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Print on Demand Forum / Logos and products on POD sites
« on: February 13, 2014, 03:42 »
I'm a bit confused about the use of some images in POD sites like, say, Zazzle.
I have some images of a Harley Davidson motorcycle: I assume I can use them in stock sites as editorial, because commercial use is excluded. On Zazzle, anyway, I can see many images of motorcycles, cars and other products, with design, logos and so on, well visible. Isn't this a commercial use?

DepositPhotos / DepositPhotos login issue: anyone?
« on: January 18, 2014, 11:19 »
Today I can't login in DP.  Anyone else has problem?

Edit: I can't login using Firefox, but have no problem with Chrome.
Not a DP bug, I think

3 / Adding keywords to images in portfolio
« on: October 21, 2013, 16:15 »
What if I add some keywords in images already accepted and in portfolio?

Envato / Have I missed something about PhotoDune?
« on: August 08, 2013, 09:24 »
After a few months in microstock, I have some little sales in different agencies. More or less, I agree with the "earning ratings" on the right: SS is my best earner, I have some sales at FT, DP, P5, 123, BS, CS .....
Envato is in the middle tier: I have not a single sale (with 198 images there now), not even I see a single view for my images. Well, I found an image with a single view in July, but as far as I searched, that's the ony one.
Maybe I made something wrong? I can find my images in PD by keywords, so I assume buyers can find them too, but no news about a little sale or some views. Strange.

GLStock / GLStock not accepting contributors?
« on: March 19, 2013, 16:28 »
Hi all, I'm an absolute newbie here, and a fresh newbie in stock photo.
The point is: a few days ago I went on GL Stock and sent 20 application images, some days passed, then a mail from GL informed me that:

"Unfortunately, we are not accepting new contributors at this time. We will contact you when we resume accepting new contributors. We will keep your account open so that you may resubmit your images at that time. Thanks"

Is it just a polite way to say me "we don't want your crap?" Or they just have to take a breath?

Thank you, and BTW I've to say that this is a very useful forum for many people.

Pages: [1]


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