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Topics - TheSmilingAssassin

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Yesterday I deleted my port at StockFresh because of the low and inconsistant vector prices... and because I don't know how much they're priced upfront.  I know of at least another two illustrators here who deleted their ports recently and I know of many that have complained about it.  I'm curious to see how this has effected other illustrators... or more specifically, vector artists overall.  Is it only a few that feel that vectors are worth more than high resolution jpegs, or is the general concensus that high res jpegs are worth more than vectors.

I'm curious because most of my buyers prefer EPS files, AI files, SVG files or transparent PNGs.  Not one of them has ever asked me for JPEGs...  However, perhaps my experience defers from the norm and vectors aren't worth as much as I originally thought? I'll be adding vectors and other formats to my own site, so I'm trying to figure out what they are worth to most buyers.  Should the vector be more expensive or at least equal to the high res Jpeg or have vectors lost their worth over the last year?

I wouldn't mind reading some opinions from other vector artists.  Thanks in advance.

Selling Stock Direct / Ktools Member Accounts
« on: August 09, 2011, 08:30 »

Hey guys,

I'm in the process of creating my photo store and I've noticed a small but serious error in the licensing template that a few of you may need to fix.  I noticed that Cory and Dan (warmpictures) need to fix this.  I only know of three stores so I only know of two with the error from here.  Anyone else who has a ktool store should double check theirs too.

The error is in the second paragraph of the template that I've made bold:

END-USER LICENSE AGREEMENT (EULA) ? By downloading any image or material from our website, you hereby agree to the following terms and conditions as outlined herein, and as listed elsewhere on our website:

This agreement is made by and between {COMPANY_NAME} (otherwise listed herein as You or Your) who creates an account for the right to access, acquire, and use Materials from this website.

This should read something like this:

This agreement is made by and between {COMPANY_NAME eg. 'Bogus Company Inc.'} (othewise listed herin as (shortended company name if applicable eg 'Bogus') and the end user, either an individual or entity (otherwise listed herein as You or Your) who creates an account for the right to access, aquire and use Materials from this website.

I haven't read anything else in the EULA but seeing an error in the first part of the agreement about the parties involved, doesn't give me great confidence over the rest of it.  I googled some of above paragraph and noticed hundreds of ktools store (I'm presuming) have the error in their EULA.... shocking!

This is your legal agreement so I highly recommend people go through it with a fine toothed comb (if they haven't already) and make sure you're happy with every word written in there. 


Selling Stock Direct / Who do you use to host Ktools?
« on: June 19, 2011, 01:14 »
Hi all!

I'm considering jumping on the ktools bandwagon and am wondering who to host them with.  I was thinking of using Bluehost but noticed a few more recommendations by Ktools and wondered if having Ktools host it themselves is the better option.

If you don't mind sharing, could you possibly tell me who you use and if there are any known issues with them?  

And while I've got you, do you know of any restrictions in uploading PNG files?  I couldn't find a list of acceptable file types on their website.

Print on Demand Forum / Cracking day on Zazzle!
« on: May 06, 2011, 22:00 »
I normally wake up to one or two sales on Zazzle each day or every second day.  Sometimes these are nice big sales or sometimes they're sales of keychains or stickers that are nothing to write home about.

Today though, I had six sales, from different buyers and all but one were multiple sales, already bringing me to the half way mark of what I average a month.

I'm wondering if it was just a one off thing or whether others have also noticed a boost in sales today/yesterday.

Veer / Application Review at Veer
« on: May 04, 2011, 11:31 »
Alright so I've submitted 10 images.  I've read the little spiel about the importance of patience they have up on the site and stopped myself from stomping my feet in frustration. 

Well I've been spoilt with Canstock's 20 minute reviews and the longest I wait is for Dreamstime, which takes about 3-4 days.  Now I've been patient but I'm affraid my patience starts to diminish after day 5.  It's been 10 days, can I stomp my feet now? 

What's the usual wait on reviews at Veer? 

Doing a search on DT looking for the placement of one one of my images, I was shocked to find that it had been copied by another member, cteconsulting.  I had this person listed as a favourite and had interacted with him on several ocassions, even complimenting his work and his ability to pump out so many images so quickly.  I now know why he can do this!

These are the images I'm referring to:

I immediately contacted DT support and they removed the image so I was pleased about that.   I later found the image on several microstock sites and have contacted or are still in the process of contacting them.  So far the image has been removed from Dreamstime, Fotolia, Shutterstock, 123RF and Canstock.  I'm still waiting to hear back on a few more and there are still probably sites I haven't found yet.

I just want to say how pleased I am that the microstock agents have taken this matter seriously and have acted the way I would expect them to so thank you microstock agents for looking out for me... even though I am only small fry :)

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