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Topics - Mr. Stock

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General Macrostock / Getty Flickr Open collection
« on: September 07, 2011, 09:28 »
Curious about anyone who submits to Getty via flickr, what are your thoughts about the new Flickr Open collection? This new collection will be mirrored on thinkstock so I'm wondering if I'll even submit images that are selected to that collection. I might be better off just submitting those to my regular micro outlets. That way they would be on 8 micro sites as opposed to one. Any opinions?

2 / So what are we all going to do?
« on: September 11, 2010, 18:37 »
Lots of rants, lots of "we need to" and "we should" but there doesn't seem to be a consensus or a plan. A "D" day that we all agree to, and sign a petition that we submit to IS threatening to, disable or delete our ports if IS doesn't rescind this commission cut.  I feel like it's not just  IS but the whole micro industry is watching. If we do nothing the other micros will eventually follow suit. We need to draw a line in the sand here and now or there will be no end to the cuts in commissions in the future.

I'm looking for one tutorial / website that will hold my hand and explain every aspect of shooting video from a dslr or small video cam for stock footage from start to finish. I know nothing about shooting video, 0, zip, nada. What speed to shoot or if my cam only offers one speed how do i convert, codexes, formats, the whole nine yards. I have an Olympus E-P1 and would like to shoot video for microstock. Even if that camera isn't good enough, at least i can learn and cut my teeth with it. i have iMove but that's it, so how would I create a footage clip. I've heard about stream clip, dont know what its for. Is there a safe way to shoot and process a video that will ensure acceptance across the spectrum of micro stock sites, or is there only a few I should worry about. like to have a complete "how to" that covers every aspect from start to finish in front of me so I don't waste time on the learning curve. Thanks

General Macrostock / Getty Filckr question
« on: January 14, 2010, 20:27 »
I submitted 10 images and five were accepted, they were online and for sale within a week. the question I have is now if i want to submit more images to getty via the Flickr collection do I go through the same process? Put the images up on flickr and email Getty and ask for the new batch of images to be looked at. I looked through the Flickr / Getty forums and couldn't find anything, I cant figure this out, must be missing something obvious. So i'm a Getty contributor now, but I don't know how to submit more images. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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