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Messages - rundgang

Pages: [1]
Video Equipment / Sofware / Technique / Re: Phantom 4 VS Mavic Pro
« on: November 01, 2016, 11:23 »
Yes, you have a point there. I was thinking even to buy DJI Inspire 1 V2. but unfortunately it weighs too much when I'm going to Norway and filming. The limit is 2.5kg otherwise required additional permits and licenses. There will be a Mavic. If i will get alot of sales from my first trip maybee Ill update to a DJI Inspire 1 V2. =)

Video Equipment / Sofware / Technique / Re: Phantom 4 VS Mavic Pro
« on: November 01, 2016, 06:23 »

Agree. I'm a bit skeptical about the way it manages heavy wind and the need to tap the screen to set the focus though.

Video Equipment / Sofware / Technique / Phantom 4 VS Mavic Pro
« on: November 01, 2016, 04:46 »

Someone tried both and can recommend which of them is best to buy?

General - Stock Video / Re: Video editing software
« on: August 23, 2016, 04:41 »

I use Adobe cloud services . Premiere is easy to use to cut and color correcting . For more advanced animations, etc. After Effects is a good choice . However, this is more complex and takes a while to learn. The advantage of Adobe cloud is that you pay a fixed smaller amount per month to get access to all of their programs.

General - Stock Video / Re: No views on my footage
« on: April 12, 2016, 05:31 »
Thanks for all the answers!

When it comes to counting of our pond5 so I asked a friend to click on a couple of videos , this was marked as one view at a time.

Obviously, 70 footage do not do much but you have to start somewhere =) And when it comes to the quality of my gallery , my name is " Rundgang " on pond5 .

Yesterday I sold two footage on Fotolia . Always at start= )

General - Stock Video / Re: No views on my footage
« on: April 11, 2016, 06:02 »
Thanks Irina.

I will try that. =)

General - Stock Video / Re: No views on my footage
« on: April 11, 2016, 06:01 »

I have worked many years in the film and video industry so quality should be ok although I might release some videos that might not be 100 % . Right now , there have been some food and nature the most. But I think that's the theme of the business selling the best so the next step is to start with that.
I try to find the footage that sell but difficult to know exactly when there is so many months before even getting any sale = )

General - Stock Video / Re: No views on my footage
« on: April 11, 2016, 02:11 »

Thanks for the replies Blackjack. Yes , I will continue and upload more videos.

Are there many clips as Never sell into , say, three years ?

General - Stock Video / No views on my footage
« on: April 11, 2016, 01:39 »

I started a few months ago to sell video footage on different sites. I spend every week on filming and to upload new footage and thought that my portfolia will grow larger in about 2 years before I can get any bigger profit. Now I have only about 70 footage online . On Fotolia , I have about 100 veiws total of my footage but at the pond5 I do not have a single view on any of my footage . Someone who has been through the same thing on pond5 ? Some tips on how to make up the numbers so that anyone atleast see my footage ?

Ps : I'm from Sweden and my English is so-so . = )

Thanks in advance

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