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Topics - Anyka

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GLStock / GL stock (Graphicleftovers) uploading ?
« on: February 27, 2012, 03:12 »
Since a few days, uploading is enabled again at GLO, so I started an ftp upload batch two days ago.  40 files got through without a problem, the rest got stuck.  My daily upload limit appears to be 80, so that cannot be the problem.  I did a second try today, and my ftp program (filezilla) told me "disk full".   Sounds like a very severe problem for a stock library  ;D

???  Anyone else has problems uploading at GLO, or is it just me? 

General Stock Discussion / Can I sell photos of a dog event?
« on: February 18, 2012, 12:16 »
This is not just a legal/copyright question, but also a more ethical one. 
I would like your opinion about this.

I am asked to be the dog photographer on a "Dog Adoption" event in April.  It's a whole day, and I am supposed to open a "mini studio" (kind of enclosed corner area in a big hall) where visitors with dogs can have photos taken (just the dog, or boss/dog).  After the event, I will put all images on a website page, to be ordered in several sizes, or downloaded for a fixed price.  The organizers of the event will not be paying me anything, so it's just for the photo sales.

I don't expect to earn much of this, but it will (I think) be fun, and after the event I will certainly be able to say that I know how to take dog pics!

Now here's the question :  suppose I take one or more really cute photos of beautiful or funny dogs, and I think these could be stock worthy.  Can I submit them to microstock agencies?

I'm not talking about photos with people on it, and not about "show dogs".  Just "posing dogs" of visitors to an event.
There won't be time to explain any details about stock photography to the owners, or ask any (written) permissions, because I think I'll only have 10 minutes per dog or so.

What do you think ?  Both legally, and "morally" ?

Hi all,
I few days ago, I sent the following question to fotolia :
I am asking this question not as a contributor, but as a (potential) buyer of illustrations.
As from 2012, I will become a fulltime photographer, and I will expand my business with local portraiture and product photo shoots.
I was thinking of offering green screen shots, put against a romantic or fantasy background (in photoshop). However, I am not an illustrator, so I would buy vectors/illustrations (fantasy landscapes, borders) to put my subjects in. This means that I would sell my photos, enhanced with Fotolia borders/illustrations to families for use as Christmas cards, Wedding invitations or just for fun. The illustration would not be sold seperately of course. Does the standard license allow this? Buying an extended license for such a limited use would make the end-product much too expensive, so if the standard license does not allow this, I can only try and make my own borders and fantasy landscapes.

And this is Fotolia's answer :
I'm afraid once the file is used in as end product that is for resale, eg greeting card, calender etc, the Extended Licence is required.

Now I can hardly believe that all (advertising) agencies pay EL's for every image they buy on behalf of their customer.  And isn't this the same?  I buy an image, put the photo of their child in it, and sell my work, to be used by the parents only, for private use like their christmas card, invitations etc.  This is very limited use, much more limited than the flyers, brochures ... of clients of an advertising agency.  Fotolia uses the word "greeting cards", but there's a big difference between selling greeting cards in a supermarket, then supplying 50 cards to a family, with their baby on it.

Am I wrong, and do I really need an EL ?  That would make my product unsaleable (too expensive) for family use.  I could of course ask the family to buy the illustration, but that makes things a bit too complicated.

This September and October, I have been cleaning up my portfolio on all sites. 
I just finished Shutterstock, Istockphoto, Dreamstime, Fotolia and 123rf and I'm working on Canstockphoto now.  Alamy is next.

However, I can't find a way to delete images on Bigstockphoto, Cutcaster and Graphic Leftovers
... and probably also on Rodeo (not sure, it's all Finnish :D).

Before I send e-mails to these three sites with a list of the image numbers I want to remove, I'm just checking here :  Did I miss anything?  Does any one know a way to do this delete job by myself on BS/CC/GLO ?   (though I know from another time that GLO is very fast and helpful with requests like that).

And to the managers of these sites :  why can't we delete or disable our images on your sites? 
In most cases, "spring cleaning" is a very welcome thing, and microstock sites should be happy with contributors willing to do some cleaning ...

