock
- 123Rf
- dreamstime

I'm just wondering how you guys manage to submit your photos to all the agencies when each of their requirement differ so much? I've been reading up about how some agencies prefer people and some others prefer isolation etc.

Do you submit each batch of photos to all the agencies in one go? Some of the photos I submitted were rejected by one agency but picked up by the next. Should I bother fixing the half-reject or focus on just adding more photos?

Also, here's a big one. How do you guys categorize which images were accepted by which agencies and rejected by which? I initially started with Lightroom for this by using color labels but I've signed up with some smaller agencies now and I've run outta color labels :)

Hope someone can shed some light here. Thanks I'm advance.

Shutterstock.com / gutted by the appoval ratio - 3 in 94????
« on: November 21, 2012, 02:18 »
This is what I hate about the review process. I had so many rejected myself and after waiting another week for a second review, they all got accepted. Total BS... They definitively use some sorta software or their reviewers just don't really look all that carefully.

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