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Topics - Krustynutz

Pages: [1]
General Stock Discussion / Picture Nation
« on: August 27, 2009, 03:27 »
Just wondered if anyone here knows anything about picture nation ... ??
being a bit of a novice I started out by joining anyone who would take me...  Now I am getting a little better I am wondering if I should offload some of the firms that are not working for me.
PN have about 250 of my pictures but have never had a single sale... istock have just 30 and are giving me several sales a week, which is good for the low number on site.

I wonder if anyone out there is doing well with picture nation ??


Photo Critique / first batch of pictures
« on: June 15, 2009, 13:22 »
Hello world,

I am new to this game and was looking for a little advice...
I have a set of pictures of a police officer and am a little unsure about the background...
should I use photoshop and whiten it or leave alone



Newbie Discussion / Newbie type questions
« on: June 15, 2009, 02:42 »
Good Morning everone..

This is my first day on microstock and my first posting.....be gentle with me...

I have been a photo nut for many years and never gave a thought to trying to sell any of my pics..
I sent a batch to istock a few weeks ago which were rejected, with an invite to try again..which I have.

In the meantime I found another place called "Photo Nation".   I sent them a batch of pictures and all were accepted...
However I cant find anyone who knows the firm and if its any good.   I wonder if anyone on here knows anything about photonation  or is a member ...

Lastly I guess the companies listed on the right hand side of the page are the best ones to get into ???
Or would I be better off with just one ?      I wasnt planning on making a career out of this,  maybe just earn a few quid to upgrade the equipment...

Currently using Nikon D700 and various lenses


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