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Topics - munrotoo

Pages: [1]
I found one of my illustrations being sold on a t-shirt on I contacted redbubble. They said they removed the product and informed the contributor.

Then I get this email, supposedly from Getty Images, today. I can't decide if it is even legitimate. paragraph 8 of the istockphoto eula clearly states no "on demand" sites without an extended license. Do you all think someone is spoofing me? Or would Getty really send something like this email? It does not seem very professional or something a "legal team" member would write.





I am writing to you from the legal team at Getty Images. It has come to our attention that one of our customers has been contacted regarding an image they have used from your portfolio. Further details of this notice can be viewed below.

Our client has licensed the image in question and the use is within the terms of the Agreement that they have been granted. We ask that you please ensure that this false claim to our client ceases immediately.

Please confirm that this will be taken care of.

General Stock Discussion / Site stealing images and clipart
« on: September 04, 2014, 08:46 »
Found this site that is allowing people to download high resolution images for free. I found two of my illustrations on the site. You may want to check for yours.

General Stock Discussion / Dreamstime down?
« on: June 03, 2014, 07:57 »
I can't get on. Not sure if it is my connection, which is certainly iffy, or they have a problem.


istock removed $14.00 from my account last night. How long is this suppose to go on?

I am trying to set my "author options" in the symbiostock settings, but it will not keep "Save as defaults" checked. Does anyone know what I should do? I need this, I think, so I do not have to enter prices for every image I upload. Right now all the prices are blank whenever I upload an image.

General Stock Discussion / transferring all rights
« on: April 08, 2014, 13:01 »
my friend has decided to get out of the stock illustration business. She is an exclusive contributor with istock and she has had enough. I want to buy her portfolio. Does anyone have any advice for us? She has a form to transfer copyright that she used with a client once, is that all we need?

Thanks for any help.

General - Stock Video / flash to video
« on: March 01, 2014, 06:35 »
Does anyone know why flash exports photoJPEG at 30.3 fps and not 30 fps and how to fix it?

I started a store on Zazzle for the holidays but wow it is just so painful from a contributor standpoint. One product at a time. I have tried to update the store catagory on some products for 4 days straight. They never get updated. They never appear in my store under the proper catagory. So do they actually want to discourage contributors?

Illustration - General / vector-magz
« on: December 27, 2013, 13:55 »
Does know what the deal is with this site? It looks like it has lots of our vectors on it. It acts like you can download them. Not sure you really can though. Is a site like this bad or okay so us?


10 / Istock partner sales
« on: December 23, 2013, 07:49 »
Usually I have partner sales on istock by now but so far nothing for November. Has something changed on istock's partner sale policy?

123RF / who owns 123rf
« on: December 17, 2013, 12:37 »
Does anyone know where 123rf is based and who owns them?


Illustration - General / Best Illustration Sites
« on: October 30, 2013, 05:08 »
I create sport's illustrations. I upload right now to the main 5 stock sites istock, shutterstock, canstockphoto, depositphotos, fotolia, bigstockphoto, 123rf, dreamstime, veer, etc with moderate success.

Someone mentioned on one of these forums that actually there are other sites better for illustrations. Would anyone be willing to share sites that might be better to upload illustrations to than the main photo sites?

Symbiostock - Technical Support / Failure to install new theme
« on: October 30, 2013, 05:03 »
My goal this week is to get my symbiostock site up and running and get in the network. I am hosting on bluehost. I am currently running version2.6.5. I went to the page to get the latest version, which appears to be 2.8.9. I am fairly new to wordpress but the way I understand this is you
1 - download version 2.8.9 to your computer
2- in the wordpress admin area go to appearance, themes, tab install themes, upload
3- upload the symbiostock zip file

Here I get an error

Unpacking the package

Installing the theme

Destination folder already exists.

Theme install failed.

Any help is appreciated.

14 / should I worry?
« on: September 01, 2013, 08:06 »
Friday my contributer page had over a $100 in earnings. Today is shows $0. I looked in the payment history and the money is not there.


I am testing my symbiostock site this morning. I am a real newbie at auto downloads, wordpress and symbiostock. I can get paypal to take the money, it sends me an email saying someone has paid, but the customer management area never appears. Does anyone have any ideas on what I might have setup wrong?

Symbiostock - Technical Support / no price list
« on: July 26, 2013, 13:06 »
I am new to wordpress and trying to get a symbiostock site going. Some how I have lost the price list on the image page. Can anyone help me?

Thank you

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