Found this article at DPreview. 
Thought it might interest the US members :

General Stock Discussion / Red Cross logo
« on: June 25, 2011, 14:36 »
Just a question about logos :  should I remove the red cross logo from my photos?   It's on the sleeve of a jacket, and not easy to remove.  And in case the answer is yes, what can I leave on the sleeve?  For instance : a white square with a green cross, and the text around it removed?
This is a crop of the sleeve :   
Removing the entire logo would be a terrible job.

32 / Resubmit 26 pics or as a "set" ?
« on: February 07, 2011, 11:47 »
Hi, I just got 4 images rejected - nothing unusual of course.

I had shot 26 images containing the letters of the alphabet in a (hopefully) original way, and I combined them into 4 separate images as sets of 8 or 9 letters.

The rejection sounded like this :
We appreciate your generosity in including multiple images in one file, but this is generally discouraged unless it adds to the composition of the photo.  Please submit each item as a separate image.

Now I can do various things :
- send in 26 images, but we all know the reviewers will not approve all 26 - so that leaves me with a portfolio with missing letters!
- go to Shout
- wait 2 months and try again
- give up

Any other ideas?  I thought "sets" were allowed in cases like this.  Did anyone get "sets" through the reviewers-gate ?

GLStock / GraphicLeftovers big news
« on: November 03, 2010, 00:59 »
Quote :

We are very excited to announce the launch of "GL Personalities", our newest image collection of hand selected model-released people images.

General Midstock / Rodeo doing summer cleaning?
« on: August 24, 2010, 10:58 »
I just noticed that Rodeo is deleting lots of images (or has been deleting them, cause I don't look every day).
My number of images there went down with about 13% (about 400) in one go.
Looks like spring cleaning in summertime.

Any other Rodeo-submitters noticed the same ?

Now this is a new problem for me :  I shot a few photos of a young woman holding a baby.  Only, the baby is a doll, a REALLY beautiful one, and it looks like a real baby.  It is so real, that any one would believe it is a real mother and baby portrait.

Knowing I would be in trouble with Model Releases, I wrote a "note to editor" while submitting the first image, explaining why I am only adding 1 model release.  
The result ?   6 out of 7 agencies already rejected it for missing MR.  Fotolia accepted it without a problem, so they apparently are the only ones that read my note.

Of course I can resubmit, but if I have to submit and resubmit every picture of that photo-shoot, I'll be quite irritated in the end.  So I thought :  what if I made a fake Model Release, pretending I'm the mother?  Who's going to sue me?   Would I be doing anything illegal that would get me into trouble with the agencies?

36 / SR-EL sale : please remove Photo from all sites?!
« on: December 23, 2009, 02:11 »
I just had an e-mail from Dreamstime : 
Dear Anyka, This is an automated notification informing you that one of your files has been sold under the SR-EL license. The image ID is: 10713614 Note that you have maximum 72 hours for removing this image from all mediums that you may have it available for sale. This includes but is not limited to: stock agencies, personal websites, exhibitions. The file has already been disabled from our site. Congratulations!

My first reaction was WOW!!  Great!!
I consider this photo of one of my best of a particular shoot, but it is definitely not a bestseller.  The sale was for 300 $, so 150 $ for me.  Nice.

Then I thought :  what if they did this to one of my REAL bestsellers???  Can Dreamstime just tell me to take it off all other sites? 
In that case, shouldn't we disable the possibility of SR-EL sales for all of our bestsellers?

General Stock Discussion / Alamy "doing microstock" !?
« on: July 31, 2009, 14:17 »
After three months without sales at Alamy, I was very surprised to see 4 images sold in one day ... until I saw at what price they were sold :  17 dollars for the 4 images together.  They were sold under the new "novel use" license, with means I get 50% of it = 8,5 dollars for 4 photos.

I almost forgot what "novel use" meant, so I checked my Alamy e-mail announcements and this is a quote :
The scheme is optional and shouldnt be confused with Micropayment.

OK, I'll do my best and NOT confuse this with Microstock ...  ???

For months I used the forum-detour trick to make my keywords re-appear after uploading to Istock. 
I found that trick here on MSG and it worked great!  As soon as you notice that all keywords, title and description have disappeared, you just visit the forums for a minute and voil the keywords are there again... 
Only, today the trick did not work.  Tried again and again.  I even logged out, deleted all istock cookies, logged back in, jumped in/out of the forums ... NO keywords ...
What's up?  The bug has a bug?

