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Messages - opal

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My concern is that I don't believe what I see on Social Media anymore because of AI, what is true and what is false.

DepositPhotos / Re: Are they next?
« on: February 06, 2024, 10:29 »
It would really help if those small fish agencies would lower their payout threshold. It's 100$ at Dreamstime, it's 50$ for 123RF and DepositPhoto's.
Makes no sense. Even Shutterstock and Adobe have a rather low payout threshold of 25$. 100$ at iStock/Getty too, but with them it's easy to reach.
Decreasing royalties and sales volumes should be in line with payout thresholds.
In the new Agreement which came out a few days ago Depositphotos state their lowest withdrawal amount is $25. Yesterday I've tried to take out some between $25 and 50, but the system did not allow me to do that, so I contacted Support and waiting for reply email. Sales at Depositphotos are going down year by year and I would not be surprised DP will be next to close.

They have sorted out this $25 payment issue.

General Stock Discussion / Re: SS vs Adobe performance
« on: July 18, 2023, 08:35 »
A bit too long on SS - no sales at all during last 7 days, usually I get one-two clips sold in 3 days more or less; Adobe - stills and clips sold as usual.

Exactly. If it ain't broken, don't fix it.

From Dashboard page other than keywording and submitting clips I was looking at "The latest files sold" box which used to be with thumbnails on the right bottom corner, it's gone. Filled in all available feedback forms accordingly.

5 / Re: Pending and Reviewed Disappeared?
« on: March 23, 2022, 13:27 »
Just today realized that something's missing in my SS portfolio, started checking. Around 20 accepted video clips uploaded between 18th to 26th of February are missing. Could not find them by general keyword search or in My Catalog. Might be more, maybe older. Contacted Support and received this reply:

Sorry if this has affected you, many people have reported this problem to us.
Shutterstock are aware of this bug and are working very hard to find a fix for it, we have not been given a timeframe of when it can be expected to be working.
If you could wait a few days it is possible that the problem will have been resolved.
Shutterstock apologise for the inconvenience and thank you for your patience.

Clips uploaded during last week already went through Immigration Control :) and are available for public, no delays in review.

Some reviewer at SS has limited imagination, shots with same GH5 from different dates, indoors, outdoors, landscape, travel, health and safety, aquarium, driving - 10 out of 13 or 16 out of 18 rejected for "Content contains noise, film grain, compression artifacts, pixelation, and/or posterization that detracts from the main subject". It started a couple of months ago like this - commercial clips waiting for review 7-10 days (used to be 3-4 days), but editorials reviewed in a day or two from same batch and accepted. I am loosing interest in doing this. If SS would give contributors new rules/guidelines/examples what's acceptable and what's not it wouldn't be frustrating or tell us to slow down if they can't cope it would be understandable, but now out of nothing rejecting majority of work is not encouraging at all.

Adobe Stock / Re: Minimum Payment Commission Increase
« on: September 30, 2018, 12:33 »
It looks like there is a difference in commissions, like for HD clip Adobe pays $4 more than Fotolia for Bronze rank.

Adobe Stock / Re: Minimum Payment Commission Increase
« on: September 30, 2018, 07:17 »
In the light of Commission Increase shall I start uploading my video clips to Adobe's site instead of continuing with Fotolia? I already have 1700 clips on Fotolia.
Please advise.


I (and probably all of us) would be happy to see where my video clips have been used. This kind of feature is missing. Can you do that?

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