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Topics - Hildegarde

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I am having trouble after uploading images to SS via web (not ftp).  They upload, then when I go to press the next button, 0 images there.  It keeps happening and unable to get to keywording part so far.

Anyone else?

iStockPhoto.com / Uploading errors-- busted image icon
« on: September 15, 2016, 11:46 »
I am uploading image by individual image on Istock rather than FTP.  0% of the time it comes up with busted image icon and having to try to kep o uploading.  Anyone else?    Never had this issue before ut no it is happening with every image.

General Stock Discussion / Logos
« on: July 26, 2016, 15:42 »
Is it ok to sell images with a logo if the owner of company oks logo being used and signs property release?

Medical device company verbally oked me using and selling photos with device and I am gong to mail them property release forms before actually doing it.  Probably will remove logo anyhow to make the photo for more general usage but sometimes,  the photos look better with the logo than with it removed.

iStockPhoto.com / Payment for last month not arrived yet
« on: April 28, 2016, 12:21 »
I am due to be paid this month.  Made the cut off, money was withdrawn from balance at beginning of the month.  In one place they say payment on the 20th give or take and another place around the 25th.  Still no payment in Paypal.  I now it is automatic.  I did the tax info right.  So now what?

Bigstock.com / not uploading
« on: April 11, 2016, 21:43 »
Anyone else having issues uploading to BS?

I upload my image and ten nothing happens.  Nothing in the place to edit and submit.  I have not reached my limit of submissions based on approval rating.

I wish they would fix this. 

Shutterstock.com / How to do editorials on SS
« on: April 09, 2016, 10:39 »
So SS accepted my credentials and now I have to upload my first batch of editorial images.

They told me to upload everything in one batch and then put a note to reviewer with number of my credentials for whole batch.  Will there be a drop down menu for this with a place to enter the number?  When I upload commercially, there is a drop down menu to go to reviewer but option is limited and allows one not to say anything.

I am not FTPing images but using web to upload at this point.

General Photography Discussion / Red Bubble FAA or Zazzle
« on: April 06, 2016, 14:41 »
Which place does the best quality prints: Red Bubble, Zazzle or FAA?

I did a bunch of photos of a sporting event and some of the people there want prints.  The custom lab where I used to do all my art printing closed down so just want an easy place to send them that won't do shoddy prints. 

General Stock Discussion / Editorial credentials
« on: March 24, 2016, 18:34 »
Does anyone have a link to a generic PDF file we can use for getting a club to sign off for editorial credentials for their events?

iStockPhoto.com / probem with log in
« on: March 17, 2016, 11:39 »
In case anyone else is wondering, I-stock is having issues with log in on site right now --  it is on their end not ours according to what they said via phone.  They hope to fix it soon and said do not try to reset passwords etc and keep trying-- will notify people via twitter and other places when fixed.

Bigstock.com / Bigstock keywording format changed
« on: March 15, 2016, 17:14 »
Anyone else notice that keywording for Bigstock hanged in the middle of today?  They cut out the description line and it looks a lot more like SS actually.

General - Top Sites / Property Release on Alamy
« on: March 10, 2016, 15:17 »
Part of the property release on Alamy says:

I agree that I have received Consideration of (insert monetary value)..........................................................
.................................... for the rights granted in this
release. I acknowledge and agree that I have no further right to additional Consideration or accounting,

Do we have to fill in a number here in a number here if 0 money passed hands (like if property belongs to photographer, family or friend  and there is no expectation of getting paid like with paid models.

Adobe Stock / Weird review times at Fotolia
« on: March 06, 2016, 15:39 »
Has anyone gotten some weird delay in review process at Fotolia?  I am getting some images accepted/rejected later than a series of more recent images..weeks.  Very odd.

Adobe Stock / Similars
« on: February 22, 2016, 15:58 »
Now that I see some accounts have been blocked on Fotolia for too many similars, I guess I have questions about what is too similar?

If you photograph food, must the plates/glasses etc be different all the time even if the food is different?
If you photograph particular animals a lot?  As a photographer this is what interests me..  so some are different seasons, usually different because I get bored if I feel I am just doing the same image. 
If you photograph sports (animals), is it enough to have different dogs or if the same animal, different sports/equipment?
Etc etc.... 

I wish I could look at my entire portfolio there with a putting that had bigger images-- I am getting near-sighted as well as horribly near-sighted and it is almost impossible for me to see what is already there by looking at these tiny images under my files.

I generally use my own boredom as a rule but like this site because I feel like the images that get accepted and that sell there are closer to what I want to do as an artist than some of the other websites where I feel like I have to fit into their look....so want to avoid trouble while continuing to photograph what I really love to photograph.  Don't want to mess that up. 

Bigstock.com / review inconsistancy
« on: February 05, 2016, 18:48 »
Has anyone else noticed a lot of recent inconsistency in the review process at Bigstock lately?

I recently had a whole batch of photographs that were all rejected, many that have been accepted at all other agencies, including the crazy Shutterstock.  In another batch, they accepted some that I did not even bother to upload to others due to noise but it was a popular topic.  I do like the way they will notify buyers to stick to smaller sizes rather than total rejection for noise.  Action and outdoor shots are not always possible to do without noise.  The ones where they have done that have all sold.

But lately, I feel like the weekend reviewer at SS has moved to Bigstock.  Rejection of images that are in focus, correctly lighted, correct white balance.  I know reviewing can be subjective and one can learn from rejections and all that... but sometimes, the reviewer just is not doing their job.  Has anyone ever resubmitted to Bigstock when they know he review was bogus?  Maybe it is not worth it---photos are on other sites and selling so maybe I should just move on. 

Just wanted to give folks a heads up that Fotolia once more changed the default I had as NO for free image section to YES in the middle of indexing uploading files.    Not the first time.  why does it change on me without me doing anything.

I wish they would fix this for once and all.  I like Fotolia. 

Does anyone have any ideas  how to word descriptions so my photos do not get flagged for releases when no release needed???

When I resubmit them with explanation this is not an arena, accepted but there is a limit of 3 per month and I have photos of their practice as well as other dogs at trials that are not in an arena but an open field of grass.   I already used a description of the photos saying something like outdoors in local park to clue the reviewer into the fact that it was not an arena but not working.  I am not sure they even read the description.  No humans.. only dogs or maybe at most a leg and no logos on shoes.  Not the dogs causing the rejects because I upload a release for my dog.  Even when I forget to add it sometimes, they go through.

Also, the one that really gets me is one that has the following elements: dog, husband's legs, dirt, weave poles, shoe with no logo.   He was wearing some jersey beaten up shorts and only a sliver is showing and the notice mentioned uniform.   I guess I could add something describing his shorts? 

Kind of frustrating because of the 3 image limit on Scout.  I have already written them more than once and the only thing they do is say use Scout.  While it is not my main area of photography, I have enough that I would use up a year's worth of 3 per month trying to explain to them.  Obviously, they do not know the sport. 

General Stock Discussion / Question on propery release
« on: August 23, 2015, 12:36 »
One of the places I photograph allows commercial photography.

Their public photo policy says:
Commercial photography is allowed.
Images  of  exhibits,  animals,  and  outdoor  space  are  permitted  for
commercial purposes.  If  singular  images  taken are  to  be  used  for  commercial  purposes,  the
photographer must attribute the location on the image or in the caption. 

Given that this is their public statement, can I use this public photo policy they have as a property release and sell my photos under commercial license instead of editorial?

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