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Topics - Jimages

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Adobe Stock / Fotolia image search help?
« on: January 01, 2013, 09:35 »
Just seeing if anyone can help?

Usually when I search for an picture on fotolia, the list of thumbnails will come up and if i roll my cursor over an image a larger image will pop up with the fotolia watermark on, and amount of views, sales etc. recently this has not been happening.
I don't know whether this feature has been changed or if I've changed something by accident, but it's bugging me, as i found this feature very useful.

Any help would be very much appreciated

Many thanks


Hello everyone,

In April I placed a post, asking for help with my iStock application.

I put on 7 images that I selected from my portfolio, and was gently told that there was not much chance of getting accepted.

Since then I joined Fotolia and have been shooting and designing specifically for stock, I've got 57 images on Fotolia and have had 18 sales, (having any sales at all has been very exciting to me).
I am now in the process of uploading the Fotolia images to Dreamstime, but i would really like to get on to iStock and Shutterstock, so would love any advice on whether it's worth trying to apply now, or if I need to wait and keep working on Fotolia and Dreamstime.

Here's my Fotolia portfolio:


Any advice on area's I could work on to have more chance of being accepted would be very much appreciated.

Thank you very much for your time and help


Photo Critique / Help with iStock application
« on: March 29, 2012, 05:59 »
I am currently trying to piece together my application to iStock, I have been reading a lot of threads on a lot of different forums, trying to work out the dos and don'ts when applying.
This forum has been a source of great information, the advice always seems to be very honest and very constructive. There for any advice on my application pictures would be much appreciated.

These are seven possible pictures I'm thinking about:


I just signed up to the forum a few days ago, so i hope I've posted everything correctly

Thank you very much for your time and help


Pages: [1]


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