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Messages - mxjr

Pages: [1]
Thanks for the replays. Well, bad HDD sectors. Tried some recovery methods with no luck.

I've been searching for hours for an option to download some of my own vectors because I lost the source and I couldn't find any.
I assume the only option is to buy them back. Is there some terms of use against it?
I'd really want to get them back because I wasn't able to throw them on the other agencies and they are "exclusive" to Shutterstock.

Hi guys,

I was thinking about two features that could improve one's portofolio if Shutterstock for example would gave us the option.
One would be : Categorizing the content yourself in your own gallery. A bit more complex from what Sets gives us.
Or some options that could show up sets instead of regular portofolio view.
And the BEST option would be: Give the user the option to rearrange his content in the gallery.
And last but not least, packing certain number of vectors in bundles for a certain price.
Just some ideas... and I was also wondering if you clean-up your portofolio from junk, files that have 0 sales in the last 2-3 years. Would that make a positive difference?
How about rekeywording your files, does that affect the ranking of the image itself?


Shutterstock.com / Re: Image spam?
« on: January 05, 2016, 07:22 »
This is really really annoying.
Anyway, from a portofolio of 60k+ images it's impossible not to generate a minimum of 50-60+ sales/day.
I think it's simple math.
That still counts for 600$+/month on Shutterstock.
I don't think any of these portofolio makes less than 600$/month.
I used to sell a lot of crap (not repetitive crap) but... crap when I had a poor technical level.
So, my guess would be that it's relevant for them to spam with this s**t if they earn a little living from it.

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