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Messages - Eleonora di Toledo

Pages: [1]
General Stock Discussion / Re: Asking for feedback
« on: April 22, 2011, 04:27 »
Hi Elena,
Your site is absolutely fabulous.  The only thing that struck me as a sign of a potentially fraudulent operation has already been said by other posters.  It is the confusing use of "we" and the third person on the About Us page.  I'm sure it would be easy to readjust the text.   You can keep using "we" throughout the site if you set aside an area where you have a statement from yourself using the "I" which you sign with your name - - and maybe also introduce who "we" or who the team is. Saying how many years you have concentrated full time on meeting the needs of the stock photography market might also put to rest the concerns of people who think you have too many photos.  Clicking around I finally did find your profile page which does have a reassuring personal story and the obligatory photo.  I can't see how anyone who got that far they would still think there was anything fraudulent but it is possible they are put off before getting there.  Making it easy for people to contact you with questions is reassuring.  Being based in Toronto also sounds reassuring!  Do you think anyone might think your Russian name is a sign of something fishy?  I would hate to think you are being discriminated against.  

Pages: [1]


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