Does anyone have another trick to solve the new bug?

General Stock Discussion / Sheet music and copyright?
« on: March 01, 2009, 11:43 »
Does any one know about music copyright ? 

I made a composite photo of a musical instrument against a grungy background.  This background is a mixture of texture and an old page of sheet music.

I removed all text, so it's just the notes.  The music book I took the page from has a copyright mark dated 1913.  So both the publication and the music must be at least 96 years old.
Shutterstock refused the photo because of copyright reasons - so I expect other agencies to follow.

Did I make a mistake here?    Would mentioning the age of the music help?   

40 / Automatic exclusivity?
« on: February 01, 2009, 02:37 »
Oops, I have an unexpected problem at Dreamstime!
This morning I saw I sold an image "under exclusivity" for $ 0,60.
????  I do not have any exclusive images at Dreamstime!
I checked, and about 20 of my newest pictures are exclusive. 
When I un-tick the exclusive boxes and submit, they're exclusive again (all the tickx re-appear).
I immediately mailed Dreamstime about it, and asked to refund the customer (a FULL REFUND of 0,60 dollars  ;D ) but I have no idea what to expect now.  Hope they don't consider me as a cheating photographer now.
Any-one else had self-ticking boxes there?

41 / Istock changes model release policy???
« on: January 07, 2009, 15:44 »
Like most of you, I work with a model release that suits every microstock site.  After a few adjustments, it seems it is good enough for every site and I have used it for 1,5 years without problems, including Istockphoto.
This week however, I had 16 images inspected, and 5 contained people.  Istock rejected all 5 because of "MR not compatible with Istock policy".   No reason given, so I don't know what would be missing suddenly.  (and FYI : each MR was for a different model, of a different shoot).
Among those 5 were 3 model releases they had already accepted several times before.
I am not going to contact the models to sign the Istock model release, so what should I do?

Does any one know what detail in a standard MR they are looking for at the moment? 
At least I 'd know what's wrong with it all of a sudden!

In case there are any Belgians around, living in Belgium and earning extra money with microstock, I'd be SUPER greatful if you could mail me and tell me how you solved the tax and VAT problems.

My accountant tells me to send invoices to the European microstock sites (like StockXpert in Hungary) can you believe that? 

Photography is an "official side-job" for me (free translation of "zelfstandige-in-bijberoep").  Combine that with selling partially outside/inside the E.U. makes my situation pretty complicated (says my accountant). 

So if any of you can compare your version of the VAT-story to mine, I'll be eternally grateful!


Adobe Stock / Strange e-mail from Fotolia
« on: February 03, 2008, 08:19 »
I got this strange e-mail from Fotolia (or from some one claiming to be Fotolia) :

"We regret to inform you that content 2422629 easter duckling looking up in a grass field was not accepted. An error appeared while uploading to the website and only a part of the file has been received. As a result, we can not review the file. This problem sometimes occurs when the upload server is busy or if the connection between your computer and our server has been interrupted.
We are sorry for this inconvenience and we encourage you to submit your file again.

This email has been sent to you by Fotolia. If you do not wish to receive these emails, please modify your profile by clicking here"

The strange thing is, that this image was successfully uploaded a week ago, got approved the day after, and is immediately found when I do a search.

I am definitely not going to click on "here" and will change my password.

Any one else got mails like this? 

44 / Istock twisting my keywords?
« on: January 17, 2008, 14:46 »
I know Istock's keyword system has its pros and cons, but what can I do against them twisting my keywords?

I submitted a photo with a burning computer hard disk (it was broken anyway) and used the usual keywords, including :  drive (like in hard drive), digital, crash, magnetic, data, deleted, memory, save.
Istock rejected the photo due to incorrect keywording, and lists the "guilty" keywords (in the same order) :

Drive(Sports Activity)
Digital Display(Text)
Crash(Transportation Event)
Magnet(Man Made Object)
Document(Printed Media)
Delete Key(Computer Key)
Savings(Financial Item)

I did not tick these meanings, in fact if the exact meaning is not mentioned in Istock's list, I don't tick a meaning, but leave the keyword in my list. 

Of course it's easy to resubmit the photo without the above keywords, but that would mean that it will not appear in searches for "computer crash" or similar.

