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Messages - Ziva_K

Pages: [1]
1 / Re: Is submit down?
« on: July 14, 2008, 03:38 »
Same for me. I had one dl on saturday and one on sunday. Now they re both gone.   >:(
Hope they'll find their way back...  ;D

The whole sites down for me. I managed to get through to my stats page at one point and somebody has stolen yesterday's dls.  It said that I only had 1 :(
PS change the title of your post, it says IS not SS ;)

General Stock Discussion / Re: Please Vote For My Model
« on: July 04, 2008, 12:05 »

Registered and voted.
Don't need to wait for email, you can login right after registration.

3 / Re: New Istock lightbox X2
« on: May 28, 2008, 05:59 »
I suggest  3xS or SSS (Summer, Sun, Sand)


Once or twice on IS I got two sales of the same picture the same size seconds apart.
I guess buyer was too anxious to make purchase or had a slow connection and click a button twice.
It could also be a buyers mistake.

5 / Re: iStock down?
« on: February 26, 2008, 13:20 »
Well, it's back.

6 / Re: iStock down?
« on: February 26, 2008, 12:05 »
Still not working here...
I hope there isn't another software problem that will take whole month to solve.

ETA: Now i'm getting that famous octopus....


8 / Re: Image hunts for credits
« on: December 01, 2007, 02:26 »
I found 3 cameras and got 4 credits.

I found first 3 quick and spent 2 hours looking for fourth with no luck.

Is it ok to discuss here where cameras are ?

9 / Re: iStock rejections
« on: November 18, 2007, 12:41 »
So why is it that your yellow one was accepted, and my red one wasn't. A bias towards red, perhaps?

I don't know why was your picture rejected. Maybe inspector was having bad day.
I hope your picture sells good on other sites.

10 / Re: iStock rejections
« on: November 17, 2007, 03:57 »
Hey, Sharply_done, those leafs in your picture look familiar !

Did we shoot the same tree ?   :D  :D

11 / Re: that ... copyright thing!!!
« on: November 12, 2007, 02:05 »

If I were a company, I would be happy to have my products shown on pics. Well, actually they pay a lot of money for advertisments - just to show their produce. The more obvious, the better.

Well, that would depend on how image is being used.
For a trademarked toy teddybear, for example, you can use it in a article about how some toys can be dangerous. That would be bad publicity that can cause drop in sales of that toy.

General Stock Discussion / Re: november?
« on: November 05, 2007, 11:17 »
Don't worry.
Consider that this five days include weekend, so we are only in third "working day" of november.

And those 5 days of november was not so good for me too...   :-\

13 / Re: iStock - slow sales
« on: October 26, 2007, 12:40 »
I think, they can still sell other types of licences...

But it doesn't seem right anyway...

How does that work. If the photo is rejected, how can they still want to control the use.

Read the small print of their Agreement for exclusives ...

Full artist exclusivity means no images may be sold on other Royalty-Free sites or businesses with the exception of Getty Images. Individual image exclusivity is not enough.

Doesn't seem right.

It isn't ... in my opinion.

It's one thing to demand exclusivity for individual images. That's perfectly legitimate. But to say you can't sell anything, even the ones we don't want, with another agency, is much too restrictive.

As far as I am aware, iStock is the only microstock agency that has such a condition.

14 / Re: Most photos - new "midstock" site!
« on: October 23, 2007, 11:18 »

How often do you think a buyer would spend his time rating an image?  I only received two comments from buyers in DT, one of them was for a request image.

Well I don't, know, but if they would manage to motivate them some way, their votes would sure be more credible in my opinion. But if I think again, maybe this all rating thing wont be so bad, if I won't step on somebodies toe somehow...  ;)

I will certainly try your site and I'm uploading as we speak.
I wish you great success.


15 / Re: Most photos - new "midstock" site!
« on: October 23, 2007, 07:08 »
Hi, I just registered in your site.  A problem, where you read terms and conditions, and cant go back, persist, as Clivia already pointed out.

But before starting to upload my images I would just like to know, if there is something to give a new contributors a push, or help in some way, or will my images just start with the smallest rate (and appear way down on search) until somebody sees and rates them ?
I also have a comment about rating images.
You might consider votes from contributors to be only informative, and votes from buyers could be the ones which counts for rating, and even those votes could be pondered with how many images buyers would bought. In my opinion it would decrease revenge effect. Anyway Im not exactly a great fan of ratings anyway.

I hope you could understand what I mean, because English is not my first language (nor second  :P) too.

16 / Re: Search - my images not showing
« on: October 23, 2007, 02:13 »
Thank you fieldsphotos, and I think you are right. My images are starting to show.
But thing is, I'm new on the site and I was hoping for those downloads that happen a few hours after images are accepted, when they shows at the top of search, if sorted by "newest first".
But I'm selling some anyway...  ;D

General Stock Discussion / Re:
« on: October 22, 2007, 05:01 »
Nice and useful site.
I'm only missing information about how long does it take to delete images from sites in case of going exclusive elsewhere. I think I saw this information for only one agency.

18 / Re: Search - my images not showing
« on: October 22, 2007, 04:14 »
Two missing potatoes and dahlia were accepted a day ago and visible in my portfolio more than 12 hours ago, tempera and paintbrushes were accepted on friday.

Is it too soon to worry ?

19 / Search - my images not showing
« on: October 22, 2007, 03:41 »
I thought when my images are accepted and visible in my portfolio (up to 12 hours after being accepted), they should appear also in search. But when I search shutterstock for my images some of them doesn't appear..
I always sort by "newest first" and match "All images", but some of them doesn't appear at all.

For example:
my "Tempera colors and paintbrushes" doesn't appear at all when searching for "tempera painting" or any other keyword
Searching for "tomato" it shows only one of my pictures. There should be three (I checked my keywords and they are fine).
Searching for "dahlia" does show my dahlia, but when I choose search "photos only" it's gone.

So, what am I doing wrong ? Please help me understand.

20 / Re: I'm new here - what can I expect?
« on: October 10, 2007, 14:44 »
I just peeked, nice photos!  The sunflower one is way cool  I noticed you don't have yin yang in your keywords though.  That is the symbol you have created.

I know. I had those words, but I must have misspelled them because I received mesage:
"The keyword may be misspelled. Suggested alternate.... etc."

But I just successfully added yin-yang, yin and yang now.

Thank you Pixart.

21 / Re: I'm new here - what can I expect?
« on: October 10, 2007, 05:50 »
Thank you for your opinions and for encouraging me.

I just sold first one and it makes me very very happy. Its just 0,25 USD but it means a lot more to me at this moment.  ;D

22 / I'm new here - what can I expect?
« on: October 10, 2007, 01:46 »
I just got accepted yesterday (on a first try !!!  ;D ). They approved 8 out of 10 of my first batch.  They needed only two hours to review and approve my images. I was pleasantly surprised by their effectiveness.
I'm wondering, when will they start to sell ?  :-\
I also noticed, my images appear pretty low when searching for them by best match.
Is there anything I can do to promote my images ? Any advice ? Or maybe try "Critique Requests " forum if there is one for SS.

Thank you for reading this.  ;)

Pages: [1]


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