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Messages - Ekawrecker

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Newbie Discussion / Re: Opinions On My Progress
« on: July 11, 2013, 03:41 »
Hi Filed

Thanks for your feedback. :) We are obviously our own worst critics! I love everyone else's work but not much of my own.

I too have found Shutterstock quite patchy like that. Had a similar experience. Big bunch of rejects mostly for poor lighting. I am thick skinned but I did feel very despondent. Checked my monitor calibration and everything. Then, next time, almost all got thru the scrutiny. Seems some assessors are very tough and others maybe not? Thankfully one can resubmit.  I do wonder how it all works though and am grateful for the good people on this site to share their knowledge and experience.

Hope you have a good month of pics :)


Newbie Discussion / Re: Opinions On My Progress
« on: July 07, 2013, 01:10 »
Hi FiledImage

I am a newbie too. Much greener than you though. I am constantly humbled by the beautiful work I see through this forum and the kind and honest sharing of info.

Your portfolio is beautiful and I look forward to remembering to check back and see how you develop.

You asked for progress reports from other newbies. Here is mine:

- about three months for me - just casually seeing where things may go.  Lots of breaks and just fiddling around between family demands.
- only really uploaded to Shutterstock so far but a few on Dreamstime (but only a few downloads of my Ss best seller)
- I currently have 120 images on Shutterstock and about 200 downloads there. A princely grand total $100 (one EL).
- most of my uploads are from my existing library which, like you, I have built up over some years. I can't use most of it because of the lack of model releases and I have lots of images of kids. Wish I had shot more raw though but in the old days megabytes where expensive and CF cards hard to buy in  parts of the world I once lived in
- about a 5050 acceptance success rate but need to go back and get rid of trademarks etc of the failed ones. Assessors are tough but I accept that
- mostly outdoor stuff for me as I am not good at working the light and I am blessed to live in a good climate
- am discovering editorials may be a way to go as I have a large library of that sort of stuff. Def the editorials are accepted way easier than the commercial in terms of lighting!

I found immediate failure with IStock so gave up. I need to maybe revisit and look at others like alamy.

My portfolio is here:


I will keep on plugging away. I think I am happy with where I am in terms of what I have learnt so far.  I like how an image stands on its own merits in this industry and one doesn't need to sell oneself with it. Yes, agree, it is lots of work initially but I am getting more efficient and should move away from single uploads.

Sounds like I should read the book you mention. Love this forum too and need to learn more about the way of the stock world. Thanks for your feedback and good luck.


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