Any one here who knows the tricks how to play Istock's keywording system?

General Stock Discussion / Scary Copyright story?
« on: January 04, 2008, 12:51 »
This week I learned something interesting about copyright, that I thought I 'd share with you.

We all see photography as art, and it definitely is art, just like painting, sculpture and architecture.  We also know there are severe restrictions when we take photos of art.  However, there are forms of art that are less obvious, like flower arranging, ice sculptures or ... food art. 
This is what happened : I had been playing with food on a rainy day with my little nephews, and the results were quite fun.  So afterwards I took a few photos of fruit and vegetables with faces carved in them.  The pictures were really fun and probably saleable. 
Meanwhile I came across a book "Food Play" by Saxton Freymann, who made food carving a true art form and published lots of books about it.  The second page talked about copyright, not only for the pictures in the book, but also for the food designs itself. 
To avoid copyright problems, I wrote an e-mail to Freymann's company, and the answer was loud and clear (but very friendly) : I can create food art as much as I want, but whenever I try to sell something that resembles his designs (even slightly) I will meet his lawyers in court.
Well, I can hardly buy all of his books to check if my radish-guy or pepper-face resembles one or more in his books!
That's bad luck of course, so the microstock sites will have to do without my funny fruit & vegs, but it makes you think, doesn't it?

What if I make a nice flower arrangement, take photos of it and sell them on Shutterstock.  Couldn't there be somewhere in the world a person who specializes in the exact style I used for the flower arrangement, published twenty books about it (unknown to me), who challenges me in court for copying his style?

Suppose I find a "niche" subject of my own, like "flowers with carved faces" - who says there isn't someone who has been doing that for years and is truly famous for it? 
In short :  even if we create artwork ourselves as photography subjects, we are not 100% safe and can still be accused of copyright infringement ? 
Wow, scary idea!

General - Top Sites / Use of Photoshop plug-ins?
« on: December 29, 2007, 02:44 »
Hi, I have a small dilemma/question that could have ethical answers, but also answers concerning the law and/or Microstock rules.

I am talking about the results of photoshop plug-ins like Xenofex, Flood, Mystical Lighting, Lunar, Splat, Eye Candy
These are all software packages that can create saleable effects.  In fact, I have three questions about using such effects as the MAIN subject of a photo :  (a) is copyright law allowing this? (b) are the microstock sites allowing this? (c) what is your personal opinion (ethics) about it?

I know I have seen examples on the sites, especially the flood effect, but rarely as the main subject on an image.  I have also seen great pics of non-existant planets and skies suppose they were created with the Lunar plug-in, would that be OK (for copyright, microstock rules and ethics) ?  In this case copyright problems might not come from other photographers, but from the makers of the plug-ins?

Just as a comparison : we cannot use fonts created by other people, so can we sell an image with (just an example) a lunar-created moon ?
There IS a difference of course : the images created with the plug-ins remain unique.
Thanks for your input!

General Stock Discussion / Where to go?
« on: January 29, 2007, 16:23 »
I have this great dilemma : in july, I will be going on holidays for a week or max 10 days.  I usually know right away which country I like to go to.  The last three years I went to Wales, Scotland and France (Aquitaine). 
This year I haven't a clue.  So my question is :  with regard to stock photography, what would the best place, country or city be for a visit? 
Just to limit things : it should be in Europe (read : affordable for me), and please don't say Belgium, as I live there.
I'm not asking for the nicest places in Europe.  I'm just curious what would be the best selling subject / city / region, as I love photography where ever I go.  And what would be wiser : country side, coastal regions or cities?

48 / Different model releases for every site?
« on: June 05, 2006, 11:20 »
Hi, 20 of my Shutterstock photos were submitted (and accepted) with a model release.  Several are quite successful, so I would like to submit them to Istock too.  But the model release is the Shutterstock text.  I can hardly visit the model(s) every time I join another microstock site and ask him/her to sign a new form for an old shoot, can I ? 

What do you do in such situations?

The most recent release mentioned Shutterstock AND Istockphoto, but when I submitted the photo, it was rejected by Istock because they needed an ID ???   Are they kidding?  Here in Flanders, the only ones that ask for ID's are the police ...

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