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Messages - johnnydao

Pages: [1]
123RF / Re: Model Releases
« on: August 28, 2011, 21:27 »
Thanks for all the reply. Yes disorderly,  I always get separate release for every photo shoot.  Even if it's the same model every time.  I know that iStock requires a separate release for each photoshoot.  Thanks for the heads up for all other sites that requires only one release per model.

123RF / Model Releases
« on: August 28, 2011, 02:03 »
Should I be uploading different Model Release of the same model to 123RF?  Or should I just attach one Model Release of the same model like DT.  Regardless, I always have the same model sign a different Model Release on every photoshoot.  Of course if needed, I can produce the specific Release for that timeframe.  But, as for 123RF, is it necessary to upload a different Release for each photoshoot of the same model?  It would clean up all the cluttering of a bunch of releases I have for one model.  How do you handle your Model Releases on 123RF?

Microstock News / Re: Me in the news....
« on: July 06, 2011, 00:59 »
Congrats!  Right time at the right place.  Maybe one day you'll interview someone for a magazine.

PS CS5 all the way.  I only use LR to import, sort, uncatalogue, add in a copyright meta, and maybe crop if needed.  Then I edit the rest in PS.

Newbie Discussion / Re: Finally Got Accepted to IS
« on: June 28, 2011, 08:47 »
Thanks Noodles!  I got serious in photography since November 2010.  I had no formal training and no clue how to use PS CS5 (only used LR for about a year).  All I did was watch a crap load of free podcast (Photoshop User TV, Photoshop Killer Tips, D-Town) and read magazines like crazy.  Also, I joined a local photo group here in Kuwait.  Theyre all Filipino and have an interesting way doing photography and PP.

Thanks for the info a-b-foto.  Thats hilarious that the 3 photos for your initial application got rejected for your portfolio.

No, Im not a whiner when it comes to rejections.  Photos are subjective.  I dont take it personally if I get rejected.  I try to learn from it and improve.  I love to hear a pro give me a genuine critique on what they would of done different or what I could do to fix my photos.

Newbie Discussion / Re: Finally Got Accepted to IS
« on: June 28, 2011, 00:58 »
Thanks for the word of wisdom from you guys.  I know I have a lot to learn.  Not just clicking the shutter button. That's why I'm trying out microstocks.  Money is not a problem for me.  I'm not doing this for a "quick buck".  I'm only on to learn the whole environment of microstocks.  What does it take?  How can I better myself?  And best of all, get critiques from others who have been doing microstocks for years, even decades.  Nothing better than listening and learning from the experienced photographers.

Newbie Discussion / Re: Finally Got Accepted to IS
« on: June 27, 2011, 01:14 »
Thanks lagereek,

Yeah, right now, it's just for "fun" and getting to know the ropes.  I'm taking photos and doing PP on my spare time while working full time here in Kuwait doing 60 hrs. a week.  But, once I'm outta here and back in the States (or elsewhere), I'll get hardcore in photography.  In the meantime, I'm learning as much as I can so it'll be easier for me once I done with Kuwait.  Every piece of information here on have been great. 

Newbie Discussion / Finally Got Accepted to IS
« on: June 27, 2011, 00:30 »
I finally got into IS.  It was tough.  All the other "Big 4" and "Middle Tier" wasn't so bad to get accepted.

I just started microstock less than a month and it's been a huge learning curve.  So far, I've only sold 3 photos from SS.  What's funny is SS has more rejection rate than the others.  Yet, on the other microstocks, I haven't even sold 1.  I guess I'm going to expect a high rejection rate on IS.

I share just about everything.  Well, anyone who's willing to listen.  I think only about 20% of what I share, others actually follows.  But, now and days, everything about techniques, products, etc. can be found on the internet.  There's always someone sharing something.  I share my experiences and techniques because photography is a passion.  When anyone has a passion for anything, they tend to spread the word or teach others about what they discover.

Even though I'm still fairly new in photography, I have no issues in sharing to others less knowledgeable in photography.  Maybe one day the person I've shared with will learn something new and share something he/she learned.

General Stock Discussion / Re: U.S. Copyright Registration
« on: June 20, 2011, 04:25 »
It's crazy that if someone or a small business company downloads your photo and uses it on their website or prints them out to sell, the lawyer most likely will not pursue any legal action.  But on the other side of the coin, if someone downloads a music file (even for personal use), the fine could be thousands or dollars if not millions.  Also, possible jail time.  What kind of sense is that?

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